Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_plot_misc_auto(browser_backend):
    """Test plotting of data with misc auto scaling."""
    data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1, 1000)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(1, 1000., 'misc'))
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(1, 1000., 'dipole'))
    raw.plot(order=[0])  # plot, even though it's not "data"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_theme_colors(pg_backend, theme, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
    """Test that theme colors propagate properly."""
    darkdetect = pytest.importorskip('darkdetect')
    monkeypatch.setenv('_MNE_FAKE_HOME_DIR', str(tmp_path))
    monkeypatch.delenv('MNE_BROWSER_THEME', raising=False)
    raw = RawArray(np.zeros((1, 1000)), create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg'))
    fig = raw.plot(theme=theme)
    is_dark = _qt_is_dark(fig)
    if theme == 'dark':
        assert is_dark, theme
    elif theme == 'light':
        assert not is_dark, theme
        got_dark = darkdetect.theme().lower() == 'dark'
        assert is_dark is got_dark

    def assert_correct_darkness(widget, want_dark):
        __tracebackhide__ = True  # noqa
        # This should work, but it just picks up the parent in the errant case!
        bgcolor = widget.palette().color(widget.backgroundRole()).getRgbF()[:3]
        dark = rgb_to_hls(*bgcolor)[1] < 0.5
        assert dark == want_dark, f'{widget} dark={dark} want_dark={want_dark}'
        # ... so we use a more direct test
        colors = _pixmap_to_ndarray(widget.grab())[:, :, :3]
        dark = colors.mean() < 0.5
        assert dark == want_dark, f'{widget} dark={dark} want_dark={want_dark}'

    for widget in (fig.mne.toolbar, fig.statusBar()):
        assert_correct_darkness(widget, is_dark)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_scale_bar(browser_backend):
    """Test scale bar for raw."""
    ismpl = browser_backend.name == 'matplotlib'
    sfreq = 1000.
    t = np.arange(10000) / sfreq
    data = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10. * t)
    # ± 1000 fT, 400 fT/cm, 20 µV
    data = data * np.array([[1000e-15, 400e-13, 20e-6]]).T
    info = create_info(3, sfreq, ('mag', 'grad', 'eeg'))
    raw = RawArray(data, info)
    fig = raw.plot()
    texts = fig._get_scale_bar_texts()
    assert len(texts) == 3  # ch_type scale-bars
    wants = ('800.0 fT/cm', '2000.0 fT', '40.0 µV')
    assert texts == wants
    if ismpl:
        # 1 green vline, 3 data, 3 scalebars
        assert len(fig.mne.ax_main.lines) == 7
        assert len(fig.mne.scalebars) == 3
    for data, bar in zip(fig.mne.traces, fig.mne.scalebars.values()):
        y = data.get_ydata()
        y_lims = [y.min(), y.max()]
        bar_lims = bar.get_ydata()
        assert_allclose(y_lims, bar_lims, atol=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_render_mne_qt_browser(tmp_path, browser_backend):
    """Test adding a mne_qt_browser (and matplotlib) raw plot."""
    report = Report()
    info = create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg')
    data = np.zeros((1, 1000))
    raw = RawArray(data, info)
    fig = raw.plot()
    name = fig.__class__.__name__
    if browser_backend.name == 'matplotlib':
        assert 'MNEBrowseFigure' in name
        assert 'MNEQtBrowser' in name or 'PyQtGraphBrowser' in name
    report.add_figure(fig, title='raw')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_theme_colors(pg_backend, theme, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
    """Test that theme colors propagate properly."""
    darkdetect = pytest.importorskip('darkdetect')
    monkeypatch.setenv('_MNE_FAKE_HOME_DIR', str(tmp_path))
    monkeypatch.delenv('MNE_BROWSER_THEME', raising=False)
    # make it seem like the system is always in light mode
    monkeypatch.setattr(darkdetect, 'theme', lambda: 'light')
    raw = RawArray(np.zeros((1, 1000)), create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg'))
    _, api = _check_qt_version(return_api=True)
    if api in ('PyQt6', 'PySide6') and theme == 'dark':
        ctx = pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not yet supported')
        return_early = True
        ctx = nullcontext()
        return_early = False
    with ctx:
        fig = raw.plot(theme=theme)
    if return_early:
        return  # we could add a ton of conditionals below, but KISS
    is_dark = _qt_is_dark(fig)
    # on Darwin these checks get complicated, so don't bother for now
    if sys.platform != 'darwin':
        if theme == 'dark':
            assert is_dark, theme
        elif theme == 'light':
            assert not is_dark, theme
            got_dark = darkdetect.theme().lower() == 'dark'
            assert is_dark is got_dark

