Ejemplo n.º 1
from mod_infowindow import infowindow

# Select pluggable module for todo list, calendar and weather.
# Replace the mod_<name> with one of:
# TODO: mod_todoist, mod_teamwork
# CALENDAR: mod_google, mod_ical
# WEATHER: mod_owm, mod_wunderground
from mod_utils import iw_utils
from mod_todo import mod_todoist as modTodo  # TODO
from mod_calendar import mod_google as modCalendar  # CALENDAR
from mod_weather import mod_owm as modWeather  # WEATHER

# TODO: Create dictionaries for API args. so that they can be custom.

# Configuration ###############################################################
with open(iw_utils.getCWD() + "/config.json") as config_file:
    config_data = json.load(config_file)

## Rotation. 0 for desktop, 180 for hanging upside down
rotation = config_data["general"]["rotation"]
todo_opts = config_data["todo"]
calendar_opts = config_data["calendar"]
weather_opts = config_data["weather"]

# END CONFIGURATION ###########################################################

# Setup Logging -  change to logging.DEBUG if you are having issues.
logging.info("Configuration Complete")
Ejemplo n.º 2
from mod_infowindow import infowindow

# Select pluggable module for todo list, calendar and weather.
# Replace the mod_<name> with one of:
# TODO: mod_todoist, mod_teamwork
# CALENDAR: mod_google, mod_ical
# WEATHER: mod_owm, mod_wunderground
from mod_utils import iw_utils
from mod_todo import mod_google as modTodo  # TODO
from mod_calendar import mod_google as modCalendar  # CALENDAR
from mod_weather import mod_owm as modWeather  # WEATHER

# TODO: Create dictionaries for API args. so that they can be custom.

# Configuration ###############################################################
config_path = os.path.join(iw_utils.getCWD(), "config.json")
with open(config_path) as config_file:
    config_data = json.load(config_file)

# Rotation. 0 for desktop, 180 for hanging upside down
rotation = config_data["general"]["rotation"]
charset = config_data["general"]["charset"]
todo_opts = config_data["todo"]
calendar_opts = config_data["calendar"]
weather_opts = config_data["weather"]
infowindow_opts = {}
# give the timeformat to all the modules needing it
calendar_opts["timeformat"] = config_data["general"]["timeformat"]
weather_opts["timeformat"] = config_data["general"]["timeformat"]
infowindow_opts["timeformat"] = config_data["general"]["timeformat"]
infowindow_opts["cell_spacing"] = config_data["general"]["cell_spacing"]