Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_sss_proj():
    """Test `meg` proj option."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
    raw.crop(0, 1.0).load_data().pick_types(exclude=())
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can only be used with Maxfiltered'):
        compute_proj_raw(raw, meg='combined')
    raw_sss = maxwell_filter(raw, int_order=5, ext_order=2)
    sss_rank = 21  # really low due to channel picking
    assert len(raw_sss.info['projs']) == 0
    for meg, n_proj, want_rank in (('separate', 6, sss_rank),
                                   ('combined', 3, sss_rank - 3)):
        proj = compute_proj_raw(raw_sss, n_grad=3, n_mag=3, meg=meg,
        this_raw = raw_sss.copy().add_proj(proj).apply_proj()
        assert len(this_raw.info['projs']) == n_proj
        sss_proj_rank = _compute_rank_int(this_raw)
        cov = compute_raw_covariance(this_raw, verbose='error')
        W, ch_names, rank = compute_whitener(cov, this_raw.info,
        assert ch_names == this_raw.ch_names
        assert want_rank == sss_proj_rank == rank  # proper reduction
        if meg == 'combined':
            assert this_raw.info['projs'][0]['data']['col_names'] == ch_names
            mag_names = ch_names[2::3]
            assert this_raw.info['projs'][3]['data']['col_names'] == mag_names
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_proj_raw_duration(duration, sfreq):
    """Test equivalence of `duration` options."""
    n_ch, n_dim = 30, 3
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    signals = rng.randn(n_dim, 10000)
    mixing = rng.randn(n_ch, n_dim) + [0, 1, 2]
    data = np.dot(mixing, signals)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(n_ch, sfreq, 'eeg'))
    n_eff = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * duration))
    # crop to an even "duration" number of epochs
    stop = ((len(raw.times) // n_eff) * n_eff - 1) / raw.info['sfreq']
    raw.crop(0, stop)
    proj_def = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_dur = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=duration, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_none = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, n_eeg=n_dim)
    assert len(proj_dur) == len(proj_none) == len(proj_def) == n_dim
    # proj_def is not in here because it does not necessarily evenly divide
    # the signal length:
    for pu, pn in zip(proj_dur, proj_none):
        assert_allclose(pu['data']['data'], pn['data']['data'])
    # but we can test it here since it should still be a small subspace angle:
    for proj in (proj_dur, proj_none, proj_def):
        computed = np.concatenate([p['data']['data'] for p in proj], 0)
        angle = np.rad2deg(linalg.subspace_angles(computed.T, mixing)[0])
        assert angle < 1e-5
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_compute_proj_raw():
    """Test SSP computation on raw"""
    # Test that the raw projectors work
    raw_time = 2.5  # Do shorter amount for speed
    raw = Raw(raw_fname, preload=True).crop(0, raw_time, False)
    for ii in (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2):
        with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
            projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=ii - 0.1, stop=raw_time,
                                     n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
            assert_true(len(w) == 1)

        # test that you can compute the projection matrix
        projs = activate_proj(projs)
        proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])

        assert_true(nproj == 2)
        assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

        # test that you can save them
        raw.info['projs'] += projs
        raw.save(op.join(tempdir, 'foo_%d_raw.fif' % ii), overwrite=True)

    # Test that purely continuous (no duration) raw projection works
    with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, stop=raw_time,
                                 n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    raw.info['projs'] += projs
    raw.save(op.join(tempdir, 'foo_rawproj_continuous_raw.fif'))

    # test resampled-data projector, upsampling instead of downsampling
    # here to save an extra filtering (raw would have to be LP'ed to be equiv)
    raw_resamp = cp.deepcopy(raw)
    raw_resamp.resample(raw.info['sfreq'] * 2, n_jobs=2)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw_resamp, duration=None, stop=raw_time,
                                 n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj_new, _, _ = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])
    assert_array_almost_equal(proj_new, proj, 4)

    # test with bads
    raw.load_bad_channels(bads_fname)  # adds 2 bad mag channels
    with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_grad=0, n_mag=0, n_eeg=1)

