Ejemplo n.º 1
def centering(): #test
    workdir = os.path.join("tkernel_new", "tkernel_new", "rodrech")
    config = read_config()

    freader = file_reader(config["dt"], workdir)

    testfn = "data.bin"
    trainfn = "train.bin"
    tkernfn = "tkern.bin"
    Kxfn = "Kx.bin"
    train = freader(trainfn, config["dim"])
    nTrain = train.shape[0]

    test = freader(testfn, config["dim"])
    nTest = test.shape[0]

    sigma = config["sigma"]
    tKernEstimed = np.array([[np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(trEl-testEl, trEl-testEl)/sigma**2) for trEl in train] for testEl in test])

    trTotalExt = 7479 # 3834
    Kx = freader(Kxfn, trTotalExt)
    tKernEstimedCent = mlpy.kernel_center(tKernEstimed, Kx.T)

    gpuTKernCent = freader("t_kern_centr.bin", nTrain)

    assert np.allclose(tKernEstimedCent, gpuTKernCent, atol=1e-5)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def estim_kbasis(self, trData):
        self.trData = trData
        Kx = np.mat([[self.kernel_func(np.array(xi), np.array(xj)) for xj in self.trData] for xi in self.trData])
        Kx = np.mat(mlpy.kernel_center(Kx, Kx))
        vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(Kx)

        norm_mat = np.mat(np.diag([1.0/np.sqrt(vals[i]) for i in range(len(vals))]))
        self.vecs = vecs * norm_mat
        print 'mult:', vals[0] * self.vecs[:, 0].T * self.vecs[:, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def draw_data(data, clabs, kernel_func, testData):
    fig = plt.figure(1) # plot

    print data.shape
    ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
    plot1 = plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], c=clabs)
    plot1_5 = plt.scatter(testData[:, 0], testData[:, 1])

    Kx = np.mat([[kernel_func(xi, xj) for xj in data] for xi in data])
    KxCopy = Kx
    Kx = np.mat(mlpy.kernel_center(Kx, Kx))
    print "KxCopy == Kx", np.allclose(KxCopy, Kx)
    vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(Kx)

    print "mult before normalization", vals[0]*vecs[:, 0].T*vecs[:, 0]

    norm_mat = np.mat(np.diag([1.0/np.sqrt(vals[i]) for i in range(len(vals))]))
    vecs = vecs * norm_mat
    print 'mult:', vals[0] * vecs[:, 0].T * vecs[:, 0]

#    gK = mlpy.kernel_gaussian(data, data, sigma=2)
#    gaussian_pca = mlpy.KPCA(mlpy.KernelGaussian(2.0))
#    gaussian_pca.learn(data)

    data_k_trans = np.real(Kx.T * vecs[:, :2])
    data_k_trans = np.array(data_k_trans)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
    plot2 = plt.scatter(data_k_trans[:, 0], data_k_trans[:, 1], c=clabs)

    Kt = np.mat([[kernel_func(xi, xj) for xj in data] for xi in testData])

    Kt = np.mat(mlpy.kernel_center(Kt, KxCopy))
    kTransTestData = np.real(Kt * vecs[:, :2])
    kTransTestData = np.array(kTransTestData)
    plot2_5 = plt.scatter(kTransTestData[:, 0], kTransTestData[:, 1])

