Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_circular_classifiers():
    from mne.decoding import GeneralizationAcrossTime
    from ..scorers import scorer_angle
    from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge, RidgeCV
    epochs, angles = make_circular_data()
    clf_list = [PolarRegression, AngularRegression, SVR_polar,
                SVR_angle]  # XXX will be deprecated
    for clf_init in clf_list:
        for independent in [False, True]:
            if clf_init in [SVR_polar, SVR_angle]:
                if (not independent):
                clf = clf_init(clf=Ridge(random_state=0))
                clf = clf_init(clf=Ridge(random_state=0),
            print clf_init, independent
            gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=clf, scorer=scorer_angle)
            gat.fit(epochs, y=angles)
            assert_true(np.abs(gat.scores_[0][0]) < .5)  # chance level
            assert_true(gat.scores_[1][1] > 1.)  # decode
            assert_true(gat.scores_[2][2] > 1.)  # decode
            assert_true(gat.scores_[1][2] < -1.)  # anti-generalize
    # Test args
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=RidgeCV(alphas=[1., 2.]),
    gat.fit(epochs, y=angles)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=RidgeCV(), scorer=scorer_angle)
    gat.fit(epochs, y=angles)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_circular_classifiers():
    from mne.decoding import GeneralizationAcrossTime
    from ..scorers import scorer_angle
    from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge, RidgeCV
    epochs, angles = make_circular_data()
    clf_list = [PolarRegression, AngularRegression,
                SVR_polar, SVR_angle]  # XXX will be deprecated
    for clf_init in clf_list:
        for independent in [False, True]:
            if clf_init in [SVR_polar, SVR_angle]:
                if (not independent):
                clf = clf_init(clf=Ridge(random_state=0))
                clf = clf_init(clf=Ridge(random_state=0),
            print clf_init, independent
            gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=clf, scorer=scorer_angle)
            gat.fit(epochs, y=angles)
            assert_true(np.abs(gat.scores_[0][0]) < .5)  # chance level
            assert_true(gat.scores_[1][1] > 1.)  # decode
            assert_true(gat.scores_[2][2] > 1.)  # decode
            assert_true(gat.scores_[1][2] < -1.)  # anti-generalize
    # Test args
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=RidgeCV(alphas=[1., 2.]),
    gat.fit(epochs, y=angles)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=RidgeCV(), scorer=scorer_angle)
    gat.fit(epochs, y=angles)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_generalization_across_time():
    """Test time generalization decoding
    from sklearn.svm import SVC
    from sklearn.base import is_classifier
    # KernelRidge is used for testing 1) regression analyses 2) n-dimensional
    # predictions.
    from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, mean_squared_error

    epochs = make_epochs()
    y_4classes = np.hstack((epochs.events[:7, 2], epochs.events[7:, 2] + 1))
    if check_version('sklearn', '0.18'):
        from sklearn.model_selection import (KFold, StratifiedKFold,
                                             ShuffleSplit, LeaveOneLabelOut)
        cv_shuffle = ShuffleSplit()
        cv = LeaveOneLabelOut()
        # XXX we cannot pass any other parameters than X and y to cv.split
        # so we have to build it before hand
        cv_lolo = [(train, test) for train, test in cv.split(
                   X=y_4classes, y=y_4classes, labels=y_4classes)]

        # With sklearn >= 0.17, `clf` can be identified as a regressor, and
        # the scoring metrics can therefore be automatically assigned.
        scorer_regress = None
        from sklearn.cross_validation import (KFold, StratifiedKFold,
                                              ShuffleSplit, LeaveOneLabelOut)
        cv_shuffle = ShuffleSplit(len(epochs))
        cv_lolo = LeaveOneLabelOut(y_4classes)

        # With sklearn < 0.17, `clf` cannot be identified as a regressor, and
        # therefore the scoring metrics cannot be automatically assigned.
        scorer_regress = mean_squared_error
    # Test default running
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(picks='foo')
    assert_equal("<GAT | no fit, no prediction, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.fit, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        # check classic fit + check manual picks
        gat.picks = [0]
        # check optional y as array
        gat.picks = None
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
        # check optional y as list
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal(len(gat.picks_), len(gat.ch_names), 1)
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), no "
                 "prediction, no score>", '%s' % gat)
    assert_equal(gat.ch_names, epochs.ch_names)
    # test different predict function:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_method='decision_function')
    # With classifier, the default cv is StratifiedKFold
    assert_true(gat.cv_.__class__ == StratifiedKFold)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 15, 14, 1))
    gat.predict_method = 'predict_proba'
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 15, 14, 2))
    gat.predict_method = 'foo'
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_method = 'predict'
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 15, 14, 1))
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predicted 14 epochs, no score>",
                 "%s" % gat)
    assert_true(gat.scorer_.__name__ == 'accuracy_score')
    # check clf / predict_method combinations for which the scoring metrics
    # cannot be inferred.
    gat.scorer = None
    gat.predict_method = 'decision_function'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs)
    # Check specifying y manually
    gat.predict_method = 'predict'
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predicted 14 epochs,\n scored "
                 "(accuracy_score)>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])

    old_mode = gat.predict_mode
    gat.predict_mode = 'super-foo-mode'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_mode = old_mode

    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    assert_true("accuracy_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)
    epochs2 = epochs.copy()

    # check _DecodingTime class
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.050 (s), length: 0.050 (s), n_time_windows: 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.train_times_)
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.050 (s), length: 0.050 (s), n_time_windows: 15 x 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.test_times_)

    # the y-check
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    epochs2.events[:, 2] += 10
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    with use_log_level('error'):
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.score, epochs2)
    gat.predict_mode = 'cross-validation'

    # Test basics
    # --- number of trials
    assert_true(gat.y_train_.shape[0] ==
                gat.y_true_.shape[0] ==
                len(gat.y_pred_[0][0]) == 14)
    # ---  number of folds
    assert_true(np.shape(gat.estimators_)[1] == gat.cv)
    # ---  length training size
    assert_true(len(gat.train_times_['slices']) == 15 ==
    # ---  length testing sizes
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices']) == 15 ==
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0]) == 15 ==