    # test that bad channels can be excluded
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names,
    assert_array_almost_equal(proj, np.eye(len(raw.ch_names)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_rank_estimation():
    """Test raw rank estimation
    iter_tests = itt.product([fif_fname, hp_fif_fname], ["norm", dict(mag=1e11, grad=1e9, eeg=1e5)])  # sss
    for fname, scalings in iter_tests:
        raw = Raw(fname)
        (_, picks_meg), (_, picks_eeg) = _picks_by_type(raw.info, meg_combined=True)
        n_meg = len(picks_meg)
        n_eeg = len(picks_eeg)

        raw = Raw(fname, preload=True)
        if "proc_history" not in raw.info:
            expected_rank = n_meg + n_eeg
            mf = raw.info["proc_history"][0]["max_info"]
            expected_rank = _get_sss_rank(mf) + n_eeg
        assert_array_equal(raw.estimate_rank(scalings=scalings), expected_rank)

        assert_array_equal(raw.estimate_rank(picks=picks_eeg, scalings=scalings), n_eeg)

        raw = Raw(fname, preload=False)
        if "sss" in fname:
            tstart, tstop = 0.0, 30.0
            tstart, tstop = 10.0, 20.0

        n_proj = len(raw.info["projs"])

            raw.estimate_rank(tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, scalings=scalings),
            expected_rank - (1 if "sss" in fname else n_proj),
Ejemplo n.º 5
def apply_empty_room_projections(raw, raw_empty_room):
    Calculates empty room projections from empty room data and applies it to raw.
    Note: Make sure the empty room data is also filtered. This may affect the projections.

    raw, raw_empty_room: mne Raw object
        Raw file and Empty room raw file.

    raw: mne Raw object
        Raw file with projections applied.
    empty_room_proj: projections
        Empty room projection vectors. 
    # Add checks to make sure its empty room.
    # Check for events in ECG, EOG, STI.
    print 'Empty room projections calculated for %s.'%(raw_empty_fname)
    empty_room_proj = mne.compute_proj_raw(raw_empty_room)
    return raw, empty_room_proj
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_rank():
    """Test cov rank estimation."""
    # Test that our rank estimation works properly on a simple case
    evoked = read_evokeds(ave_fname, condition=0, baseline=(None, 0),
    cov = read_cov(cov_fname)
    ch_names = [ch for ch in evoked.info['ch_names'] if '053' not in ch and
    cov = prepare_noise_cov(cov, evoked.info, ch_names, None)
    assert_equal(cov['eig'][0], 0.)  # avg projector should set this to zero
    assert_true((cov['eig'][1:] > 0).all())  # all else should be > 0

    # Now do some more comprehensive tests
    raw_sample = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)

    raw_sss = read_raw_fif(hp_fif_fname)

    cov_sample = compute_raw_covariance(raw_sample)
    cov_sample_proj = compute_raw_covariance(

    cov_sss = compute_raw_covariance(raw_sss)
    cov_sss_proj = compute_raw_covariance(

    picks_all_sample = pick_types(raw_sample.info, meg=True, eeg=True)
    picks_all_sss = pick_types(raw_sss.info, meg=True, eeg=True)

    info_sample = pick_info(raw_sample.info, picks_all_sample)
    picks_stack_sample = [('eeg', pick_types(info_sample, meg=False,
    picks_stack_sample += [('meg', pick_types(info_sample, meg=True))]
    picks_stack_sample += [('all',
                            pick_types(info_sample, meg=True, eeg=True))]

    info_sss = pick_info(raw_sss.info, picks_all_sss)
    picks_stack_somato = [('eeg', pick_types(info_sss, meg=False, eeg=True))]
    picks_stack_somato += [('meg', pick_types(info_sss, meg=True))]
    picks_stack_somato += [('all',
                            pick_types(info_sss, meg=True, eeg=True))]

    iter_tests = list(itt.product(
        [(cov_sample, picks_stack_sample, info_sample),
         (cov_sample_proj, picks_stack_sample, info_sample),
         (cov_sss, picks_stack_somato, info_sss),
         (cov_sss_proj, picks_stack_somato, info_sss)],  # sss
        [dict(mag=1e15, grad=1e13, eeg=1e6)]

    for (cov, picks_list, this_info), scalings in iter_tests:
        for ch_type, picks in picks_list:

            this_very_info = pick_info(this_info, picks)

            # compute subset of projs
            this_projs = [c['active'] and
                              .intersection(set(this_very_info['ch_names']))) >
                          0 for c in cov['projs']]
            n_projs = sum(this_projs)

