def computeLogZ(self):
   Provides Zs, logZ
   if 'logZ' in self.__dict__:
   L = self.traj.L
   self.logZs = [dot(self.traj.features_np[0], self.theta)]
   assert not np.isnan(self.logZs[0]).any(), \
     (self.traj.features_np[0], self.theta)
   for l in range(1, L):
     N_l = self.traj.num_choices[l]
     l_vec = MINUS_INF * np.ones((N_l))
     conns_back = self.traj.connections_backward[l]
     w = dot(self.traj.features_np[l], self.theta)
     assert not np.isnan(w).any()
     for i in range(N_l):
       if i in conns_back:
         l_vec[i] = w[i] + lse([self.logZs[l-1][j] for j in conns_back[i]])
         assert not np.isnan(l_vec[i]).any()
     assert not np.isnan(l_vec).any()
   assert(len(self.logZs) == L)
   self.logZ = lse(self.logZs[L-1])
   assert not np.isnan(self.logZ).any()
   # Make sure we do not overflow.
   if self.logZ < 100 and self.logZ > -100:
     self.Z = exp(self.logZ)
  def computeValue(self):
      Calls LogZ.
      Provides logValue
    if 'logValue' in self.__dict__:
    L = self.traj.L
    self.logValues = [dot(self.traj.features_np[0], 
                          self.theta) - dot(self.sstats[0], self.theta)]
    assert not np.isnan(self.logValues[0]).any(), \
      (self.traj.features_np[0], self.theta)
    assert lse(self.logValues[0]) >= 0
    for l in range(1, L):
      N_l = self.traj.num_choices[l]
      l_vec = MINUS_INF * np.ones((N_l))
      conns_back = self.traj.connections_backward[l]
      w = dot(self.traj.features_np[l],
              self.theta) - dot(self.sstats[l], self.theta)
      assert not np.isnan(w).any()
      for i in range(N_l):
        if i in conns_back:
          l_vec[i] = w[i] + lse([self.logValues[l-1][j] \
                                 for j in conns_back[i]])
          assert not np.isnan(l_vec[i]).any()
#      assert(lse(l_vec) >= -1e-2)
      assert not np.isnan(l_vec).any()
    assert(len(self.logValues) == L)
    self.logValue = -lse(self.logValues[L-1])
    assert not np.isnan(self.logZ).any()
 def computeLogZ(self):
   """ Reference computation of Z and logZ, in the log domain. 
   Very inefficient.
     - logZ
   Debug info:
     - Z
   if 'logZ' in self.__dict__:
   L = self.traj.L
   # Weighting statistics.
   self.Z = 0
   self.logZ = MINUS_INF
   # List of the log weights of all the possible trajectories.
   intermediate_log_vals = []
   def inner(indices):
     """ Inner working function. """
     L_ = len(indices)
     if L_ == L:
       v1 = np.zeros_like(self.theta)
       for l in range(L):
         v1 += self.traj.features_np[l][indices[l]]
       intermediate_log_vals.append(dot(v1, self.theta))
       i = indices[-1]
       for j in self.traj.connections_forward[L_-1][i]:
         inner(indices + [j])
   for i in range(self.traj.num_choices[0]):
   self.logZ = lse(intermediate_log_vals)
   # Make sure we do not overflow.
   if self.logZ < 100 and self.logZ > -100:
     self.Z = exp(self.logZ)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def computeProbs(self):
     """ Compute probabilities.
     if 'probabilities' in self.__dict__:
     inf = float('inf')
     # Compute the weights
     self.log_ws = []
     for l in range(self.traj.L):
         self.log_ws.append(dot(self.traj.features_np[l], self.theta))
     # Forward pass
     # Init:
     self.log_forward = [np.zeros(N_l) for N_l in self.traj.num_choices]
     self.log_forward[0] = self.log_ws[0] - lse(self.log_ws[0])
     for l in range(1, self.traj.L):
         N_l = self.traj.num_choices[l]
         qs = -inf * np.ones(N_l)
         for i in range(N_l):
             if i in self.traj.connections_backward[l]:
                 log_s = lse([self.log_forward[l-1][j] \
                              for j in self.traj.connections_backward[l][i]])
                 qs[i] = self.log_ws[l][i] + log_s
         self.log_forward[l] = qs - lse(qs)
     # Backward pass
     self.log_backward = [np.zeros(N_l, dtype=np.float64) \
                      for N_l in self.traj.num_choices]
     # Backward pass
     # A bit more complicated because we need to do it again for every chunk.
     for l in range(self.traj.L):
         self.log_backward[l] = self.computeLogBackward(l, min(l+self.k, \
     # Product:
     self.probabilities = []
     self.log_probabilities = []
     for l in range(self.traj.L):
         log_ps = self.log_forward[l] + self.log_backward[l]
         log_ps -= max(log_ps)
         # Aggressively clamp the values that are too low to prevent an underflow
         log_ps[log_ps < -200] = -200
         self.log_probabilities.append(log_ps - lse(log_ps))
         ps = exp(log_ps)
         assert sum(ps) > 0, (l, log_ps, self.log_forward[l],
         ps /= sum(ps)
 def computeProbs(self):
   """ Compute probabilities.
