Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_randint_range(self):
     # Test for ticket #1690
     lmax = np.iinfo('l').max
     lmin = np.iinfo('l').min
         rnd.randint(lmin, lmax)
         raise AssertionError
Ejemplo n.º 2
def symmetric_random_walk(size, seed=None, scale=1.0, normalize=True):
    # 0. Preparation
    if seed != None:
    time_steps = size[0]
    num_dims = len(size) - 1

    # 1. Generate random walk noise levels (integer)
    random_walk = 2 * rnd.randint(2, size=time_steps) - 1
    random_walk = np.cumsum(random_walk)

    # 2. Normalize random walk  noise levels to the range [0,1]
    if normalize == True:
        random_walk += np.abs(random_walk.min())
        random_walk = random_walk / random_walk.max()

    # 3. Scale random walk noise levels to max_level
    random_walk *= scale

    # 4. Generate noise
    noise = rnd.uniform(low=-np.sqrt(12) / 2, high=np.sqrt(12) / 2, size=size)

    # 5. Scale noise to desired std over time_steps
    random_walk = random_walk.reshape((-1, ) + (1, ) * num_dims)
    noise *= random_walk

    return noise.astype(np.float32), random_walk.astype(np.float32)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parallel_montecarlo(filename, mapper, reducer, jobs_params, n_repetitions, seed=None, n_cpu = None):
    This function implements a basic map-reduce framework based on multiprocessing.Pool.

        filename - name of output, where the results will be saved as a pickle.
        mapper - this is the function that runs the computaitonal job, given an element of job_params.
        reducer - function for aggregating n_repetitions runs of a job.
        job_params - list of job parameters.
        n_repetitions - number of times to run each job.
        seed - Random seed to be used. To have reproducible results, always specify a seed.
        n_cpu - number of processes to use. The default is to use all available cores.

        reduced_results - output of reducer on the various simulations
        Also, the results will be saved to a pickle file

    Example: (this computes the means of 3 normal random variables with different means)
    >> parallel_montecarlo('testing', numpy.random.normal, numpy.mean, [-1,0,+1], 1000)
        n_cpu: 4
        Saving to ./pickles/testing.pickle.gz
        Saved fields:  n_repetitions, name, results, seed, xs
        Out[14]: [-0.9465148770830919, 0.03763575004851667, 1.056358627427924]
    if n_cpu is None:
        n_cpu = get_n_cpu()
    #print(f'n_cpu: {n_cpu}')

    SEED = seed if seed is not None else 0
    N_SEED_INTS = 4
    iteration_parameters = zip(mkl_random.randint(0, 2**32, size=(len(jobs_params)*n_repetitions, N_SEED_INTS)), itertools.cycle(jobs_params)) 

    wrapped_job_computation_func = functools.partial(set_random_seed_and_apply_func, mapper)
    if n_cpu == 1:
        results = list(itertools.starmap(wrapped_job_computation_func, iteration_parameters))
        with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_cpu) as p:
            results = list(p.starmap(wrapped_job_computation_func, iteration_parameters))

    results_grouped_by_params = [results[i::len(jobs_params)] for i in range(len(jobs_params))]
    reduced_results = list(map(reducer, results_grouped_by_params))

    if filename is not None:
        pickler.dump(filename, name=filename, xs=jobs_params, results=np.array(reduced_results), n_repetitions=n_repetitions, seed=SEED)

    return reduced_results
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_randint(self):
     rnd.seed(self.seed, self.brng)
     actual = rnd.randint(-99, 99, size=(3, 2))
     desired = np.array([[95, -96], [-65, 41], [3, 96]])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_int_negative_interval(self):
     assert_(-5 <= rnd.randint(-5, -1) < -1)
     x = rnd.randint(-5, -1, 5)
     assert_(np.all(-5 <= x))
     assert_(np.all(x < -1))