            # count channel types
            ch_types = [channel_type(this_very_info, idx)
                        for idx in range(len(picks))]
            n_eeg, n_mag, n_grad = [ch_types.count(k) for k in
                                    ['eeg', 'mag', 'grad']]
            n_meg = n_mag + n_grad
            if ch_type in ('all', 'eeg'):
                n_projs_eeg = 1
                n_projs_eeg = 0

            # check sss
            if len(this_very_info['proc_history']) > 0:
                mf = this_very_info['proc_history'][0]['max_info']
                n_free = _get_sss_rank(mf)
                if 'mag' not in ch_types and 'grad' not in ch_types:
                    n_free = 0
                # - n_projs XXX clarify
                expected_rank = n_free + n_eeg
                if n_projs > 0 and ch_type in ('all', 'eeg'):
                    expected_rank -= n_projs_eeg
                expected_rank = n_meg + n_eeg - n_projs

            C = cov['data'][np.ix_(picks, picks)]
            est_rank = _estimate_rank_meeg_cov(C, this_very_info,

            assert_equal(expected_rank, est_rank)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_rank():
    """Test cov rank estimation"""
    raw_sample = Raw(raw_fname)

    raw_sss = Raw(hp_fif_fname)

    cov_sample = compute_raw_data_covariance(raw_sample)
    cov_sample_proj = compute_raw_data_covariance(

    cov_sss = compute_raw_data_covariance(raw_sss)
    cov_sss_proj = compute_raw_data_covariance(

    picks_all_sample = pick_types(raw_sample.info, meg=True, eeg=True)
    picks_all_sss = pick_types(raw_sss.info, meg=True, eeg=True)

    info_sample = pick_info(raw_sample.info, picks_all_sample)
    picks_stack_sample = [('eeg', pick_types(info_sample, meg=False,
    picks_stack_sample += [('meg', pick_types(info_sample, meg=True))]
    picks_stack_sample += [('all',
                            pick_types(info_sample, meg=True, eeg=True))]

    info_sss = pick_info(raw_sss.info, picks_all_sss)
    picks_stack_somato = [('eeg', pick_types(info_sss, meg=False, eeg=True))]
    picks_stack_somato += [('meg', pick_types(info_sss, meg=True))]
    picks_stack_somato += [('all',
                            pick_types(info_sss, meg=True, eeg=True))]

    iter_tests = list(itt.product(
        [(cov_sample, picks_stack_sample, info_sample),
         (cov_sample_proj, picks_stack_sample, info_sample),
         (cov_sss, picks_stack_somato, info_sss),
         (cov_sss_proj, picks_stack_somato, info_sss)],  # sss
        [dict(mag=1e15, grad=1e13, eeg=1e6)]

    for (cov, picks_list, this_info), scalings in iter_tests:
        for ch_type, picks in picks_list:

            this_very_info = pick_info(this_info, picks)

            # compute subset of projs
            this_projs = [c['active'] and
                              .intersection(set(this_very_info['ch_names']))) >
                          0 for c in cov['projs']]
            n_projs = sum(this_projs)

            # count channel types
            ch_types = [channel_type(this_very_info, idx)
                        for idx in range(len(picks))]
            n_eeg, n_mag, n_grad = [ch_types.count(k) for k in
                                    ['eeg', 'mag', 'grad']]
            n_meg = n_mag + n_grad
            if ch_type in ('all', 'eeg'):
                n_projs_eeg = 1
                n_projs_eeg = 0

            # check sss
            if 'proc_history' in this_very_info:
                mf = this_very_info['proc_history'][0]['max_info']
                n_free = _get_sss_rank(mf)
                if 'mag' not in ch_types and 'grad' not in ch_types:
                    n_free = 0
                # - n_projs XXX clarify
                expected_rank = n_free + n_eeg
                if n_projs > 0 and ch_type in ('all', 'eeg'):
                    expected_rank -= n_projs_eeg
                expected_rank = n_meg + n_eeg - n_projs

