def forward(self, enc_hs_pad, enc_hs_len, dec_z, att_prev):
        '''AttMultiHeadDot forward

        :param Variable enc_hs_pad: padded encoder hidden state (B x T_max x D_enc)
        :param list enc_h_len: padded encoder hidden state lenght (B)
        :param Variable dec_z: decoder hidden state (B x D_dec)
        :param Variable att_prev: dummy (does not use)
        :param float scaling: scaling parameter before applying softmax
        :return: attentioin weighted encoder state (B x D_enc)
        :rtype: Variable
        :return: list of previous attentioin weight (B x T_max) * aheads
        :rtype: list

        batch = enc_hs_pad.size(0)
        # pre-compute all k and v outside the decoder loop
        if self.pre_compute_k is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_k = [
                torch.tanh(linear_tensor(self.mlp_k[h], self.enc_h))
                for h in six.moves.range(self.aheads)

        if self.pre_compute_v is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_v = [
                linear_tensor(self.mlp_v[h], self.enc_h)
                for h in six.moves.range(self.aheads)

        if dec_z is None:
            dec_z = Variable(, self.dunits).zero_())
            dec_z = dec_z.view(batch, self.dunits)

        c = []
        w = []
        for h in six.moves.range(self.aheads):
            e = torch.sum(self.pre_compute_k[h] * torch.tanh(
                self.mlp_q[h](dec_z)).view(batch, 1, self.att_dim_k),
                          dim=2)  # utt x frame
            w += [F.softmax(self.scaling * e, dim=1)]

            # weighted sum over flames
            # utt x hdim
            # NOTE use bmm instead of sum(*)
            c += [
                torch.sum(self.pre_compute_v[h] *
                          w[h].view(batch, self.h_length, 1),

        # concat all of c
        c = self.mlp_o(, dim=1))

        return c, w
    def forward(self, enc_hs_pad, enc_hs_len, dec_z, att_prev, scaling=2.0):
        '''AttLoc forward

        :param Variable enc_hs_pad: padded encoder hidden state (B x T_max x D_enc)
        :param list enc_h_len: padded encoder hidden state lenght (B)
        :param Variable dec_z: docoder hidden state (B x D_dec)
        :param Variable att_prev: dummy (does not use)
        :param float scaling: scaling parameter before applying softmax
        :return: attentioin weighted encoder state (B, D_enc)
        :rtype: Variable
        :return: previous attentioin weights (B x T_max)
        :rtype: Variable

        batch = len(enc_hs_pad)
        # pre-compute all h outside the decoder loop
        if self.pre_compute_enc_h is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_enc_h = linear_tensor(self.mlp_enc, self.enc_h)

        if dec_z is None:
            dec_z = Variable(, self.dunits).zero_())
            dec_z = dec_z.view(batch, self.dunits)

        # dec_z_tiled: utt x frame x att_dim
        dec_z_tiled = self.mlp_dec(dec_z).view(batch, 1, self.att_dim)

        # dot with gvec
        # utt x frame x att_dim -> utt x frame
        # NOTE consider zero padding when compute w.
        e = linear_tensor(self.gvec,
                          torch.tanh(self.pre_compute_enc_h +
        w = F.softmax(scaling * e, dim=1)

        # weighted sum over flames
        # utt x hdim
        # NOTE use bmm instead of sum(*)
        c = torch.sum(self.enc_h * w.view(batch, self.h_length, 1), dim=1)

        return c, w
    def forward(self,
        '''AttCovLoc forward

        :param Variable enc_hs_pad: padded encoder hidden state (B x T_max x D_enc)
        :param list enc_h_len: padded encoder hidden state lenght (B)
        :param Variable dec_z: docoder hidden state (B x D_dec)
        :param list att_prev_list: list of previous attetion weight
        :param float scaling: scaling parameter before applying softmax
        :return: attentioin weighted encoder state (B, D_enc)
        :rtype: Variable
        :return: list of previous attentioin weights
        :rtype: list

        batch = len(enc_hs_pad)
        # pre-compute all h outside the decoder loop
        if self.pre_compute_enc_h is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_enc_h = linear_tensor(self.mlp_enc, self.enc_h)

        if dec_z is None:
            dec_z = Variable(, self.dunits).zero_())
            dec_z = dec_z.view(batch, self.dunits)

