Ejemplo n.º 1
    if x["data"]["msgtype"] == 17 and 9 <= (x["data"]["longdata"] >> 51)
    & 0x1F <= 18
offset_list = []
#there's probably a way to list-comprehension-ify this but it looks hard
for msg in position_reports:
    data = msg["data"]
    [alt, lat, lon, rng,
     bearing] = sfparse.parseBDS05(data["shortdata"], data["longdata"],
                                   data["parity"], data["ecc"])
    ac_pos = [lat, lon, feet_to_meters(alt)]
    rel_times = []
    for time, station in zip(msg["times"], stations):
        #here we get the estimated time at the aircraft when it transmitted
        range_to_ac = numpy.linalg.norm(
            numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(station)) -
        timestamp_at_ac = time - range_to_ac / mlat.c
        "aircraft": data["shortdata"] & 0xffffff,
        "times": rel_times

#this is a list of unique aircraft, heard by all stations, which transmitted position packets
#we do drift calcs separately for each aircraft in the set because mixing them seems to screw things up
#i haven't really sat down and figured out why that is yet
unique_aircraft = list(set([x["aircraft"] for x in offset_list]))
print "Aircraft heard for clock drift estimate: %s" % [
    str("%x" % ac) for ac in unique_aircraft
#17 8da12615 903bf4bd3eb2c0 36ac95 000000 0.003357535461 00.1817445
#17 8d4b190a 682de4acf8c177 5b8f55 000000 0.002822938375 000.446215

sf_station = [37.762236, -122.442525, 100]
mv_station = [37.409348, -122.07732, 100]

report1_location = [37.737804, -122.485139, 3345]
report1_sf_tstamp = 0.1817445
report1_mv_tstamp = 2.54791875

report2_location = [37.640836, -122.260218, 2484]
report2_sf_tstamp = 0.446215
report2_mv_tstamp = 2.81227225

report1_tof_sf = numpy.linalg.norm(
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(sf_station)) -
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report1_location))) / mlat.c
report1_tof_mv = numpy.linalg.norm(
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(mv_station)) -
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report1_location))) / mlat.c

report1_sf_tstamp_abs = report1_sf_tstamp - report1_tof_sf
report1_mv_tstamp_abs = report1_mv_tstamp - report1_tof_mv

report2_tof_sf = numpy.linalg.norm(
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(sf_station)) -
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report2_location))) / mlat.c
report2_tof_mv = numpy.linalg.norm(
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(mv_station)) -
    numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report2_location))) / mlat.c
Ejemplo n.º 3
        all_heard.append({"data": station0_report["data"], "times": stamps})

#print all_heard

#ok, now let's pull out the location-bearing packets so we can find our time offset
position_reports = [x for x in all_heard if x["data"]["msgtype"] == 17 and 9 <= (x["data"]["longdata"] >> 51) & 0x1F <= 18]
offset_list = []
#there's probably a way to list-comprehension-ify this but it looks hard
for msg in position_reports:
    data = msg["data"]
    [alt, lat, lon, rng, bearing] = sfparse.parseBDS05(data["shortdata"], data["longdata"], data["parity"], data["ecc"])
    ac_pos = [lat, lon, feet_to_meters(alt)]
    rel_times = []
    for time, station in zip(msg["times"], stations):
        #here we get the estimated time at the aircraft when it transmitted
        range_to_ac = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(station))-numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(ac_pos)))
        timestamp_at_ac = time - range_to_ac / mlat.c
    offset_list.append({"aircraft": data["shortdata"] & 0xffffff, "times": rel_times})

#this is a list of unique aircraft, heard by all stations, which transmitted position packets
#we do drift calcs separately for each aircraft in the set because mixing them seems to screw things up
#i haven't really sat down and figured out why that is yet
unique_aircraft = list(set([x["aircraft"] for x in offset_list]))
print "Aircraft heard for clock drift estimate: %s" % [str("%x" % ac) for ac in unique_aircraft]
print "Total reports used: %d over %.2f seconds" % (len(position_reports), position_reports[-1]["times"][0]-position_reports[0]["times"][0])

#get a list of reported times gathered by the unique aircraft that transmitted them
#abs_unique_times = [report["times"] for ac in unique_aircraft for report in offset_list if report["aircraft"] == ac]
#print abs_unique_times
#todo: the below can probably be done cleaner with nested list comprehensions
Ejemplo n.º 4
import mlat
import numpy

#here's some test data to validate the algorithm
teststations = [[37.76225, -122.44254, 100], [37.680016,-121.772461, 100], [37.385844,-122.083082, 100], [37.701207,-122.309418, 100]]
testalt      = 8000
testplane    = numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef([37.617175,-122.400843, testalt]))
testme       = mlat.llh2geoid(teststations[0])
teststamps   = [10, 
                10 + numpy.linalg.norm(testplane-numpy.array(mlat.llh2geoid(teststations[1]))) / mlat.c,
                10 + numpy.linalg.norm(testplane-numpy.array(mlat.llh2geoid(teststations[2]))) / mlat.c,
                10 + numpy.linalg.norm(testplane-numpy.array(mlat.llh2geoid(teststations[3]))) / mlat.c,

print teststamps

replies = []
for i in range(0, len(teststations)):
    replies.append((teststations[i], teststamps[i]))
ans = mlat.mlat(replies, testalt)
error = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(ans))-numpy.array(testplane))
range = numpy.linalg.norm(mlat.llh2geoid(ans)-numpy.array(testme))
print testplane-testme
print ans
print "Error: %.2fm" % (error)
print "Range: %.2fkm (from first station in list)" % (range/1000)
#sf says:
#17 8da12615 903bf4bd3eb2c0 36ac95 000000 0.003357535461 00.1817445
#17 8d4b190a 682de4acf8c177 5b8f55 000000 0.002822938375 000.446215

sf_station = [37.762236,-122.442525, 100]
mv_station = [37.409348,-122.07732, 100]

report1_location = [37.737804, -122.485139, 3345]
report1_sf_tstamp = 0.1817445
report1_mv_tstamp = 2.54791875

report2_location = [37.640836, -122.260218, 2484]
report2_sf_tstamp = 0.446215
report2_mv_tstamp = 2.81227225

report1_tof_sf = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(sf_station))-numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report1_location))) / mlat.c
report1_tof_mv = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(mv_station))-numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report1_location))) / mlat.c

report1_sf_tstamp_abs = report1_sf_tstamp - report1_tof_sf
report1_mv_tstamp_abs = report1_mv_tstamp - report1_tof_mv

report2_tof_sf = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(sf_station))-numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report2_location))) / mlat.c
report2_tof_mv = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(mv_station))-numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(report2_location))) / mlat.c

report2_sf_tstamp_abs = report2_sf_tstamp - report2_tof_sf
report2_mv_tstamp_abs = report2_mv_tstamp - report2_tof_mv

dt1 = report1_sf_tstamp_abs - report1_mv_tstamp_abs
dt2 = report2_sf_tstamp_abs - report2_mv_tstamp_abs

error = abs((dt1-dt2) * mlat.c)
Ejemplo n.º 6
import mlat
import numpy

replies = []
for i in range(0, len(mlat.teststations)):
    replies.append((mlat.teststations[i], mlat.teststamps[i]))

ans = mlat.mlat(replies, mlat.testalt)
error = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(ans))-numpy.array(mlat.testplane))
range = numpy.linalg.norm(mlat.llh2geoid(ans)-numpy.array(mlat.llh2geoid(mlat.teststations[0])))
print "Error: %.2fm" % (error)
print "Range: %.2fkm (from first station in list)" % (range/1000)