Ejemplo n.º 1
    def display_game_data(self, game_date, game_records, filter, show_info):
        show_scores = config.CONFIG.parser.getboolean('scores')
        # might as well show linescore if show_info is given
        show_linescore = show_scores and (config.CONFIG.parser.getboolean('linescore') or config.CONFIG.parser.getboolean('boxscore') or show_info)
        show_boxscore = show_scores and config.CONFIG.parser.getboolean('boxscore')
        border = displayutil.Border(use_unicode=config.UNICODE)
        if game_records is None:
            # outl.append("No game data for {}".format(game_date))
            LOG.info("No game data for {}".format(game_date))
            # LOG.info("No game data to display")

        outl = list()  # holds list of strings for output

        # print header
        header = self._get_header(border, game_date, show_scores, show_linescore)

        games_displayed_count = 0
        for game_pk in game_records:
            if gamedata.apply_filter(game_records[game_pk], filter, FILTERS) is not None:
                games_displayed_count += 1
                outl.extend(self._display_game_details(header, game_pk, game_records[game_pk],
        if games_displayed_count > 0:
            for line in outl:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(argv=None):
    """Entry point for mlbv"""

    # using argparse (2.7+) https://docs.python.org/2/library/argparse.html
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=HELP_HEADER, epilog=HELP_FOOTER,
    parser.add_argument("--init", action="store_true",
                        help="Generates a config file using a combination of defaults plus prompting for MLB.tv credentials.")
    parser.add_argument("--usage", action="store_true", help="Display full usage help.")
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--date", help="Display games/standings for date. Format: yyyy-mm-dd")
    parser.add_argument("--days", type=int, default=1, help="Number of days to display")
    parser.add_argument("--tomorrow", action="store_true", help="Use tomorrow's date")
    parser.add_argument("--yesterday", action="store_true", help="Use yesterday's date")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--team",
                        help="Play selected game feed for team, one of: {}".format(mlbgamedata.TEAM_CODES))
    parser.add_argument("--info", nargs='?', const='full', metavar='full|short', choices=('full', 'short'),
                        help=("Show extended game information inline (articles/text). "
                              "Default is 'full'. Use --info=short to show only summaries (exclude full articles). "
                              "You can also set this option permanently in your config via: "
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--feed",
                        help=("Feed type, either a live/archive game feed or highlight feed "
                              "(if available). Available feeds are shown in game list,"
                              "and have a short form and long form (see 'Feed identifiers' section below)"))
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--resolution",
                        help=("Stream resolution for streamlink (overrides settting in config file). "
                              "Choices: {}. Can also be a comma-separated list of values (no spaces), "
                              "e.g 720p_alt,720p,540p").format(config.BANDWIDTH_CHOICES))
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--inning",
                        help=("Start live/archive stream from inning. Format: {t|b}{inning_num}. "
                              "t|b: (optional) top or bottom, inning_num: inning number. "
                              "e.g.  '5' - start at 5th inning. 't5' start at top 5th. "
                              "'b5' start at bottom 5th."))
    parser.add_argument("--inning-offset", type=int, metavar='SECS',
                        help="Override the inning offset time in seconds. Default=240 (4 minutes)")
    # TODO remove --from-start, in favour of --inning
    parser.add_argument("--from-start", action="store_true", help="Start live/archive stream from beginning")
    parser.add_argument("--favs", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
                        # help=("Favourite teams, a comma-separated list of favourite teams " "(normally specified in config file)"))
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--filter", nargs='?', const='favs', metavar='filtername|teams',
                        help=("Filter output. Either a filter name (see --list-filters) or a comma-separated "
                              "list of team codes, eg: 'tor.bos,wsh'. Default: favs"))
    parser.add_argument("--list-filters", action='store_true', help="List the built-in filters")
    parser.add_argument("-g", "--game", default='1', choices=('1', '2'),
                        help="Select game number of double-header")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--scores", action="store_true",
                        help="Show scores (default off; overrides config file)")
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-scores", action="store_true",
                        help="Do not show scores (default on; overrides config file)")
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--linescore", nargs='?', const='all', metavar='filter',
                        help="Show linescores. Optional: specify a filter as per --filter option.")
    parser.add_argument("--boxscore", nargs='?', const='all', metavar='filter',
                        help="Show boxscores. Optional: specify a filter as per --filter option.")
    parser.add_argument("--username", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)  # help="MLB.tv username. Required for live/archived games.")
    parser.add_argument("--password", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)  # help="MLB.tv password. Required for live/archived games.")
    parser.add_argument("--fetch", "--record", action="store_true", help="Save stream to file instead of playing")
    parser.add_argument("--wait", action="store_true",
                        help=("Wait for game to start (live games only). Will block launching the player until game time. "
                              "Useful when combined with the --fetch option."))
    parser.add_argument("--standings", nargs='?', const='division', metavar='[category]',
                        help=("Display standings. This option will display the selected standings category, then exit. "
                              "'[category]' is one of: '" + ', '.join(standings.STANDINGS_OPTIONS) + "' [default: %(default)s]. "
                              "The standings category can be shortened down to one character (all matching "
                              "categories will be included), e.g. 'div'. "
                              "Can be combined with -d/--date option to show standings for any given date.")
    parser.add_argument("--stats", nargs='?', const='team', metavar='[teamcode]',
                        help=("Display stats. This option will display the selected stats category, then exit. "
                              "Can be combined with -d/--date option to show stats for any given date.")
    parser.add_argument("--recaps", nargs='?', const='all', metavar='FILTER',
                        help=("Play recaps for given teams. "
                              "[FILTER] is an optional filter as per --filter option"))
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)  # help="Increase output verbosity")
    parser.add_argument("-D", "--debug", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)    # help="Turn on debug output")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.usage:
        return display_usage()

