def create_lstm_model(checkpoint): '''Creates a LSTM model for generating speaker embeddings. Arguments checkpoint --- the path to the LSTM checkpoint file. ''' C = D_VECTOR(dim_input=80, dim_cell=768, dim_emb=256).eval().cuda() c_checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint) new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for key, val in c_checkpoint['model_b'].items(): new_key = key[7:] new_state_dict[new_key] = val C.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) return C
def get_verification_eng(audio_path, speaker_encoder_eng = "speaker_verification/3000000-BL.ckpt"): C = D_VECTOR(dim_input=80, dim_cell=768, dim_emb=256).eval().cuda() c_checkpoint = torch.load(speaker_encoder_eng) #print(c_checkpoint) new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for key, val in c_checkpoint['model_b'].items(): new_key = key[7:] new_state_dict[new_key] = val C.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) #print("go into here") mel = makeSpect(audio_path, None) emb = C(torch.FloatTensor(mel[np.newaxis, :, :]).cuda()) return emb
import pickle, pdb, os, random from model_bl import D_VECTOR from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import torch # C is the speaker encoder. The config values match with the paper C = D_VECTOR(dim_input=80, dim_cell=768, dim_emb=256).eval().cuda() # Speaker encoder checkpoint things. Load up the pretrained checkpoint info c_checkpoint = torch.load('/homes/bdoc3/my_data/autovc_data/3000000-BL.ckpt') new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for key, val in c_checkpoint['model_b'].items(): new_key = key[7:] new_state_dict[new_key] = val C.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) num_uttrs = 10 len_crop = 192 singer_names = ['m1_','m2_','m3_','m4_','m5_','m6_','m7_','m8_','m9_','m10_','m11_','f1_','f2_','f3_','f4_','f5_','f6_','f7_','f8_','f9_'] # Directory containing mel-spectrograms rootDir = '/homes/bdoc3/my_data/phonDet/spmel_autovc_params_unnormalized' dirName, subdirList, fileList = next(os.walk(rootDir)) print('Found directory: %s' % dirName) # speakers contains list of utterance paths/embeddings speakers = [] # each speaker is a folder path to that speaker list_of_embs = [[] for i in range(len(singer_names)] avg_embs = [] for s_idx in range(len(singer_names)): single_singer_file_list = [i for i in fileList if i.startswith(singer_names[s_idx])] for file_name in sorted(single_singer_file_list):
def build_model(self): if self.config.which_embs == 'vt-live' or self.config.which_embs == 'vt-avg': self.vte = Vt_Embedder(self.config, self.spmel_params) for param in self.vte.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.vte_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.vte.parameters(), 0.0001) self.vte_checkpoint = torch.load(self.config.emb_ckpt) new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for i, (key, val) in enumerate( self.vte_checkpoint['model_state_dict'].items()): # if key.startswith('class_layer'): # continue new_state_dict[key] = val self.vte.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) for state in self.vte_optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] = v.cuda(self.device) self.vte.eval() self.avg_vt_embs = np.load( os.path.dirname(self.config.emb_ckpt) + '/averaged_embs.npy') elif self.config.which_embs == 'spkrid-live': # C is the speaker encoder. The config values match with the paper self.C = D_VECTOR(dim_input=80, dim_cell=768, dim_emb=256).eval().cuda() # Speaker encoder checkpoint things. Load up the pretrained checkpoint info c_checkpoint = torch.load( '/homes/bdoc3/my_data/autovc_data/3000000-BL.ckpt') new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for key, val in c_checkpoint['model_b'].items(): new_key = key[7:] new_state_dict[new_key] = val self.C.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) # freezes weights so they are unaffected by backprop for param in self.C.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.G = Generator(self.config.dim_neck, self.config.dim_emb, self.config.dim_pre, self.config.freq) self.g_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.G.parameters(), self.config.adam_init) if self.config.ckpt_model != '': ckpt_path = os.path.join( '/homes/bdoc3/my_data/autovc_data/autoStc', self.config.ckpt_model) g_checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path) self.G.load_state_dict(g_checkpoint['model_state_dict']) self.g_optimizer.load_state_dict( g_checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict']) # fixes tensors on different devices error # for state in self.g_optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] = self.current_iter = g_checkpoint['iteration'] tester = 2 else: self.current_iter = 0