            C = cov['data'][np.ix_(picks, picks)]
            est_rank = _estimate_rank_meeg_cov(C, this_very_info,

            assert_equal(expected_rank, est_rank)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_compute_proj():
    """Test SSP computation"""
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.3

    raw = Raw(raw_fname, preload=True)
    events = read_events(event_fname)
    exclude = []
    bad_ch = 'MEG 2443'
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False,
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                        baseline=None, proj=False)

    evoked = epochs.average()
    projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=1)
    write_proj('proj.fif.gz', projs)
    for p_fname in [proj_fname, proj_gz_fname, 'proj.fif.gz']:
        projs2 = read_proj(p_fname)

        assert_true(len(projs) == len(projs2))

        for p1, p2 in zip(projs, projs2):
            assert_true(p1['desc'] == p2['desc'])
            assert_true(p1['data']['col_names'] == p2['data']['col_names'])
            assert_true(p1['active'] == p2['active'])
            # compare with sign invariance
            p1_data = p1['data']['data'] * np.sign(p1['data']['data'][0, 0])
            p2_data = p2['data']['data'] * np.sign(p2['data']['data'][0, 0])
            if bad_ch in p1['data']['col_names']:
                bad = p1['data']['col_names'].index('MEG 2443')
                mask = np.ones(p1_data.size, dtype=np.bool)
                mask[bad] = False
                p1_data = p1_data[:, mask]
                p2_data = p2_data[:, mask]
            corr = np.corrcoef(p1_data, p2_data)[0, 1]
            assert_array_almost_equal(corr, 1.0, 5)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    epochs.info['projs'] += projs
    evoked = epochs.average()

    projs = read_proj(proj_fname)

    projs_evoked = compute_proj_evoked(evoked, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
    # XXX : test something

    # test parallelization
    projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=2)
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj_par, _, _ = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])
    assert_array_equal(proj, proj_par)

    # Test that the raw projectors work
    for ii in (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24):
        raw = Raw(raw_fname)
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=ii-0.1, n_grad=1, n_mag=1,

        # test that you can compute the projection matrix
        projs = activate_proj(projs)
        proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

        assert_true(nproj == 2)
        assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

        # test that you can save them
        raw.info['projs'] += projs
        raw.save('foo_%d_raw.fif' % ii)

    # Test that purely continuous (no duration) raw projection works
    raw = Raw(raw_fname)
    projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    raw.info['projs'] += projs
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_low_rank():
    """Test low-rank covariance matrix estimation."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).set_eeg_reference(projection=True).crop(0, 3)
    raw = maxwell_filter(raw, regularize=None)  # heavily reduce the rank
    sss_proj_rank = 139  # 80 MEG + 60 EEG - 1 proj
    n_ch = 366
    proj_rank = 365  # one EEG proj
    events = make_fixed_length_events(raw)
    methods = ('empirical', 'diagonal_fixed', 'oas')
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, preload=True)
    bounds = {
        'None': dict(empirical=(-6000, -5000),
                     diagonal_fixed=(-1500, -500),
                     oas=(-700, -600)),
        'full': dict(empirical=(-9000, -8000),
                     diagonal_fixed=(-2000, -1600),
                     oas=(-1600, -1000)),
    for rank in ('full', None):
        covs = compute_covariance(
            epochs, method=methods, return_estimators=True,
            verbose='error', rank=rank)
        for cov in covs:
            method = cov['method']
            these_bounds = bounds[str(rank)][method]
            this_rank = _cov_rank(cov, epochs.info)
            if rank is None or method == 'empirical':
                assert this_rank == sss_proj_rank
                assert this_rank == proj_rank
            assert these_bounds[0] < cov['loglik'] < these_bounds[1], \
                (rank, method)
            if method == 'empirical':
                emp_cov = cov  # save for later, rank param does not matter

    # Test equivalence with mne.cov.regularize subspace
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='are dependent.*must equal'):
        regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, rank=None, mag=0.1, grad=0.2)
    assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank='full')
    assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, epochs.info) == proj_rank
    del reg_cov
    with catch_logging() as log:
        reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank=None,
    log = log.getvalue()
    assert 'jointly' in log
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    reg_r_only_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=False, rank=None)
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_only_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    assert_allclose(reg_r_only_cov['data'], reg_r_cov['data'])
    del reg_r_only_cov, reg_r_cov

