Ejemplo n.º 1
        'u_vocab_file': path + 'u.txt',
        'v_vocab_file': path + 'v.txt',
        't_vocab_file': path + 't.txt',
        'train_data_file': path + 'train.txt',
        'test_data_file': path + 'test.txt',
        'coor_nor_file': path + 'coor_nor.txt',
        'distance_file': path + 'distance.txt',
        'train_log_file': path + 'log.txt',
        'candidate_file': path + 'candidate.pk',
        'id_offset': 1,
        'n_epoch': 80,
        'batch_size': 50,
        'data_worker': 1,
        'load_model': False,
        'emb_dim_d': 16,  # for distance embedding  #best 16
        'emb_dim_v': 16,  #origin 32 best 16
        'emb_dim_t': 8,  #origin 8
        'emb_dim_u': 32,  # !!!jiayi  copy from v3 origin 32 best 32
        'hidden_dim': 16,  #origin 16
        'nb_cnt': 16,
        'save_gap': 10,
        'dropout': 0.5,
        'epoch': 80
    dataset = DataSet(opt)
    manager = ModelManager(opt)
    model_type = 'birnnt'
    manager.build_model(model_type, dataset)
    print "evaluate"
    manager.evaluate(model_type, dataset)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    # Go to real space
    data = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfftn(data_ft))

    # Load the NN model
    config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(
    net = ModelManager(config)
    nets = net.get_input_size()

    # Reshape the array to match the input shape
    data = np.resize(data, (1, nets[0], nets[1], nets[2], 1))

    # Run the network and unload the NN model
    denoised = net.evaluate(data)[0, ..., 0]

    # Back to Fourier space
    denoised_ft = np.fft.rfftn(np.fft.fftshift(denoised))

    # Apply confidence weighting
    denoised_ft *= confidence

    # We define a lower regime for tau2 where the
    # numerical accuracy in the division becomes an issue
    tau2lim = 1e-8
    imix = tau2 >= tau2lim

    # Define the results container
    result_ft = np.zeros(data_ft.shape, dtype=np.complex)