Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self):
		self.model = MasterModel()
		self.view = MasterView()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class MasterMind:
	def __init__(self):
		self.model = MasterModel()
		self.view = MasterView()

	def start_game(self):
		"""This starts the game. Pings show-start, show_rules from mm_view and introduces rules to player."""


	def color_picker(self):
		"""Randomly selects four colors color list"""

		num_to_select = 4
		peg_color_list = [] #creates the list to store the peg object

		#write a for loop to set a loop to select 4 colors from SOLUTION in mm_model
		for i in range(num_to_select): #use i just to run the loop, variable is not used elsewhere 
			# print(i)
			color = random.choice(MasterModel.COLORS)
			# print(color)
			#associate color with peg objects
			peg = ColorPeg(color)

			#append the peg_color list to make a list of peg objects 
			# print (peg_color_list)
		#create object for solution so it can be stored in model.py
		solution = Guess(peg_color_list)

		#put solution into the self.guesses dictionary in the model
		self.model.guesses["solution"] = solution

		#Testing Stuff:
		# for peg in peg_color_list:
		# 	print(peg.peg_color)

		# print(self.model.guesses["solution"])

	def guess(self):
		""" is the logic that gets user to create a guess, then assigns that guess to peg objects,
		so that guess can be evaluated against color_picker (def eval guess) and called again as part of def big display."""
		peg_guess_color_list = []
		guess_input = self.view.input_guess()

		# Convert guess_input into a list- each color being a string
		guess_color_list = re.split(",", guess_input)

		for each_color in guess_color_list:

			#associate each string with a peg object
			peg_guess = ColorPeg(each_color)
			# Append the peg_guess color list to make a list of peg guess objects

			# Plug our peg objects into our guess object
			user_guess = Guess(peg_guess_color_list)

			# Store guess object in our MasterModel
			self.model.guesses[self.model.status] = user_guess

			# Make a variable that

		# ### TESTS ###
		# print ("This is each color: ", each_color)
		# print ("print guess input again: ", guess_input)
		# print("prints each peg color for guess: ", peg_guess)
		# print("Prints the list of color guesses: ", peg_guess_color_list)
		# for peg_guess in peg_guess_color_list:
		# 	print("Prints the list of guess pegs: ", peg_guess.peg_color)

		# print("Prints out the first list of guesses. Key = Guess 1", self.model.guesses["Guess 1"])

	def win_check(self):
		"""evaluates input received from player against color_picker to determine win / true vs no win / false."""
		# Create a temp var to capture the number of correct matches
		right = 0
		# retrieve peg_guess_color_list for current round
		guess = self.model.guesses[self.model.status]
		# retreive solution list
		solution = self.model.guesses["solution"]
		# compare values in each index for both lists against eachother
		for i in range(len(solution.pegs)):
			if solution.pegs[i].peg_color == guess.pegs[i].peg_color:
				right += 1

				print("Yay, it works!")

		# If all indexes of the peg_colors in the solution and guess are True:
		if right == 4:
			return True

			return False


	def check_status(self):
		"""checks status or round for player, if round is => 10, prompt loose, if round is <= 9, prompt eval_status"""

		# compare against current status,  if status is <= 9, prompt eval guess
		if self.model.status <= 9:
			print ("You get to guess again, lucky you. \n...but your days are numbered\n....heh\n......heh\n........heh")
			return True

		# compare against current status, if status is >= 10 prompt loose
		if self.model.status >= 10:
			print ("You loose")
			return False

	def eval_guess(self, Guess):
		"""response to user guess if check status is less than or equal to 9, produces 'big-display' to update
		player on their status, pins and pegs, etc. """

		# pulls comparison from win check and assigns peg responses 

		# returns a list to be in hint_response

		# displays as part of big display in view.

		"""Borrow the logic from win_check to implement eval_guess. Use variables right and wrong to 
		evaluate. Right = Black peg. Wrong = no peg. 

		White will be generated from a third loop to compare the entire list"""

	def round_advance(self):
		"""advances round counter by one"""

		# takes current round and advances it by one.
		if self.model.status <= 9:
			self.model.status += 1	


	def exit(self, show_exit):
		"An exit function that will be avialable to players throughout all parts of the game."