Ejemplo n.º 1
def train_and_evaluate(train_model_spec,
    """Train the model and evaluate every epoch.

        train_model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for training
        eval_model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for evaluation
        model_dir: (string) directory containing config, weights and log
        params: (Params) contains hyperparameters of the model.
                Must define: num_epochs, train_size, batch_size, eval_size, save_summary_steps
        restore_from: (string) directory or file containing weights to restore the graph
    # Initialize tf.Saver instances to save weights during training
    last_saver = tf.train.Saver()  # will keep last 5 epochs
    best_saver = tf.train.Saver(
        max_to_keep=1)  # only keep 1 best checkpoint (best on eval)
    begin_at_epoch = 0
    # MAB weight sampling
    num_clusters = params.num_clusters  #10
    rewards = [0] * num_clusters
    weight_numbers_of_selections = [0] * num_clusters
    weight_sums_of_reward = [0] * num_clusters
    weight_arm_weights = [1] * num_clusters
    weight_max_upper_bound = 0
    old_index = 0
    old_loss_val = 0
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # Initialize model variables
        # For tensorboard (takes care of writing summaries to files)
        train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(
            os.path.join(model_dir, 'train_summaries'), sess.graph)
        eval_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(
            os.path.join(model_dir, 'vali_summaries'), sess.graph)
        best_json_path = os.path.join(model_dir,
        best_eval_metrics = [0.0, -float('inf')]
        global_epoch = 0
        # Reload weights from directory if specified
        # restor from the previous learner
        if restore_from is not None:
            save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, restore_from)
            if os.path.isdir(save_path):
                save_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(save_path)
                begin_at_epoch = int(save_path.split('-')[-1])
                global_epoch = begin_at_epoch
            logging.info("Restoring parameters from {}".format(save_path))
            pretrained_include = get_pretrained_include(params)
            pretrained_vars = tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_to_restore(
            pretrained_saver = tf.train.Saver(pretrained_vars,
            pretrained_saver.restore(sess, save_path)
            # last_best_eval_metric = load_best_metric(best_json_path)
            # best_eval_metrics = [last_best_eval_metric['accuracy'], -last_best_eval_metric['loss']]
        # for each learner
        num_train_steps = (params.train_size + params.batch_size -
                           1) // params.batch_size
        num_train_steps = int(num_train_steps)
        if params.finetune:
            # initial rewards for all arms
            for i in range(num_clusters):
                old_index = i
                _, _, weight_sums_of_reward, weight_arm_weights, weight_max_upper_bound, old_loss_val = train_initial_sess(sess, train_model_spec, num_train_steps, \
                train_writer, params, old_index, weight_numbers_of_selections, weight_sums_of_reward, weight_arm_weights, weight_max_upper_bound, old_loss_val)
        # now real rl
        early_stopping_count = 0
        # epoch_cut_off = int((begin_at_epoch + params.num_epochs) * params.epoch_cutoff)
        for epoch in range(begin_at_epoch, begin_at_epoch + params.num_epochs):
            if early_stopping_count == int(params.early_stoping_epochs):
                logging.info("Early stopping at epoch {}/{}".format(epoch + 1, \
                    begin_at_epoch + params.num_epochs))
            # Run one epoch
            logging.info("Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch + 1, \
                begin_at_epoch + params.num_epochs))
            # Compute number of batches in one epoch (one full pass over the training set)

            # MAB data sampling
            batch_loss, old_index, weight_numbers_of_selections, weight_sums_of_reward, weight_arm_weights, weight_max_upper_bound, old_loss_val = train_sess(sess, train_model_spec, num_train_steps, \
                train_writer, params, old_index, weight_numbers_of_selections, weight_sums_of_reward, weight_arm_weights, weight_max_upper_bound, old_loss_val)

            # sum_loss = batch_loss
            # # sum_loss = [s+n for (s, n) in zip(batch_loss, sum_loss)]
            # sum_loss = [float(v) for v in sum_loss]
            # # logging.info('sum_loss :\n {}'.format(sum_loss))
            # consk = int(params.consk)
            # for i in range(num_train_steps):
            #     index, reward, numbers_of_selections, sums_of_reward, \
            #     max_upper_bound = rl(params, sum_loss, numbers_of_selections, \
            #         sums_of_reward, max_upper_bound, \
            #         (epoch - begin_at_epoch + 1) / consk, arm_weights)
            #     if params.rl == 'EXP3':
            #         arm_weights = sums_of_reward
            #     # logging.info('numbers_of_selections at i:\n {}'.format(numbers_of_selections))
            #     total_reward += reward

