def savepeaks(self): if self.algmode == 'LOAD': log('skipping savepeaks for ' + str(self) + ' because data was loaded from file') # return False # obsolete stuff # if 'heartbeatevents_py' in self.peakfile.load().keys(): # del self.peakfile['heartbeatevents_py'] # del self.peakfile['heartbeatevents_mat'] export = { 'latency': arr(self.rPeaks) + 1, 'type': ['ECG' for _ in itr(self.rPeaks)], 'urevent': [i + 1 for i in itr(self.rPeaks)] } self.peakfile[] = { 'alg': { 'name': self.alg.__class__.__name__, 'version': self.alg.version, 'tag': self.alg.versions()[self.alg.version] }, 'py': arr(self.rPeaks), 'mat': arr(self.rPeaks) + 1, 'heartbeatevents': export } self.peakfile['heartbeatevents'] = export return True
def nandiv(a, v): r = arr() for i in itr(a): if isnan(a[i]): r = append(r, None) else: r = append(r, a[i] / v) return r
def will_overlap(wbx, wby): for iii in itr(drawn_xs): twbx = drawn_xs[iii] twby = drawn_ys[iii] if ((min(wbx) <= min(twbx)) and (max(wbx) >= min(twbx))) or ((max(wbx) >= max(twbx)) and (min(wbx) <= max(twbx))): # x overlaps if ((min(wby) <= min(twby)) and (max(wby) >= min(twby))) or ((max(wby) >= max(twby)) and (min(wby) <= max(twby))): return True # return True return False
def build(self): top = [''] + listkeys(self.net_coefs) orig_top = deepcopy(top) if self.EXCLUDE_DARIUS_SMALLER_TRAIN_SIZES: top[1:] = [s.split('_')[0] for s in top[1:]] full = [top] first = self.net_coefs[orig_top[1]] left = [pattern_strings[k] for k in first.keys()] cols = [left] for coefs in self.net_coefs.values(): col = [sigfig(v, 3) for v in coefs.values()] cols.append(col) for i in itr(left): row = [col[i] for col in cols] full.append(row) TableData( data=full, title=f"Correlation Coefficients Between {method_strings[self.method_name]} of model activations and Perfect Classifier Patterns", title_size=70 ).draw(builder=self, tags=self.tags + ['table', 'CorrCoefTable'])
def _log_plot(log_data, savetofile, checkpoint_lines: List[str], pipeline_sections): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 1 SECOND IMPORT important_text = [] important_time = [] for lin, file_line, t in log_data: for cl in checkpoint_lines: if cl in file_line: important_text.append(cl) important_time.append(t) @dataclass class LoggedPipelineSection: start: float end: float thread: str process: str pid: str label: str # subsections: Optional[List] = None # does do anything yet index: int = -1 # MUST SET LATER source: Optional[int] = None # might set later sourceSec: Optional = None x: int = 0 # set later time_amount: Optional[float] = None time_rel: Optional[float] = None time_amount_rel: Optional[float] = None y_center: Optional[float] = None color: str = 'orange' loggedSections = [] for sec, v in listitems(pipeline_sections): if v['start'] and v['end']: loggedSections.append(LoggedPipelineSection( start=v['start'], end=v['end'], label=sec, thread=v['thread'], pid=v['pid'], process=v['process'] )) total = log_data[-1][2] important_text = [shorten_str(s, 20) for s in important_text] fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1) table_ax = axs table_ax.set_axis_off() important_time = [round(t, 2) for t in important_time] if important_time: table = table_ax.table( cellText=[[str(t)] for t in important_time], rowLabels=important_text, colLabels=['time'], rowColours=["palegreen"] * (len(important_text) + 1), colColours=["palegreen"] * 2, colWidths=[0.5, 0.5], cellLoc='center', loc='center' ) table_ax.set_title('Important Logs', fontweight="bold") time_amounts = [] time_rels = [] time_amount_rels = [] y_centers = [] last = 0 for t in important_time: time_amounts.append(t - last) time_rels.append(t / total) time_amount_rels.append(time_amounts[-1] / total) y_centers.append(time_rels[-1] - (time_amount_rels[-1] / 2)) last = t sizes = important_time loggedSectionsTotal = loggedSections[0].end - loggedSections[0].start for i, sec in enum(loggedSections): sec.time_amount = sec.end - sec.start # no need for time_rel? sec.time_amount_rel = sec.time_amount / loggedSectionsTotal sec.y_center = (((sec.end - (sec.time_amount / 2)) - loggedSections[0].start) / loggedSectionsTotal) sec.index = i loggedSections[0].y_center = 0.5 for sec in loggedSections: candidates = [] for secsec in loggedSections: if sec.start > secsec.start: candidates.append(secsec) candidates2 = [] for cand in candidates: if sec.end < cand.end: candidates2.append(cand) elif sec.start > secsec.end: pass # OVERLAP! # assert sec.start > secsec.end # throws error if there