    # test that rank=306 is same as rank='full'
    epochs_meg = epochs.copy().pick_types()
    assert len(epochs_meg.ch_names) == 306
    epochs_meg.info.update(bads=[], projs=[])
    cov_full = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas',
                                  rank='full', verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(cov_full, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    cov_dict = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas',
                                  rank=306, verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(cov_dict, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    assert_allclose(cov_full['data'], cov_dict['data'])

    # Work with just EEG data to simplify projection / rank reduction
    raw.pick_types(meg=False, eeg=True)
    n_proj = 2
    raw.add_proj(compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_proj))
    n_ch = len(raw.ch_names)
    rank = n_ch - n_proj - 1  # plus avg proj
    assert len(raw.info['projs']) == 3
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, preload=True)
    assert len(raw.ch_names) == n_ch
    emp_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank='full', verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank='full')
    assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=False, rank=None)
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    dia_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='diagonal_fixed',
    assert _cov_rank(dia_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    assert_allclose(dia_cov['data'], reg_cov['data'])
    # test our deprecation: can simply remove later
    # degenerate
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'):
        compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='pca')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'):
        compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='factor_analysis')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_low_rank_cov(raw_epochs_events):
    """Test additional properties of low rank computations."""
    raw, epochs, events = raw_epochs_events
    sss_proj_rank = 139  # 80 MEG + 60 EEG - 1 proj
    n_ch = 366
    proj_rank = 365  # one EEG proj
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Too few samples'):
        emp_cov = compute_covariance(epochs)
    # Test equivalence with mne.cov.regularize subspace
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='are dependent.*must equal'):
        regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, rank=None, mag=0.1, grad=0.2)
    assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank='full')
    assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, epochs.info) == proj_rank
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='exceeds the theoretical'):
        _compute_rank_int(reg_cov, info=epochs.info)
    del reg_cov
    with catch_logging() as log:
        reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank=None,
    log = log.getvalue()
    assert 'jointly' in log
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    reg_r_only_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=False, rank=None)
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_only_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    assert_allclose(reg_r_only_cov['data'], reg_r_cov['data'])
    del reg_r_only_cov, reg_r_cov

    # test that rank=306 is same as rank='full'
    epochs_meg = epochs.copy().pick_types(meg=True)
    assert len(epochs_meg.ch_names) == 306
    epochs_meg.info.update(bads=[], projs=[])
    cov_full = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas',
                                  rank='full', verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(cov_full, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='few samples'):
        cov_dict = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas',
    assert _cov_rank(cov_dict, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    assert_allclose(cov_full['data'], cov_dict['data'])
    cov_dict = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas',
                                  rank=dict(meg=306), verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(cov_dict, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    assert_allclose(cov_full['data'], cov_dict['data'])

    # Work with just EEG data to simplify projection / rank reduction
    raw = raw.copy().pick_types(meg=False, eeg=True)
    n_proj = 2
    raw.add_proj(compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_proj))
    n_ch = len(raw.ch_names)
    rank = n_ch - n_proj - 1  # plus avg proj
    assert len(raw.info['projs']) == 3
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, preload=True)
    assert len(raw.ch_names) == n_ch
    emp_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank='full', verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank='full')
    assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=False, rank=None)
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    dia_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='diagonal_fixed',
    assert _cov_rank(dia_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    assert_allclose(dia_cov['data'], reg_cov['data'])
    # degenerate
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'):
        compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='pca')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'):
        compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='factor_analysis')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_low_rank_cov(raw_epochs_events):
    """Test additional properties of low rank computations."""
    raw, epochs, events = raw_epochs_events
    sss_proj_rank = 139  # 80 MEG + 60 EEG - 1 proj
    n_ch = 366
    proj_rank = 365  # one EEG proj
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Too few samples'):
        emp_cov = compute_covariance(epochs)
    # Test equivalence with mne.cov.regularize subspace
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='are dependent.*must equal'):
        regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, rank=None, mag=0.1, grad=0.2)
    assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank='full')
    assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, epochs.info) == proj_rank
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='exceeds the theoretical'):
        _compute_rank_int(reg_cov, info=epochs.info)
    del reg_cov
    with catch_logging() as log:
        reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank=None,
    log = log.getvalue()
    assert 'jointly' in log
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    reg_r_only_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=False, rank=None)
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_only_cov, epochs.info) == sss_proj_rank
    assert_allclose(reg_r_only_cov['data'], reg_r_cov['data'])
    del reg_r_only_cov, reg_r_cov