    # Test score_mode
    gat.score_mode = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs)
    gat.score_mode = 'fold-wise'
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(scores), [15, 15, 5])
    gat.score_mode = 'mean-sample-wise'
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(scores), [15, 15])
    gat.score_mode = 'mean-fold-wise'
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(scores), [15, 15])
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        assert_true(any("score_mode changed from " in str(ww.message)
                        for ww in w))

    # Test longer time window
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'length': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat2 = gat.fit(epochs)
    assert_true(gat is gat2)  # return self
    assert_true(hasattr(gat2, 'cv_'))
    assert_true(gat2.cv_ != gat.cv)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
        scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_true(isinstance(scores, np.ndarray))  # type check
    assert_equal(len(scores[0]), len(scores))  # shape check
    assert_equal(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0][0]), 2)
    # Decim training steps
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'step': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_true(len(gat.scores_) == len(gat.estimators_) == 8)  # training time
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_[0]), 15)  # testing time

    # Test start stop training & test cv without n_fold params
    y_4classes = np.hstack((epochs.events[:7, 2], epochs.events[7:, 2] + 1))
    train_times = dict(start=0.090, stop=0.250)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=cv_lolo, train_times=train_times)
    # predict without fit
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.predict, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_4classes)
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 4)
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][0], epochs.times[6])
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][-1], epochs.times[9])

    # Test score without passing epochs & Test diagonal decoding
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(test_times='diagonal')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    scores = gat.score()
    assert_true(scores is gat.scores_)
    assert_equal(np.shape(gat.scores_), (15, 1))
    assert_array_equal([tim for ttime in gat.test_times_['times']
                        for tim in ttime], gat.train_times_['times'])
    # Test generalization across conditions
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_mode='mean-prediction', cv=2)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        # There are some empty test folds because of n_trials

    # Test training time parameters
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    # --- start stop outside time range
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=-999.)
    with use_log_level('error'):
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat_.train_times = dict(step=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)

    # Test testing time parameters
    # --- outside time range
    gat.test_times = dict(start=-999.)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no epochs in fold
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.test_times = dict(start=999.)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.000001)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    gat_.train_times_['length'] = .000001
    gat_.test_times = dict(length=.000001)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.predict, epochs)
    # --- test time region of interest
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.150)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 5, 14, 1))
    # --- silly value
    gat.test_times = 'foo'
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    # --- unmatched length between training and testing time
    gat.test_times = dict(length=.150)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    # --- irregular length training and testing times
    # 2 estimators, the first one is trained on two successive time samples
    # whereas the second one is trained on a single time sample.
    train_times = dict(slices=[[0, 1], [1]])
    # The first estimator is tested once, the second estimator is tested on
    # two successive time samples.
    test_times = dict(slices=[[[0, 1]], [[0], [1]]])
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times=train_times,
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_[0]), [1, len(epochs), 1])
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_[1]), [2, len(epochs), 1])
    # check cannot Automatically infer testing times for adhoc training times
    gat.test_times = None
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)

    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # sklearn needs it: c.f.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2723
    # and http://bit.ly/1u7t8UT
    with use_log_level('error'):
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.min(scores) <= 1.0)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.max(scores) <= 1.0)

    # Test that gets error if train on one dataset, test on another, and don't
    # specify appropriate cv:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=cv_shuffle)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs[:10])

    # Make CV with some empty train and test folds:
    # --- empty test fold(s) should warn when gat.predict()
    gat._cv_splits[0] = [gat._cv_splits[0][0], np.empty(0)]
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        assert_true(len(w) > 0)
        assert_true(any('do not have any test epochs' in str(ww.message)
                        for ww in w))
    # --- empty train fold(s) should raise when gat.fit()
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=[([0], [1]), ([], [0])])
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.fit, epochs[:2])

    # Check that still works with classifier that output y_pred with
    # shape = (n_trials, 1) instead of (n_trials,)
    if check_version('sklearn', '0.17'):  # no is_regressor before v0.17
        gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=KernelRidge(), cv=2)
        epochs.crop(None, epochs.times[2])
        # With regression the default cv is KFold and not StratifiedKFold
        assert_true(gat.cv_.__class__ == KFold)
        # with regression the default scoring metrics is mean squared error
        assert_true(gat.scorer_.__name__ == 'mean_squared_error')

    # Test combinations of complex scenarios
    # 2 or more distinct classes
    n_classes = [2, 4]  # 4 tested
    # nicely ordered labels or not
    le = LabelEncoder()
    y = le.fit_transform(epochs.events[:, 2])
    y[len(y) // 2:] += 2
    ys = (y, y + 1000)
    # Univariate and multivariate prediction
    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    reg = KernelRidge()

    def scorer_proba(y_true, y_pred):
        return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred[:, 0])

    # We re testing 3 scenario: default, classifier + predict_proba, regressor
    scorers = [None, scorer_proba, scorer_regress]
    predict_methods = [None, 'predict_proba', None]
    clfs = [svc, svc, reg]
    # Test all combinations
    for clf, predict_method, scorer in zip(clfs, predict_methods, scorers):
        for y in ys:
            for n_class in n_classes:
                for predict_mode in ['cross-validation', 'mean-prediction']:
                    # Cannot use AUC for n_class > 2
                    if (predict_method == 'predict_proba' and n_class != 2):

                    y_ = y % n_class

                    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                        gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(
                            cv=2, clf=clf, scorer=scorer,
                        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_)
                        gat.score(epochs, y=y_)

                    # Check that scorer is correctly defined manually and
                    # automatically.
                    scorer_name = gat.scorer_.__name__
                    if scorer is None:
                        if is_classifier(clf):
                            assert_equal(scorer_name, 'accuracy_score')
                            assert_equal(scorer_name, 'mean_squared_error')
                        assert_equal(scorer_name, scorer.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_generalization_across_time():
    """Test time generalization decoding
    from sklearn.svm import SVC
    from sklearn.base import is_classifier
    # KernelRidge is used for testing 1) regression analyses 2) n-dimensional
    # predictions.
    from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, mean_squared_error

    epochs = make_epochs()
    y_4classes = np.hstack((epochs.events[:7, 2], epochs.events[7:, 2] + 1))
    if check_version('sklearn', '0.18'):
        from sklearn.model_selection import (KFold, StratifiedKFold,
                                             ShuffleSplit, LeaveOneLabelOut)
        cv_shuffle = ShuffleSplit()
        cv = LeaveOneLabelOut()
        # XXX we cannot pass any other parameters than X and y to cv.split
        # so we have to build it before hand
        cv_lolo = [(train, test) for train, test in cv.split(
            X=y_4classes, y=y_4classes, labels=y_4classes)]