is overlap but not nesting if candidates2: secsec = max(candidates2, key=lambda x: x.start) sec.source = secsec.index sec.sourceSec = secsec def count_recurse(sec): if sec.sourceSec: return 1 + count_recurse(sec.sourceSec) else: return 0 for sec in loggedSections: sec.x = count_recurse(sec) colors = ['gold', 'yellowgreen', 'lightcoral', 'lightskyblue'] while len(colors) < len(sizes): colors = colors + colors colors = colors[:len(sizes)] if important_text: plt.savefig(savetofile.abspath) plt.clf() maxX = max([sec.x for sec in loggedSections]) xstep = normX = 1 / maxX for sec in loggedSections: sec.x = sec.x / maxX labels = [sec.label for sec in loggedSections] values = [sec.time_amount for sec in loggedSections if sec.source is not None] if True: for i in itr(labels): if i > 0: labels[i] = labels[i] + f' ({format_sec_dur(values[i - 1])})' labels[0] = labels[0] + f' ({format_sec_dur(loggedSections[0].time_amount)})' jitter_step = xstep / 10 keepJittering = True while keepJittering: for sec, secsec in unique_pairs(loggedSections): if sec.x == secsec.x: if sec.thread != secsec.thread or sec.process != secsec.process or != secsec.color = 'blue' secsec.x += jitter_step break keepJittering = False import plotly.graph_objects as go fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey( # arrangement="fixed", # no cutoff, but overlap arrangement="snap", # no overlap, but cutoff # arrangement = "perpendicular", # overlap and cutoff (less of both) # arrangement="freeform",# both overlap and cutoff node=dict( pad=15, thickness=20, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=labels, y=[sec.y_center for sec in loggedSections], x=(arr([sec.x for sec in loggedSections]) * 1.0).tolist(), color=[sec.color for sec in loggedSections] ), link=dict( source=[sec.source for sec in loggedSections if sec.source is not None], target=list(range(1, (len(loggedSections)))), value=values ))]) fig.update_layout( font_size=20, ) html = _get_fig(fig, full_html=True, include_plotlyjs=True) File(savetofile).res_pre_ext("_sankey").resrepext('html').write(html)
def test_record(self, ei): nnstate.CURRENT_PRED_MAP = self.train_data.class_label_map nnstate.CURRENT_TRUE_MAP = self.test_data.class_label_map ds = self.test_data.dataset(self.HEIGHT_WIDTH) steps = self.test_data.num_steps log('Recording(1)... (ims=$,steps=$)', len(self.test_data), steps) net_mets.cmat = zeros(len(listkeys(nnstate.CURRENT_PRED_MAP)), len(listkeys(nnstate.CURRENT_TRUE_MAP))) inter_lay_name =[self.INTER_LAY].name inter_output_model =, y_pred = arr( ds, steps=steps, verbose=Verbose.PROGRESS_BAR, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=16, )) log('done recording(1)') if len( y_pred.shape ) == 3: # GNET has 3 outputs, all identical I guess but not sure y_pred = y_pred[2] log('Recording(2)... (ims=$,steps=$)', len(self.test_data), steps) inter_activations = arr( inter_output_model.predict(ds, steps=steps, verbose=Verbose.PROGRESS_BAR, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=16)) log('done recording(2)') x, _ = self.test_data.x(self) y = self.test_data.y(self) y_true = arr(y).flatten() raw_images = x raw_images2 = [] if len(x.shape) == 5: for batch in raw_images: for im in batch: raw_images2.append(im) else: raw_images2 = raw_images raw_images = arr(raw_images2) raw_images2 = [] for i in itr(raw_images): raw_images2.append(raw_images[i].flatten()) raw_images = arr(raw_images2) inter_shape = inter_activations.shape inter_activations = np.reshape(inter_activations, (inter_shape[0], -1)) BLOCK_LEN = 10 # I'm writing this bc I think it was always 10 back when I ran this code TEST_CLASS_MAP = nnstate.CURRENT_TRUE_MAP clas_set = ClassSet( [Class(name=k, index=v) for k, v in TEST_CLASS_MAP.items()]) def run_and_save_rsa(nam, mat1, layer_name=None, layer_i=None): index_to_cn = {v: k for k, v in TEST_CLASS_MAP.items()} feature_matrix = FeatureMatrix( mat1, clas_set, [Class(index_to_cn[iii], iii) for iii, yt in enum(y_true)]) feature_matrix.sort_by_class_name() fd = tit = f'L2-{nam}' fd.title = f'{tit} ({nnstate.FLAGS.arch}{nnstate.FLAGS.ntrain}E{ei + 1})' if nam == 'Inter': fd.title = f'{fd.title}(Layer{layer_i}:{layer_name})' save_dnn_data(fd, tit, f'CM{ei + 1}', 'mfig') run_and_save_rsa('Output', y_pred, layer_name='Output', layer_i='-1') run_and_save_rsa('Inter', inter_activations, layer_name=inter_lay_name, layer_i=self.INTER_LAY) run_and_save_rsa('Raw', raw_images) for met in net_mets.METS_TO_USE(): met(y_true, y_pred) log('done recording.')
