Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_conncection_for_both_conditions(d, layers_rods, indices, mask,
                                           windows_num, norm_fac, T, radius):
    N = len(indices)
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[PARENT_OBJ]
    print('Create connections for both conditions')
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name, (i, j)) in enumerate(
            zip(indices, d.con_names[mask], d.con_indices[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        if d.con_colors.ndim == 3:
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, 0, :], [0.]))
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, :], [0.]))
        p1, p2 = d.locations[i, :] * 0.1, d.locations[j, :] * 0.1
        mu.cylinder_between(p1, p2, radius, layers_rods)
        # mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), (0, 0, 1, 1), 1)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), con_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = conn_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
        # cur_obj.animation_data_clear()
        if windows_num == 1:
        for cond_id, cond in enumerate(d.conditions):
            # insert_frame_keyframes(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond), d.con_values[ind, -1, cond_id], T)
            for t in range(windows_num):
                extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac == 1 else 2
                timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
                    cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond),
                    d.con_values[ind, t, cond_id], timepoint)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_conncection_for_both_conditions(d, layers_rods, indices, mask, windows_num, norm_fac, T, radius):
    N = len(indices)
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[PARENT_OBJ]
    print('Create connections for both conditions')
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name, (i, j)) in enumerate(zip(indices, d.con_names[mask], d.con_indices[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        if d.con_colors.ndim == 3:
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, 0, :], [0.]))
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, :], [0.]))
        p1, p2 = d.locations[i, :] * 0.1, d.locations[j, :] * 0.1
        mu.cylinder_between(p1, p2, radius, layers_rods)
        # mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), (0, 0, 1, 1), 1)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), con_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = conn_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
        # cur_obj.animation_data_clear()
        if windows_num == 1:
        for cond_id, cond in enumerate(d.conditions):
            # insert_frame_keyframes(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond), d.con_values[ind, -1, cond_id], T)
            for t in range(windows_num):
                extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac ==1 else 2
                timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
                mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond),
                                                  d.con_values[ind, t, cond_id], timepoint)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plot_connections(self,
    windows_num = d.con_values.shape[1]
    # xs, ys = get_fcurve_values('RPT3-RAT5')
    # cond_id = [i for i, cond in enumerate(d.conditions) if cond == condition][0]
    t = int(plot_time / ConnectionsPanel.addon.get_max_time_steps() *
            windows_num) if windows_num > 1 else 0
    print('plotting connections for t:{}'.format(t))
    if t >= d.con_colors.shape[1] and windows_num > 1:
        mu.message(self, 'time out of bounds! {}'.format(plot_time))
        # for conn_name, conn_colors in colors.items():
        # vals = []
        selected_objects, selected_indices = get_all_selected_connections(d)
        for ind, con_name in zip(selected_indices, selected_objects):
            # print(con_name, d.con_values[ind, t, 0], d.con_values[ind, t, 1], np.diff(d.con_values[ind, t, :]))
            cur_obj = bpy.data.objects.get(con_name)
            color = d.con_colors[
                ind, t, :] if d.con_colors.ndim == 3 else d.con_colors[ind, :]
            con_color = np.hstack((color, [0.]))
            bpy.context.scene.objects.active = cur_obj
            mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(con_name), con_color, 1, False)
            # vals.append(np.diff(d.con_values[ind, t])[0])
        bpy.data.objects[PARENT_OBJ].select = True
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_conncection_per_condition(d, layers_rods, indices, mask, windows_num, norm_fac, T, radius):
    N = len(indices)
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[get_connections_parent_name()]
    print('Create connections for both conditions')
    con_color = (1, 1, 1, 1)
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name, (i, j)) in enumerate(zip(indices, d.con_names[mask], d.con_indices[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        p1, p2 = d.locations[i, :] * 0.1, d.locations[j, :] * 0.1
        mu.cylinder_between(p1, p2, radius, layers_rods)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), con_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = conn_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
        # cur_obj.animation_data_clear()
        if windows_num == 1:
        for cond_id, cond in enumerate(d.conditions):
            # insert_frame_keyframes(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond), d.con_values[ind, -1, cond_id], T)
            for t in range(windows_num):
                extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac == 1 else 2
                timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
                mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond),
                                                  d.con_values[ind, t, cond_id], timepoint)
            fcurve = cur_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[cond_id]
            fcurve.keyframe_points[0].co[1] = 0
            fcurve.keyframe_points[-1].co[1] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def plot_connections(d, plot_time, threshold=None):
    windows_num = d.con_values.shape[1] if d.con_values.ndim >= 2 else 1