   if 'probabilities' in self.__dict__:
   inf = float('inf')
   # Compute the weights
   self.log_ws = []
   for l in range(self.traj.L):
     self.log_ws.append(dot(self.traj.features_np[l], self.theta))
   # Forward pass
   # Init:
   self.log_forward = [np.zeros(N_l) for N_l in self.traj.num_choices]
   self.log_forward[0] = self.log_ws[0] - lse(self.log_ws[0])
   for l in range(1, self.traj.L):
     N_l = self.traj.num_choices[l]
     qs = -inf * np.ones(N_l)
     for i in range(N_l):
       if i in self.traj.connections_backward[l]:
         log_s = lse([self.log_forward[l-1][j] \
                      for j in self.traj.connections_backward[l][i]])
         qs[i] = self.log_ws[l][i] + log_s
     self.log_forward[l] = qs - lse(qs)
   # Backward pass
   self.log_backward = [np.zeros(N_l, dtype=np.float64) \
                    for N_l in self.traj.num_choices]
   # Backward pass
   # A bit more complicated because we need to do it again for every chunk.
   for l in range(self.traj.L):
     self.log_backward[l] = self.computeLogBackward(l, min(l+self.k, \
   # Product:
   self.probabilities = []
   self.log_probabilities = []
   for l in range(self.traj.L):
     log_ps = self.log_forward[l] + self.log_backward[l]
     log_ps -= max(log_ps)
     # Aggressively clamp the values that are too low to prevent an underflow
     log_ps[log_ps < -200] = -200
     self.log_probabilities.append(log_ps - lse(log_ps))
     ps = exp(log_ps)
     assert sum(ps) > 0, (l, log_ps, self.log_forward[l], self.log_backward[l])
     ps /= sum(ps)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def computeLogBackward(self, t, t_start):
     """ Computes backward recursion for index t, \
 starting at index t_start >= t.
 Does not modify the function. Returns the vector of backward values.
     assert t_start >= t
     assert self.traj.L > t_start
     inf = float('inf')
     # Intermediate vectors
     vs = []
     # Initizaliation
     N_t_start = self.traj.num_choices[t_start]
     vs.append(np.zeros(N_t_start, dtype=np.float64))
     for l in range(t, t_start)[::-1]:
         N_l = self.traj.num_choices[l]
         qs = -inf * np.ones(N_l)
         for i in range(N_l):
             if i in self.traj.connections_forward[l]:
                 log_s = lse([vs[-1][j] \
                          for j in self.traj.connections_forward[l][i]])
                 qs[i] = self.log_ws[l][i] + log_s
         vs.append(qs - lse(qs))
     return vs[-1]
 def computeLogBackward(self, t, t_start):
   """ Computes backward recursion for index t, \
   starting at index t_start >= t.
   Does not modify the function. Returns the vector of backward values.
   assert t_start >= t
   assert self.traj.L > t_start
   inf = float('inf')
   # Intermediate vectors
   vs = []
   # Initizaliation
   N_t_start = self.traj.num_choices[t_start]
   vs.append(np.zeros(N_t_start, dtype=np.float64))
   for l in range(t, t_start)[::-1]:
     N_l = self.traj.num_choices[l]
     qs = -inf * np.ones(N_l)
     for i in range(N_l):
       if i in self.traj.connections_forward[l]:
         log_s = lse([vs[-1][j] \
                  for j in self.traj.connections_forward[l][i]])
         qs[i] = self.log_ws[l][i] + log_s
     vs.append(qs - lse(qs))
   return vs[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_1():
    """ test_1 """
    v = [1, 2, 0.0]
    lv = [log_safe(x) for x in v]
    assert abs(log(3) - lse(lv)) < 1e-6, (v, lv)
def test_1():
  """ test_1 """
  v = [1, 2, 0.0]
  lv = [log_safe(x) for x in v]
  assert abs(log(3) - lse(lv)) < 1e-6, (v, lv)