def get_sim_data(): sim = SimRes('demo_results.mat') dfDymola = sim.to_pandas([ 'combiTimeTable.y[2]', 'combiTimeTable.y[3]', 'boiler_system.temperature_sensor_2.T', 'combiTimeTable.y[4]' ]) #getting list of column names: names contain the unit df_col = list(dfDymola.columns) ##extract unit from column name df_col_split = [] for x in df_col: df_col_split = df_col_split + [x.split()[0]] #rename columns without units for i in range(len(df_col)): dfDymola = dfDymola.rename(index=str, columns={df_col[i]: df_col_split[i]}) # print(dfDymola) dfDymola.index = pd.to_numeric(dfDymola.index) dfDymola["time_diff"] = dfDymola.index # dfDymola["time_diff"]=pd.to_numeric(dfDymola["time_diff"]) dfDymola["time_diff"] = (dfDymola["time_diff"].shift(-1) - dfDymola["time_diff"]) # dfDymola=dfDymola[~dfDymola.index.duplicated(keep='last')] ## dfDymola.drop_duplicates(keep='last', inplace=True) # max_range = max(dfDymola.index) + 1 # # # dfDymola = dfDymola.reindex(index=range(1, int(max_range)), method='ffill', fill_value=0) dfDymola = reindex_int(dfDymola) return dfDymola
def __init__(self, params): ''' Constructor ''' self._resultFile = SimRes(params[0]) print self._resultFile self._compiler = params[1]
def getMin(self, varName): if varName in self.variables.keys(): from modelicares import SimRes r = SimRes(self.variables[varName]['matFile']) variable = r[self.variables[varName]['path']] return variable.min() else: print('Die Variable ' + varName + ' existiert nicht.')
def home(request): var_const=["Ergebnisse.E_bs_gesamt","Ergebnisse.E_el_gesamt","Ergebnisse.K_gesamt","Ergebnisse.K_bed_an","Ergebnisse.K_kap_an"] var_const_expl=["Brennstoffbedarf","Elektrischer Energiebedarf","Gesamtkosten","Annuitäten","Investment"] var_var=["Strommarkt.signalBus.Strompreis","Heizkessel.product.y","BHKW_.signalBus_BHKW.P_BHKW","Elektrodenkessel.signalBus_BHKW.P_EK"] var_var_expl=["Strompreis","Leistung Heizkessel","Leistung BHKW","Leistung Elektrodenkessel"] sim_array=["Waerme_1.mat","Waerme_2.mat","Waerme_3.mat"] variables=var_const #values=[[0,1,3,4],[32,54,3,45],[23,434,5,4]] args = {'variables':variables} #Selection for the form for i in range(len(sim_array)): sim=SimRes('C:\\Users\\Lukas\\Desktop\\ETA\\'+sim_array[i]) df_const=pd.DataFrame(columns=['simulation']+var_const) df_var=pd.DataFrame(columns=['simulation','time']+var_var) # creating the dataframe for the constant/non constant variables for i in range(len(sim_array)): sim=SimRes('C:\\Users\\Lukas\\Desktop\\ETA\\'+sim_array[i])[i,'simulation']=sim_array[i][i,'simulation']=sim_array[i] for x in range(len(var_const)):[i,var_const[x]]=sim[var_const[x]].values()[len(sim[var_const[x]].values())-1] for x in range(len(var_var)):[i,var_var[x]]=sim[var_var[x]].values()[i,'time']=sim[var_var[x]][0][0] # user decides which comparison should be shown by a dropdown if request.method=="POST": request.session['variable_selected']=request.POST["comp-crit"] sort_by=request.session['variable_selected'] const_sorted=df_const.sort_values(by=[sort_by]) best_const=const_sorted.iloc[:3,:] best_const=best_const.to_json() # top 3 dicitonary request.session['best_const']=best_const df_var=df_var.to_json() # dictionary with the variables request.session['var_dict']=df_var else: pass return render(request,'home.html',args)