    def assert_correct_darkness(widget, want_dark):
        __tracebackhide__ = True  # noqa
        # This should work, but it just picks up the parent in the errant case!
        bgcolor = widget.palette().color(widget.backgroundRole()).getRgbF()[:3]
        dark = rgb_to_hls(*bgcolor)[1] < 0.5
        assert dark == want_dark, f'{widget} dark={dark} want_dark={want_dark}'
        # ... so we use a more direct test
        colors = _pixmap_to_ndarray(widget.grab())[:, :, :3]
        dark = colors.mean() < 0.5
        assert dark == want_dark, f'{widget} dark={dark} want_dark={want_dark}'

    for widget in (fig.mne.toolbar, fig.statusBar()):
        assert_correct_darkness(widget, is_dark)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_scale_bar():
    """Test scale bar for raw."""
    sfreq = 1000.
    t = np.arange(10000) / sfreq
    data = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10. * t)
    # +/- 1000 fT, 400 fT/cm, 20 uV
    data = data * np.array([[1000e-15, 400e-13, 20e-6]]).T
    info = create_info(3, sfreq, ('mag', 'grad', 'eeg'))
    raw = RawArray(data, info)
    fig = raw.plot()
    ax = fig.axes[0]
    assert len(ax.texts) == 3  # our labels
    for text, want in zip(ax.texts, ('800.0 fT/cm', '2000.0 fT', '40.0 uV')):
        assert text.get_text().strip() == want
    assert len(ax.lines) == 8  # green, data, nan, bars
    for data, bar in zip(ax.lines[1:4], ax.lines[5:8]):
        y = data.get_ydata()
        y_lims = [y.min(), y.max()]
        bar_lims = bar.get_ydata()
        assert_allclose(y_lims, bar_lims, atol=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_scale_bar():
    """Test scale bar for raw."""
    sfreq = 1000.
    t = np.arange(10000) / sfreq
    data = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10. * t)
    # ± 1000 fT, 400 fT/cm, 20 µV
    data = data * np.array([[1000e-15, 400e-13, 20e-6]]).T
    info = create_info(3, sfreq, ('mag', 'grad', 'eeg'))
    raw = RawArray(data, info)
    fig = raw.plot()
    ax = fig.mne.ax_main
    assert len(ax.texts) == 4  # empty vline-text + ch_type scale-bars
    texts = tuple(t.get_text().strip() for t in ax.texts)
    wants = ('', '800.0 fT/cm', '2000.0 fT', '40.0 µV')
    assert texts == wants
    assert len(ax.lines) == 7  # 1 green vline, 3 data, 3 scalebars
    for data, bar in zip(fig.mne.traces, fig.mne.scalebars.values()):
        y = data.get_ydata()
        y_lims = [y.min(), y.max()]
        bar_lims = bar.get_ydata()
        assert_allclose(y_lims, bar_lims, atol=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_scalings_int(browser_backend):
    """Test that auto scalings access samples using integers."""
    raw = RawArray(np.zeros((1, 500)), create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg'))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_plot_misc_auto():
    """Test plotting of data with misc auto scaling."""
    data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1, 1000)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(1, 1000., 'misc'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
data[ev_start:ev_start + len(sim)] += sim * 10

sim = simulate_hfo(sfreq, freq, numcycles)[0]
ev_start = 7 * sfreq
data[ev_start:ev_start + len(sim)] += sim * 10

# convert the data into mne-python
# note: the channel names are made up and the channel types are just
# set to 'seeg' for the sake of the example
ch_names = ['A1']
info = create_info(sfreq=sfreq, ch_names=ch_names, ch_types='seeg')
raw = RawArray(data=data[np.newaxis, :], info=info)