        # With sklearn >= 0.17, `clf` can be identified as a regressor, and
        # the scoring metrics can therefore be automatically assigned.
        scorer_regress = None
        from sklearn.cross_validation import (KFold, StratifiedKFold,
                                              ShuffleSplit, LeaveOneLabelOut)
        cv_shuffle = ShuffleSplit(len(epochs))
        cv_lolo = LeaveOneLabelOut(y_4classes)

        # With sklearn < 0.17, `clf` cannot be identified as a regressor, and
        # therefore the scoring metrics cannot be automatically assigned.
        scorer_regress = mean_squared_error
    # Test default running
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(picks='foo')
    assert_equal("<GAT | no fit, no prediction, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.fit, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        # check classic fit + check manual picks
        gat.picks = [0]
        # check optional y as array
        gat.picks = None
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
        # check optional y as list
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal(len(gat.picks_), len(gat.ch_names), 1)
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), no "
        "prediction, no score>", '%s' % gat)
    assert_equal(gat.ch_names, epochs.ch_names)
    # test different predict function:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_method='decision_function')
    # With classifier, the default cv is StratifiedKFold
    assert_true(gat.cv_.__class__ == StratifiedKFold)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 15, 14, 1))
    gat.predict_method = 'predict_proba'
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 15, 14, 2))
    gat.predict_method = 'foo'
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_method = 'predict'
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 15, 14, 1))
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
        "predicted 14 epochs, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    assert_true(gat.scorer_.__name__ == 'accuracy_score')
    # check clf / predict_method combinations for which the scoring metrics
    # cannot be inferred.
    gat.scorer = None
    gat.predict_method = 'decision_function'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs)
    # Check specifying y manually
    gat.predict_method = 'predict'
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
        "predicted 14 epochs,\n scored "
        "(accuracy_score)>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])

    old_mode = gat.predict_mode
    gat.predict_mode = 'super-foo-mode'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_mode = old_mode

    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    assert_true("accuracy_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)
    epochs2 = epochs.copy()

    # check _DecodingTime class
        "<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
        "0.050 (s), length: 0.050 (s), n_time_windows: 15>",
        "%s" % gat.train_times_)
        "<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
        "0.050 (s), length: 0.050 (s), n_time_windows: 15 x 15>",
        "%s" % gat.test_times_)

    # the y-check
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    epochs2.events[:, 2] += 10
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    with use_log_level('error'):
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.score, epochs2)
    gat.predict_mode = 'cross-validation'

    # Test basics
    # --- number of trials
    assert_true(gat.y_train_.shape[0] == gat.y_true_.shape[0] == len(
        gat.y_pred_[0][0]) == 14)
    # ---  number of folds
    assert_true(np.shape(gat.estimators_)[1] == gat.cv)
    # ---  length training size
        len(gat.train_times_['slices']) == 15 == np.shape(gat.estimators_)[0])
    # ---  length testing sizes
        len(gat.test_times_['slices']) == 15 == np.shape(gat.scores_)[0])
        len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0]) == 15 == np.shape(gat.scores_)[1])

    # Test score_mode
    gat.score_mode = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs)
    gat.score_mode = 'fold-wise'
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(scores), [15, 15, 5])
    gat.score_mode = 'mean-sample-wise'
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(scores), [15, 15])
    gat.score_mode = 'mean-fold-wise'
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(scores), [15, 15])
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            any("score_mode changed from " in str(ww.message) for ww in w))

    # Test longer time window
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'length': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat2 = gat.fit(epochs)
    assert_true(gat is gat2)  # return self
    assert_true(hasattr(gat2, 'cv_'))
    assert_true(gat2.cv_ != gat.cv)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
        scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_true(isinstance(scores, np.ndarray))  # type check
    assert_equal(len(scores[0]), len(scores))  # shape check
    assert_equal(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0][0]), 2)
    # Decim training steps
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'step': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_true(len(gat.scores_) == len(gat.estimators_) == 8)  # training time
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_[0]), 15)  # testing time

    # Test start stop training & test cv without n_fold params
    y_4classes = np.hstack((epochs.events[:7, 2], epochs.events[7:, 2] + 1))
    train_times = dict(start=0.090, stop=0.250)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=cv_lolo, train_times=train_times)
    # predict without fit
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.predict, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_4classes)
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 4)
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][0], epochs.times[6])
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][-1], epochs.times[9])

    # Test score without passing epochs & Test diagonal decoding
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(test_times='diagonal')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    scores = gat.score()
    assert_true(scores is gat.scores_)
    assert_equal(np.shape(gat.scores_), (15, 1))
        [tim for ttime in gat.test_times_['times'] for tim in ttime],
    # Test generalization across conditions
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_mode='mean-prediction', cv=2)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        # There are some empty test folds because of n_trials

    # Test training time parameters
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    # --- start stop outside time range
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=-999.)
    with use_log_level('error'):
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat_.train_times = dict(step=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)

    # Test testing time parameters
    # --- outside time range
    gat.test_times = dict(start=-999.)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no epochs in fold
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.test_times = dict(start=999.)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.000001)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    gat_.train_times_['length'] = .000001
    gat_.test_times = dict(length=.000001)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.predict, epochs)
    # --- test time region of interest
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.150)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 5, 14, 1))
    # --- silly value
    gat.test_times = 'foo'
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no test epochs
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    # --- unmatched length between training and testing time
    gat.test_times = dict(length=.150)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    # --- irregular length training and testing times
    # 2 estimators, the first one is trained on two successive time samples
    # whereas the second one is trained on a single time sample.
    train_times = dict(slices=[[0, 1], [1]])
    # The first estimator is tested once, the second estimator is tested on
    # two successive time samples.
    test_times = dict(slices=[[[0, 1]], [[0], [1]]])
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times=train_times,
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # not vectorizing
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_[0]), [1, len(epochs), 1])
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_[1]), [2, len(epochs), 1])
    # check cannot Automatically infer testing times for adhoc training times
    gat.test_times = None
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)