    team_to_play = None
    feedtype = None

    if args.init:
        return config.Config.generate_config(args.username, args.password, "MLB.tv")

    # get our config
    config.CONFIG = config.Config(mlbconfig.DEFAULTS, args)

    # append log files if DEBUG is set (from top of file)
                                   os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0] + '.log'), True)

    global LOG
    LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    if args.info and args.info == 'short':
        config.CONFIG.parser['info_display_articles'] = 'false'

    if args.list_filters:
        print('List of built filters: ' + ', '.join(sorted(mlbgamedata.FILTERS.keys())))
        return 0
    if args.debug:
        config.CONFIG.parser['debug'] = 'true'
    if args.verbose:
        config.CONFIG.parser['verbose'] = 'true'
    if args.username:
        config.CONFIG.parser['username'] = args.username
    if args.password:
        config.CONFIG.parser['password'] = args.password
    if args.inning_offset is not None:
        config.CONFIG.parser['stream_start_offset_secs'] = str(args.inning_offset)
    if args.team:
        team_to_play = args.team.lower()
        if team_to_play not in mlbgamedata.TEAM_CODES:
            # Issue #4 all-star game has funky team codes
            LOG.warning('Unexpected team code: %s', team_to_play)
    if args.feed:
        feedtype = gamedata.convert_to_long_feedtype(args.feed.lower(), mlbgamedata.FEEDTYPE_MAP)
    if args.resolution:
        config.CONFIG.parser['resolution'] = args.resolution
    if args.scores:
        config.CONFIG.parser['scores'] = 'true'
    elif args.no_scores:
        config.CONFIG.parser['scores'] = 'false'
    if args.linescore:
        if args.linescore != 'all':
            config.CONFIG.parser['filter'] = args.linescore
        config.CONFIG.parser['linescore'] = 'true'
    if args.boxscore:
        if args.boxscore != 'all':
            config.CONFIG.parser['filter'] = args.boxscore
        config.CONFIG.parser['boxscore'] = 'true'
    if args.favs:
        config.CONFIG.parser['favs'] = args.favs
    if args.filter:
        config.CONFIG.parser['filter'] = args.filter