        # initialize attention weight with uniform dist.
        if att_prev_list is None:
            att_prev = [
                Variable( + (1.0 / l))
                for l in enc_hs_len
            # if no bias, 0 0-pad goes 0
            att_prev_list = [pad_list(att_prev, 0)]

        # att_prev_list: L' * [B x T] => cov_vec B x T
        cov_vec = sum(att_prev_list)

        # cov_vec: B x T -> B x 1 x 1 x T -> B x C x 1 x T
        att_conv = self.loc_conv(cov_vec.view(batch, 1, 1, self.h_length))
        # att_conv: utt x att_conv_chans x 1 x frame -> utt x frame x att_conv_chans
        att_conv = att_conv.squeeze(2).transpose(1, 2)
        # att_conv: utt x frame x att_conv_chans -> utt x frame x att_dim
        att_conv = linear_tensor(self.mlp_att, att_conv)

        # dec_z_tiled: utt x frame x att_dim
        dec_z_tiled = self.mlp_dec(dec_z).view(batch, 1, self.att_dim)

        # dot with gvec
        # utt x frame x att_dim -> utt x frame
        # NOTE consider zero padding when compute w.
        e = linear_tensor(
            torch.tanh(att_conv + self.pre_compute_enc_h +

        w = F.softmax(scaling * e, dim=1)
        att_prev_list += [w]

        # weighted sum over flames
        # utt x hdim
        # NOTE use bmm instead of sum(*)
        c = torch.sum(self.enc_h * w.view(batch, self.h_length, 1), dim=1)

        return c, att_prev_list
    def forward(self,
        '''AttLocRec forward

        :param Variable enc_hs_pad: padded encoder hidden state (B x T_max x D_enc)
        :param list enc_h_len: padded encoder hidden state lenght (B)
        :param Variable dec_z: docoder hidden state (B x D_dec)
        :param tuple att_prev_states: previous attetion weight and lstm states
                                      ((B, T_max), ((B, att_dim), (B, att_dim)))
        :param float scaling: scaling parameter before applying softmax
        :return: attentioin weighted encoder state (B, D_enc)
        :rtype: Variable
        :return: previous attention weights and lstm states (w, (hx, cx))
                 ((B, T_max), ((B, att_dim), (B, att_dim)))
        :rtype: tuple

        batch = len(enc_hs_pad)
        # pre-compute all h outside the decoder loop
        if self.pre_compute_enc_h is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_enc_h = linear_tensor(self.mlp_enc, self.enc_h)

        if dec_z is None:
            dec_z = Variable(, self.dunits).zero_())
            dec_z = dec_z.view(batch, self.dunits)

        if att_prev_states is None:
            # initialize attention weight with uniform dist.
            att_prev = [
                Variable( / l))
                for l in enc_hs_len
            # if no bias, 0 0-pad goes 0
            att_prev = pad_list(att_prev, 0)

            # initialize lstm states
            att_h = Variable(, self.att_dim).zero_())
            att_c = Variable(, self.att_dim).zero_())
            att_states = (att_h, att_c)
            att_prev = att_prev_states[0]
            att_states = att_prev_states[1]

        # B x 1 x 1 x T -> B x C x 1 x T
        att_conv = self.loc_conv(att_prev.view(batch, 1, 1, self.h_length))
        # apply non-linear
        att_conv = F.relu(att_conv)
        # B x C x 1 x T -> B x C x 1 x 1 -> B x C
        att_conv = F.max_pool2d(att_conv,
                                (1, att_conv.size(3))).view(batch, -1)

        att_h, att_c = self.att_lstm(att_conv, att_states)

        # dec_z_tiled: utt x frame x att_dim
        dec_z_tiled = self.mlp_dec(dec_z).view(batch, 1, self.att_dim)

        # dot with gvec
        # utt x frame x att_dim -> utt x frame
        # NOTE consider zero padding when compute w.
        e = linear_tensor(
                att_h.unsqueeze(1) + self.pre_compute_enc_h +

        w = F.softmax(scaling * e, dim=1)