    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # sklearn needs it: c.f.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2723
    # and http://bit.ly/1u7t8UT
    with use_log_level('error'):
        assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.min(scores) <= 1.0)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.max(scores) <= 1.0)

    # Test that gets error if train on one dataset, test on another, and don't
    # specify appropriate cv:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=cv_shuffle)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs[:10])

    # Make CV with some empty train and test folds:
    # --- empty test fold(s) should warn when gat.predict()
    gat._cv_splits[0] = [gat._cv_splits[0][0], np.empty(0)]
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        assert_true(len(w) > 0)
            any('do not have any test epochs' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    # --- empty train fold(s) should raise when gat.fit()
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=[([0], [1]), ([], [0])])
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.fit, epochs[:2])

    # Check that still works with classifier that output y_pred with
    # shape = (n_trials, 1) instead of (n_trials,)
    if check_version('sklearn', '0.17'):  # no is_regressor before v0.17
        gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=KernelRidge(), cv=2)
        epochs.crop(None, epochs.times[2])
        # With regression the default cv is KFold and not StratifiedKFold
        assert_true(gat.cv_.__class__ == KFold)
        # with regression the default scoring metrics is mean squared error
        assert_true(gat.scorer_.__name__ == 'mean_squared_error')

    # Test combinations of complex scenarios
    # 2 or more distinct classes
    n_classes = [2, 4]  # 4 tested
    # nicely ordered labels or not
    le = LabelEncoder()
    y = le.fit_transform(epochs.events[:, 2])
    y[len(y) // 2:] += 2
    ys = (y, y + 1000)
    # Univariate and multivariate prediction
    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    reg = KernelRidge()

    def scorer_proba(y_true, y_pred):
        return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred[:, 0])

    # We re testing 3 scenario: default, classifier + predict_proba, regressor
    scorers = [None, scorer_proba, scorer_regress]
    predict_methods = [None, 'predict_proba', None]
    clfs = [svc, svc, reg]
    # Test all combinations
    for clf, predict_method, scorer in zip(clfs, predict_methods, scorers):
        for y in ys:
            for n_class in n_classes:
                for predict_mode in ['cross-validation', 'mean-prediction']:
                    # Cannot use AUC for n_class > 2
                    if (predict_method == 'predict_proba' and n_class != 2):

                    y_ = y % n_class

                    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                        gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(
                        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_)
                        gat.score(epochs, y=y_)

                    # Check that scorer is correctly defined manually and
                    # automatically.
                    scorer_name = gat.scorer_.__name__
                    if scorer is None:
                        if is_classifier(clf):
                            assert_equal(scorer_name, 'accuracy_score')
                            assert_equal(scorer_name, 'mean_squared_error')
                        assert_equal(scorer_name, scorer.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_generalization_across_time():
    """Test time generalization decoding
    from sklearn.svm import SVC
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

    raw = io.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False)
    events = read_events(event_name)
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg='mag', stim=False, ecg=False,
                       eog=False, exclude='bads')
    picks = picks[0:2]
    decim = 30

    # Test on time generalization within one condition
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                        baseline=(None, 0), preload=True, decim=decim)
    # Test default running
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    assert_equal("<GAT | no fit, no prediction, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.fit, epochs, picks='foo')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        # check classic fit + check manual picks
        gat.fit(epochs, picks=[0])
        # check optional y as array
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
        # check optional y as list
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal(len(gat.picks_), len(gat.ch_names), 1)
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), no "
                 "prediction, no score>", '%s' % gat)
    assert_equal(gat.ch_names, epochs.ch_names)
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predicted 14 epochs, no score>",
                 "%s" % gat)
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predicted 14 epochs,\n scored "
                 "(accuracy_score)>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])

    old_mode = gat.predict_mode
    gat.predict_mode = 'super-foo-mode'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_mode = old_mode

    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    assert_true("accuracy_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)
    epochs2 = epochs.copy()

    # check _DecodingTime class
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.train_times)
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15 x 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.test_times_)

    # the y-check
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    epochs2.events[:, 2] += 10
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.score, epochs2)
    gat.predict_mode = 'cross-validation'

    # Test basics
    # --- number of trials
    assert_true(gat.y_train_.shape[0] ==
                gat.y_true_.shape[0] ==
                len(gat.y_pred_[0][0]) == 14)
    # ---  number of folds
    assert_true(np.shape(gat.estimators_)[1] == gat.cv)
    # ---  length training size
    assert_true(len(gat.train_times['slices']) == 15 ==
    # ---  length testing sizes
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices']) == 15 ==
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0]) == 15 ==

    # Test longer time window
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'length': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat2 = gat.fit(epochs)
    assert_true(gat is gat2)  # return self
    assert_true(hasattr(gat2, 'cv_'))
    assert_true(gat2.cv_ != gat.cv)
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_true(isinstance(scores, list))  # type check
    assert_equal(len(scores[0]), len(scores))  # shape check

    assert_equal(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0][0]), 2)
    # Decim training steps
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'step': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_true(len(gat.scores_) == len(gat.estimators_) == 8)  # training time
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_[0]), 15)  # testing time

    # Test start stop training
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'start': 0.090,
                                                'stop': 0.250})
    # predict without fit
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.predict, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 4)
    assert_equal(gat.train_times['times_'][0], epochs.times[6])
    assert_equal(gat.train_times['times_'][-1], epochs.times[9])

    # Test score without passing epochs
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    gat.predict(epochs, test_times='diagonal')  # Test diagonal decoding
    scores = gat.score()
    assert_true(scores is gat.scores_)
    assert_equal(np.shape(gat.scores_), (15, 1))

    # Test generalization across conditions
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs, test_times='hahahaha')
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)

    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # sklearn needs it: c.f.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2723
    # and http://bit.ly/1u7t8UT
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    scores = sum(scores, [])  # flatten
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.min(scores) <= 1.0)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.max(scores) <= 1.0)

    # Test that gets error if train on one dataset, test on another, and don't
    # specify appropriate cv:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs[:10])

