Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_jumps_centered_on_current_theta(self):
        """ Tests if, when using suitable jump distribution, the 
            proposed values are centered on the current theta. """
        n = 10
        N = 1000
        theta_values = np.ones(n) / 3.2
        theta = RandomParameterList()
        for p_val in theta_values:
            gamma = Gamma(2, 1)
            rand_par = RandomParameter('p', gamma)
            rand_par.value = p_val

        class JumpMock(AcceptingRateAMCMC):
            def __init__(self, theta):
                n = theta.get_size()
                self._jump_S = [0.001 for x in range(n)]

        mocked_mh = JumpMock(theta)
        mean_jump = np.zeros(n)
        for i in range(N):
            jump = mocked_mh.propose_jump(theta)
            mean_jump += jump.get_values()
        mean_jump /= N
        assert all(abs(mean_jump - theta_values) < 1e-1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_get_param_log_p (self):
     """ Tests if the log p is what we expect when analytically
         calculating it. """
     param = RandomParameter ("", Gamma (2, 1))
     param.value = 5
     log_p = param.get_log_p ()
     analytic = np.log (param.value) - param.value
     assert (abs (log_p - analytic) < 1e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_iterator (self):
     """ Tests if we can iterate through parameters. """
     p1 = RandomParameter ('p1', Gamma (2, 2))
     p2 = RandomParameter ('p2', Gamma (2, 2))
     theta = RandomParameterList ()
     theta.append (p1)
     theta.append (p2)
     for p in theta:
         assert (p.name == "p1" or p.name == "p2")
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t), x1 (0) = 1
     # x1 (t) = e ^ t
     self.odes = ODES()
     self.odes.add_equation("x1", "x1")
     self.odes.define_initial_value("x1", 1.0)
     self.theta = RandomParameterList()
     sigma_dist = Gamma(1, 1)
     sigma = RandomParameter("sigma", sigma_dist)
     sigma.value = 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_copy (self):
        """ Tests if an object can produce a copy of itself. """
        p1 = RandomParameter ('p1', Gamma (2, 2))
        p2 = RandomParameter ('p2', Gamma (2, 2))
        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        theta.append (p1)
        theta.append (p2)
        copy = theta.get_copy ()
        self.assertEqual (copy.get_size (), 2)
        for p in copy:
            assert (p.name == "p1" or p.name == "p2")

        p1.name = "new_name"
        for p in copy:
            assert (p.name != "new_name")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_append (self):
     """ Tests if one can append a parameter to the list. """
     p = RandomParameter ('', Gamma (2, 2))
     theta = RandomParameterList ()
     theta.append (p)
     theta.append (p)
     theta.append (p)
     self.assertEqual (theta.get_size (), 3)
 def create_starting_sample (self):
     my_artificial_sample = []
     log_likelihoods = []
     sample_mean = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, .3]
     S = np.eye (4) / 5
     mu = np.log (np.array (sample_mean)) - S.diagonal () / 2
     my_sample_dist = MultivariateLognormal (mu, S)
     for i in range (50):
         theta = RandomParameterList ()
         values = my_sample_dist.rvs ()
         for v in values[:-1]:
             p = RandomParameter ('p', Gamma (2, 2))
             p.value = v
             theta.append (p)
         exp_error = RandomParameter ('sigma', Gamma (2, 2))
         theta.set_experimental_error (exp_error)
         log_likelihoods.append (1)
         my_artificial_sample.append (theta)
     return (my_artificial_sample, log_likelihoods)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_get_experimental_error (self):
        """ Tests if we can have an experimental error on the list of
            random parameters. """
        p1 = RandomParameter ('p1', Gamma (2, 2))
        p2 = RandomParameter ('p2', Gamma (3, 2))
        p1.value = 1
        p2.value = 2
        sigma = RandomParameter ('sigma', Gamma (2, .1))
        sigma.value = 123