    if config.DEBUG:

    if args.yesterday:
        args.date = datetime.strftime(datetime.today() - timedelta(days=1), "%Y-%m-%d")
    elif args.tomorrow:
        args.date = datetime.strftime(datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1), "%Y-%m-%d")
    elif args.date is None:
        args.date = datetime.strftime(datetime.today(), "%Y-%m-%d")

    if args.standings:
        standings.get_standings(args.standings, args.date, args.filter)
        return 0
    if args.stats:
        # def get_team_stats(team_code, team_code_id_map, stats_option='all', date_str=None):
        stats.get_team_stats(args.stats, None, 'all', None)
        return 0

    gamedata_retriever = mlbgamedata.GameDataRetriever()

    # retrieve all games for the dates given
    game_day_tuple_list = gamedata_retriever.process_game_data(args.date, args.days)

    if not team_to_play and not args.recaps:
        # nothing to play; display the games
        presenter = mlbgamedata.GameDatePresenter()
        displayed_count = 0
        for game_date, game_records in game_day_tuple_list:
            presenter.display_game_data(game_date, game_records, args.filter, args.info)
            displayed_count += 1
            if displayed_count < len(game_day_tuple_list):
        return 0

    # from this point we only care about first day in list
    if len(game_day_tuple_list) > 0:
        game_date, game_data = game_day_tuple_list[0]
        # nothing to stream
        return 0

    if args.recaps:
        recap_teams = list()
        if args.recaps == 'all':
            for game_pk in game_data:
                # add the home team
            for team in args.recaps.split(','):
        for game_pk in game_data:
            game_rec = gamedata.apply_filter(game_data[game_pk], args.filter)
            if game_rec and (game_rec['home']['abbrev'] in recap_teams or game_rec['away']['abbrev'] in recap_teams):
                if 'recap' in game_rec['feed']:
                    LOG.info("Playing recap for %s at %s", game_rec['away']['abbrev'].upper(), game_rec['home']['abbrev'].upper())
                    game_num = 1
                    if game_rec['doubleHeader'] != 'N':
                        game_num = game_rec['gameNumber']
                    stream_game_rec = mlbstream.get_game_rec(game_data, game_rec['home']['abbrev'], game_num)
                    mlbstream.play_stream(stream_game_rec, game_rec['home']['abbrev'], 'recap', game_date,
                                          args.fetch, None, None, is_multi_highlight=True)
                    LOG.info("No recap available for %s at %s", game_rec['away']['abbrev'].upper(), game_rec['home']['abbrev'].upper())
        return 0

    # LOG.info('Sorry, MLB.tv stream support is broken. You should switch to https://github.com/tonycpsu/streamglob')
    # return -1

    game_rec = mlbstream.get_game_rec(game_data, team_to_play, args.game)

    if args.wait and not util.has_reached_time(game_rec['mlbdate']):
        LOG.info('Waiting for game to start. Local start time is %s', util.convert_time_to_local(game_rec['mlbdate']))
        print('Use Ctrl-c to quit .', end='', flush=True)
        count = 0
        while not util.has_reached_time(game_rec['mlbdate']):
            count += 1
            if count % 6 == 0:
                print('.', end='', flush=True)

        # refresh the game data
        LOG.info('Game time. Refreshing game data after wait...')
        game_day_tuple_list = gamedata_retriever.process_game_data(args.date, 1)
        if len(game_day_tuple_list) > 0:
            game_date, game_data = game_day_tuple_list[0]
            LOG.error('Unexpected error: no game data found after refresh on wait')
            return 0

        game_rec = mlbstream.get_game_rec(game_data, team_to_play, args.game)

    return mlbstream.play_stream(game_rec, team_to_play, feedtype, args.date, args.fetch, args.from_start, args.inning)