    # Test combinations of complex scenarios
    # 2 or more distinct classes
    n_classes = [2, 4]  # 4 tested
    # nicely ordered labels or not
    le = LabelEncoder()
    y = le.fit_transform(epochs.events[:, 2])
    y[len(y) // 2:] += 2
    ys = (y, y + 1000)
    # Univariate and multivariate prediction
    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear')

    class SVC_proba(SVC):
        def predict(self, x):
            probas = super(SVC_proba, self).predict_proba(x)
            return probas[:, 0]

    svcp = SVC_proba(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    clfs = [svc, svcp]
    scorers = [None, mean_squared_error]
    # Test all combinations
    for clf, scorer in zip(clfs, scorers):
        for y in ys:
            for n_class in n_classes:
                y_ = y % n_class
                with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=2, clf=clf)
                    gat.fit(epochs, y=y_)
                    gat.score(epochs, y=y_, scorer=scorer)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_generalization_across_time():
    """Test time generalization decoding
    from sklearn.svm import SVC
    from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor, LinearRegression
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
    from sklearn.cross_validation import LeaveOneLabelOut

    epochs = make_epochs()

    # Test default running
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(picks='foo')
    assert_equal("<GAT | no fit, no prediction, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.fit, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        # check classic fit + check manual picks
        gat.picks = [0]
        # check optional y as array
        gat.picks = None
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
        # check optional y as list
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal(len(gat.picks_), len(gat.ch_names), 1)
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), no "
                 "prediction, no score>", '%s' % gat)
    assert_equal(gat.ch_names, epochs.ch_names)
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predicted 14 epochs, no score>",
                 "%s" % gat)
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predicted 14 epochs,\n scored "
                 "(accuracy_score)>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])

    old_mode = gat.predict_mode
    gat.predict_mode = 'super-foo-mode'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_mode = old_mode

    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    assert_true("accuracy_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)
    epochs2 = epochs.copy()

    # check _DecodingTime class
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.050 (s), length: 0.050 (s), n_time_windows: 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.train_times_)
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.050 (s), length: 0.050 (s), n_time_windows: 15 x 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.test_times_)

    # the y-check
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    epochs2.events[:, 2] += 10
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.score, epochs2)
    gat.predict_mode = 'cross-validation'

    # Test basics
    # --- number of trials
    assert_true(gat.y_train_.shape[0] ==
                gat.y_true_.shape[0] ==
                len(gat.y_pred_[0][0]) == 14)
    # ---  number of folds
    assert_true(np.shape(gat.estimators_)[1] == gat.cv)
    # ---  length training size
    assert_true(len(gat.train_times_['slices']) == 15 ==
    # ---  length testing sizes
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices']) == 15 ==
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0]) == 15 ==

    # Test longer time window
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'length': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat2 = gat.fit(epochs)
    assert_true(gat is gat2)  # return self
    assert_true(hasattr(gat2, 'cv_'))
    assert_true(gat2.cv_ != gat.cv)
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_true(isinstance(scores, list))  # type check
    assert_equal(len(scores[0]), len(scores))  # shape check

    assert_equal(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0][0]), 2)
    # Decim training steps
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'step': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_true(len(gat.scores_) == len(gat.estimators_) == 8)  # training time
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_[0]), 15)  # testing time

    # Test start stop training & test cv without n_fold params
    y_4classes = np.hstack((epochs.events[:7, 2], epochs.events[7:, 2] + 1))
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=LeaveOneLabelOut(y_4classes),
                                   train_times={'start': 0.090, 'stop': 0.250})
    # predict without fit
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.predict, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_4classes)
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 4)
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][0], epochs.times[6])
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][-1], epochs.times[9])

    # Test score without passing epochs & Test diagonal decoding
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(test_times='diagonal')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    scores = gat.score()
    assert_true(scores is gat.scores_)
    assert_equal(np.shape(gat.scores_), (15, 1))
    assert_array_equal([tim for ttime in gat.test_times_['times']
                        for tim in ttime], gat.train_times_['times'])

    # Test generalization across conditions
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # Test training time parameters
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    # --- start stop outside time range
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=-999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat_.train_times = dict(step=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)

    # Test testing time parameters
    # --- outside time range
    gat.test_times = dict(start=-999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.test_times = dict(start=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    gat_.train_times_['length'] = .000001
    gat_.test_times = dict(length=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.predict, epochs)
    # --- test time region of interest
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.150)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 5, 14, 1))
    # --- silly value
    gat.test_times = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    # --- unmatched length between training and testing time
    gat.test_times = dict(length=.150)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)

    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # sklearn needs it: c.f.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2723
    # and http://bit.ly/1u7t8UT
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    scores = sum(scores, [])  # flatten
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.min(scores) <= 1.0)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.max(scores) <= 1.0)

    # Test that gets error if train on one dataset, test on another, and don't
    # specify appropriate cv:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_raises(IndexError, gat.predict, epochs[:10])

    # TODO JRK: test GAT with non-exhaustive CV (eg. train on 80%, test on 10%)

    # Check that still works with classifier that output y_pred with
    # shape = (n_trials, 1) instead of (n_trials,)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=RANSACRegressor(LinearRegression()),
    epochs.crop(None, epochs.times[2])

    # Test combinations of complex scenarios
    # 2 or more distinct classes
    n_classes = [2, 4]  # 4 tested
    # nicely ordered labels or not
    le = LabelEncoder()
    y = le.fit_transform(epochs.events[:, 2])
    y[len(y) // 2:] += 2
    ys = (y, y + 1000)
    # Univariate and multivariate prediction
    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear')

    class SVC_proba(SVC):
        def predict(self, x):
            probas = super(SVC_proba, self).predict_proba(x)
            return probas[:, 0]

    svcp = SVC_proba(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    clfs = [svc, svcp]
    scorers = [None, mean_squared_error]
    # Test all combinations
    for clf, scorer in zip(clfs, scorers):
        for y in ys:
            for n_class in n_classes:
                y_ = y % n_class
                with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=2, clf=clf,
                    gat.fit(epochs, y=y_)
                    gat.score(epochs, y=y_)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_generalization_across_time():
    """Test time generalization decoding
    from sklearn.svm import SVC
    from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor, LinearRegression
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
    from sklearn.cross_validation import LeaveOneLabelOut

    epochs = make_epochs()