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def estim_kbasis(self, trData, labels):
        self.trData = trData
        Y = one_of_c(labels)
        Kx = np.mat([[self.kernel_func(np.array(xi), np.array(xj)) for xj in self.trData] for xi in self.trData])
        Kx = np.mat(mlpy.kernel_center(Kx, Kx))
        matForEig = np.mat(np.vstack([np.hstack([np.zeros(Kx.shape), Kx * Y]), np.hstack([Y.T * Kx, np.zeros((Y.shape[1], Y.shape[1]))])]))
#        plt.imshow(Kx, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
#        plt.show()
        vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(matForEig)
        vals = vals[:Kx.shape[0]]
        #print vals[:20]
        vals = np.real(np.array([vals[i] for i in range(1, len(vals), 2)]))
        vecs = vecs[:Kx.shape[0], :Kx.shape[0]]
        self.vecs = vecs[:, 1]
        for i in range(3, vecs.shape[1], 2):
            self.vecs = np.hstack([self.vecs, vecs[:, i]])
        self.vecs = np.mat(self.vecs)
        norm_mat = np.mat(np.diag([np.sqrt(2)/np.sqrt(vals[i]) for i in range(len(vals))]))
        #plobj1 = pylab.plot(vecs[:, 0])
        self.vecs = self.vecs * norm_mat
        print 'mult:', vals[0] * self.vecs[:, 0].T * self.vecs[:, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def transform(self, data, k=2):
     Kx = np.mat([[self.kernel_func(np.array(xi), np.array(xj)) for xj in self.trData] for xi in self.trData])
     Kt = np.mat([[self.kernel_func(np.array(xi), np.array(xj)) for xj in self.trData] for xi in data])
     Kt = np.mat(mlpy.kernel_center(Kt, Kx))
     kTransTestData = np.real(Kt * self.vecs[:, :k])
     return np.array(kTransTestData)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def estim_kbasis(self, trData, labels, regParam, verbose=True):
        self.trData = trData
        subSetInds = []
        while len(set(subSetInds)) < regParam: subSetInds.append(int(random.uniform(0, len(trData))))
        subSetInds = sorted(list(set(subSetInds)))
        if verbose:
            print "The sub set of indecies for reqularization has been selected"

        self.trDataSubset = np.array([trData[i] for i in subSetInds])
        Y = one_of_c(labels)
        Kx = np.mat([[self.kernel_func(np.array(xi), np.array(xj)) for xj in self.trData] for xi in self.trDataSubset])
        self.Kx = Kx
        if verbose:
            print "Requralized kernel matrix has been estimated!"
            print "The shape of KxReg is", self.Kx.shape
        Kx = np.mat(mlpy.kernel_center(Kx, Kx))

        Ky = Y * Y.T
        Ky = np.mat(mlpy.kernel_center(Ky, Ky))
        meval = min(np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(Kx * Kx.T)))
        KxKxT = Kx * Kx.T - 1e4 * meval * np.identity(Kx.shape[0])
        if verbose:
            print "Valitidy Check 1: KxKxT is simmetric:", \
                  np.allclose(KxKxT, (KxKxT).T)
        def is_pos_def(x):
            return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(x) > 0)
        if verbose:
            print "Validity Check 2: KxKxT is positive definite:", \

#        plt.imshow(Kx, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
#        plt.show()
        vals, vecs = eigh(Kx*Ky*Kx.T, KxKxT)

        vals = np.array([np.real(v) for v in vals])
        print vals        
#        plt.plot(vals)
#        plt.show()
#        vecs = vecs.T
#        lambdas, alphas = zip(*sorted(zip(vals, vecs), reverse=True))
#        lambdas = np.array([l for l in lambdas])
#        alphas = np.mat([col for col in alphas])

#        args = vals.argsort(axis = 0)
#        alphas = np.mat(vecs[list(reversed(args))])
#        alphas = alphas.T
#        lambdas = sorted(vals, reverse=True)
        lambdas = vals
        alphas = np.mat(vecs)
        print type(lambdas), type(alphas)
#        plt.plot(lambdas)

#        normTerm = (alpha.T * Kx) * (Kx * alpha)
#        alpha = np.mat(vecs[:, 3]).T
#        print 'mult before norm:', 1.0 / ((alpha.T * Kx) * (Kx * alpha))

        norm_mat = np.mat(np.diag([1.0/np.sqrt(((alphas[:, i].T * Kx) * (Kx.T * alphas[:, i]))[0,0]) for i in range(len(lambdas))]))
        alphas = alphas * norm_mat
        alpha = np.mat(alphas[:, 44])
#        alpha = alpha / np.sqrt(normTerm)
        print 'mult after norm:', (alpha.T * Kx) * (Kx.T * alpha)
        self.vecs = alphas
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def transform(self, data):
     tKernEstimed = np.array([[np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(trEl-el, trEl-el)/self.sigma**2) for trEl in self.train] for el in data])
     tKernEstimed = mlpy.kernel_center(tKernEstimed, self.Kx.T)
     return np.dot(tKernEstimed, self.eigvecs)