        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        theta.append (p1)
        theta.set_experimental_error (sigma)
        theta.append (p2)
        self.assertEqual (theta.get_experimental_error (), 123)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_jumps_centered_on_current_theta (self):
     """ Tests if, when using suitable jump distribution, the 
         proposed values are centered on the current theta. """
     n = 10
     N = 1000
     theta_values = np.ones (n) / 3.2
     theta = RandomParameterList ()
     for p_val in theta_values:
         gamma = Gamma (2, 1)
         rand_par = RandomParameter ('p', gamma)
         rand_par.value = p_val
         theta.append (rand_par)
     mocked_mh = MHJumpMock (theta)
     mean_jump = np.zeros (n)
     for i in range (N):
         jump = mocked_mh.propose_jump (theta)
         mean_jump += jump.get_values ()
     mean_jump /= N
     assert all (abs (mean_jump - theta_values) < 1e-1)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def read_priors_file(filename):
    """ Reads a priors definition file.

            filename: the path of the priors file.

            a RandomParameterList object, containing all defined
            parameters and its prior distributions and also some
            experimental error.
    tree = etree.parse(filename)
    root = tree.getroot()

    if clean_tag(root) != "priors":
        print("Wrong experiment data syntax. Root tag should be " +
        return None

    priors = RandomParameterList()
    for children in root.getchildren():
        attribs = children.attrib
        if clean_tag(children) == "prior":
            name = attribs["name"]
            a = float(attribs["a"])
            b = float(attribs["b"])
            dist_type = attribs["distribution"]
            dist = __create_distribution(dist_type, [a, b])
            priors.append(RandomParameter(name, dist))
        elif clean_tag(children) == "experimental_error":
            name = attribs["name"]
            a = float(attribs["a"])
            b = float(attribs["b"])
            gamma = Gamma(a, b)
            priors.set_experimental_error(RandomParameter(name, gamma))
            print("Warning: unindentified prior definition on " + filename)

    return priors
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_get_iterator (self):
        """ Tests if we can get an iterator of the object. """
        p1 = RandomParameter ('p1', Gamma (2, 2))
        p2 = RandomParameter ('p2', Gamma (3, 2))
        sigma = RandomParameter ('sigma', Gamma (2, .1))
        p1.value = 1
        p2.value = 2
        sigma.value = 123
        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        theta.append (p1)
        theta.append (p2)
        theta.set_experimental_error (sigma)

        my_iterator = iter (theta)
        it_1 = next (my_iterator)
        assert (it_1.name == 'p1')
        it_2 = next (my_iterator)
        assert (it_2.name == 'p2')
        it_3 = next (my_iterator)
        assert (it_3.name == 'sigma')
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_get_last_sampled (self):
        """ Tests if one can get the last N sampled parameters. """
        n = 10
        N = 20
        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        for i in range (n):
            gamma = Gamma (2, 2)
            rand_par = RandomParameter ('p', gamma)
            theta.append (rand_par)

        mocked_mh = MHFullMock (theta)
        mocked_mh.start_sample_from_prior ()
        mocked_mh.get_sample (2 * N)
        sample = mocked_mh.get_last_sampled (N)[0]
        assert (len (sample) > N * .25)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_acceptance_ratio (self):
        """ Tests if the acceptance ratio converges to 0.5 when the 
            mh ratio in a jump proposal is always 0.5. """
        n = 10
        N = 3000
        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        for i in range (n):
            gamma = Gamma (2, 2)
            rand_par = RandomParameter ('p', gamma)
            theta.append (rand_par)