        # weighted sum over flames
        # utt x hdim
        # NOTE use bmm instead of sum(*)
        c = torch.sum(self.enc_h * w.view(batch, self.h_length, 1), dim=1)

        return c, (w, (att_h, att_c))
    def forward(self, enc_hs_pad, enc_hs_len, dec_z, att_prev, scaling=2.0):
        '''AttLoc2D forward

        :param Variable enc_hs_pad: padded encoder hidden state (B x T_max x D_enc)
        :param list enc_h_len: padded encoder hidden state lenght (B)
        :param Variable dec_z: docoder hidden state (B x D_dec)
        :param Variable att_prev: previous attetion weight (B x att_win x T_max)
        :param float scaling: scaling parameter before applying softmax
        :return: attentioin weighted encoder state (B, D_enc)
        :rtype: Variable
        :return: previous attentioin weights (B x att_win x T_max)
        :rtype: Variable

        batch = len(enc_hs_pad)
        # pre-compute all h outside the decoder loop
        if self.pre_compute_enc_h is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_enc_h = linear_tensor(self.mlp_enc, self.enc_h)

        if dec_z is None:
            dec_z = Variable(, self.dunits).zero_())
            dec_z = dec_z.view(batch, self.dunits)

        # initialize attention weight with uniform dist.
        if att_prev is None:
            # B * [Li x att_win]
            att_prev = [
          , self.att_win).zero_() + 1.0 / l)
                for l in enc_hs_len
            # if no bias, 0 0-pad goes 0
            att_prev = pad_list(att_prev, 0).transpose(1, 2)

        # att_prev: B x att_win x Tmax -> B x 1 x att_win x Tmax -> B x C x 1 x Tmax
        att_conv = self.loc_conv(att_prev.unsqueeze(1))
        # att_conv: B x C x 1 x Tmax -> B x Tmax x C
        att_conv = att_conv.squeeze(2).transpose(1, 2)
        # att_conv: utt x frame x att_conv_chans -> utt x frame x att_dim
        att_conv = linear_tensor(self.mlp_att, att_conv)

        # dec_z_tiled: utt x frame x att_dim
        dec_z_tiled = self.mlp_dec(dec_z).view(batch, 1, self.att_dim)

        # dot with gvec
        # utt x frame x att_dim -> utt x frame
        # NOTE consider zero padding when compute w.
        e = linear_tensor(
            torch.tanh(att_conv + self.pre_compute_enc_h +

        w = F.softmax(scaling * e, dim=1)

        # weighted sum over flames
        # utt x hdim
        # NOTE use bmm instead of sum(*)
        c = torch.sum(self.enc_h * w.view(batch, self.h_length, 1), dim=1)

        # update att_prev: B x att_win x Tmax -> B x att_win+1 x Tmax -> B x att_win x Tmax
        att_prev =[att_prev, w.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
        att_prev = att_prev[:, 1:]

        return c, att_prev
    def forward(self, enc_hs_pad, enc_hs_len, dec_z, att_prev, scaling=2.0):
        '''AttLoc forward

        :param Variable enc_hs_pad: padded encoder hidden state (B x T_max x D_enc)
        :param list enc_h_len: padded encoder hidden state lenght (B)
        :param Variable dec_z: docoder hidden state (B x D_dec)
        :param Variable att_prev: previous attetion weight (B x T_max)
        :param float scaling: scaling parameter before applying softmax
        :return: attentioin weighted encoder state (B, D_enc)
        :rtype: Variable
        :return: previous attentioin weights (B x T_max)
        :rtype: Variable

        batch = len(enc_hs_pad)
        # pre-compute all h outside the decoder loop
        if self.pre_compute_enc_h is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_enc_h = linear_tensor(self.mlp_enc, self.enc_h)

        if dec_z is None:
            dec_z = Variable(, self.dunits).zero_())
            dec_z = dec_z.view(batch, self.dunits)

        # initialize attention weight with uniform dist.
        if att_prev is None:
            att_prev = [
                Variable( + (1.0 / l))
                for l in enc_hs_len
            # if no bias, 0 0-pad goes 0
            att_prev = pad_list(att_prev, 0)