            # Save weights
            # if epoch >= epoch_cut_off:
            #     # cnn_vars=[v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model/cnn/weights1_1' in v.name]
            #     # cnn_vars = tf.get_variable('model/cnn/weights1_1')
            #     save_var(sess, 'weights1_1', epoch)
            #     save_var(sess, 'weights1_2', epoch)
            #     # save_var(sess, 'weights3_1', epoch)
            #     save_var(sess, 'weights3_2', epoch)
            save_var(sess, 'weights1_1', epoch)
            save_var(sess, 'weights1_2', epoch)
            save_var(sess, 'weights3_1', epoch)
            save_var(sess, 'weights3_2', epoch)
            last_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'last_weights',
            last_saver.save(sess, last_save_path, global_step=global_epoch)
            # # Evaluate for one epoch on validation set
            num_vali_steps = (params.vali_size + params.batch_size -
                              1) // params.batch_size
            num_vali_steps = int(num_vali_steps)
            metrics = evaluate_sess(sess, eval_model_spec, num_vali_steps,
                                    eval_writer, params)
            # If best_eval, best_save_path
            accuracy_metric = round(metrics['accuracy'], 6)
            loss_metric = -round(metrics['loss'], 6)
            # save_batch()
            eval_metrics = [accuracy_metric, loss_metric]
            # logging.info('global_epoch: {}, best_eval_metrics: {}, \
            #     eval_metric: {}', global_epoch, best_eval_metrics, eval_metric)
            # logging.info('isSavingWeights(eval_metrics, best_eval_metrics) {}'.\
            # format(isSavingWeights(eval_metrics, best_eval_metrics)))
            if isSavingWeights(eval_metrics, best_eval_metrics):
                # rest early_stopping_count
                early_stopping_count = 0
                # and isSavingWeights
                best_eval_metrics = eval_metrics
                # Save weights
                if params.loss_fn == 'cnn' and not params.use_kfac:
                    cnn_vars = [
                        v for v in tf.trainable_variables()
                        if 'model/cnn' in v.name
                    c_cnn_vars = [
                        v for v in tf.trainable_variables()
                        if 'model/c_cnn' in v.name
                    update_weights = [tf.assign(c, old) for (c, old) in \
                    zip(c_cnn_vars, cnn_vars)]
                    best_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'best_weights',
                    best_save_path = best_saver.save(sess,
                        "- Make a copy of cnn vars, saving in {}".format(
                elif params.loss_fn == 'retrain_regu_mine3':
                    # c_cnn_vars=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='model/cnn')
                    c_cnn_vars = [
                        v for v in tf.trainable_variables()
                        if 'model/cnn' in v.name
                    cnn_vars = [
                        v for v in tf.trainable_variables()
                        if 'model/mask' in v.name
                    update_weights = [tf.assign(c, tf.multiply(old, c)) for (c, old) in \
                    zip(c_cnn_vars, cnn_vars)]
                    best_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'best_weights',
                    best_save_path = best_saver.save(sess,
                    logging.info("- Updated cnn vars, saving in {}".format(
                best_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'best_weights',
                best_save_path = best_saver.save(sess,
                    "- Found new best metric score, saving in {}".format(
                # Save best eval metrics in a json file in the model directory
                save_dict_to_json(metrics, best_json_path)
                early_stopping_count = early_stopping_count + 1
            # Save latest eval metrics in a json file in the model directory
            last_json_path = os.path.join(model_dir,
            save_dict_to_json(metrics, last_json_path)
            global_epoch += 1
        # update in the end is wrong as not the best weights are copied
        if params.loss_fn == 'cnn' and not params.use_kfac:
            cnn_vars=[v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model/cnn' in v.name]
            c_cnn_vars=[v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model/c_cnn' in v.name]
            update_weights = [tf.assign(c, old) for (c, old) in \
            zip(c_cnn_vars, cnn_vars)]
            best_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'best_weights', 'after-epoch')
            best_save_path = best_saver.save(sess, best_save_path, global_step=global_epoch)
            logging.info("- Make a copy of cnn vars, saving in {}".format(best_save_path))             
        elif params.loss_fn == 'retrain_regu_mine3':
            # c_cnn_vars=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='model/cnn')
            c_cnn_vars=[v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model/cnn' in v.name]
            cnn_vars=[v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model/mask' in v.name]
            update_weights = [tf.assign(c, tf.multiply(old, c)) for (c, old) in \
            zip(c_cnn_vars, cnn_vars)]
            best_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'best_weights', 'after-epoch')
            best_save_path = best_saver.save(sess, best_save_path, global_step=global_epoch)
            logging.info("- Updated cnn vars, saving in {}".format(best_save_path))
        begin_at_epoch = global_epoch
        early_stopping_count = 0
        sum_loss = [0] * num_train_steps
        numbers_of_selections = [0] * num_train_steps
        # UCB specific
        sums_of_reward = [0] * num_train_steps
        arm_weights = [1] * num_train_steps
        # UCB specific
        max_upper_bound = 0
        total_reward = 0
        for epoch in range(begin_at_epoch,
                           begin_at_epoch + params.num_epochs2):
            # if early_stopping_count == int(params.early_stoping_epochs):
            #     logging.info("Early stopping at epoch {}/{}".format(epoch + 1, \
            #         begin_at_epoch + params.num_epochs))
            #     break
            # Run one epoch
            logging.info("Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch + 1, \
                begin_at_epoch + params.num_epochs2))