def jsonReprCP(o): import numpy as np # log('jsonReprCP of a ' + str(type(o))) if isinstsafe(o, np.ndarray): o = o.tolist() if not isitr(o) and isnan(o): return None if o == np.inf or o == -np.inf: return str(o) if isinstance(o, str) or isinstance(o, float) or isinstance( o, int) or o is None: return o if isinstance(o, np.int64): return int(o) if isinstance(o, np.float32): return float(o) if isitr(o) and not isinstance(o, str): cp = [] for vv in o: cp.append(jsonReprCP(vv)) return cp import copy cp = copy.deepcopy(o) # debug_on = False if hasattr(o, 'item_type') and o.item_type == 'violin': debug_on = True # import mdb; mdb.remote_breakpoint() for v in cp.__dict__: debug(f'V:{v}') # if debug_on: # breakpoint() val = getattr(cp, v) if isitr(val) and not isinstance(val, str): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): setattr(cp, v, jsonReprCP(val.tolist())) else: newval = [] for vv in val: newval.append(jsonReprCP(vv)) setattr(cp, v, newval) if not isitr(val) and (val == np.inf or val == -np.inf): setattr(cp, v, str(val)) if isinstance(val, np.int64): setattr(cp, v, int(val)) import pandas if not isitr(val) and pandas.isnull(val): setattr(cp, v, None) if isinstance(val, JsonSerializable): setattr(cp, v, jsonReprCP(val).__dict__) if isitr(val) and not isempty(val) and isinstance( val[0], JsonSerializable): newval = [] for i in itr(val): newval.append(jsonReprCP(val[i]).__dict__) setattr(cp, v, newval) # if debug_on: # breakpoint() # if hasattr(o, 'item_type') and o.item_type == 'violin': # breakpoint() # import mdb; mdb.remote_breakpoint() return cp
def find_local_maxima(r_indices, ecg_flt, FIX_WIDTH=100, CROP_FIRST_LAST=False, AUTO=True, ABS=True): # (searchback) if isint(FIX_WIDTH): FIX_WIDTH = (FIX_WIDTH, FIX_WIDTH) if ABS: myabs = abs else: myabs = lambda x: x r_indices = flat(r_indices) y = [] for i in itr(r_indices): y.append(ecg_flt[r_indices[i]]) newlats = r_indices marks = [] if AUTO: log('automatically fixing all heartbeats') with Progress(len(r_indices), 'searching back on', 'marks') as prog: for i in itr(r_indices): if CROP_FIRST_LAST and (i == 0 or i == len(r_indices) - 1): continue fix_width_back = min(FIX_WIDTH[0], r_indices[0]) fix_width_forward = FIX_WIDTH[1] the_lat = assert_int(r_indices[i]) mn = the_lat - fix_width_back mx = the_lat + 1 + fix_width_forward if len(ecg_flt) >= mx: snippet = ecg_flt[mn:mx] else: snippet = ecg_flt[mn:len(ecg_flt)] [M, I] = mymax(myabs(snippet)) fixed_lat = the_lat + I - fix_width_back if M != ecg_flt[the_lat]: if not AUTO: log('i=' + num2str(i) + '/' + num2str(len(r_indices))) plt.plot(ecg_flt) plt.scatter([r_indices[i], fixed_lat], [y[i], M], [], [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) plt.xlim([mn, mx]) s = input('fix?(y/n)') else: s = 'y' if strcmp(s, 'y'): if not AUTO: disp('fixing') newlats[i] = fixed_lat marks = [marks, the_lat] else: disp('skipping') prog.tick() return newlats
def analyze_exp_group(eg: DNN_ExperimentGroup, cfg): eg.compile_folder.deleteIfExists() eg.metadata.copy_into(eg.compile_folder) ARCH_LABELS = listmap(__['label'], eg.metadata['archs']) NTRAINS = eg.metadata['ntrainims'] NEPOCHS = eg.metadata['nepochs'] [ a.during_compile(eg) for a in ANALYSES(mode=AnalysisMode.PIPELINE) if a.should_run(cfg) ] experiments = experiments_from_folder(eg.folder) random_exp = experiments[0] TrainTable = FinalResult(2, 'test/Matthews_Correlation_Coefficient.mfig', data_exists=random_exp.folder[f'test'].exists, is_table=True, rows=ARCH_LABELS, cols=NTRAINS) random_exp.folder['log.pkl'].copy_into(eg.compile_folder) def maybe_avg_result(pre, nepochs, is_table=False, dims=2, suf=None): return AverageResult( dims, f'{pre}/CM{nepochs}.mfig' if suf is None else f'{pre}/{suf}', data_exists=random_exp.folder[pre].exists, is_table=is_table) results_to_compile = [] for ni, ntrain in enum(NTRAINS): MCC = maybe_avg_result('test', None, dims=1, suf='Matthews_Correlation_Coefficient.mfig') for ai, arch in enum(ARCH_LABELS): if cfg.salience: results_to_compile = [TrainTable] else: results_to_compile = [TrainTable, MCC] if random_exp.folder['L2-Output'].exists: maybe_avg_result(f'L2-Output', NEPOCHS) maybe_avg_result(f'L2-Inter', NEPOCHS) maybe_avg_result(f'L2-Raw', NEPOCHS) if not cfg.salience: results_to_compile.append( maybe_avg_result(f'val', NEPOCHS, is_table=True)) results_to_compile = [ r for r in results_to_compile if r is not None ] for exp in experiments.filtered( lambda e: e.arch == arch and e.ntrain == ntrain, ): for res in results_to_compile: try: res.append(res.exp_data(exp), (ai, ni, 0), is_GNET=arch == 'GNET') except: breakpoint() for res in results_to_compile: if not res.data_exists: continue if res.j is None: log('about to breakpoint') breakpoint() else: log('res.j is not none, so no breakpoint') for vis in res.j.viss: vis.make = True if res.dims == 1: LINE_INDEX = -1 avg = np.mean(, axis=0).tolist() = arr2d() res.j.viss.append(copy.deepcopy(res.template)) res.j.viss[LINE_INDEX].make = True res.j.viss[LINE_INDEX].y = avg res.j.viss[LINE_INDEX].item_colors = CONTRAST_COLORS[ai] for v in itr(res.j.viss): res.j.viss[v].title = f'MCC(nTrainIms={ntrain})' res.j.viss[LINE_INDEX].y_label = arch elif res.dims == 2: if isinstance(res, AverageResult): avg = np.mean(, axis=2) else: avg =[:, :, 0] res.j.viss[0].confuse_max = flatmax(avg) # res.j.viss[0].title_size = 30 if res.is_table: avg = np.concatenate((res.row_headers[1:], avg), axis=1) avg = np.concatenate((res.col_headers, avg), axis=0) if isinstance(res, AverageResult): res.j.viss[0].data = avg.tolist() res.j.viss[0].title = res.j.viss[0].title.replace( " ", f'{ntrain} ', 1) eg.compile_exp_res_folder[ f'{arch}_{ntrain}__{res.suffix.replace("/", "_")}'].save( res.j) elif ai == len(ARCH_LABELS) - 1 and ni == len(NTRAINS) - 1: res.j.viss = [ ConfusionMatrix(data=avg.tolist(), title="Final Training MCCs", confuse_min=0, confuse_max=1, headers_included=True, make=True, side_header_label='Architecture', top_header_label='#Train Images') ] eg.compile_exp_res_folder[ f'Final_Train_MCC.mfig'] = res.j for res in [ mcc for mcc in results_to_compile if mcc.dims == 1 and mcc.data_exists ]: eg.compile_exp_res_folder[StringExtension(res.suffix[1:]).r({ "test/": "", ".": f"_{ntrain}." })].save(res.j)
def _fun(i): # cannot be lambda? return [(i, j,[i, :], data[j, :])) for j in itr(data)]
def compare(self, fun: Type[Correlation], GPU=False): special_confuse_mat = zeros(len(, len( if (fun == PearsonCorrelation) and any([min(x) == max(x) for x in]): raise MathFail # # Pearson's Correlation Coefficient fails if # # two arrays are commpared that have a zero standard deviation product (divide by zero) # # Using an if statement above, I should prevent this data = # pleasework def _fun(i): # cannot be lambda? return [(i, j,[i, :], data[j, :])) for j in itr(data)] def _fun_tf(data): # cannot be lambda? return fun.fun_tf(data) MULTIPROCESS = False from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessPool if islinux() and MULTIPROCESS: # slower than GPU # BUGGY # not optimized with ProcessPool() as p: # if islinux(): # mapid = randrange(0,10000) # print(f'starting map {mapid}') r =, itr( for results in r: for rr in results: special_confuse_mat[rr[0], rr[1]] = rr[2] elif islinux() and GPU: import tensorflow as tf special_confuse_mat = tf.zeros((len(, len( with tf.device('/GPU:0'): special_confuse_mat = _fun_tf( # results[net] = rsa.numpy() # tfdata = tf.convert_to_tensor( else: r = listmap(_fun, itr( for results in r: for rr in results: special_confuse_mat[rr[0], rr[1]] = rr[2] return ComparisonMatrix( data=nan_above_eye(naneye(special_confuse_mat)), method_used=fun.__name__, ground_truth=self.ground_truth, class_set=self.class_set )