    # test that rank=306 is same as rank='full'
    epochs_meg = epochs.copy().pick_types()
    assert len(epochs_meg.ch_names) == 306
    epochs_meg.info.update(bads=[], projs=[])
    cov_full = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas',
                                  rank='full', verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(cov_full, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    with pytest.deprecated_call(match='int is deprecated'):
        cov_dict = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas', rank=306)
    assert _cov_rank(cov_dict, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    assert_allclose(cov_full['data'], cov_dict['data'])
    cov_dict = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas',
                                  rank=dict(meg=306), verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(cov_dict, epochs_meg.info) == 306
    assert_allclose(cov_full['data'], cov_dict['data'])

    # Work with just EEG data to simplify projection / rank reduction
    raw = raw.copy().pick_types(meg=False, eeg=True)
    n_proj = 2
    raw.add_proj(compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_proj))
    n_ch = len(raw.ch_names)
    rank = n_ch - n_proj - 1  # plus avg proj
    assert len(raw.info['projs']) == 3
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, preload=True)
    assert len(raw.ch_names) == n_ch
    emp_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank='full', verbose='error')
    assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=True, rank='full')
    assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov, epochs.info, proj=False, rank=None)
    assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    dia_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='diagonal_fixed',
    assert _cov_rank(dia_cov, epochs.info) == rank
    assert_allclose(dia_cov['data'], reg_cov['data'])
    # test our deprecation: can simply remove later
    # degenerate
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'):
        compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='pca')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'):
        compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='factor_analysis')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_rank():
    """Test cov rank estimation."""
    # Test that our rank estimation works properly on a simple case
    evoked = read_evokeds(ave_fname,
                          baseline=(None, 0),
    cov = read_cov(cov_fname)
    ch_names = [
        ch for ch in evoked.info['ch_names']
        if '053' not in ch and ch.startswith('EEG')
    cov = prepare_noise_cov(cov, evoked.info, ch_names, None)
    assert_equal(cov['eig'][0], 0.)  # avg projector should set this to zero
    assert_true((cov['eig'][1:] > 0).all())  # all else should be > 0

    # Now do some more comprehensive tests
    raw_sample = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
    assert not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(raw_sample.info['projs'])

    raw_sss = read_raw_fif(hp_fif_fname)
    assert not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(raw_sss.info['projs'])

    cov_sample = compute_raw_covariance(raw_sample)
    cov_sample_proj = compute_raw_covariance(raw_sample.copy().apply_proj())

    cov_sss = compute_raw_covariance(raw_sss)
    cov_sss_proj = compute_raw_covariance(raw_sss.copy().apply_proj())

    picks_all_sample = pick_types(raw_sample.info, meg=True, eeg=True)
    picks_all_sss = pick_types(raw_sss.info, meg=True, eeg=True)

    info_sample = pick_info(raw_sample.info, picks_all_sample)
    picks_stack_sample = [('eeg', pick_types(info_sample, meg=False,
    picks_stack_sample += [('meg', pick_types(info_sample, meg=True))]
    picks_stack_sample += [('all', pick_types(info_sample, meg=True,

    info_sss = pick_info(raw_sss.info, picks_all_sss)
    picks_stack_somato = [('eeg', pick_types(info_sss, meg=False, eeg=True))]
    picks_stack_somato += [('meg', pick_types(info_sss, meg=True))]
    picks_stack_somato += [('all', pick_types(info_sss, meg=True, eeg=True))]

    iter_tests = list(
            [(cov_sample, picks_stack_sample, info_sample),
             (cov_sample_proj, picks_stack_sample, info_sample),
             (cov_sss, picks_stack_somato, info_sss),
             (cov_sss_proj, picks_stack_somato, info_sss)],  # sss
            [dict(mag=1e15, grad=1e13, eeg=1e6)]))

    for (cov, picks_list, this_info), scalings in iter_tests:
        for ch_type, picks in picks_list:

            this_very_info = pick_info(this_info, picks)

            # compute subset of projs
            this_projs = [
                c['active'] and len(
                        set(this_very_info['ch_names']))) > 0
                for c in cov['projs']
            n_projs = sum(this_projs)