        mocked_mh = MHFullMock (theta)
        mocked_mh.start_sample_from_prior ()
        mocked_mh.get_sample (N)
        acceptance_ratio = mocked_mh.get_acceptance_ratio ()
        assert (abs (acceptance_ratio - .5) < 1e-1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_idexing (self):
     """ Tests if one can access a parameter with an index. """
     p1 = RandomParameter ('p1', Gamma (2, 2))
     p2 = RandomParameter ('p2', Gamma (3, 2))
     p1.value = 1
     p2.value = 2
     theta = RandomParameterList ()
     theta.append (p1)
     theta.append (p2)
     self.assertEqual (theta[0].name, 'p1')
     self.assertEqual (theta[1].name, 'p2')
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_get_values (self):
     """ Tests if we can get only the values of the parameters. """
     p1 = RandomParameter ('p1', Gamma (2, 2))
     p2 = RandomParameter ('p2', Gamma (3, 2))
     p1.value = 1
     p2.value = 2
     theta = RandomParameterList ()
     theta.append (p1)
     theta.append (p2)
     values = theta.get_values ()
     self.assertEqual (values[0], 1)
     self.assertEqual (values[1], 2)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_manual_jump (self):
        """ Tests if one can perform a manual jump. """
        n = 10
        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        for i in range (n):
            gamma = Gamma (2, 2)
            rand_par = RandomParameter ('p', gamma)
            theta.append (rand_par)
        mocked_mh = MHLikelihoodMock (theta)
        mocked_mh.start_sample_from_prior ()
        mocked_mh.manual_jump (theta, 1)

        sample = mocked_mh.get_last_sampled (2)[0]
        last_theta = sample[-1]
        theta_vals = np.array (theta.get_values ())
        last_theta_vals = np.array (last_theta.get_values ())
        assert all (theta_vals == last_theta_vals)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_sample_start (self):
        """ Tests if the start sample is centered on the mean of the 
            prior distribution. """
        n = 10
        N = 1000
        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        for i in range (n):
            gamma = Gamma (2, 0.15)
            rand_par = RandomParameter ('p', gamma)
            theta.append (rand_par)

        start_mean = np.zeros (n)
        analytical_mean = np.ones (n) * 0.3
        for i in range (N):
            mocked_mh = MHLikelihoodMock (theta)
            mocked_mh.start_sample_from_prior ()
            sample = mocked_mh.get_last_sampled (1)[0]
            t = sample[0]
            start_mean += t.get_values ()
        start_mean /= N
        assert all (abs (start_mean - analytical_mean) < 1e-1)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_samples_target (self):
        """ With a controlled target distribution, tests if the MH
            successfully generates a sample from the target. """
        n = 10
        N = 5000
        theta = RandomParameterList ()
        for i in range (n):
            gamma = Gamma (1, 1)
            p = RandomParameter ('p', gamma)
            theta.append (p)

        class MHMultivariateLognormalTargetMock (MetropolisHastings):
            def __init__ (self, theta):
                super ().__init__ (theta, verbose=False)
                n = theta.get_size ()
                mu = np.ones (n)
                Sigma = np.eye (n) / 10
                self.target_distribution = MultivariateLognormal (mu, 

            def _calc_log_likelihood (self, t):
                t_values = t.get_values ()
                l = self.target_distribution.pdf (t_values)
                return np.log (l)

            def _create_jump_dist (self, theta_t):
                n = theta_t.get_size ()
                S = np.eye (n) / 100
                variances = S.diagonal ()
                theta_values = np.array (theta_t.get_values ())
                mu = np.log (theta_values) - variances / 2
                return MultivariateLognormal (mu, S)

            def _calc_mh_ratio (self, new_t, new_l, old_t, old_l):
                J_gv_new = self._create_jump_dist (new_t)
                J_gv_old = self._create_jump_dist (old_t)
                p_old_gv_new = J_gv_new.pdf (old_t.get_values ())
                p_new_gv_old = J_gv_old.pdf (new_t.get_values ())
                l_ratio = np.exp (new_l - old_l)
                r = (l_ratio) * (p_old_gv_new / p_new_gv_old)
                return r

        mocked_mh = MHMultivariateLognormalTargetMock (theta)
        mocked_mh.start_sample_from_prior ()
        mocked_mh.get_sample (N)[0]
        # let's throw away the first 10% of samples
        sample = mocked_mh.get_last_sampled (int (N * .9))[0]

        mu = np.ones (n)
        S  = np.eye (n) / 10
        analytic_mean = np.exp (mu + S.diagonal () / 2)
        sample_mean = np.zeros (n) 
        for t in sample:
            sample_mean += t.get_values ()
        sample_mean /= len (sample)
        diff = analytic_mean - sample_mean
        diff_norm2 = np.sqrt (diff.dot (diff))
        assert (diff_norm2 < 1)