# Let's plot the data and see what it looks like

# Detect HFOs
# -----------
# All detectors inherit from the base class ``mne_hfo.base.Detector``,
# which inherits from the :class:`sklearn.base.BaseEstimator` class.
# To run any estimator, one instantiates it along with the hyper-parameters,
# and then calls the ``fit`` function. Afterwards, detected HFOs are available
# in the various data structures. The recommended usage is the DataFrame, which
# is accessible via the ``mne_hfo.base.Detector.hfo_df`` property.

kwargs = {
    'threshold': 3,  # threshold for "significance"
    'win_size': 100,  # window size in samples
    'overlap': 0.25  # overlap in percentage relative to the window size
Ejemplo n.º 11
ext_signal = np.vstack([_bandpass_filter(raw,
                        for f in frequencies])

# Creating an MNE Raw object from the extended signal and plot it

info = create_info(
    ch_names=sum(list(map(lambda s: [ch+s for ch in raw.ch_names],
                          ["-13Hz", "-17Hz", "-21Hz"])), []),
    ch_types=['eeg'] * 24,

raw_ext = RawArray(ext_signal, info)
raw_ext.plot(duration=n_seconds, start=14, n_channels=24,
             scalings={'eeg': 5e-4}, color={'eeg': 'steelblue'})

# Building Epochs and plotting 3 s of the signal from electrode Oz for a trial

epochs = Epochs(raw_ext, events, event_id, tmin=2, tmax=5, baseline=None)

n_seconds = 3
time = np.linspace(0, n_seconds, n_seconds * sfreq,
                   endpoint=False)[np.newaxis, :]
channels = range(0, len(raw_ext.ch_names), len(raw.ch_names))
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
for f, c in zip(frequencies, channels):
    plt.plot(epochs.get_data()[5, c, :].T, label=str(int(f))+' Hz')
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel(r"Oz after filtering ($\mu$V)")
Ejemplo n.º 12
ch_names, sfreq = read_header(fname)
ch_count = len(ch_names)
duration = signal_raw.shape[1] / sfreq

# Channel space
# -------------

# Plot signal X
ch_info = create_info(ch_names=ch_names, ch_types=['eeg'] * ch_count,
signal = RawArray(signal_raw, ch_info, verbose=False)
signal.plot(duration=duration, start=0, n_channels=ch_count,
            scalings={'eeg': 3e1}, color={'eeg': 'steelblue'},
            title='Original EEG signal', show_scalebars=False)

# AJDC: Second-Order Statistics (SOS)-based BSS, diagonalizing cospectra
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Compute and diagonalize Fourier cospectral matrices between 1 and 32 Hz
window, overlap = sfreq, 0.5
fmin, fmax = 1, 32
ajdc = AJDC(window=window, overlap=overlap, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, fs=sfreq,
ajdc.fit(signal_raw[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...])
freqs = ajdc.freqs_
n_signal = eeg_signal.shape[0]  # the number of signals
n_sample = eeg_signal.shape[1]  # dimension of each signal

# Normalize the data to be run
b = eeg_signal
b = ((b.T - np.mean(b, axis=1)) / np.std(b, axis=1)).T

# Define the parameters
# 128 kernels with size of 201
size_kernel = [2, 61]
# size_kernel = [2, 51]

ch_names = ['EEG%03d' % i for i in range(n_signal)]
info = create_info(ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types='eeg')
raw = RawArray(eeg_signal * 1e-6, info)
raw.plot(scalings=dict(eeg='auto'), duration=300)

# Optim options
max_it = 200  # the number of iterations
tol = np.float64(1e-3)  # the stop threshold for the algorithm

[d, z, Dz, list_obj_val, list_obj_val_filter, list_obj_val_z, reconstr_err] = \
    CSC.learn_conv_sparse_coder(b, size_kernel, max_it, tol, random_state=42)

plt.plot(d[0, :])
plt.plot(d[1, :])

end = time.clock()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_plot_misc_auto():
    """Test plotting of data with misc auto scaling."""
    data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1, 1000)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(1, 1000., 'misc'))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_plot_misc_auto(browse_backend):
    """Test plotting of data with misc auto scaling."""
    data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1, 1000)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(1, 1000., 'misc'))