    # Test default running
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(picks='foo')
    assert_equal("<GAT | no fit, no prediction, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.fit, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        # check classic fit + check manual picks
        gat.picks = [0]
        # check optional y as array
        gat.picks = None
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
        # check optional y as list
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
    assert_equal(len(gat.picks_), len(gat.ch_names), 1)
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), no "
        "prediction, no score>", '%s' % gat)
    assert_equal(gat.ch_names, epochs.ch_names)
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
        "predicted 14 epochs, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2].tolist())
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
        "predicted 14 epochs,\n scored "
        "(accuracy_score)>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])

    old_mode = gat.predict_mode
    gat.predict_mode = 'super-foo-mode'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_mode = old_mode

    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    assert_true("accuracy_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)
    epochs2 = epochs.copy()

    # check _DecodingTime class
        "<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
        "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15>",
        "%s" % gat.train_times_)
        "<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
        "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15 x 15>",
        "%s" % gat.test_times_)

    # the y-check
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    epochs2.events[:, 2] += 10
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.score, epochs2)
    gat.predict_mode = 'cross-validation'

    # Test basics
    # --- number of trials
    assert_true(gat.y_train_.shape[0] == gat.y_true_.shape[0] == len(
        gat.y_pred_[0][0]) == 14)
    # ---  number of folds
    assert_true(np.shape(gat.estimators_)[1] == gat.cv)
    # ---  length training size
        len(gat.train_times_['slices']) == 15 == np.shape(gat.estimators_)[0])
    # ---  length testing sizes
        len(gat.test_times_['slices']) == 15 == np.shape(gat.scores_)[0])
        len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0]) == 15 == np.shape(gat.scores_)[1])

    # Test longer time window
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'length': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat2 = gat.fit(epochs)
    assert_true(gat is gat2)  # return self
    assert_true(hasattr(gat2, 'cv_'))
    assert_true(gat2.cv_ != gat.cv)
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_true(isinstance(scores, list))  # type check
    assert_equal(len(scores[0]), len(scores))  # shape check

    assert_equal(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0][0]), 2)
    # Decim training steps
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'step': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_true(len(gat.scores_) == len(gat.estimators_) == 8)  # training time
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_[0]), 15)  # testing time

    # Test start stop training & test cv without n_fold params
    y_4classes = np.hstack((epochs.events[:7, 2], epochs.events[7:, 2] + 1))
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=LeaveOneLabelOut(y_4classes),
                                       'start': 0.090,
                                       'stop': 0.250
    # predict without fit
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.predict, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_4classes)
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 4)
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][0], epochs.times[6])
    assert_equal(gat.train_times_['times'][-1], epochs.times[9])

    # Test score without passing epochs & Test diagonal decoding
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(test_times='diagonal')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    scores = gat.score()
    assert_true(scores is gat.scores_)
    assert_equal(np.shape(gat.scores_), (15, 1))
        [tim for ttime in gat.test_times_['times'] for tim in ttime],

    # Test generalization across conditions
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # Test training time parameters
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    # --- start stop outside time range
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=-999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(start=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat_.train_times = dict(step=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)
    gat_.train_times = dict(length=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.fit, epochs)

    # Test testing time parameters
    # --- outside time range
    gat.test_times = dict(start=-999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.test_times = dict(start=999.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    # --- impossible slices
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat_ = copy.deepcopy(gat)
    gat_.train_times_['length'] = .000001
    gat_.test_times = dict(length=.000001)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat_.predict, epochs)
    # --- test time region of interest
    gat.test_times = dict(step=.150)
    assert_array_equal(np.shape(gat.y_pred_), (15, 5, 14, 1))
    # --- silly value
    gat.test_times = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    # --- unmatched length between training and testing time
    gat.test_times = dict(length=.150)
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)

    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # sklearn needs it: c.f.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2723
    # and http://bit.ly/1u7t8UT
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    scores = sum(scores, [])  # flatten
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.min(scores) <= 1.0)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.max(scores) <= 1.0)

    # Test that gets error if train on one dataset, test on another, and don't
    # specify appropriate cv:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs[:10])

    # Check that still works with classifier that output y_pred with
    # shape = (n_trials, 1) instead of (n_trials,)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=RANSACRegressor(LinearRegression()),
    epochs.crop(None, epochs.times[2])

    # Test combinations of complex scenarios
    # 2 or more distinct classes
    n_classes = [2, 4]  # 4 tested
    # nicely ordered labels or not
    le = LabelEncoder()
    y = le.fit_transform(epochs.events[:, 2])
    y[len(y) // 2:] += 2
    ys = (y, y + 1000)
    # Univariate and multivariate prediction
    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear')

    class SVC_proba(SVC):
        def predict(self, x):
            probas = super(SVC_proba, self).predict_proba(x)
            return probas[:, 0]

    svcp = SVC_proba(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    clfs = [svc, svcp]
    scorers = [None, mean_squared_error]
    # Test all combinations
    for clf, scorer in zip(clfs, scorers):
        for y in ys:
            for n_class in n_classes:
                y_ = y % n_class
                with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=2,
                    gat.fit(epochs, y=y_)
                    gat.score(epochs, y=y_)
epochs = EpochsArray(data, info, events)

# RUN GAT ======================================================================

# --- fit & predict separately
cos = lambda angles: np.cos(angle2circle(angles))
sin = lambda angles: np.sin(angle2circle(angles))
gats = list()
for transform in [cos, sin]:
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    svr = SVR(C=1, kernel='linear')
    clf = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('svr', svr)])
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(n_jobs=-1, clf=clf)
    gat.fit(epochs, y=transform(trial_angles))
# --- recombine
predict_angles, true_angles = recombine_svr_prediction(gats[0], gats[1])
# --- score
angle_errors_svr = compute_error_svr(predict_angles, true_angles)
plt.matshow(np.mean(angle_errors_svr,axis=2)), plt.colorbar(), plt.show()

# SVC Gat
scaler = StandardScaler()
svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
clf = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('svc', svc)])
gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(n_jobs=-1, clf=clf, predict_type='predict_proba')
# --- fit & predict
gat.fit(epochs, y=trial_angles)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def simulate_model(sources, mixin, background, snr=.5, n_trial=100):
    """Run simulations :
    1. Takes source activations in two visibility conditions:
        dict(high=(n_sources * n_times), low=(n_sources * n_times))
    2. Target presence/absence is coded in y vector and corresponds to the
       reverse activation in source space.
    3. Takes a mixin matrix that project the data from source space to sensor
    4. Generates multiple low and high visibility trials.
    5. Fit target presence (y) across all trials (both high and low visiblity),
    6. Score target presence separately for high and low visibility trials
    7. Fit and score target visibility (for simplicity reasons, we only have 2
       visibility conditions. Consequently, we will fit a logistic regression
       and not a ridge like the one used for in empirical part of the paper.)
    n_source, n_chan = mixin.shape