def export(self, output_vars=None): sim = SimRes(self.mat_file) if self.csv_file is not None: self.csv_file = os.path.splitext(self.mat_file)[0] + '.csv' else: self.csv_file = self.csv_file if output_vars is not None: self.output_vars = output_vars data = sim.to_pandas(self.output_vars) else: data = sim.to_pandas() data = data.loc[~data.index.duplicated(keep='last')] data.drop(data.head(1).index, inplace=True) data.to_csv(self.csv_file, encoding='utf-8')
def get_results(self, name): from modelicares import SimRes import os # Get the simulation result sim = SimRes(os.path.join(self.paths.res_path, 'dsres.mat')) arr = sim[name].values() results = arr.tolist() return results
def add(self): if (self.delete == True): return print( 'Was ist der Name der Variable? (Dieser Name wird in der Legende angezeigt)' ) var = raw_input() if var in self.variables: print( 'Diese Variable existiert bereits. Funktion "add()" wird beendet...' ) return print( 'In welchem .mat-File ist diese Variable zu finden? (Pfad zum .mat-File angeben)' ) file = raw_input() print('Gib den Pfad zur Variable innerhalb des .mat-Files an') path = raw_input() from modelicares import SimRes r = SimRes(file) try: print('Diese Variable hat die Einheit ' + r[path].unit + '. Einheit aendern? -- Antwort: Y(es), N(o)') except LookupError: print( 'Der eingegebene Pfad zur Variable scheint nicht zu existieren. Funktion "add()" wird beendet...' ) return antw = raw_input() if (antw == 'Y' or antw == 'Yes' or antw == 'y' or antw == 'yes'): print('Welche Einheit soll es denn sein?') unit = raw_input() orig_unit = r[path].unit else: unit = r[path].unit orig_unit = r[path].unit print('Soll der Variable noch einen custom Gain hinzugefügt werden?') antw = raw_input() gain = 1 if (antw == 'Y' or antw == 'Yes' or antw == 'y' or antw == 'yes'): print('Gib den gewünschten Gain ein.') gain = num(raw_input()) self.variables[var] = { 'matFile': file, 'path': path, 'origUnit': orig_unit, 'displayUnit': unit, 'customGain': gain }
def check_data(filename_model, filename_results, filename_database, budo_label): sim = SimRes(filename_results) variable_name_sim = get_complete_variable_name(filename_model, budo_label) dfDymola=sim.to_pandas([variable_name_sim]) dfDymola=preprocess_sim_data(dfDymola) dfDymola=reindex_int(dfDymola) "read out of monitoring database" "(in real a specialized timeseries database)" disk_engine = create_engine('sqlite:///'+filename_database) df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM timeseries', disk_engine) df = preprocess_monitoring_data(df) (df, dfDymola)=check_length(df, dfDymola) predicted_values = dfDymola[variable_name_sim] measured_values = df[budo_label] (iae_, rmse_, nrmse_)=calculate_values(measured_values, predicted_values) print("IAE between real and simulated data is: "+str(iae_)) print("RMSE between real and simulated data is "+str(rmse_)) print("NRMSE between real and simulated data is "+str(nrmse_))
def runEngine(simCity, solverconfig): ''' Change path to model folder ''' simCity.updateSolverConfiguration(solverconfig) simCity.numberOfIntervals= solverconfig.numberOfIntervals simCity.solver= solverconfig.method simCity.startTime= solverconfig.startTime simCity.stopTime= solverconfig.stopTime simCity.tolerance= solverconfig.tolerance simCity.resultFile= sources.modelName simCity.simulate() # print 'simCity.resultFile ', simCity.resultFile __simulationFile= sources.outputFolder+ os.sep+ simCity.resultFile __simulationData= SimRes(__simulationFile) return [__simulationFile, __simulationData]
