Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_training_model(FLAGS,vocab_in, vocab_out = None):
    batcher_train = Batcher(FLAGS.data_path, vocab_in,vocab_out, FLAGS, data_file=FLAGS.train_name)

    train_model = SummarizationModel(FLAGS, vocab_in,vocab_out,batcher_train)

    logging.info("Building graph...")

    # Create dev model
    # I can't deepCopy tf.flags, so I change flags into nametuple.
    # Find another way in the future
    FLAGS_eval = FLAGS._asdict()
    FLAGS_eval["mode"] = "eval"
    FLAGS_eval = config.generate_nametuple(FLAGS_eval)


    batcher_dev = Batcher(FLAGS.data_path, vocab_in,vocab_out, FLAGS, data_file=FLAGS.dev_name)
    dev_model = SummarizationModel(FLAGS_eval, vocab_in,vocab_out,batcher_dev)


    return train_model,dev_model
Ejemplo n.º 2
def decode_Beam(FLAGS):
    # If in decode mode, set batch_size = beam_size
    # Reason: in decode mode, we decode one example at a time.
    # On each step, we have beam_size-many hypotheses in the beam, so we need to make a batch of these hypotheses.
    #if FLAGS.mode == 'decode':
    #    FLAGS.batch_size = FLAGS.beam_size

    # If single_pass=True, check we're in decode mode
    #if FLAGS.single_pass and FLAGS.mode != 'decode':
    #    raise Exception("The single_pass flag should only be True in decode mode")

    vocab_in, vocab_out = data.load_dict_data(FLAGS)

    FLAGS_batcher = config.retype_FLAGS()

    FLAGS_decode = FLAGS_batcher._asdict()
    FLAGS_decode["max_dec_steps"] = 1
    FLAGS_decode["mode"] = "decode"
    FLAGS_decode = config.generate_nametuple(FLAGS_decode)
    # The model is configured with max_dec_steps=1 because we only ever run one step of the decoder at a time (to do beam search). Note that the batcher is initialized with max_dec_steps equal to e.g. 100 because the batches need to contain the full summaries
    batcher = Batcher(FLAGS.data_path, vocab_in,vocab_out, FLAGS_batcher,  data_file=FLAGS.test_name)

    model = SummarizationModel(FLAGS_decode, vocab_in,vocab_out,batcher)
    decoder = BeamSearchDecoder(model, batcher, vocab_out)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_decode_model(FLAGS, vocab_in,vocab_out):
    batcher = Batcher(FLAGS.data_path, vocab_in, vocab_out, FLAGS, data_file=FLAGS.qq_name)
    import eval
    FLAGS_decode = config.retype_FLAGS()._asdict()
    FLAGS_decode["max_dec_steps"] = 1
    FLAGS_decode["mode"] = "decode"
    FLAGS_decode = config.generate_nametuple(FLAGS_decode)
    model = SummarizationModel(FLAGS_decode, vocab_in, vocab_out, batcher)
    decoder = eval.EvalDecoder(model, batcher, vocab_out)

    return decoder
Ejemplo n.º 4
def decode_multi(FLAGS):
    vocab_in, vocab_out = data.load_dict_data(FLAGS)
    batcher = Batcher(FLAGS.data_path, vocab_in, vocab_out, FLAGS, data_file=FLAGS.test_name,shuffle=False)
    import eval
    FLAGS_decode = config.retype_FLAGS()._asdict()
    FLAGS_decode["max_dec_steps"] = 1
    FLAGS_decode = config.generate_nametuple(FLAGS_decode)
    model = SummarizationModel(FLAGS_decode, vocab_in, vocab_out, batcher)
    decoder = eval.EvalDecoder(model, batcher, vocab_out)

    time_start = time.time()
    time_end = time.time()
    print(time_end - time_start)