class Solver(object): def __init__(self, data_loader, config, spmel_params): """Initialize configurations.""" self.config = config if self.config.file_name == 'defaultName' or self.config.file_name == 'deletable': self.writer = SummaryWriter('testRuns/test') else: self.writer = SummaryWriter(comment='_' + self.config.file_name) self.spmel_params = spmel_params # Data loader. self.data_loader = data_loader # Miscellaneous. self.use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() self.device = torch.device( f'cuda:{self.config.which_cuda}' if self.use_cuda else 'cpu') #self.singer_id_embs = torch.FloatTensor([embs[1] for embs in pickle.load(open('singer_id_embs.pkl','rb'))]) # Build the model and tensorboard. self.build_model() self.earlyStopping = earlyStopping(self.config.patience) self.earlystop = False self.start_time = time.time() def build_model(self): if self.config.which_embs == 'vt-live' or self.config.which_embs == 'vt-avg': self.vte = Vt_Embedder(self.config, self.spmel_params) for param in self.vte.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.vte_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.vte.parameters(), 0.0001) self.vte_checkpoint = torch.load(self.config.emb_ckpt) new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for i, (key, val) in enumerate( self.vte_checkpoint['model_state_dict'].items()): # if key.startswith('class_layer'): # continue new_state_dict[key] = val self.vte.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) for state in self.vte_optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] = v.cuda(self.device) self.vte.eval() self.avg_vt_embs = np.load( os.path.dirname(self.config.emb_ckpt) + '/averaged_embs.npy') elif self.config.which_embs == 'spkrid-live': # C is the speaker encoder. The config values match with the paper self.C = D_VECTOR(dim_input=80, dim_cell=768, dim_emb=256).eval().cuda() # Speaker encoder checkpoint things. Load up the pretrained checkpoint info c_checkpoint = torch.load( '/homes/bdoc3/my_data/autovc_data/3000000-BL.ckpt') new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for key, val in c_checkpoint['model_b'].items(): new_key = key[7:] new_state_dict[new_key] = val self.C.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) # freezes weights so they are unaffected by backprop for param in self.C.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.G = Generator(self.config.dim_neck, self.config.dim_emb, self.config.dim_pre, self.config.freq) self.g_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.G.parameters(), self.config.adam_init) if self.config.ckpt_model != '': ckpt_path = os.path.join( '/homes/bdoc3/my_data/autovc_data/autoStc', self.config.ckpt_model) g_checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path) self.G.load_state_dict(g_checkpoint['model_state_dict']) self.g_optimizer.load_state_dict( g_checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict']) # fixes tensors on different devices error # for state in self.g_optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] = self.current_iter = g_checkpoint['iteration'] tester = 2 else: self.current_iter = 0 def get_current_iters(self): return self.current_iter def reset_grad(self): """Reset the gradient buffers.""" self.g_optimizer.zero_grad() def closeWriter(self): self.writer.close() #=====================================================================================================================================# def iterate(self, mode, data_loader, current_iter, cycle_size, log_list): def batch_iterate(): for i in range(current_iter + 1, (current_iter + 1 + cycle_size)): # =================================================================================== # # 1. Preprocess input data # # =================================================================================== # try: x_real, dataset_idx, example_id = next(data_iter) except: data_iter = iter(data_loader) x_real, dataset_idx, example_id = next(data_iter) #print(f'iter {i}, ds_idx {dataset_idx}, example_id {example_id}') x_real = x_real_chunked = x_real.view( x_real.shape[0] * self.config.chunk_num, x_real.shape[1] // self.config.chunk_num, -1) # =================================================================================== # # 2. Train the generator # # =================================================================================== # # DESIGNED ONLY FOR VCTK TESTS # if self.config.which_embs == 'vt-live': pred_style_idx, all_tensors = self.vte(x_real_chunked) emb_org = all_tensors[-1] # elif self.config.which_embs == 'vt-avg': # pred_output, all_tensors = self.vte(x_real_chunked) # _, style_idx = torch.max(pred_output,1) # emb_org = torch.tensor(self.avg_vt_embs[style_idx.cpu()]).to(self.device) # elif self.config.which_embs == 'spkrid-live': # emb_org = self.C(x_real) # elif self.config.which_embs == 'spkrid-avg': # emb_org = dataset_idx[1].to(self.device).float() # because Vctk datalaoder is configured this way self.G = self.G.train() # x_identic_psnt consists of the original mel + the residual definiton added ontop x_identic, x_identic_psnt, code_real, _, _ = self.G( x_real, emb_org, emb_org) # SHAPES OF X_REAL AND X_INDETIC/PSNT ARE NOT THE SAME AND MAY GIVE INCORRECT LOSS VALUES residual_from_psnt = x_identic_psnt - x_identic x_identic = x_identic.squeeze(1) x_identic_psnt = x_identic_psnt.squeeze(1) residual_from_psnt = residual_from_psnt.squeeze(1) g_loss_id = F.l1_loss(x_real, x_identic) g_loss_id_psnt = F.l1_loss(x_real, x_identic_psnt) # Code semantic loss. For calculating this, there is no target embedding code_reconst = self.G(x_identic_psnt, emb_org, None) # gets the l1 loss between original encoder output and reconstructed encoder output g_loss_cd = F.l1_loss(code_real, code_reconst) # Logging. loss = {} loss['G/loss_id'] = g_loss_id.item() loss['G/loss_id_psnt'] = g_loss_id_psnt.item() loss['G/loss_cd'] = g_loss_cd.item() losses_list[0] += g_loss_id.item() losses_list[1] += g_loss_id_psnt.item() losses_list[2] += g_loss_cd.item() # Print out training information. if i % self.config.log_step == 0 or i == (current_iter + cycle_size): et = time.time() - self.start_time et = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=et))[:-7] if mode == 'train': log = "Elapsed [{}], Mode {}, Iter [{}/{}]".format( et, mode, i, self.config.num_iters) else: log = "Elapsed [{}], Mode {}".format(et, mode) for tag in keys: log += ", {}: {:.4f}".format(tag, loss[tag]) print(log) log_list.append(log) if mode == 'train': if self.config.with_cd == True: g_loss = (self.config.prnt_loss_weight * g_loss_id) + ( self.config.psnt_loss_weight * g_loss_id_psnt) + ( self.config.lambda_cd * g_loss_cd) else: g_loss = (self.config.prnt_loss_weight * g_loss_id) + ( self.config.psnt_loss_weight * g_loss_id_psnt ) #+ ((self.config.lambda_cd * (i / 100000)) * g_loss_cd) self.reset_grad() g_loss.backward() self.g_optimizer.step() # spec nad freq have to be multiple of cycle_size if i % self.config.spec_freq == 0: print('plotting specs') x_real = x_real.cpu().data.numpy() x_identic = x_identic.cpu().data.numpy() x_identic_psnt = x_identic_psnt.cpu().data.numpy() residual_from_psnt = residual_from_psnt.cpu( ).data.numpy() specs_list = [] for arr in x_real: specs_list.append(arr) for arr in x_identic: specs_list.append(arr) for arr in residual_from_psnt: specs_list.append(arr) for arr in x_identic_psnt: specs_list.append(arr) columns = 2 rows = 4 fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2) fig.tight_layout() for j in range(0, columns * rows): spec = np.rot90(specs_list[j]) fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, j + 1) if j == 5 or j == 6: spec = spec - np.min(spec) plt.clim(0, 1) plt.imshow(spec) try: name = 'Egs ' + str( example_id[j % 2]) + ', ds_idx ' + str( dataset_idx[j % 2]) except: pdb.set_trace() plt.title(name) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(self.config.data_dir + '/' + self.config.file_name + '/image_comparison/' + str(i) + 'iterations') plt.close() ckpt_path = self.config.data_dir + '/' + self.config.file_name + '/ckpts/' + 'ckpt_' + str( i) + '.pth.tar' if i % self.config.ckpt_freq == 0: save_ckpt(self.G, self.g_optimizer, loss, i, ckpt_path) return losses_list, (current_iter + cycle_size) #=====================================================================================================================================# def