def runEngine(__sources, __solverconfig): simCity= EngineOMC(__sources, __solverconfig) simCity.numberOfIntervals= __solverconfig.numberOfIntervals simCity.solver= __solverconfig.method simCity.startTime= __solverconfig.startTime simCity.stopTime= __solverconfig.stopTime simCity.tolerance= __solverconfig.tolerance simCity.resultFile= __sources.modelName simCity.simulate() ''' TODO get the result file ''' # print 'simCity.resultFile ', simCity.resultFile __simulationFile= sources.outputFolder+ os.sep+ simCity.resultFile __simulationData= SimRes(__simulationFile) return [__simulationFile, __simulationData]
def showRes(self, file=''): if (file == ''): print( 'Kein .mat-File angegeben. Welches .mat-File soll untersucht werden? (Pfad zum .mat-File angeben)' ) file = raw_input() from modelicares import SimRes r = SimRes(file) try: print(r.names) except IOError: print( 'Das angegebene .mat-File scheint es nicht zu geben. Funktion "showRes()" wird beendet...' ) return
def runLinearization(simCity, solverconfig): ''' Change path to model folder ''' simCity.updateSolverConfiguration(solverconfig) simCity.numberOfIntervals = solverconfig.numberOfIntervals simCity.solver = solverconfig.method simCity.startTime = solverconfig.startTime simCity.stopTime = solverconfig.stopTime simCity.tolerance = solverconfig.tolerance simCity.resultFile = sources.modelName #TODO test the call to the function simCity.linearize('linearize') print 'simCity.resultFile ', simCity.resultFile #TODO get the proper result file with ModelicaRes __simulationFile = sources.outputFolder + os.sep + simCity.resultFile # resultFile = dslin.mat -> we have to extract nx= order, xuyName= list of variables, ABCD __simulationData = SimRes(__simulationFile) return [__simulationFile, __simulationData]
def __init__(self, params, compiler='openmodelica'): ''' Constructor _compiler: omc, dymola or jm Params 0: output dir; Params 1: .h5 file path; Params 2: .mat file path; ''' if (params[0]!= ''): os.chdir(params[0]) self._fileName= params[1] if (len(params)> 2): self._matfile= SimRes(params[2]) # fileName= time.strftime("%H_%M_%S")+ 'SimulationOutputs.h5' ''' a ''' self._signals= {} self._compiler= compiler
def optimizeCoeff(In): eps = In[0] print 'Current eps:', eps s.addParameters({'EuroTrough.eps6': eps}) s.setResultFile(FileSimulation) s.setStartTime(StartModTime[0]) s.setStopTime(StopModTime[0]) s.printModelAndTime() #s.showGUI(show=True) #s.exitSimulator(exitAfterSimulation=False) s.simulate_translated() Data_Sim = StoreModResult + '/' + FileSimulation + '.mat' sim = SimRes(Data_Sim) #initialTime = (sim['Time'].IV()) #FinalTime=(sim['Time'].FV()) #TimeSim=(((sim['Time'].values(t=(StartModTime[0],StopModTime[0]))-StartModTime[0]))) #NN = (sim['EuroTrough.N'].values(t=(StartModTime[0]))) #Tpt_su = ((sim['SensTsu.fluidState.T'].values(t=(StartModTime[0],StopModTime[0])))-273.15) #Tpt_ex = ((sim['SensTex.fluidState.T'].values(t=(StartModTime[0],StopModTime[0])))-273.15) Delta_T = ((sim['DeltaT.Delta'].values(t=(StartModTime[0] + 600, StartModTime[0] + 660)))) print 'Residue:' + str(sum(Delta_T**2)) return Delta_T