    # add information
    X, y, visibility = list(), list(), list()
    for vis, source in sources.iteritems():
        n_source, n_time = source.shape
        # define present and absent in source space
        present = np.stack([source + background] * (n_trial // 2))
        absent = np.stack([background] * (n_trial // 2))
        source = np.vstack((present, absent))
        y_ = np.hstack((np.ones(n_trial // 2), -1 * np.ones(n_trial // 2)))

        # transform in sensor space
        sensor = np.dot(mixin.T, np.hstack((source)))
        sensor = np.reshape(sensor, [n_chan, -1, n_time]).transpose(1, 0, 2)

        # add sensor specific  noise
        sensor += np.random.randn(n_trial, n_chan, n_time) / snr
        visibility.append(int(vis == 'high') * np.ones(n_trial))
    X = np.concatenate(X, axis=0)
    y = np.concatenate(y, axis=0)
    visibility = np.concatenate(visibility, axis=0)

    # shuffle trials
    idx = range(n_trial * 2)
    X, y, visibility = X[idx], y[idx], visibility[idx]

    # format to MNE epochs
    epochs = EpochsArray(X, create_info(n_chan, sfreq, 'mag'), tmin=times[0],
                         proj=False, baseline=None)

    # Temporal generalization pipeline
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=analysis['clf'], cv=8,
                                   scorer=scorer_auc, n_jobs=-1,

    gat.fit(epochs, y=y)
    y_pred = gat.predict(epochs)
    y_pred = y_pred[:, :, :, 0].transpose(2, 0, 1)

    score = list()
    for vis in range(2):
        # select all absent trials + present at a given visibility
        sel = np.unique(np.hstack((np.where(y == -1)[0],
                        np.where(visibility == vis)[0])))
        score_ = scorer_auc(y[sel], y_pred[sel], n_jobs=-1)

    # correlation with visibility
    sel = np.where(y == 1)[0]
    corr_vis = scorer_spearman(visibility[sel], y_pred[sel], n_jobs=-1)

    # decode visibility
    sel = np.where(y == 1)[0]  # present trials only
    gat.fit(epochs[sel], y=visibility[sel])
    score_vis = gat.score(epochs[sel], y=visibility[sel])
    return np.array(score), np.squeeze(score_vis), np.squeeze(corr_vis)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_generalization_across_time():
    """Test time generalization decoding
    from sklearn.svm import SVC

    raw = io.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False)
    events = read_events(event_name)
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg='mag', stim=False, ecg=False,
                       eog=False, exclude='bads')
    picks = picks[0:2]
    decim = 30

    # Test on time generalization within one condition
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                        baseline=(None, 0), preload=True, decim=decim)
    # Test default running
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    assert_equal("<GAT | no fit, no prediction, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), no "
                 "prediction, no score>", '%s' % gat)
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predict_type : 'predict' on 15 epochs, no score>",
                 "%s" % gat)
    assert_equal("<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
                 "predict_type : 'predict' on 15 epochs,\n scored "
                 "(accuracy_score)>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])

    old_type = gat.predict_type
    gat.predict_type = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_type = old_type

    old_mode = gat.predict_mode
    gat.predict_mode = 'super-foo-mode'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_mode = old_mode

    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    assert_true("accuracy_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)
    epochs2 = epochs.copy()

    # check _DecodingTime class
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.train_times)
    assert_equal("<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
                 "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15 x 15>",
                 "%s" % gat.test_times_)

    # the y-check
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    epochs2.events[:, 2] += 10
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    gat.predict_mode = 'cross-validation'

    # Test basics
    # --- number of trials
    assert_true(gat.y_train_.shape[0] ==
                gat.y_true_.shape[0] ==
                gat.y_pred_.shape[2] == 14)
    # ---  number of folds
    assert_true(np.shape(gat.estimators_)[1] == gat.cv)
    # ---  length training size
    assert_true(len(gat.train_times['slices']) == 15 ==
    # ---  length testing sizes
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices']) == 15 ==
    assert_true(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0]) == 15 ==

    # Test longer time window
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'length': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat2 = gat.fit(epochs)
    assert_true(gat is gat2)  # return self
    assert_true(hasattr(gat2, 'cv_'))
    assert_true(gat2.cv_ != gat.cv)
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_true(isinstance(scores, list))  # type check
    assert_equal(len(scores[0]), len(scores))  # shape check

    assert_equal(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0][0]), 2)
    # Decim training steps
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'step': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 8)

    # Test start stop training
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'start': 0.090,
                                                'stop': 0.250})
    # predict without fit
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.predict, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 4)
    assert_equal(gat.train_times['times_'][0], epochs.times[6])
    assert_equal(gat.train_times['times_'][-1], epochs.times[9])

    # Test score without passing epochs
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)
    gat.predict(epochs, test_times='diagonal')  # Test diagonal decoding
    scores = gat.score()
    assert_true(scores is gat.scores_)
    assert_equal(np.shape(gat.scores_), (15, 1))

    # Test generalization across conditions
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs, test_times='hahahaha')
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.score)

    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_type='predict_proba',
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # sklearn needs it: c.f.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2723
    # and http://bit.ly/1u7t8UT
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    scores = sum(scores, [])  # flatten
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.min(scores) <= 1.0)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.max(scores) <= 1.0)

    # test various predict_type
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_type="predict_proba")
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    # check that 2 class probabilistic estimates are [p, 1-p]
    assert_true(gat.y_pred_.shape[3] == 2)
    # check that continuous prediction leads to AUC rather than accuracy
    assert_true("roc_auc_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)

    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_type="decision_function")
    # XXX Sklearn doesn't like non-binary inputs. We could binarize the data,
    # or change Sklearn default behavior
    epochs.events[:, 2][epochs.events[:, 2] == 3] = 0
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    # check that 2 class non-probabilistic continuous estimates are [distance]
    assert_true(gat.y_pred_.shape[3] == 1)
    # check that continuous prediction leads to AUC rather than accuracy
    assert_true("roc_auc_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)