def FormatWLInput(ss): f_s = '' OPEN_Ps = [] OPEN_Cs = [] OPEN_Bs = [] OPENS = ['(', '{', '['] CLOSES = [')', '}', ']'] in_str = False fragments = [] for ii, cc in enum(ss): if in_str: in_str = cc != '"' else: in_str = cc == '"' if cc == '(': OPEN_Ps.append(ii) elif cc == '{': OPEN_Cs.append(ii) elif cc == '[': OPEN_Bs.append(ii) elif cc == ',': pass elif cc == ')': fragments.append((OPEN_Ps.pop(), ii)) elif cc == '}': fragments.append((OPEN_Cs.pop(), ii)) elif cc == ']': fragments.append((OPEN_Bs.pop(), ii)) elif cc == ';': pass for ii, f in enum(fragments): fragments[ii] = list(f) + [f[1] - f[0]] frag_for_i = [] for ii in itr(ss): added = False for f in fragments: if f[0] == ii or f[1] == ii: frag_for_i.append(f) added = True break if not added: frag_for_i.append(None) in_str = False opening = False closed = False THRESHOLD = 10 for ii, cc in enum(ss): newline_after = False newline_before = False frag = None if in_str: in_str = cc != '"' else: in_str = cc == '"' if cc in OPENS: opening = True if cc in [',', ';']: newline_after = True frag = (0, 0, 100) if opening and cc not in OPENS: newline_before = True opening = False frag = frag_for_i[ii - 1] if closed and cc not in CLOSES: closed = False if not closed and cc in CLOSES: newline_before = True frag = frag_for_i[ii] closed = True if newline_before and frag[2] >= THRESHOLD: f_s += '\n' f_s += cc if newline_after and frag[2] >= THRESHOLD: f_s += '\n' return f_s
def table(cls, fd, force_wolf=False, debug=False): from mlib.wolf.wolf_lang import wlexpr from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 1 FULL SECOND IMPORT wolf = 'Wolf' in cls.__name__ or force_wolf if wolf: from mlib.wolf.wolf_figs import addHeaderLabels, LinePlotGrid, OneWayOfShowingARaster if cls == MPLFigsBackend: if BLACK_FIGS: cls.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), facecolor='black') else: cls.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) if BLACK_FIGS: = cls.fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='black') else: = cls.fig.add_subplot(111)"off") cls.tabl = None data = backgrounds = None if fd.confuse: low = fd.confuse_min high = fd.confuse_max # scaleBits = [] # for i in range(1, 21): # scaleBits += [[[0, 0, i / 21]]] scaleBits = JET().tolist() show_nums = fd.show_nums from copy import deepcopy backgrounds = deepcopy(data) for rrr in itr(data): for c in itr(data[rrr]): if BLACK_FIGS: backgrounds[rrr][c] = cls.color(0, 0, 0) else: backgrounds[rrr][c] = cls.color(1, 1, 1) # 256? if isnan(data[rrr][c]): if wolf: data[rrr][c] = '' backgrounds[rrr][c] = cls.none() else: data[rrr][c] = [0, 0, 0] # if BLACK_FIGS: backgrounds[rrr][c] = cls.color(0, 0, 0) # else: # backgrounds[rrr][c] = cls.color(255, 255, 255) # 256? elif not isstr(data[rrr][c]): dat = data[rrr][c] if isnan(dat): # wait! this dealt with above b = None elif high != 0: if fd.y_log_scale: b = ((dat**2) / (high**2)) else: # try: b = (dat / high) if cls.debug: # and data == 0: breakpoint() # except: else: if fd.y_log_scale: # b = np.log10(b) b = dat**2 else: b = dat if show_nums: if b is None: data[rrr][c] = 'NaN' else: data[rrr][c] = sigfig(dat, 2) else: # data[rrr][c] = [0, 0, b] # try: if b is None: # NaN breakpoint() data[rrr][c] else: # data[rrr][c] = JET[round(b * 256) - 1].tolist() # causes zeros to show wrong! data[rrr][c] = JET()[round(b * 255)].tolist() # except: if (fd.headers_included and rrr > 0 and c > 0) or not fd.headers_included: backgrounds[rrr][c] = cls.color(0, 0, b) block_len = fd.block_len if block_len is not None and fd.headers_included is False: divs = [[], []] for i in range(len(data)): if i == 1 or i % block_len == 0: divs[0] += [True] divs[1] += [True] else: divs[0] += [False] divs[1] += [False] if not fd.confuse or fd.headers_included: if cls == MPLFigsBackend and not fd.headers_included: # breakpoint() tbl = cellText=data, # rowLabels=rows, # rowColours=colors, # colLabels=columns, fontsize=fd.fontsize, loc='center') tbl.auto_set_font_size(False) tbl.set_fontsize(fd.fontsize) tbl.scale(1, (fd.fontsize + 10) / 10) # tbl.auto_set_column_width([0]) tbl.auto_set_column_width(list(range(len(data[0])))) else: breakpoint() for ri, row in enumerate(data): for ci, el in enumerate(row): if cls == MPLFigsBackend: if cls.tabl is None: cls.tabl =[[1]], loc='center') width = 1 / len(data[0]) height = 1 / len(data) if ri == 0: height = 0.05 if ci == 0: width = 0.1 cell = cls.tabl.add_cell( ri, ci, width, height, loc="center", text=str(el) if el != 'Non' else "", # text="TEST_TEXT", # facecolor='green' **({ 'facecolor': backgrounds[ri][ci] } if backgrounds is not None else {})) cell.get_text().set_fontsize(20) if len(data) > 5: cell.get_text().set_fontsize(10) if BLACK_FIGS: cell.get_text().set_color('white') else: data[ri][ci] = cls.tableItem( el, backgrounds[ri][ci]) if fd.top_header_label is not None or fd.side_header_label is not None: if wolf: data = addHeaderLabels(data, fd.top_header_label, fd.side_header_label).tolist() else: cls.tabl.auto_set_font_size(False) h = cls.tabl.get_celld()[(0, 0)].get_height() w = cls.tabl.get_celld()[(0, 0)].get_width() # Create an additional Header # weird = "Header Header Header Header" weird = fd.top_header_label * 4 weird = fd.top_header_label header = [ cls.tabl.add_cell( -1, pos, w, h, loc="center", # fontsize=40.0 #facecolor="red", ) for pos in range(1, len(data[0]) + 1) ] if len(header) > 2: for idx, head in enum(header): if idx == 0: # head.visible_edges = "TBL" head.visible_edges = "" elif idx == len(header) - 1: # head.visible_edges = "TBR" head.visible_edges = "" else: # head.visible_edges = 'TB' head.visible_edges = "" header[1].get_text().set_text(weird) header[1].set_fontsize(40.0) elif len(header) == 2: header[0].visible_edges = 'TBL' header[1].visible_edges = 'TBR' header[1].get_text().set_text(weird) else: header[0].visible_edges = 'TBLR' header[0].get_text().set_text(weird) # Create an additional Header weird = fd.side_header_label * 4 weird = fd.side_header_label header = [ cls.tabl.add_cell(pos, -1, w, h, loc="center", facecolor="none") for pos in range(0, len(data) + 1) ] if len(header) > 2: for idx, head in enum(header): if idx == 0: head.visible_edges = "LTR" head.visible_edges = "" elif idx == len(header) - 1: head.visible_edges = "LRB" head.visible_edges = "" else: head.visible_edges = 'LR' head.visible_edges = "" header[1].get_text().set_text(weird) header[1].set_fontsize(40.0) # header[1].set_rotation(90.0) elif len(header) == 2: header[0].visible_edges = 'TLR' header[1].visible_edges = 'BLR' header[1].get_text().set_text(weird) header[1].set_fontsize(40.0) # header[1].set_rotation(90.0) else: header[0].visible_edges = 'TBLR' header[0].get_text().set_text(weird) header[0].set_fontsize(40.0) # header[0].set_rotation(90.0) if cls != MPLFigsBackend: insets = [ Inset( Rasterize(Grid( data, Dividers(False), ), RasterSize(), ImageSize(), Background())) ] if fd.confuse and fd.block_len is not None and fd.block_len > 1: if fd.confuse_is_identical: for rrr in itr(data): for c in itr(data[0]): if c > rrr: if BLACK_FIGS: data[rrr][c] = [0, 0, 0] else: data[rrr][c] = [1, 1, 1] # 256? if cls != MPLFigsBackend: scale = Graphics( [ Raster(scaleBits), Inset(Text(round(low), fontSize=30), [0.5, -1]), Inset(Text(round(high), fontSize=30), [0.5, 21]), ], ImagePadding([[75, 75], [20, 20]]), ) else: # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable # 1 FULL SECOND IMPORT divider = make_axes_locatable( cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # cmap = matplotlib.colors.Colormap('name', N=256) # cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( # 'bluemap', li(scaleBits).reshape(20, 3), N=20) from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap # 1 FULL SECOND IMPORT cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'jet', li(scaleBits) # .reshape(20, 3) , N=len(scaleBits) # 20 ) import matplotlib sm =, cmap=cmap) cbar = cls.fig.colorbar( sm, cax=cax, orientation='vertical', ticks=np.linspace( # low, 0, # high, 1, num=4)) base_scale_ticks = np.linspace(low, high, num=4) if fd.y_log_scale: base_scale_ticks = [bst**2 for bst in base_scale_ticks] [sigfig(n, 3) for n in base_scale_ticks]) gl = len(data) nt = len(fd.row_headers) line_values = np.linspace(fd.block_len, fd.block_len * nt, nt) half = fd.block_len / 2 labellocs_labels = ziplist(line_values - half, fd.row_headers) # ticks start from the bottom but I want these to start from the top # labellocs_labels.reverse() if wolf: gridlines = LinePlotGrid(line_values, triangle=fd.confuse_is_identical) else: # gl = line_values[-1] listpoints = [] for i in line_values: i = i - 0.5 if fd.confuse_is_identical: listpoints += [[[i, gl - 0.5], [i, i]]] listpoints += [[[i, i], [-0.5, i]]] else: listpoints += [[[i, -0.5], [i, gl - 0.5]]] listpoints += [[[-0.5, i], [gl - 0.5, i]]] listpoints = arr(listpoints) for sub in listpoints: #[:, 0], sub[:, 1], 'y--') #[:, 0], sub[:, 1], 'y--')[:, 0], sub[:, 1], 'k--') # rasters start from the bottom but I want this to start from the top if wolf: rast = OneWayOfShowingARaster(Raster(reversed(data)), gl) else: x_ticks = [] xt_mpl_t = [] xt_mpl_l = [] y_ticks = [] yt_mpl_t = [] yt_mpl_l = [] for t in labellocs_labels: if wolf: x_ticks += [ Text( t[1], coords=[t[0] / gl, -.02], direction=[1, 0], fontSize=DEFAULT_TICK_SIZE, offset=[0, 0], ) ] xt_mpl_t += [t[0] / gl] xt_mpl_l += [t[1]] for t in labellocs_labels: if wolf: y_ticks += [ Text( t[1], # y ticks need to be reversed coords=[-.01, 1 - (t[0] / gl)], direction=[1, 0], fontSize=DEFAULT_TICK_SIZE, offset=[1, 0], ) ] # y ticks not reversed for mpl? yt_mpl_t += [(t[0] / gl)] yt_mpl_l += [t[1]] if wolf: insets = [ Inset(obj=Rasterize(scale), pos=[1.2, 0], opos=[Center, Bottom]), Inset(obj=Rasterize( rast, ImageResolution(), ), opos=[Left, Bottom]), Inset( obj=Rasterize(gridlines, ImageResolution(), Background(wlexpr('None'))), opos=[Left, Bottom], background=Background( # wl.Red wlexpr('None'))) ] [insets.extend(ticks) for ticks in zip(x_ticks, y_ticks)] insets += [ Inset(Rasterize( Text(fd.title, fontSize=(40 if fd.headers_included else 20) if fd.title_size is None else fd.title_size), Background(wlexpr('None'))), scale=(1, 1), pos=Scaled([0.5, 2]), background=Background(wlexpr('None'))) ] rrr = Graphics(insets) else: title_obj =, fontsize=fd.title_size / 3) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 1 FULL SECOND IMPORT plt.setp(title_obj, color=text_color)['left'].set_color(text_color)['bottom'].set_color(text_color)'x', colors=text_color)'y', colors=text_color) * gl), rotation=90) # * gl) cax.axis(True) cax.spines['left'].set_color(text_color) cax.spines['bottom'].set_color(text_color) cax.spines['top'].set_color(text_color) cax.spines['right'].set_color(text_color) cax.xaxis.label.set_color(text_color) cax.yaxis.label.set_color(text_color) cax.tick_params(axis='x', colors=text_color) cax.tick_params(axis='y', colors=text_color) # cax.set_xticks(li(xt_mpl_t) * gl) # cax.set_xticklabels(xt_mpl_l, rotation=90) # # cax.set_yticks(li(yt_mpl_t) * gl) # cax.set_yticklabels(yt_mpl_l) if not wolf and (fd.confuse and fd.block_len is not None and fd.block_len > 1) == False: title_obj =, fontsize=fd.title_size / 3) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 1 FULL SECOND IMPORT plt.setp(title_obj, color=text_color) if wolf: return rrr