for tgovernorNumber, tgovernorName in enumerate(tgovernors['names']): os.makedirs(f'{tgovernorName}') #For loop that will iterate between machines, simulate, and create the .csv file for tgovernorNumber, tgovernorName in enumerate(tgovernors['names']): print(f"Fault {tgovernorName} Simulation Start...") try: omc.sendExpression(f"cd(\"{FTurbineGovernorsWorkingDir}" + tgovernorName + "\")") omc.sendExpression(f"loadFile(\"{OpenIPSLPackage}\")") omc.sendExpression("instantiateModel(OpenIPSL)") omc.sendExpression( f"simulate(OpenIPSL.Examples.Controls.PSSE.TG.{tgovernorName}, stopTime=10.0,method=\"rungekutta\",numberOfIntervals=5000,tolerance=1e-06)" ) sim = SimRes( "" + FTurbineGovernorsWorkingDir + f"{tgovernorName}/OpenIPSL.Examples.Controls.PSSE.TG.{tgovernorName}_res.mat" ) print(f"{tgovernorName} Simulation Finished...") except: print(f"{tgovernorName} simulation error or model not found...") try: #Selecting Variables print(".csv Writing Start...") try: print('Verifying if it is a GENROU model...') #Selecting Variables variables = [ 'Time', tgovernors['delta'][0], tgovernors['pelec'][0], tgovernors['pmech'][0], tgovernors['speed'][0], tgovernors['pmechgov'][tgovernorNumber], 'GEN1.V', 'LOAD.V', 'GEN2.V', 'FAULT.V'
#!/usr/bin/python """Example of SimRes.sankey() """ # pylint: disable=I0011, C0103 from modelicares import SimRes sim = SimRes('ThreeTanks.mat') sim.sankey(title="Sankey diagrams of Modelica.Fluid.Examples.Tanks.ThreeTanks", times=[0, 50, 100, 150], n_rows=2, format='%.1f ', names=['tank1.ports[1].m_flow', 'tank2.ports[1].m_flow', 'tank3.ports[1].m_flow'], labels=['Tank 1', 'Tank 2', 'Tank 3'], orientations=[-1, 0, 1], scale=0.1, margin=6, offset=1.5, pathlengths=2, trunklength=10)
def static(): """Create static images for the HTML documentation and the base """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from modelicares import SimRes, LinResList, read_params join = os.path.join # Options indir = "../examples" # Directory with the mat files. outdir = "_static" # Directory where the images should be generated dpi = 90 # DPI for the HTML index images dpi_small = 30 # DPI for the README images kwargs = dict(bbox_inches='tight', format='png') # Other savefig() options # ThreeTanks # ---------- sim = SimRes(join(indir, 'ThreeTanks.mat')) sim.sankey(title=("Sankey diagrams of " "Modelica.Fluid.Examples.Tanks.ThreeTanks"), times=[0, 50, 100, 150], n_rows=2, format='%.1f ', names=[ 'tank1.ports[1].m_flow', 'tank2.ports[1].m_flow', 'tank3.ports[1].m_flow' ], labels=['Tank 1', 'Tank 2', 'Tank 3'], orientations=[-1, 0, 1], scale=0.1, margin=6, offset=1.5, pathlengths=2, trunklength=10) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ThreeTanks.png'), dpi=dpi, **kwargs) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ThreeTanks-small.png'), dpi=dpi_small, **kwargs) plt.close() # ChuaCircuit # ----------- sim = SimRes(join(indir, 'ChuaCircuit.mat')) ax = sim.plot(ynames1='L.v', ylabel1="Voltage", xname='L.i', xlabel="Current", title=("Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.ChuaCircuit\n" "Current through and voltage across the inductor"))[0] # Mark the start and stop points. def mark(time, text): """Mark a frequency point. """ i = sim['L.i'].values(time) v = sim['L.v'].values(time) plt.plot(i, v, 'bo') ax.annotate(text, xy=(i, v), xytext=(0, -4), ha='center', va='top', textcoords='offset points') mark(0, "Start") mark(2500, "Stop") # Save and close. plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ChuaCircuit.png'), dpi=dpi, **kwargs) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ChuaCircuit-small.png'), dpi=dpi_small, **kwargs) plt.close() # PIDs-bode # --------- lins = LinResList(join(indir, 