    t = int(plot_time / ConnectionsPanel.T * windows_num) if windows_num > 1 else 0
    print('plotting connections for t:{}'.format(t))
    if 1 < windows_num <= t:
        print('time out of bounds! {}'.format(plot_time))
        # selected_objects, selected_indices = get_all_selected_connections(d)
        selected_objects = ConnectionsPanel.selected_objects
        selected_indices = ConnectionsPanel.selected_indices
        if len(selected_objects) == 0:
            selected_objects, selected_indices = get_all_selected_connections(d)
        if _addon().colorbar_values_are_locked():
            data_min = _addon().get_colorbar_min()
            data_max = _addon().get_colorbar_max()
            # Should set the percentile in GUI
            data_min, data_max = ConnectionsPanel.data_minmax
            _addon().set_colorbar_max_min(data_max, data_min)
        colors_ratio = 256 / (data_max - data_min)
        stat_vals = [calc_stat_data(d.con_values[ind, t], STAT_DIFF) if d.con_values.ndim >= 2 else d.con_values[ind]
                     for ind in selected_indices]
        colors = _addon().calc_colors(np.array(stat_vals).squeeze(), data_min, colors_ratio)
        colors = np.concatenate((colors, np.zeros((len(colors), 1))), 1)
        if threshold is None:
            threshold = bpy.context.scene.coloring_threshold
        for ind, con_name in enumerate(selected_objects):
            cur_obj = bpy.data.objects.get(con_name)
            if bpy.context.scene.hide_connection_under_threshold:
                if abs(stat_vals[ind]) < threshold:
                    cur_obj.hide = True
                    cur_obj.hide_render = True
            bpy.context.scene.objects.active = cur_obj
            mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(con_name), colors[ind], 1, False)
        if bpy.context.scene.hide_connection_under_threshold:
        parent_obj_name = get_connections_parent_name()
        bpy.data.objects[parent_obj_name].select = True
        connectivity_method = d['connectivity_method'] if 'connectivity_method' in d else 'connectivity'
        # if 'corr' in connectivity_method:
        #     _addon().set_colorbar_max_min(1, -1)
        # else:
        # data_max, data_min = np.max(d.con_values[selected_indices]), np.min(d.con_values[selected_indices])
        modality_names = dict(electrodes='Electrodes', meg='MEG', fmri='fMRI')
        colorbar_title = 'Electrodes {}'.format(connectivity_method) \
            if 'electrodes' in bpy.context.scene.connectivity_files else \
                '{} {}'.format(bpy.context.scene.connectivity_files, connectivity_method) # Cortical labels
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_vertices(d, mask, verts_color='pink'):
    layers = [False] * 20
    layers[_addon().CONNECTIONS_LAYER] = True
    vert_color = np.hstack((cu.name_to_rgb(verts_color), [0.]))
    parent_name = 'connections_vertices'
    parent_obj = mu.create_empty_if_doesnt_exists(parent_name, _addon().BRAIN_EMPTY_LAYER, None, get_connections_parent_name())
    for vertice in ConnectionsPanel.vertices:
    # for ind in range(len(d.names[mask])):
    # for indice in indices:
        p1 = d.locations[vertice, :] * 0.1
        vert_name = '{}_vertice'.format(d.labels[vertice])
        mu.create_ico_sphere(p1, layers, vert_name)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(vert_name), vert_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = vert_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_lead(p1, p2, lead_name, radius=0.03):
    if bpy.data.objects.get(lead_name) is not None:
        return bpy.data.objects.get(lead_name)
    layers = [False] * 20
    lead_layer = _addon().ELECTRODES_LAYER
    layers[lead_layer] = True
    parent_name = 'leads'
    mu.create_empty_if_doesnt_exists(parent_name, _addon().BRAIN_EMPTY_LAYER, None, parent_name)

    mu.cylinder_between(p1, p2, radius, layers)
    color = tuple(np.concatenate((bpy.context.scene.electrodes_leads_color, [1])))
    mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(lead_name), color, 1)
    cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
    cur_obj.name = lead_name
    cur_obj.parent = bpy.data.objects[parent_name]
    bpy.data.objects[lead_name].select = False
    return bpy.data.objects[lead_name]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_vertices(d, mask, verts_color='pink'):
    indices = set()
    layers = [False] * 20
    layers[_addon().CONNECTIONS_LAYER] = True
    vert_color = np.hstack((cu.name_to_rgb(verts_color), [0.]))
    parent_name = 'connections_vertices'
    parent_obj = mu.create_empty_if_doesnt_exists(parent_name, _addon().BRAIN_EMPTY_LAYER, None, PARENT_OBJ)
    for (i, j) in d.con_indices[mask]:
    for indice in indices:
        p1 = d.locations[indice, :] * 0.1
        vert_name = 'connection_{}'.format(indice)
        mu.create_ico_sphere(p1, layers, vert_name)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(vert_name), vert_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = vert_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
Ejemplo n.º 9
def plot_connections(self, context, d, plot_time, connections_type, condition, threshold, abs_threshold=True):
    windows_num = d.con_values.shape[1]
    # xs, ys = get_fcurve_values('RPT3-RAT5')
    # cond_id = [i for i, cond in enumerate(d.conditions) if cond == condition][0]
    t = int(plot_time / ConnectionsPanel.addon.get_max_time_steps() * windows_num) if windows_num > 1 else 0
    print('plotting connections for t:{}'.format(t))
    if t >= d.con_colors.shape[1] and windows_num > 1:
        mu.message(self, 'time out of bounds! {}'.format(plot_time))
        # for conn_name, conn_colors in colors.items():
        # vals = []
        selected_objects, selected_indices = get_all_selected_connections(d)
        for ind, con_name in zip(selected_indices, selected_objects):
            # print(con_name, d.con_values[ind, t, 0], d.con_values[ind, t, 1], np.diff(d.con_values[ind, t, :]))
            cur_obj = bpy.data.objects.get(con_name)
            color = d.con_colors[ind, t, :] if d.con_colors.ndim == 3 else d.con_colors[ind, :]
            con_color = np.hstack((color, [0.]))
            bpy.context.scene.objects.active = cur_obj
            mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(con_name), con_color, 1, False)
            # vals.append(np.diff(d.con_values[ind, t])[0])
        bpy.data.objects[PARENT_OBJ].select = True