Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_basics(self):
     team = Team()
     team.id = 1
     team.code = 'MAR'
     team.name = "Martian War Machines"
     team.name_full = "Martian War Machines"
     team.name_brief = "Mars"
     team2 = Team()
     team2.id = 2
     team2.code = 'VEN'
     team2.name = "Venusian Pressure Cookers"
     team2.name_full = "Venusian Pressure Cookers"
     team2.name_brief = "Venus"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_basics(self):
        team = Team()
        team.id = 1
        team.code = 'MAR'
        team.name = "Martian War Machines"
        team.name_full = "Martian War Machines"
        team.name_brief = "Mars"

        team2 = Team()
        team2.id = 2
        team2.code = 'VEN'
        team2.name = "Venusian Pressure Cookers"
        team2.name_full = "Venusian Pressure Cookers"
        team2.name_brief = "Venus"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def post(self):
   team = Team.for_user(users.get_current_user())
   if not team:
       team = Team()
   team.name = self.request.get('name')
   team.people = self.request.get('people')
   location = self.request.get('location')
   team.location = self.request.get('location')
   if location == 'Other':
       team.location = self.request.get('otherLocation')
   team.description = self.request.get('description')
   team.url = self.request.get('url')
   team.video = self.request.get('video')
   team.image = self.request.get('image')
   team.winner = self.request.get('winner')
   team.email = self.request.get('email')
   team.votes = 0
   team.hackday = '092011'
   team.user = users.get_current_user()
   self.render('add_received', { })
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def team_process(self, f):
        pattern = r"""
            <td>(\d+)</td>            # rank
            <td>([A-Za-z. (),_0-9]+)</td>    # name
            .*                        # rest of the line
            <td>(\d+)/(\d+)</td>      # attempt, problemcount
        reg = re.compile( pattern, re.VERBOSE )
        rankpat = r"""
            [A-Za-z]+\ ([A-Za-z]+\ \d+)            # weekday, month, day
            \ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\ [A-Za-z]+\ (\d+)     # year
        rankreg = re.compile( rankpat, re.VERBOSE ) 
        #finding the date of the event
        match = rankreg.search( f )
        cdate = ""
        if match:
            cdate = match.group(1) + " " + match.group(2)
            logging.error( cdate )
            logging.error( "finding something" )
            logging.error( "nothing found" )

        bests = ""
        results = reg.finditer(f)
        rank = 0;
        for result in results:
            # picking up details
            rank += 1
            name = result.group(2)
            attempts = int(result.group(3))
            solved = int(result.group(4))
            earned = 0

            # ignore autogenerated names
            if self.invalidName( name ):
            # pick up the earned points
            if rank <= 10 and int(solved) != 0:
                earned = points[ rank-1 ]
                if rank <= 3:
                    if rank == 2:
                        bests += ", "
                    elif rank == 3:
                        bests += " and "
                    bests += name

            c = db.Query( Team )
            c.filter( 'name =' , name )
            teams = c.fetch(1)
            # updating database
            if len( teams ) == 0:
                # it was never in ranklist
                team = Team()
                team.name = name
                team.solve = solved
                team.points = earned
                team.contest = 1
                team.attempt = attempts
                team.image = "img/nsu2.gif"
                if team.attempt:
                    team.accuracy = str( round(( team.solve * 100. ) /  team.attempt, 2) )
                    team.accuracy = str( 0.0 )
                for team in teams: # it's one object though
                    team.solve += solved
                    team.points += earned
                    team.contest += 1
                    team.attempt += attempts
                    if team.attempt:
                        team.accuracy = str( round(( team.solve * 100. ) / team.attempt,2) )
        return [ bests, cdate ]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def team_process(self, f):
        pattern = r"""
            <td>(\d+)</td>            # rank
            <td>([A-Za-z. (),_]+)</td>    # name
            .*                        # rest of the line
            <td>(\d+)/(\d+)</td>      # attempt, problemcount
        reg = re.compile( pattern, re.VERBOSE )
        rankpat = r"""
            [A-Za-z]+\ ([A-Za-z]+\ \d+)            # weekday, month, day
            \ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\ [A-Za-z]+\ (\d+)     # year
        rankreg = re.compile( rankpat, re.VERBOSE ) 
        #finding the date of the event
        match = rankreg.search( f )
        cdate = ""
        if match:
            cdate = match.group(1) + " " + match.group(2)
            logging.error( cdate )
            logging.error( "finding something" )
            logging.error( "nothing found" )

        bests = ""
        results = reg.finditer(f)
        rank = 0;
        for result in results:
            # picking up details
            rank += 1
            name = result.group(2)
            attempts = int(result.group(3))
            solved = int(result.group(4))
            earned = 0

            # pick up the earned points
            if rank <= 10 and int(solved) != 0:
                earned = points[ rank-1 ]
                if rank <= 3:
                    if rank == 2:
                        bests += ", "
                    elif rank == 3:
                        bests += " and "
                    bests += name

            c = db.Query( Team )
            c.filter( 'name =' , name )
            teams = c.fetch(1)
            # updating database
            if len( teams ) == 0:
                # it was never in ranklist
                team = Team()
                team.name = name
                team.solve = solved
                team.points = earned
                team.contest = 1
                team.attempt = attempts
                team.image = "img/nsu2.gif"
                team.accuracy = str( round(( team.solve * 100. ) /  team.attempt, 2) )
                for team in teams: # it's one object though
                    team.solve += solved
                    team.points += earned
                    team.contest += 1
                    team.attempt += attempts
                    team.accuracy = str( round(( team.solve * 100. ) / team.attempt,2) )
        return [ bests, cdate ]