Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get(self, url):
     user = users.get_current_user()
     if user and users.is_current_user_admin():
         context = {'user' : user.nickname()}
         logout_url = users.create_logout_url(self.request.uri)
         context['logout_url'] = logout_url
         if url == 'algorithm.html':
           context['alg'] =  model.getOrderingAlgorithmParams()
         elif url == 'background.html':
           activities = model.getActivities(False)
           i = 0
           for activity in activities:
             activity.index = i
             i += 1
           newActivity = model.ActivityParams()
           newActivity.name = NEW_ACTIVITY_NAME
           newActivity.activity_load = 0
           newActivity.index = i
           newActivity.enabled = False
           newActivity.threshold_total[model.ActivityTypes.ITEM] = 0
           newActivity.threshold_time_sec[model.ActivityTypes.ITEM] = 0
           context['activities'] = activities
           context['timePeriod'] = activityManager.getActivityPeriod()
         elif url =='publishers.html':
           publishers = model.getPublisherSites()
           context['publishers'] = publishers
         elif url =='paymentsconfig.html':
           context['paymentparams'] = model.getPaymentConfig()
         elif url =='ligerpediaconfig.html':
           context['ligerpediaconfig'] = model.getLigerpediaConfig()
         elif url =='defaultlinks.html':
           config = model.getDefaultLinksConfig()
           context['publisher'] = model.getPublisherSite(config.default_links_url)
           context['defaultlinksconfig'] = config
           items = defaultItemList.getOrderedItems()
           views = 0
           for item in items:
             views += item.stats[model.StatType.VIEWS]
           context['items'] = items
           context['totalviews'] = views
         path = ''
         if url and len(url) > 0:
           path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'webadmin', url)
           path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'webadmin', 'index.html')
         self.response.out.write(template.render(path, context))
     elif user and users.is_current_user_admin() == False:
         context = {'user' : user.nickname()}
         login_url = users.create_login_url(self.request.uri)
         context['login_url'] = login_url
         path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'webadmin', 'unauthorized.html')
         self.response.out.write(template.render(path, context))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def updateLigerpediaConfig(self):
   config = model.getLigerpediaConfig()
   config.embedly_request_links_total = int(self.request.get('links_total'))
   config.embedly_request_timeout = int(self.request.get('timeout'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def copyWikiLinks(self, url_title):
     self.publisherUrl = self.request.host + "/wiki/" + url_title
     if self.publisherUrl[-1] != "/":
         self.publisherUrl += "/"
     self.publisherUrl = self.publisherUrl.lower()
     self.url_list = []
     self.errors = 0
     self.successes = 0
     self.exceptions = 0
     config = model.getLigerpediaConfig()
     config_timeout = config.embedly_request_timeout
     config_ellimit = str(config.embedly_request_links_total)
     #capitalize first letter for wiki
     #url_title = string.capwords(url_title.lower(), '_')
     attempt = 0
     while attempt < 2 and len(self.links_map) < 1:
       #querying http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php for external links for url_title in XML format
       #wikipedia ellimit can go up to 500. There are 10 parallel embedly requests of maximum 20 links (200 total)
       url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extlinks&ellimit=' + config_ellimit + '&format=xml&titles=' + url_title
       data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
       dom = minidom.parseString(data)
       for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('el'):
         #if link is within wiki, ignore
         extlink = node.firstChild.data
         if (extlink.lower().startswith("http") != True):
         self.links_map[extlink] = None
       attempt = attempt + 1
       if len(self.links_map) < 1 and attempt < 2:
         #casing possibly incorrect, will attempt to search for the right term
         url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search=' + urllib.quote_plus(url_title)
         search_results = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
         search_list = search_results[1]
         if len(search_list) > 0:
           url_title = search_list[0].replace(' ','_')
         else: #search did not return anything -- will not try any more
     if len(self.links_map) < 1: 
     api_url = 'http://api.embed.ly/1/oembed?'
     #sending requests every 2 seconds up until config_timeout
     #embed.ly will cache requests from the earlier searches so that we can retrieve them later if needed
     attempt = 0
     while ((attempt * 2) <= config_timeout and self.successes < config_ellimit and self.successes < 20):
         unretrieved_links = self.getUnretreivedUrls()
         logging.info('requesting %d links from embedly' % (len(unretrieved_links)))
         urls_per_request = math.ceil(len(unretrieved_links) / 10.0)
         rpcs = []
         links_it = iter(unretrieved_links)
         iteration_stopped = False
         for asynch_request in range(10):
             rpc = urlfetch.create_rpc(deadline=2)
             rpc.callback = self.create_callback(rpc)
             url_list = ""
             j = 0
               while not(j == urls_per_request and asynch_request < 9):
                   link = str(links_it.next())
                   if len(url_list) > 0:
                       url_list += ","           
                   url_list += urllib.quote_plus(link)
                   j = j + 1
             except StopIteration:
               iteration_stopped = True
             urlfetch.make_fetch_call(rpc, api_url + "key=863cd350298b11e091d0404058088959&urls=" + url_list)
             logging.info('ASYNCH REQUEST %d, requesting %d links' % (asynch_request, j))
             logging.info('ASYNCH REQUEST: %s ' % api_url + "key=863cd350298b11e091d0404058088959&urls=" + url_list)
             if iteration_stopped:
         # Finish all RPCs, and let callbacks process the results.
         for rpc in rpcs:
         attempt = attempt + 1
     logging.info('successes / errors / exceptions: %d %d %d' % (self.successes, self.errors, self.exceptions))
     if (self.successes > 0):