def build_model(self): """Create a generator and a discriminator.""" self.G = Generator() self.D = Discriminator() self.I = Encoder() self.C = Encoder() self.A = Attribute() self.g_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.G.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.d_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.D.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.i_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.I.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.c_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.C.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.a_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.A.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2])
def get(self, role, character, weapon): attributes = [] query = Attribute.query(ndb.AND(Attribute.role == role, Attribute.character.IN(character), Attribute.weapon == weapon)) for attr in query.fetch(): attributes.append(attr.to_dict()) self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.response.write(json.dumps(attributes))
def load_attributes(): id_val = {} id_name = {} for attr in, AttributeLang, AttributeGroupLang)\ .join(AttributeLang, on=Attribute.id_attribute == AttributeLang.id_attribute)\ .join(AttributeGroupLang, on=Attribute.id_attribute_group == AttributeGroupLang.id_attribute_group)\ .where(AttributeLang.id_lang == LANG_ID & AttributeGroupLang.id_lang == LANG_ID).dicts(): attr_id = attr['id_attribute'] grp = attr['public_name'] val = attr['name'] id_val[attr_id] = val id_name[attr_id] = grp return (id_name, id_val)
listen_host = '' # defaults to "all interfaces" listen_port = 8081 opsreport_start = '01/01/2013 12:00:00 AM' timezone = "Europe/Berlin" es_url = 'http://localhost:9200' es_index = 'anthracite' # list of tuples: first value of the tuple is a tag that you recommend/make # extra visible on the forms, and 2nd value is a user friendly explanation. recommended_tags = [('deploy', 'If you deploy something'), ('server=', 'Which server is used'), ('app=', 'Which app? shop,shopman,tools,solr'), ('solr', 'something related to solr')] # Flexible schema: # use this to add (optional) attributes to your event documents. # forms will adjust themselves and the events will be stored accordingly. # i.e. you can create events that have the field set, and ones that don't. and # you can add it later if you have to. from model import Attribute extra_attributes = [Attribute('outage_key', 'Outage key')] # "help" text to appear on forms helptext = {'outage_key': 'key to uniquely identify particular outages'} plugins = [] # you can try the vimeo plugins to get an idea: #plugins = ['vimeo_analytics', 'vimeo_add_forms']
def post(self): attr = Attribute() attr.base = 350.0 attr.character = 'markov' attr.role = 'assault' attr.unit = 'damage' attr.weapon = 'assault_pistol' = 'rounds per minute' = 'rpm' attr.put() attr = Attribute() attr.base = 1.6 attr.character = 'markov' attr.role = 'assault' attr.unit = 'seconds' attr.reload = True attr.weapon = 'assault_pistol' = 'reload' = 'reload' attr.put() attr = Attribute() attr.base = 12.0 attr.character = 'markov' attr.role = 'assault' attr.unit = 'damage' attr.weapon = 'assault_pistol' attr.damage = True = 'damage per bullet' = 'dpb' attr.put() attr = Attribute() attr.base = 12.0 attr.character = 'markov' attr.role = 'assault' attr.unit = 'damage' attr.capacity = True attr.weapon = 'assault_pistol' = 'magazine' = 'magazine' attr.put() attr = Attribute() attr.base = 70.0 attr.character = 'markov' attr.role = 'assault' attr.unit = 'damage' attr.calculation = 'dpb * rpm / 60' attr.weapon = 'assault_pistol' = 'damage per second' = 'dps' attr.put() attr = Attribute() attr.base = 144.0 attr.character = 'markov' attr.role = 'assault' attr.unit = 'damage' attr.calculation = 'dpb * magazine' attr.weapon = 'assault_pistol' = 'damage per clip' = 'dpc' attr.put() self.response.write('wrote markov')
from model import Attribute from config import extra_attributes as default_extra_attributes from config import helptext as default_helptext extra_attributes = { 'engineering': [ Attribute('expected_effect', 'Expected effect', True, ['logins', 'registrations', 'conversion', 'plays', 'uploads', 'none'], True), Attribute('known_effect', 'Known effect', False, False), Attribute('category', 'Analytics category', True, ['engineering']) ] + default_extra_attributes, 'marketing': [ Attribute('expected_effect', 'Expected effect', True, ['registrations', 'conversion', 'conversion mix', 'retention', 'winback/returning', 'offsite engage', 'site traffic', 'none'], True), Attribute('known_effect', 'Known effect', False, False), Attribute('landing_page', 'Landing page', True, False), Attribute('event_owner', 'Event owner', True, ['Abe', 'Billy', 'Cameron', 'Diddy', 'Ellen', 'Franky-Z']), Attribute('category', 'Analytics category', True, ['marketing']) ], 'analytics': [ Attribute('expected_effect', 'Expected effect', True, ['logins', 'registrations', 'conversion', 'conversion mix', 'plays', 'uploads', 'retention', 'winback/returning', 'offsite engage', 'site traffic', 'none'], True), Attribute('category', 'Analytics category', True, ['tracking_error', 'product', 'site_activity', 'promotion', 'external', 'engineering', 'marketing']) ] + default_extra_attributes, 'product': [ Attribute('expected_effect', 'Expected effect', True,