logs(losses_list, keys, mode, current_iter): self.writer.add_scalar( f"Loss_id/{mode}", losses_list[0] / (cycle_size * self.config.batch_size), current_iter) self.writer.add_scalar( f"Loss_id_psnt/{mode}", losses_list[1] / (cycle_size * self.config.batch_size), current_iter) self.writer.add_scalar( f"Loss_cd/{mode}", losses_list[2] / (cycle_size * self.config.batch_size), current_iter) losses_list = [0., 0., 0.] self.writer.flush() print('writer flushed') # if mode == 'test': # es_ckpt_path = self.config.data_dir +'/' +self.config.file_name +'/ckpts/' +'ckpt_' +str(current_iter) +'_earlyStop.pth.tar' # self.earlystop = self.earlyStopping.check(losses_list[0], self.G, self.g_optimizer, current_iter, es_ckpt_path) # if self.earlystop == True: # sys.exit(1) #=====================================================================================================================================# # Print logs in specified order keys = ['G/loss_id', 'G/loss_id_psnt', 'G/loss_cd'] last_save = file_path = hist_file_path = 'delete.txt' losses_list = [0., 0., 0.] # Start training. print('Start training...') if mode == 'train': self.G.train() # loss_hist=history_list[0] # acc_hist=history_list[1] losses_list, current_iter = batch_iterate() logs(losses_list, keys, mode, current_iter) elif mode == 'test': best_acc = 0 self.G.eval() # loss_hist=history_list[2] # acc_hist=history_list[3] with torch.no_grad(): losses_list, _ = batch_iterate() logs(losses_list, keys, mode, current_iter) return current_iter, log_list
def main(): C = D_VECTOR(dim_input=80, dim_cell=768, dim_emb=256).eval().cuda() c_checkpoint = torch.load(speaker_encoder_pretrained_model) new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for key, val in c_checkpoint['model_b'].items(): new_key = key[7:] new_state_dict[new_key] = val C.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) use_speakers_f = open(use_speakers_path, 'r') use_speakers_a = [ x.strip().split()[-1] for x in use_speakers_f.readlines() ] speakers_embs = dict() speakers_status = dict() train_mel_speaker_list = [] val_mel_speaker_list = [] unseen_mel_speaker_list = [] dirName, subdirList, _ = next(os.walk(rootDir)) for speaker in sorted(subdirList): if speaker not in use_speakers_a: continue print('Processing speaker: %s' % speaker) _, _, fileList = next(os.walk(os.path.join(dirName, speaker))) # make speaker embedding idx_uttrs = np.random.choice(len(fileList), size=num_uttrs, replace=False) embs = [] for i in range(num_uttrs): tmp = np.load( os.path.join(dirName, speaker, fileList[idx_uttrs[i]])) candidates = np.delete(np.arange(len(fileList)), idx_uttrs) # choose another utterance if the current one is too short while tmp.shape[0] < len_crop: idx_alt = np.random.choice(candidates) tmp = np.load(os.path.join(dirName, speaker, fileList[idx_alt])) candidates = np.delete(candidates, np.argwhere(candidates == idx_alt)) # print('while ---:', tmp.shape[0], len_crop) # print('final ---:', tmp.shape[0], len_crop) left = np.random.randint(0, tmp.shape[0] - len_crop + 1) assert left + len_crop <= tmp.shape[0] melsp = torch.from_numpy(tmp[np.newaxis, left:left + len_crop, :]).cuda() emb = C(melsp) embs.append(emb.detach().squeeze().cpu().numpy()) speaker_avg_emb = np.mean(embs, axis=0) speakers_embs[speaker] = speaker_avg_emb if np.random.uniform() < 0.9: speakers_status[speaker] = 'seen' for fileName in sorted(fileList): if np.random.uniform() < 0.9: train_mel_speaker_list.append( os.path.join(speaker, fileName) + '|' + speaker) else: val_mel_speaker_list.append( os.path.join(speaker, fileName) + '|' + speaker) else: speakers_status[speaker] = 'unseen' for fileName in sorted(fileList): unseen_mel_speaker_list.append( os.path.join(speaker, fileName) + '|' + speaker) # break with open(os.path.join(rootDir, speaker_embs_pkl), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(speakers_embs, f) with open(os.path.join(rootDir, speaker_seen_unseen_path), 'w') as f: for key in speakers_status: f.write(key + '|' + speakers_status[key] + '\n') with open(os.path.join(rootDir, train_meta_path), 'w') as f: for x in train_mel_speaker_list: f.write(x + '\n') with open(os.path.join(rootDir, val_meta_path), 'w') as f: for x in val_mel_speaker_list: f.write(x + '\n') with open(os.path.join(rootDir, unseen_meta_path), 'w') as f: for x in unseen_mel_speaker_list: f.write(x + '\n')