def violin(cls, fd): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 1 FULL SECOND IMPORT maxY = None if fd.maxY is None or fd.maxY == 'inf' or not isreal( fd.maxY) else float(fd.maxY) minY = None if fd.minY is None or fd.minY == 'inf' or not isreal( fd.minY) else float(fd.minY) if maxY != None and minY != None: diff = maxY - minY pad = diff * (fd.y_pad_percent / 100) maxY = maxY + pad minY = minY - pad if cls.fig is None: if BLACK_FIGS: cls.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), facecolor='black') = cls.fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='black') else: cls.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) = cls.fig.add_subplot(111) try:, showmeans=True) except FloatingPointError as e: # weird underflow error if str(e) == 'underflow encountered in exp': progress( 'funny violinplot error occurred again. rebuild locally')[1, 2, 3]) return else: import traceback traceback.print_exc() breakpoint() x = range(1, len(fd.x) + 1) # fd.x, title_obj =, fontsize=fd.title_size) plt.setp(title_obj, color=text_color)['left'].set_color(text_color)['bottom'].set_color(text_color)'x', colors=text_color)'y', colors=text_color) drawn_xs = [] drawn_ys = [] def will_overlap(wbx, wby): for iii in itr(drawn_xs): twbx = drawn_xs[iii] twby = drawn_ys[iii] if ((min(wbx) <= min(twbx)) and (max(wbx) >= min(twbx))) or ((max(wbx) >= max(twbx)) and (min(wbx) <= max(twbx))): # x overlaps if ((min(wby) <= min(twby)) and (max(wby) >= min(twby))) or ((max(wby) >= max(twby)) and (min(wby) <= max(twby))): return True # return True return False from scipy import stats the_y = [np.mean(it) for it in fd.y] for i in itr(fd.y): for ii in itr(fd.y): if i <= ii: continue # breakpoint() dh = .05 # default, barh = .05 # default will_be_y1 = max(the_y[i], the_y[ii]) + dh will_be_y2 = will_be_y1 + barh will_be_x = [i, ii] will_be_y = [will_be_y1, will_be_y2] while will_overlap(will_be_x, will_be_y): dh += .05 will_be_y1 = max(the_y[i], the_y[ii]) + dh will_be_y2 = will_be_y1 + barh will_be_x = [i, ii] will_be_y = [will_be_y1, will_be_y2] drawn_xs.append(will_be_x) drawn_ys.append(will_be_y) cls.barplot_annotate_brackets( i, ii, stats.ttest_ind(fd.y[i], fd.y[ii], alternative='two-sided')[1], x, # list(itr(fd.y)), #fd.x the_y, dh=dh, barh=barh) @classmethod def bar(cls, fd): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 1 FULL SECOND IMPORT maxY = None if fd.maxY is None or fd.maxY == 'inf' or not isreal( fd.maxY) else float(fd.maxY) minY = None if fd.minY is None or fd.minY == 'inf' or not isreal( fd.minY) else float(fd.minY) # maxX = None if fd.maxX is None or fd.maxX == '-inf' or not isreal(fd.maxX) else float(fd.maxX) # minX = None if fd.minX is None or fd.minX == 'inf' or not isreal(fd.minX) else float(fd.minX) if maxY != None and minY != None: diff = maxY - minY pad = diff * (fd.y_pad_percent / 100) maxY = maxY + pad minY = minY - pad if cls.fig is None: if BLACK_FIGS: cls.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), facecolor='black') = cls.fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='black') else: cls.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) = cls.fig.add_subplot(111), fd.y, color=listmap(cls.color, fd.item_colors), yerr=fd.err) title_obj =, fontsize=fd.title_size) plt.setp(title_obj, color=text_color)['left'].set_color(text_color)['bottom'].set_color(text_color)'x', colors=text_color)'y', colors=text_color) @classmethod def none(cls): pass @classmethod def color(cls, *rgb): rgb = arr(rgb) * 128 # if len(rgb.shape) == 3: # if rgb.shape[0] == 1: # rgb = rgb[0] return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(ints(rgb).tolist()) @classmethod @abstractmethod def tableItem(cls, o, background): err('unused')