    # Test that gets error if train on one dataset, test on another, and don't
    # specify appropriate cv:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs[:10])

    # Test combinations of complex scenarios
    # 2 or more distinct classes
    n_classes = [2]  # 4 tested
    # nicely ordered labels or not
    y = epochs.events[:, 2]
    y[len(y) // 2:] += 2
    ys = (y, y + 1000)
    # Classifier and regressor
    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    clfs = [svc]  # SVR tested
    # Continuous, and probabilistic estimate
    predict_types = ['predict_proba', 'decision_function']
    # Test all combinations
    for clf_n, clf in enumerate(clfs):
        for y in ys:
            for n_class in n_classes:
                for pt in predict_types:
                    y_ = y % n_class
                    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                        gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(
                            cv=2, clf=clf, predict_type=pt)
                        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_)
                        gat.score(epochs, y=y_)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_generalization_across_time():
    """Test time generalization decoding
    from sklearn.svm import SVC

    raw = io.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False)
    events = read_events(event_name)
    picks = pick_types(raw.info,
    picks = picks[0:2]
    decim = 30

    # Test on time generalization within one condition
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        epochs = Epochs(raw,
                        baseline=(None, 0),
    # Test default running
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    assert_equal("<GAT | no fit, no prediction, no score>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), no "
        "prediction, no score>", '%s' % gat)
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
        "predict_type : 'predict' on 15 epochs, no score>", "%s" % gat)
        "<GAT | fitted, start : -0.200 (s), stop : 0.499 (s), "
        "predict_type : 'predict' on 15 epochs,\n scored "
        "(accuracy_score)>", "%s" % gat)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat.fit(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])

    old_type = gat.predict_type
    gat.predict_type = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_type = old_type

    old_mode = gat.predict_mode
    gat.predict_mode = 'super-foo-mode'
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs)
    gat.predict_mode = old_mode

    gat.score(epochs, y=epochs.events[:, 2])
    assert_true("accuracy_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)
    epochs2 = epochs.copy()

    # check _DecodingTime class
        "<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
        "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15>",
        "%s" % gat.train_times)
        "<DecodingTime | start: -0.200 (s), stop: 0.499 (s), step: "
        "0.047 (s), length: 0.047 (s), n_time_windows: 15 x 15>",
        "%s" % gat.test_times_)

    # the y-check
    gat.predict_mode = 'mean-prediction'
    epochs2.events[:, 2] += 10
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    gat.predict_mode = 'cross-validation'

    # Test basics
    # --- number of trials
    assert_true(gat.y_train_.shape[0] == gat.y_true_.shape[0] ==
                gat.y_pred_.shape[2] == 14)
    # ---  number of folds
    assert_true(np.shape(gat.estimators_)[1] == gat.cv)
    # ---  length training size
        len(gat.train_times['slices']) == 15 == np.shape(gat.estimators_)[0])
    # ---  length testing sizes
        len(gat.test_times_['slices']) == 15 == np.shape(gat.scores_)[0])
        len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0]) == 15 == np.shape(gat.scores_)[1])

    # Test longer time window
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'length': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        gat2 = gat.fit(epochs)
    assert_true(gat is gat2)  # return self
    assert_true(hasattr(gat2, 'cv_'))
    assert_true(gat2.cv_ != gat.cv)
    scores = gat.score(epochs)
    assert_true(isinstance(scores, list))  # type check
    assert_equal(len(scores[0]), len(scores))  # shape check

    assert_equal(len(gat.test_times_['slices'][0][0]), 2)
    # Decim training steps
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'step': .100})
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 8)

    # Test start stop training
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(train_times={'start': 0.090, 'stop': 0.250})
    # predict without fit
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, gat.predict, epochs)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_equal(len(gat.scores_), 4)
    assert_equal(gat.train_times['times_'][0], epochs.times[6])
    assert_equal(gat.train_times['times_'][-1], epochs.times[9])

    # Test diagonal decoding
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    scores = gat.score(epochs, test_times='diagonal')
    assert_true(scores is gat.scores_)
    assert_equal(np.shape(gat.scores_), (15, 1))

    # Test generalization across conditions
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_mode='mean-prediction')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs, test_times='hahahaha')

    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc,
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):

    # sklearn needs it: c.f.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2723
    # and http://bit.ly/1u7t8UT
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.score, epochs2)
    scores = sum(scores, [])  # flatten
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.min(scores) <= 1.0)
    assert_true(0.0 <= np.max(scores) <= 1.0)

    # test various predict_type
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(clf=svc, predict_type="predict_proba")
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    # check that 2 class probabilistic estimates are [p, 1-p]
    assert_true(gat.y_pred_.shape[3] == 2)
    # check that continuous prediction leads to AUC rather than accuracy
    assert_true("roc_auc_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)

    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(predict_type="decision_function")
    # XXX Sklearn doesn't like non-binary inputs. We could binarize the data,
    # or change Sklearn default behavior
    epochs.events[:, 2][epochs.events[:, 2] == 3] = 0
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    # check that 2 class non-probabilistic continuous estimates are [distance]
    assert_true(gat.y_pred_.shape[3] == 1)
    # check that continuous prediction leads to AUC rather than accuracy
    assert_true("roc_auc_score" in '%s' % gat.scorer_)

    # Test that gets error if train on one dataset, test on another, and don't
    # specify appropriate cv:
    gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime()
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
    assert_raises(ValueError, gat.predict, epochs[:10])

    # Test combinations of complex scenarios
    # 2 or more distinct classes
    n_classes = [2]  # 4 tested
    # nicely ordered labels or not
    y = epochs.events[:, 2]
    y[len(y) // 2:] += 2
    ys = (y, y + 1000)
    # Classifier and regressor
    svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
    clfs = [svc]  # SVR tested
    # Continuous, and probabilistic estimate
    predict_types = ['predict_proba', 'decision_function']
    # Test all combinations
    for clf_n, clf in enumerate(clfs):
        for y in ys:
            for n_class in n_classes:
                for pt in predict_types:
                    y_ = y % n_class
                    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                        gat = GeneralizationAcrossTime(cv=2,
                        gat.fit(epochs, y=y_)
                        gat.score(epochs, y=y_)