def handle_bac_state(channel, data):
    global state_lock, state_known, last_crossed_open_inner, last_crossed_closed_inner
    global last_known_position, last_state_time, last_motor_rate, last_prop_rate, last_on_off_state

    msg = bac_state_high_rate_t.decode(data)

    now = time.time()
    if (state_known):
        if (msg.estimated_distance > brake_open_inner
                and last_known_position <= brake_open_inner):
            frac_after = msg.estimated_distance - brake_open_inner
            frac_before = brake_open_inner - last_known_position
            last_crossed_open_inner = (now * frac_after +
                                       last_state_time * frac_before) / (
                                           frac_after + frac_before)
            print "Crossed open inner outwards %f" % last_crossed_open_inner
        elif (msg.estimated_distance < brake_open_inner
              and last_known_position >= brake_open_inner):
            frac_after = brake_open_inner - msg.estimated_distance
            frac_before = last_known_position - brake_open_inner
            last_crossed_open_inner = (now * frac_after +
                                       last_state_time * frac_before) / (
                                           frac_after + frac_before)
            print "Crossed open inner inwards at %f" % last_crossed_open_inner

        if (msg.estimated_distance > brake_closed_inner
                and last_known_position <= brake_closed_inner):
            frac_after = msg.estimated_distance - brake_closed_inner
            frac_before = brake_closed_inner - last_known_position
            last_crossed_closed_inner = (now * frac_after +
                                         last_state_time * frac_before) / (
                                             frac_after + frac_before)
            print "Crossed closed inner outwards at %f" % last_crossed_closed_inner

        elif (msg.estimated_distance < brake_closed_inner
              and last_known_position >= brake_closed_inner):
            frac_after = brake_closed_inner - msg.estimated_distance
            frac_before = last_known_position - brake_closed_inner
            last_crossed_closed_inner = (now * frac_after +
                                         last_state_time * frac_before) / (
                                             frac_after + frac_before)
            print "Crossed closed inner inwards at %f" % last_crossed_closed_inner

    state_known = True
    last_known_position = msg.estimated_distance
    last_state_time = now
    last_motor_rate = msg.PumpMotorPWM
    last_prop_rate = msg.ValvePWM
    last_on_off_state = msg.OnOffValve
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_bac_state_high_rate_t(channel, data):
    global last_msg_plot_time
    msg = bac_state_high_rate_t.decode(data)

    t = msg.utime / 1000. / 1000.
    if (not last_msg_plot_time or t - last_msg_plot_time > 0.05):
        distancesPlotter.addDataPoint(0, t, msg.distance_1)
        distancesPlotter.addDataPoint(1, t, msg.distance_2)
        estimatedDistancePlotter.addDataPoint(0, t, msg.estimated_distance)
        pressurePlotter.addDataPoint(0, t, msg.brake_pressure)

        errorPlotter.addDataPoint(0, t, msg.error)
        integratorPlotter.addDataPoint(0, t, msg.integrator)

        effortsPlotter.addDataPoint(0, t, msg.PumpMotorPWM)
        effortsPlotter.addDataPoint(1, t, msg.ValvePWM)
        last_msg_plot_time = t
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def handle_bac_state_high_rate_t(self, channel, data):
        msg = bac_state_high_rate_t.decode(data)
        d1 = msg.distance_1
        d2 = msg.distance_2
        gh_front = msg.gh_front
        gh_rear = msg.gh_rear

        # apply a little low pass
        # flip pots (length 5.9, so subtract from that) to get distance inward the caliper has traveled from home
        self.caliperLeft_Pos = self.caliperLeft_Pos * 0.5 + 0.5 * -1.0 * (
            5.9 - d2) * self.total_inch_to_im_scale
        self.caliperRight_Pos = self.caliperRight_Pos * 0.5 + 0.5 * -1.0 * (
            5.9 - d1) * self.total_inch_to_im_scale

        # units are mm, and hardcode "resting on rail" from logs:
        # 38 mm for front
        # 39 mm for rear
        # higher = farther down
        self.caliperVert_Pos_Front = (
            (gh_front - 38) / 25.4) * self.total_inch_to_im_scale
        self.caliperVert_Pos_Rear = (
            (gh_rear - 39) / 25.4) * self.total_inch_to_im_scale
def handle_bac_state(channel, data):
    global min_command, max_command, tolerance, settling_time_required, max_test_duration
    global state_lock, state_known, cmd_known, setpoint, cmd_confirmed_time
    global est_response_time, max_overshoot, max_overshoot_time, est_settling_time
    global last_known_position, last_state_time

    msg = bac_state_high_rate_t.decode(data)

    now = time.time()
    # if we have a command and it has been confirmed...
    if (state_known and setpoint > 0):
        # response time is first time we're in tolerance
        if est_response_time < 0 and abs(msg.estimated_distance - setpoint) < tolerance:
            est_response_time = time.time()
            print "\tResponse time found"

        # overshoot cases
        if (est_response_time > 0 and msg.estimated_distance > setpoint and approach_direction > 0):
            if (msg.estimated_distance - setpoint > max_overshoot):
                max_overshoot = msg.estimated_distance - setpoint
                max_overshoot_time = now
                print "\tOvershoot updated"
        if (est_response_time > 0 and msg.estimated_distance < setpoint and approach_direction < 0):
            if (setpoint - msg.estimated_distance > max_overshoot):
                max_overshoot = setpoint - msg.estimated_distance
                max_overshoot_time = now
                print "\tOvershoot updated"
        # settling time calculation
        if (est_response_time > 0):
            if est_settling_time < 0 or abs(msg.estimated_distance - setpoint) > tolerance:
                est_settling_time = now
                print "\tSettling time updated"

    state_known = True
    last_known_position = msg.estimated_distance
    last_state_time = now
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def handle_bac_state_high_rate(self, channel, data):
        msg = bac_state_high_rate_t.decode(data)

        self.last_bac_high_rate_recv_time = time.time()
        self.brake_width = msg.estimated_distance
        self.brake_pressure = msg.brake_pressure