        # att_prev: utt x frame -> utt x 1 x 1 x frame -> utt x att_conv_chans x 1 x frame
        att_conv = self.loc_conv(att_prev.view(batch, 1, 1, self.h_length))
        # att_conv: utt x att_conv_chans x 1 x frame -> utt x frame x att_conv_chans
        att_conv = att_conv.squeeze(2).transpose(1, 2)
        # att_conv: utt x frame x att_conv_chans -> utt x frame x att_dim
        att_conv = linear_tensor(self.mlp_att, att_conv)

        # dec_z_tiled: utt x frame x att_dim
        dec_z_tiled = self.mlp_dec(dec_z).view(batch, 1, self.att_dim)

        # dot with gvec
        # utt x frame x att_dim -> utt x frame
        # NOTE consider zero padding when compute w.
        e = linear_tensor(
            torch.tanh(att_conv + self.pre_compute_enc_h +

        ## added by bliu sigmoid firstly
        if self.aact_fuc == 'softmax':
            w = F.softmax(scaling * e, dim=1)
        elif self.aact_fuc == 'sigmoid':
            w = F.sigmoid(scaling * e)
        elif self.aact_fuc == 'sigmoid_softmax':
            e = torch.sigmoid(e)
            w = F.softmax(scaling * e, dim=1)

        # weighted sum over flames
        # utt x hdim
        c = torch.sum(self.enc_h * w.view(batch, self.h_length, 1), dim=1)

        return c, w
    def forward(self, enc_hs_pad, enc_hs_len, dec_z, att_prev):
        '''AttMultiHeadMultiResLoc forward

        :param Variable enc_hs_pad: padded encoder hidden state (B x T_max x D_enc)
        :param list enc_h_len: padded encoder hidden state lenght (B)
        :param Variable dec_z: decoder hidden state (B x D_dec)
        :param Variable att_prev: list of previous attentioin weight (B x T_max) * aheads
        :param float scaling: scaling parameter before applying softmax
        :return: attentioin weighted encoder state (B x D_enc)
        :rtype: Variable
        :return: list of previous attentioin weight (B x T_max) * aheads
        :rtype: list

        batch = enc_hs_pad.size(0)
        # pre-compute all k and v outside the decoder loop
        if self.pre_compute_k is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_k = [
                linear_tensor(self.mlp_k[h], self.enc_h)
                for h in six.moves.range(self.aheads)

        if self.pre_compute_v is None:
            self.enc_h = enc_hs_pad  # utt x frame x hdim
            self.h_length = self.enc_h.size(1)
            # utt x frame x att_dim
            self.pre_compute_v = [
                linear_tensor(self.mlp_v[h], self.enc_h)
                for h in six.moves.range(self.aheads)

        if dec_z is None:
            dec_z = Variable(, self.dunits).zero_())
            dec_z = dec_z.view(batch, self.dunits)

        if att_prev is None:
            att_prev = []
            for h in six.moves.range(self.aheads):
                att_prev += [[
                    Variable( + (1.0 / l))
                    for l in enc_hs_len
                # if no bias, 0 0-pad goes 0
                att_prev[h] = pad_list(att_prev[h], 0)

        c = []
        w = []
        for h in six.moves.range(self.aheads):
            att_conv = self.loc_conv[h](att_prev[h].view(
                batch, 1, 1, self.h_length))
            att_conv = att_conv.squeeze(2).transpose(1, 2)
            att_conv = linear_tensor(self.mlp_att[h], att_conv)

            e = linear_tensor(
                torch.tanh(self.pre_compute_k[h] + att_conv + self.mlp_q[h]
                           (dec_z).view(batch, 1, self.att_dim_k))).squeeze(2)
            w += [F.softmax(self.scaling * e, dim=1)]

            # weighted sum over flames
            # utt x hdim
            # NOTE use bmm instead of sum(*)
            c += [
                torch.sum(self.pre_compute_v[h] *
                          w[h].view(batch, self.h_length, 1),

        # concat all of c
        c = self.mlp_o(, dim=1))

        return c, w