'PID.mat'), join(indir, 'PID/*/')) for lin in lins: lin.label = "Td = %g s" % read_params('Td', join(lin.dirname, 'dsin.txt')) lins.sort(key=lambda lin: lin.label) lins.bode(title=("Bode plot of Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID\n" "with varying differential time constant")) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'PIDs-bode.png'), dpi=dpi, **kwargs) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'PIDs-bode-small.png'), dpi=dpi_small, **kwargs) plt.close()
#!/usr/bin/python """Example of SimRes.plot() """ # pylint: disable=I0011, C0103 from modelicares import SimRes sim = SimRes('ChuaCircuit.mat') sim.plot(ynames1='L.i', ylabel1="Current", ynames2='L.der(i)', ylabel2="Derivative of current", title="Chua circuit")
"Simulation failed or model was not found. Below is the translation log:\n" ) log = dymola.getLastErrorLog() print(log) try: os.chdir( f"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/TurbineGovernors/{tgovernorName}/" ) os.remove("dsin.txt") except: pass else: print(f"{tgovernorName} Simulation OK...") print(".csv Writing Start...") sim = SimRes( f"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/TurbineGovernors/{tgovernorName}/{tgovernorName}.mat" ) try: print('Verifying if it is a GENROU model...') #Selecting Variables variables = [ 'Time', tgovernors['delta'][0], tgovernors['pelec'][0], tgovernors['speed'][0], tgovernors['pmech'][tgovernorNumber], 'GEN1.V', 'LOAD.V', 'GEN2.V', 'FAULT.V' ] df_variables = pd.DataFrame([], columns=variables) for var in variables: df_variables.drop(var, axis=1, inplace=True) #Change from Radians to Degrees if var == tgovernors['delta'][0]:
for machineNumber, machineName in enumerate(machines['names']): os.makedirs(f'{machineName}') #For loop that will iterate between machines, simulate, and create the .csv file for machineNumber, machineName in enumerate(machines['names']): print(f"Fault {machineName} Simulation Start...") try: omc.sendExpression(f"cd(\"{FMachinesWorkingDir}" + machineName + "\")") omc.sendExpression(f"loadFile(\"{OpenIPSLPackage}\")") omc.sendExpression("instantiateModel(OpenIPSL)") if machineName == 'CSVGN1': omc.sendExpression( f"simulate(OpenIPSL.Examples.Banks.PSSE.{machineName}, stopTime=10.0,method=\"dassl\",numberOfIntervals=500,tolerance=1e-04)" ) sim = SimRes( "" + FMachinesWorkingDir + f"{machineName}/OpenIPSL.Examples.Banks.PSSE.{machineName}_res.mat" ) else: omc.sendExpression( f"simulate(OpenIPSL.Examples.Machines.PSSE.{machineName}, stopTime=10.0,method=\"rungekutta\",numberOfIntervals=5000,tolerance=1e-06)" ) sim = SimRes( "" + FMachinesWorkingDir + f"{machineName}/OpenIPSL.Examples.Machines.PSSE.{machineName}_res.mat" ) print(f"{machineName} Simulation Finished...") except: print(f"{machineName} simulation error or model not found...") try: print(".csv Writing Start...") if machineName == 'CSVGN1':
# file: #!