            # count channel types
            ch_types = [
                channel_type(this_very_info, idx) for idx in range(len(picks))
            n_eeg, n_mag, n_grad = [
                ch_types.count(k) for k in ['eeg', 'mag', 'grad']
            n_meg = n_mag + n_grad

            # check sss
            if len(this_very_info['proc_history']) > 0:
                mf = this_very_info['proc_history'][0]['max_info']
                n_free = _get_sss_rank(mf)
                if 'mag' not in ch_types and 'grad' not in ch_types:
                    n_free = 0
                # - n_projs XXX clarify
                expected_rank = n_free + n_eeg
                expected_rank = n_meg + n_eeg - n_projs

            C = cov['data'][np.ix_(picks, picks)]
            est_rank = _estimate_rank_meeg_cov(C,

            assert_equal(expected_rank, est_rank)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _compute_erm_proj(p,
    disp_files = p.disp_files if disp_files is None else disp_files
    assert kind in ('sss', 'raw')
    proj_nums = _proj_nums(p, subj)
    proj_kwargs, p_sl = _get_proj_kwargs(p)
    empty_names = get_raw_fnames(p, subj, kind, 'only')
    fir_kwargs, _ = _get_fir_kwargs(p.fir_design)
    flat = _handle_dict(p.flat, subj)
    raw = _raw_LRFCP(raw_names=empty_names,
                     apply_proj=not remove_existing,
    if remove_existing:
    raw.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=())  # remove EEG
    use_reject, reject_kind = p.cont_reject, 'p.cont_reject'
    if use_reject is None:
        use_reject, reject_kind = p.reject, 'p.reject'
    use_reject, use_flat = _restrict_reject_flat(
        _handle_dict(use_reject, subj), flat, raw)
    bad = False
    pr = []
        pr = compute_proj_raw(raw,
    except RuntimeError as exc:
        if 'No good epochs' not in str(exc):
        bad = True
    if bad:
        events = make_fixed_length_events(raw)
        epochs = Epochs(raw,
                        tmax=1. - 1. / raw.info['sfreq'],
            raw, epochs, events,
            f'1-sec empty room via {reject_kind} = {use_reject} (consider '
            f'changing p.cont_reject)')
    assert len(pr) == np.sum(proj_nums[2][::p_sl])
    # When doing eSSS it's a bit weird to put this in pca_dir but why not
    pca_dir = _get_pca_dir(p, subj)
    cont_proj = op.join(pca_dir, 'preproc_cont-proj.fif')
    write_proj(cont_proj, pr)
    return pr
Ejemplo n.º 14
def computeSSP(EEGfile, threshold, SSP_start_end, reject_ch=None):
    Computes SSP projections of non-epoched EEG data (bandpass filtered and resampled to 100Hz). 
    (if EEG has been epoched then use computeSSP from EEG_analysis_RT)
    # Input
    - EEG csv file (calls extractRaw function)
    - Threshold: Value between 0 and 1, only uses the SSP projection vector if it explains more than the pre-defined threshold.
    - SSP_start_end: Pre-defined "start" and "end" time points (array consisting of two floats) for the length of raw EEG to use for SSP projection vector analysis. Acquired from extractEpochs function.
    - reject_ch: Whether to reject pre-defined channels.
    # Output
    - Array of SSP projection vectors above a pre-defined threshold (variance explained).

    # INFO
    channel_names = [
        'P7', 'P4', 'Cz', 'Pz', 'P3', 'P8', 'O1', 'O2', 'T8', 'F8', 'C4', 'F4',
        'Fp2', 'Fz', 'C3', 'F3', 'Fp1', 'T7', 'F7', 'Oz', 'PO3', 'AF3', 'FC5',
        'FC1', 'CP5', 'CP1', 'CP2', 'CP6', 'AF4', 'FC2', 'FC6', 'PO4'
    channel_types = ['eeg'] * 32
    sfreq = 500  # in Hertz
    montage = 'standard_1020'  # Or 1010
    info = mne.create_info(channel_names, sfreq, channel_types, montage)

    # Load raw data csv file
    raw = extractRaw(EEGfile)

    if reject_ch == True:
        info['bads'] = [
            'Fp1', 'Fp2', 'Fz', 'AF3', 'AF4', 'T7', 'T8', 'F7', 'F8'

