Ejemplo n.º 1
 def POST(self):
     data = web.input()
     if not (data.get('username') and data.get('password')):
         msg = u'用户名或密码不能为空'
         return render.login(cur_user=None, error=msg)
         if not model.check_user_is_duplicate(data.get('username')): #检查用户是否存在
             if model.check_user_info(data.get('username'), data.get('password')): #检查用户名密码是否匹配
                 session.auth = 1 #置登录状态,视为通过登录
                 if data.get('autoLogin'): #检查是否为自动登录
                     token = data.get('username') + ';' + data.get('password')
                     token = token.encode('utf-8')
                     web.setcookie('token', AES.new(key, mode, iv).encrypt(token), 3600) #对用户名密码AES加密,存入cookie
                 return web.seeother('/')
             return render.login(cur_user=None, error=u'用户名或密码错误')
         return render.login(cur_user=None, error=u'无效的用户名')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def my_processor(handler):
    if ('token' not in web.cookies()) \
        and ('auth' not in session or session.get('auth') == 0):
        if web.ctx.fullpath != '/login' and web.ctx.fullpath != '/register' and web.ctx.fullpath != '/forget':
            print web.ctx.fullpath
            raise web.seeother('/login')
        elif web.ctx.fullpath == '/register':
            return handler()
        elif web.ctx.fullpath == '/forget':
            return handler()
    elif 'token' in web.cookies():
        userinfo = AES.new(key, mode, iv).decrypt(web.cookies().get('token')).split(';')
            username = userinfo[0].strip()
            password = userinfo[1].strip()
        except IndexError:
            print 'IndexError'
            web.setcookie('token', 0, -1)
            raise web.seeother('/login')
        import model
        if not model.check_user_info(username, password):
            raise web.seeother('/login')
        return handler()
    return handler()