            # MAB data sampling
            batch_loss, old_index, weight_numbers_of_selections, weight_sums_of_reward, weight_arm_weights, weight_max_upper_bound, old_loss_val = train_sess(sess, train_model_spec, num_train_steps, \
                train_writer, params, old_index, weight_numbers_of_selections, weight_sums_of_reward, weight_arm_weights, weight_max_upper_bound, old_loss_val)

            sum_loss = batch_loss
            consk = int(params.consk)
            # logging.info('sum_loss :\n {}, length: {}'.format(sum_loss, len(sum_loss)))
            # logging.info('sample numbers_of_selections at i:\n {}, length: {}'.format(numbers_of_selections, len(numbers_of_selections)))

            for i in range(num_train_steps):
                index, reward, numbers_of_selections, sums_of_reward, \
                max_upper_bound = rl(params, sum_loss, numbers_of_selections, \
                    sums_of_reward, max_upper_bound, \
                    (epoch - begin_at_epoch + 1) / consk, arm_weights)
                # logging.info('sample numbers_of_selections at i:\n {}'.format(numbers_of_selections))
                total_reward += reward
            # logging.info('len of sum_loss: {}'.format(len(sum_loss)))
            # Save weights
            last_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'last_weights',
            # global_epoch = int(params.num_learners) * int(params.num_epochs) + epoch + 1
            last_saver.save(sess, last_save_path, global_step=global_epoch)
            metrics = evaluate_sess(sess, eval_model_spec, num_vali_steps,
                                    eval_writer, params)
            # If best_eval, best_save_path
            accuracy_metric = round(metrics['accuracy'], 6)
            loss_metric = -round(metrics['loss'], 6)
            # save_batch()
            eval_metrics = [accuracy_metric, loss_metric]
            # logging.info('global_epoch: {}, best_eval_metrics: {}, \
            #     eval_metric: {}', global_epoch, best_eval_metrics, eval_metric)
            if isSavingWeights(eval_metrics, best_eval_metrics):
                # rest early_stopping_count
                early_stopping_count = 0
                # and isSavingWeights
                best_eval_metrics = eval_metrics
                # Save weights
                # trainalbe_vars = {v.name: v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model' in v.name}
                # print(trainalbe_vars.keys())
                if params.loss_fn == 'cnn' and not params.use_kfac:
                    cnn_vars = [
                        v for v in tf.trainable_variables()
                        if 'model/cnn' in v.name
                    c_cnn_vars = [
                        v for v in tf.trainable_variables()
                        if 'model/c_cnn' in v.name
                    update_weights = [tf.assign(c, old) for (c, old) in \
                    zip(c_cnn_vars, cnn_vars)]
                best_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'best_weights',
                # global_epoch = int(params.num_learners) * int(params.num_epochs) + epoch + 1
                best_save_path = best_saver.save(sess,
                    "- Found new best metric score, saving in {}".format(
                # Save best eval metrics in a json file in the model directory
                save_dict_to_json(metrics, best_json_path)
                early_stopping_count = early_stopping_count + 1
            # Save latest eval metrics in a json file in the model directory
            last_json_path = os.path.join(model_dir,
            save_dict_to_json(metrics, last_json_path)
            global_epoch += 1
        # logging.info('num_vali_steps: {}'.format(num_vali_steps))
        # logging.info('len of sum_loss: {}'.format(len(sum_loss)))
        # logging.info('numbers_of_selections:\n {}'.format(numbers_of_selections))
            'numbers_of_selections:\n {}'.format(numbers_of_selections))