class Solver(object): """Solver for training and testing""" def __init__(self, data_loader, config): """Initialize configurations.""" # Data loader. self.data_loader = data_loader # Model configurations. self.a_dim = config.a_dim self.id_dim = config.id_dim # Training configurations. self.batch_size = config.batch_size self.num_iters = config.num_iters self.num_iters_decay = config.num_iters_decay = self.n_critic = config.n_critic self.beta1 = config.beta1 self.beta2 = config.beta2 self.resume_iters = config.resume_iters # Test configurations. self.test_iters = config.test_iters # Miscellaneous. self.use_tensorboard = config.use_tensorboard self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Directories. self.log_dir = config.log_dir self.sample_dir = config.sample_dir self.model_save_dir = config.model_save_dir self.result_dir = config.result_dir # Step size. self.log_step = config.log_step self.sample_step = config.sample_step self.model_save_step = config.model_save_step self.lr_update_step = config.lr_update_step # Build the model and tensorboard. self.build_model() if self.use_tensorboard: self.build_tensorboard() def build_model(self): """Create a generator and a discriminator.""" self.G = Generator() self.D = Discriminator() self.I = Encoder() self.C = Encoder() self.A = Attribute() self.g_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.G.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.d_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.D.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.i_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.I.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.c_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.C.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) self.a_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.A.parameters(),, [self.beta1, self.beta2]) def print_network(self, model, name): """Print out the network information.""" num_params = 0 for p in model.parameters(): num_params += p.numel() print(model) print(name) print("The number of parameters: {}".format(num_params)) def restore_model(self, resume_iters): """Restore the trained generator and discriminator.""" print('Loading the trained models from step {}...'.format(resume_iters)) G_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-G.ckpt'.format(resume_iters)) D_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-D.ckpt'.format(resume_iters)) A_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-A.ckpt'.format(resume_iters)) I_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-I.ckpt'.format(resume_iters)) C_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-C.ckpt'.format(resume_iters)) self.A.load_state_dict(torch.load(A_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) self.I.load_state_dict(torch.load(I_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) self.C.load_state_dict(torch.load(C_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) self.G.load_state_dict(torch.load(G_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) self.D.load_state_dict(torch.load(D_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) def build_tensorboard(self): """Build a tensorboard logger.""" from logger import Logger self.logger = Logger(self.log_dir) def update_lr(self, lr): """Decay learning rates of the generator and discriminator.""" for param_group in self.g_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr for param_group in self.d_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr for param_group in self.i_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr for param_group in self.a_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr for param_group in self.c_optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr def reset_grad(self): """Reset the gradient buffers.""" self.g_optimizer.zero_grad() self.d_optimizer.zero_grad() self.i_optimizer.zero_grad() self.a_optimizer.zero_grad() self.c_optimizer.zero_grad() def denorm(self, x): """Convert the range from [-1, 1] to [0, 1].""" out = (x + 1) / 2 return out.clamp_(0, 1) def classification_loss(self, logit, target): """Compute binary or softmax cross entropy loss.""" return F.cross_entropy(logit, target) def mse_loss(self, out, gt): """Computes the MSE between model output and scalar gt""" loss = 0.5 * torch.mean(torch.abs(out - gt)**2) return loss def L1_loss(self, pred, target): """ Calculate L1 loss """ return torch.mean(torch.abs(pred - target)) def reparameterization(self, mu, logvar): std = torch.exp(logvar / 2) sampled_z = torch.FloatTensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (mu.size(0), 8))).to(self.device) z = sampled_z * std + mu return z def train(self): """Train StarGAN within a single dataset.""" # Set data loader. data_loader = self.data_loader # Fetch fixed inputs for debugging. data_iter = iter(data_loader) batch_fixed = next(data_iter) for k in batch_fixed: batch_fixed[k] = batch_fixed[k].to(self.device) # Learning rate cache for decaying. lr = # Start training from scratch or resume training. start_iters = 0 if self.resume_iters: start_iters = self.resume_iters self.restore_model(self.resume_iters) # Start training. print('Start training...') start_time = time.time() for i in range(start_iters, self.num_iters): # =================================================================================== # # 1. Preprocess input data # # =================================================================================== # # Fetch real images and labels. try: batch = next(data_iter) except: data_iter = iter(data_loader) batch = next(data_iter) for k in batch: batch[k] = batch[k].to(self.device) # =================================================================================== # # 2. Train the discriminator # # =================================================================================== # loss = {} # get identity z id_z, _ = self.I(batch['img_profile']) # get attribute z mu, logvar = self.A(batch['img_frontal']) a_z = self.reparameterization(mu, logvar) # get x' x =[id_z, a_z], 1) x_fake = self.G(x) # Get the predicted identity id_pred, _ = self.C(batch['img_profile']) # distinguish the true and the false d_real, _ = self.D(batch['img_frontal']) d_fake, _ = self.D(x_fake.detach()) # train I loss_Li = self.classification_loss(id_z, batch['label']) # train A loss_KL = torch.sum(0.5 * (mu**2 + torch.exp(logvar) - logvar - 1)) loss_GR = self.mse_loss(batch['img_frontal'], x_fake) # triain C loss_C = self.classification_loss(id_pred, batch['label']) # train D loss_D = - torch.mean(d_real) + torch.mean(d_fake) d_loss = loss_D + loss_C + loss_GR + loss_KL + loss_Li self.reset_grad() d_loss.backward() self.d_optimizer.step() self.c_optimizer.step() self.a_optimizer.step() self.i_optimizer.step() loss['C/loss_C'] = loss_C.item() loss['A/loss_GR'] = loss_GR.item() loss['I/loss_Li'] = loss_Li.item() loss['D/loss_D'] = loss_D.item() # =================================================================================== # # 3. Train the generator # # =================================================================================== # if (i + 1) % self.n_critic == 0: id_z, _ = self.I(batch['img_profile']) # get attribute z mu, logvar = self.A(batch['img_frontal']) a_z = self.reparameterization(mu, logvar) # get x' x =[id_z, a_z], 1) x_fake = self.G(x) # Get the predicted identity _, c_f_s = self.C(batch['img_profile']) _, c_f_x = self.C(x_fake) # distinguish the true and the false d_real, d_f_a = self.D(batch['img_frontal']) d_fake, d_f_x = self.D(x_fake) loss_GR = self.mse_loss(batch['img_frontal'], x_fake) # triain C loss_GC = self.mse_loss(c_f_x, c_f_s) loss_GD = self.mse_loss(d_f_x, d_f_a) loss_g = - torch.mean(d_fake) g_loss = loss_g + loss_GC + loss_GR + loss_GD self.reset_grad() g_loss.backward() self.g_optimizer.step() # Logging. loss['G/loss_GR'] = loss_GR.item() loss['G/loss_GC'] = loss_GC.item() loss['G/loss_GD'] = loss_GD.item() loss['G/loss_g'] = loss_g.item() # =================================================================================== # # 4. Miscellaneous # # =================================================================================== # # Print out training information. if (i + 1) % self.log_step == 0: et = time.time() - start_time et = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=et))[:-7] log = "Elapsed [{}], Iteration [{}/{}]".format(et, i + 1, self.num_iters) for tag, value in loss.items(): log += ", {}: {:.4f}".format(tag, value) print(log) if self.use_tensorboard: for tag, value in loss.items(): self.logger.scalar_summary(tag, value, i + 1) # Translate fixed images for debugging. if (i + 1) % self.sample_step == 0: for k in batch_fixed: batch_fixed[k] = batch_fixed[k].to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): x_fake_list = [batch_fixed['img_profile']] id_z, _ = self.I(batch_fixed['img_profile']) # get attribute z mu, logvar = self.A(batch_fixed['img_frontal']) a_z = self.reparameterization(mu, logvar) # get x' x =[id_z, a_z], 1) x_fake = self.G(x) x_fake_list.append(x_fake) x_concat =, dim=3) sample_path = os.path.join(self.sample_dir, '{}-images.jpg'.format(i + 1)) save_image(self.denorm(, sample_path, nrow=2, padding=5) print('Saved real and fake images into {}...'.format(sample_path)) # Save model checkpoints. if (i + 1) % self.model_save_step == 0: G_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-G.ckpt'.format(i + 1)) D_path = os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, '{}-D.ckpt'.format(i + 1)), G_path), D_path) print('Saved model checkpoints into {}...'.format(self.model_save_dir)) # Decay learning rates. if (i + 1) % self.lr_update_step == 0 and (i + 1) > (self.num_iters - self.num_iters_decay): lr -= ( / float(self.num_iters_decay)) self.update_lr(lr) print('Decayed learning rates, lr: {}'.format(lr))
def get(self): weapons = [] query = Attribute.query()