/usr/bin/python import OMPython import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas; pandas.set_option('display.max_rows', 5) from modelicares import SimRes sim = SimRes('Result_res.mat') print sim['Time'].IV() print sim['Time'].FV() pulses = sim.find('pulse*.y') sim.plot(pulses); plt.savefig('test.png') # # sim['pulseWidthVar.y'].array(t=(0, 0.2 ))
s.setResultFile(FileSimulation) s.setStartTime(StartModTime[KKK]) s.setStopTime(StopModTime[KKK]) s.setNumberOfIntervals(500) s.setSolver('Dassl') s.printModelAndTime() #s.showGUI(show=True) #s.exitSimulator(exitAfterSimulation=False) s.simulate() #resultFile=(ResultDirectory+'/'+FileSimulation+".mat") #r=Reader(resultFile, "dymola") #print r # -------------------- IMPORT MODELICA RESULT USING MODELICA RES ----------------------------- Data_Sim = StoreModResult + '/' + FileSimulation + '.mat' sim = SimRes(Data_Sim) initialTime = (sim['Time'].IV()) FinalTime = (sim['Time'].FV()) TimeSim = (((sim['Time'].values(t=(StartPlotTime[0], StopPlotTime[0])) - (StartPlotTime[0])))) NN = (sim['EuroTrough.N'].values(t=(StartPlotTime[0]))) Tpt_su = ((sim['SensTsu.fluidState.T'].values(t=(StartPlotTime[0], StopPlotTime[0]))) - 273.15) Tpt_ex = ((sim['SensTex.fluidState.T'].values(t=(StartPlotTime[0], StopPlotTime[0]))) - 273.15) Delta_T = ((sim['DeltaT.Delta'].values(t=(StartModTime[KKK] + 600, StartModTime[KKK] + 800)))) DNI = ((sim['DNI.y'].values(t=(StartPlotTime[0], StopPlotTime[0])))) m_wf = ((sim['m_dot_htf.y'].values(t=(StartPlotTime[0], StopPlotTime[0])))) T_amb = ((sim['T_amb.y'].values(t=(StartPlotTime[0], StopPlotTime[0]))) - 273.15)
def plot_sim_results(solver, experiment, fig_name): if experiment == 'initialization': exp = 1 b1 = "B2.V" b2 = "B4.V" elif experiment == 'line_opening': exp = 2 b1 = "B2.V" b2 = "B4.V" elif experiment == 'bus_faults': exp = 3 b1 = "B4.V" b2 = "B14.V" # Adjusting number of points if solver == 'dassl': n_points = 5000 else: n_points = 240000 current_wd = os.getcwd() # Directory of Dymola results if solver == 'trapezoid': solver_dym = 'Rkfix2' elif solver == 'rungekutta': solver_dym = 'Rkfix4' elif solver == 'euler': solver_dym = 'Euler' elif solver == 'dassl': solver_dym = 'dassl' # Directory of Dymola results simD_dir = os.path.join( current_wd, "WorkingDir/Dymola/{s}/{e}/OpenIPSL.IEEE14.IEEE_14_Buses_{e}_{s}.mat". format(s=solver_dym, e=exp)) # Directory of OpenModelica results simOM_dir = os.path.join( current_wd, "WorkingDir/OpenModelica/{s}/OpenIPSL.IEEE14.IEEE_14_Buses_{e}_res.mat" .format(s=solver, e=exp)) # Creating object with Dymola results simD = SimRes(simD_dir) # Creating object with OpenModelica results simOM = SimRes(simOM_dir) fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10), nrows=2, ncols=2) fig.suptitle("Time-domain simulation results ({s} - {e})".format( s=solver, e=experiment), fontname="Times New Roman", fontsize=22) axes[0][0].plot(simD['Time'].values(), simD[b1].values(), label='Dymola', color='indigo') axes[0][0].legend() axes[0][0].plot(simOM['Time'].values(), simOM[b1].values(), label='OpenModelica', color='salmon') axes[0][0].legend(prop={'size': 14, 'family': "Times New Roman"}) axes[0][1].plot( simD['Time'].values()[0:n_points], (1 / n_points) * np.absolute( (simD[b1].values()[0:n_points] - simOM[b1].values()[0:n_points])), label='NAE', color='peru') axes[0][1].legend(prop={'size': 14, 'family': "Times New Roman"}) axes[0][1].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) axes[1][0].plot(simD['Time'].values(), simD[b2].values(), label='Dymola', color='indigo') axes[1][0].plot(simOM['Time'].values(), simOM[b2].values(), label='OpenModelica', color='salmon') axes[1][0].legend(prop={'size': 14, 'family': "Times New Roman"}) axes[1][1].plot( simD['Time'].values()[0:n_points], (1 / n_points) * np.absolute( (simD[b2].values()[0:n_points] - simOM[b1].values()[0:n_points])), label='NAE', color='peru') axes[1][1].legend(prop={'size': 14, 'family': "Times New Roman"}) axes[1][1].