Ejemplo n.º 1
    def mix_states(
        immstate: MixtureParameters[MT],
        # the mixing probabilities: shape=(M, M)
        mix_probabilities: np.ndarray,
    ) -> List[MT]:

        means = []
        covs = []

        for component in immstate.components:

        # now we have a list of all the means and covariances
        # to mix it we can use eq. 6.29 and 6.30 from the book

        mixed_states = []

        for weights in mix_probabilities:
            mean_bar, cov_bar = \
                mixturereduction.gaussian_mixture_moments(weights, means, covs)
            mixed_states.append(GaussParams(mean_bar, cov_bar))

        mixed_states = np.array(mixed_states)

        print_mixed_states = False
        if print_mixed_states:
            print("mix_probabilities", mix_probabilities)
            print("means", means)
            print("covs", covs)
            print("mixed_states", mixed_states, np.shape(mixed_states))

        return mixed_states
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def reduce_mixture(
     self, ekfstate_mixture: MixtureParameters[GaussParams]
 ) -> GaussParams:
     """Merge a Gaussian mixture into single mixture"""
     w = ekfstate_mixture.weights
     x = np.array([c.mean for c in ekfstate_mixture.components], dtype=float)
     P = np.array([c.cov for c in ekfstate_mixture.components], dtype=float)
     x_reduced, P_reduced = mixturereduction.gaussian_mixture_moments(w, x, P)
     return GaussParams(x_reduced, P_reduced)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def mix_states(
     immstate: MixtureParameters[MT],
     # the mixing probabilities: shape=(M, M)
     mix_probabilities: np.ndarray,
 ) -> List[MT]:
     #My comment: Here we are implementing the step 2 of the algorithm, 6.29 and 6.30
     means = np.array([component.mean for component in immstate.components])
     covs = np.array([component.cov for component in immstate.components])
     mixed_states = gaussian_mixture_moments(mix_probabilities, immstate.components[:].mean, immstate.components[:].cov)
     mixed_states = []
     for i in range(len(means)):
         mixed_states.append(gaussian_mixture_moments(mix_probabilities[i], means[i], covs[i]))
     mixed_states = np.array(mixed_states)
     return mixed_states
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def estimate(self, immstate: MixtureParameters[MT]) -> GaussParams:
        """Calculate a state estimate with its covariance from immstate"""

        # ! You can assume all the modes have the same reduce and estimate function
        # ! and use eg. self.filters[0] functionality
        data_reduced = [
            gaussian_mixture_moments(immstate.weights, comp.mean, comp.cov)
            for comp in immstate.components

        estimate = self.filters[0].estimate(data_reduced)
        return estimate
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def estimate(self, immstate: MixtureParameters[MT]) -> GaussParams:
        """Calculate a state estimate with its covariance from immstate"""

        # ! You can assume all the modes have the same reduce and estimate function
        # ! and use eg. self.filters[0] functionality
        #data_reduced = # TODO

        means = []
        covs = []

        for comp in immstate.components:

        means = np.array(means)
        covs = np.array(covs)

        mean_reduced, cov_reduced = \
            mixturereduction.gaussian_mixture_moments(immstate.weights, means, covs)

        estimate = GaussParams(mean_reduced, cov_reduced)

        return estimate
Ejemplo n.º 6
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from mixturereduction import gaussian_mixture_moments

# %% setup and show initial
# TODO: fill in values
mus = np.array([0, 2, 4.5]).reshape(3, 1)
sigmas = np.array([1, 1.5, 1.5]).reshape(
    3, 1, 1)  # note std and not var as in gaussian_mixture_moments
w = np.array([1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3])
#w = np.array(np.ones(shape=(3,1)))
w = w.ravel() / np.sum(w)
assert np.allclose(w.sum(), 1), "weights must sum to one"

totMean, totSigma2 = (elem.squeeze()
                      for elem in gaussian_mixture_moments(w, mus, sigmas**2))
plotNsigmas = 3
x = totMean + plotNsigmas * np.sqrt(totSigma2) * np.arange(-1, 1 + 1e-10, 5e-2)

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(num=1, clear=True)
pdf_comp_vals = np.array([
    multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=mus[i].item(), cov=sigmas[i].item()**2)
    for i in range(len(mus))
pdf_mix_vals = np.average(pdf_comp_vals, axis=0, weights=w)

for i in range(len(mus)):
    ax1.plot(x, pdf_comp_vals[i], label=f"comp {i}")

# %% merge and show combinations