        logging.info('weight_numbers_of_selections:\n {}'.format(
        sorted_index = sorted(range(num_train_steps),
                              key=lambda k: numbers_of_selections[k],
        # top_sorted_index = sorted_index[0: int(num_train_steps*params.top_ratio)+1]
        sample_batchs = (params.sample_size + params.batch_size -
                         1) // params.batch_size
        top_sorted_index = sorted_index[0:int(sample_batchs) + 1]
        logging.info('len(top_sorted_index) in training: {}'.format(
        take_train_samples_sess(sess, eval_model_spec, num_train_steps, params,
    return global_epoch
Ejemplo n.º 2
def choose_best_batches(eval_model_spec,
    model_dir, params, restore_from, sorted_index):
    """Train the model and evaluate every epoch.
        train_model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for training
        eval_model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for evaluation
        model_dir: (string) directory containing config, weights and log
        params: (Params) contains hyperparameters of the model.
                Must define: num_epochs, train_size, batch_size, eval_size, save_summary_steps
        restore_from: (string) directory or file containing weights to restore the graph
    # Initialize tf.Saver instances to save weights during training
    last_saver = tf.train.Saver() # will keep last 5 epochs
    best_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) # only keep 1 best checkpoint (best on eval)
    begin_at_epoch = 0
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # Initialize model variables
        best_json_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "metrics_eval_best_weights.json")
        # Reload weights from directory if specified
        # restor from the previous learner
        if restore_from is not None:
            save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, restore_from)
            if os.path.isdir(save_path):
                save_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(save_path)
                begin_at_epoch = int(save_path.split('-')[-1])
                global_epoch = begin_at_epoch + 1       
            logging.info("Restoring parameters from {}".format(save_path))
            # last_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(save_path+".meta")
            if params.loss_fn == 'cnn' and params.finetune:
                pretrained_include = ['model/cnn']
                pretrained_include = ['model/c_cnn']
            pretrained_vars = tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_to_restore(include=pretrained_include)
            pretrained_saver = tf.train.Saver(pretrained_vars, name="pretrained_saver")
            pretrained_saver.restore(sess, save_path)
        best_saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1)
        # Run one epoch
        logging.info("Epoch {}/{}".format(begin_at_epoch + 1, \
            begin_at_epoch + 1))
        # Compute number of batches in one epoch f(one full pass over the training set)
        # Evaluate for one epoch on validation set
        num_steps = (params.train_size + params.batch_size - 1) // params.batch_size
        metrics = take_train_samples_sess(sess, eval_model_spec, num_steps, params, sorted_index)
        # loss_evaluate_on_train = sess.run(eval_model_spec['metrics']['loss'])
        # logging.info('loss_evaluate_on_train')
        # print(loss_evaluate_on_train)
        if params.loss_fn == 'cnn' or params.loss_fn == 'retrain_regu':
            cnn_vars=[v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model/cnn' in v.name]
            # c_cnn_vars=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='model/c_cnn')
            c_cnn_vars=[v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'model/c_cnn' in v.name]
            update_weights = [tf.assign(c, old) for (c, old) in \
            zip(c_cnn_vars, cnn_vars)]
        # # Save latest eval metrics in a json file in the model directory
        eval_on_train_json_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "metrics_eval_on_train.json")
        save_dict_to_json(metrics, eval_on_train_json_path)
        best_save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'best_weights', 'after-epoch')
        best_save_path = best_saver.save(sess, best_save_path, global_step=global_epoch)
        logging.info("- Found new best metric score, saving in {}".format(best_save_path))
    return global_epoch