def test_add_correct_lap_info(): """ If all lap infos are fine, our pilot's `lap` list should increase. """ lap_1 = l.Lap(1, datetime.time(0, 1, 49, 209), 44.10) lap_2 = l.Lap(2, datetime.time(0, 2, 49, 209), 42.79) pilot = p.Pilot('011', 'G.MORAIS') pilot.add_lap_info(lap_1) assert len(pilot.lap) == 1 pilot.add_lap_info(lap_2) assert len(pilot.lap) == 2
def test_lap_speed_type(): """ A lap speed should be a float, otherwise a TypeError should be raised """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): l.Lap(1, datetime.time(0, 1, 0, 0), "44.4")
def test_lap_time_type(): """ A lap time should be a datetime.time, otherwise a TypeError should be raised """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): l.Lap(1, "1:11:11", 44.4)
def test_lap_number_type(): """ A lap number should be a int, otherwise a TypeError should be raised """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): l.Lap("number", datetime.time(0, 1, 0, 0), 44.4)
def test_lap_speed(): """ A lap speed can't be 0 or less. If this happens, a ValueError should be raised """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): l.Lap(1, datetime.time(0, 1, 0, 0), -10.09)
def test_lap_number(): """ A lap number can't be 0 or less. If this happens, a ValueError should be raised """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): l.Lap(-1, datetime.time(0, 1, 0, 0), 44.4)
def test_avg_speed(): """ Given n laps, the method should return the correct average speed. """ lap_1 = l.Lap(1, datetime.time(0, 1, 49, 209), 44.10) lap_2 = l.Lap(2, datetime.time(0, 2, 26, 10), 42.79) lap_3 = l.Lap(3, datetime.time(0, 1, 20, 959), 47.12) lap_4 = l.Lap(4, datetime.time(0, 1, 34, 236), 46.99) pilot = p.Pilot('011', 'G.MORAIS') pilot.add_lap_info(lap_1) pilot.add_lap_info(lap_2) pilot.add_lap_info(lap_3) pilot.add_lap_info(lap_4) avg_speed = pilot.get_avg_speed() assert avg_speed == 45.25
def test_pilots_best_lap(): """ Given n laps, pilot.get_best_lap() should return the one finished in less time """ lap_1 = l.Lap(1, datetime.time(0, 1, 49, 209), 44.10) lap_2 = l.Lap(2, datetime.time(0, 2, 26, 10), 42.79) lap_3 = l.Lap(3, datetime.time(0, 1, 20, 959), 47.12) lap_4 = l.Lap(4, datetime.time(0, 1, 34, 236), 46.99) pilot = p.Pilot('011', 'G.MORAIS') pilot.add_lap_info(lap_1) pilot.add_lap_info(lap_2) pilot.add_lap_info(lap_3) pilot.add_lap_info(lap_4) best_lap_idx, best_lap_time = pilot.get_best_lap() assert best_lap_time == lap_3.time
def init_race(self): pilots = {} for lap_info in pilot_id, pilot_name = lap_info[1], lap_info[2] lap_hour, lap_number, lap_time, lap_speed = lap_info[0], lap_info[ 3], lap_info[4], lap_info[5] lap = l.Lap(lap_number, lap_time, lap_speed) if pilot_id in pilots: pilots[pilot_id].add_lap_info(lap) else: pilot = p.Pilot(pilot_id, pilot_name) pilot.add_lap_info(lap) pilots[pilot_id] = pilot self.update_podium(pilots) self.print_stats(pilots) return self.podium
def test_lap_creation(): """ With the correct parameters, no error should be raised """ l.Lap(1, datetime.time(0, 1, 0, 0), 40.09)