        # Remove bad channels based on picks idx
        good_indices = mne.pick_types(info,

        # Find indices for reduced info channels
        channel_names = np.asarray(channel_names)
        channel_names_red = channel_names[good_indices]
        channel_types_red = ['eeg'] * (len(channel_names_red))
        channel_names_red = channel_names_red.tolist()

        info_red = mne.create_info(channel_names_red, sfreq, channel_types_red,

        raw_red = raw[:, good_indices]
        raw_red_d = detrend(raw_red, axis=0, type='linear')

        custom_raw = mne.io.RawArray(raw_red_d.T, info_red)

    if reject_ch == None:
        raw = raw[:, 0:32]  # Remove marker channel
        raw_d = detrend(raw, axis=0, type='linear')
        custom_raw = mne.io.RawArray(raw_d.T, info)

    # Bandpass filtering
    custom_raw.filter(HP, LP, fir_design='firwin', phase=phase)

    # Resampling
    custom_raw.resample(100, npad='auto')

    projs = mne.compute_proj_raw(custom_raw,

    p = [projs[i]['explained_var'] for i in range(10)]

    # If variance explained is above a certain threshold, use the SSP vector for projection
    threshold_idx = analyzeVar(p, threshold)

    threshold_projs = []  # List with projections above a chosen threshold
    for idx in threshold_idx:

    return threshold_projs
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_compute_proj_raw():
    """Test SSP computation on raw"""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # Test that the raw projectors work
    raw_time = 2.5  # Do shorter amount for speed
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(0, raw_time)
    for ii in (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2):
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            projs = compute_proj_raw(raw,
                                     duration=ii - 0.1,
            assert_true(len(w) == 1)

        # test that you can compute the projection matrix
        projs = activate_proj(projs)
        proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])

        assert_true(nproj == 2)
        assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

        # test that you can save them
        raw.info['projs'] += projs
        raw.save(op.join(tempdir, 'foo_%d_raw.fif' % ii), overwrite=True)

    # Test that purely continuous (no duration) raw projection works
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw,
        assert_equal(len(w), 1)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    raw.info['projs'] += projs
    raw.save(op.join(tempdir, 'foo_rawproj_continuous_raw.fif'))

    # test resampled-data projector, upsampling instead of downsampling
    # here to save an extra filtering (raw would have to be LP'ed to be equiv)
    raw_resamp = cp.deepcopy(raw)
    raw_resamp.resample(raw.info['sfreq'] * 2, n_jobs=2, npad='auto')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw_resamp,
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj_new, _, _ = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])
    assert_array_almost_equal(proj_new, proj, 4)

    # test with bads
    raw.load_bad_channels(bads_fname)  # adds 2 bad mag channels
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_grad=0, n_mag=0, n_eeg=1)

    # test that bad channels can be excluded
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=raw.ch_names)
    assert_array_almost_equal(proj, np.eye(len(raw.ch_names)))
Ejemplo n.º 16
# across sensors:

for average in (False, True):
    empty_room_raw.plot_psd(average=average, dB=False, xscale='log')

# Creating the empty-room projectors
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# We create the SSP vectors using :func:`~mne.compute_proj_raw`, and control
# the number of projectors with parameters ``n_grad`` and ``n_mag``. Once
# created, the field pattern of the projectors can be easily visualized with
# :func:`~mne.viz.plot_projs_topomap`.

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
empty_room_projs = mne.compute_proj_raw(empty_room_raw, n_grad=3, n_mag=3)
mne.viz.plot_projs_topomap(empty_room_projs, colorbar=True)

# Notice that the gradiometer-based projectors seem to reflect problems with
# individual sensor units rather than a global noise source (indeed, planar
# gradiometers are much less sensitive to distant sources). This is the reason
# that the system-provided noise projectors are computed only for
# magnetometers. Comparing the system-provided projectors to the
# subject-specific ones, we can see they are reasonably similar (though in a
# different order) and the left-right component seems to have changed
# polarity.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3)
mne.viz.plot_projs_topomap(system_projs, axes=axs[0], colorbar=True)
mne.viz.plot_projs_topomap(empty_room_projs[3:], axes=axs[1], colorbar=True)