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) for r in range(0, 2): for c in range(0, 2): axes[r][c].set_ylabel('Voltage [pu]', fontname='Times New Roman', fontsize=16) axes[r][c].set_xlabel('Time [s]', fontname='Times New Roman', fontsize=16) for tick in axes[r][c].xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(15) tick.label.set_fontname("Times New Roman") for tick in axes[r][c].yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(15) tick.label.set_fontname("Times New Roman") fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) # Saving figure fig.savefig('Figs/01_Tool_Result_Analysis/{}.png'.format(fig_name), dpi=300) # Printing information about mean errors print("{r:=^32}".format(r="")) print("{r:^32}".format(r="{s} - {e}".format(s=solver, e=experiment))) print("{r:=^32}".format(r="")) MSED1B2 = (1 / n_points) * np.sum( (simD[b1].values()[0:n_points] - simOM[b1].values()[0:n_points])**2) MSED1B4 = (1 / n_points) * np.sum( (simD[b2].values()[0:n_points] - simOM[b2].values()[0:n_points])**2) MSED2 = (1 / n_points) * np.absolute( (simD[b1].values()[0:n_points] - simOM[b1].values()[0:n_points])) print('MSE {} ='.format(b1[0:2]), MSED1B2) print('MSE {} ='.format(b2[0:2]), MSED1B4) print("{r:=^32}".format(r=""))
def test(request): ### 1. step: loading visulization page --> GET request --> variables are extracted from .mat files and stored in pandas dataframe ### 2. step: user chooses comparison-criterion and submits --> POST request --> dataframes are sorted by comparison-criterion + barplots are displayed ### 3. step: user chooses simulation to look at in detail --> POST request --> line-plots are displayed # time-constant variables var_const=["Ergebnisse.E_bs_gesamt","Ergebnisse.E_el_gesamt","Ergebnisse.K_gesamt","Ergebnisse.K_bed_an","Ergebnisse.K_kap_an"] var_const_expl=["Brennstoffbedarf","Elektrischer Energiebedarf","Gesamtkosten","Energiekosten","Investment"] # non-time-constant variables var_var=["Strommarkt.signalBus.Strompreis","Heizkessel.product.y","BHKW_.signalBus_BHKW.P_BHKW","Elektrodenkessel.signalBus_BHKW.P_EK"] var_var_expl=["Strompreis","Leistung Heizkessel","Leistung BHKW","Leistung Elektrodenkessel"] # Investment invest_var=["Annuitaeten.__ps__an.bhkw","Annuitaeten.__ps__an.ek",""] invest_var_expl=["Annuitaeten BHKW","Annuitaeten Elektrodenkessel","Annuitaeten Heizkessel"] # Simulation results sim_array=["Waerme_1.mat","Waerme_2.mat","Waerme_3.mat","Waerme_4.mat","Waerme_5.mat"] if request.method=="GET": # visulization page is loaded sim_to_dropdown=[''] request.session['simulation']='' request.session['comp_crit']='' request.session['sim_detail']='' # data frame for time-const. vars --> 1. row "simulation" (e.g. waerme_1.mat), following rows containing the name of the variables df_const=pd.DataFrame(columns=['simulation']+var_const) # data fram for non-time-const. vars --> see upper df df_var=pd.DataFrame(columns=['simulation','time']+var_var) # data frame for Investment df_invest=pd.DataFrame(columns=['simulation']+invest_var) # data is extracted from .mat file and stored in dataframes for i in range(len(sim_array)): sim=SimRes('C:\\Users\\Lukas\\Desktop\\ETA\\'+sim_array[i])[i,'simulation']=sim_array[i][i,'simulation']=sim_array[i][i,'simulation']=sim_array[i] for x in range(len(var_const)):[i,var_const[x]]=sim[var_const[x]].values()[len(sim[var_const[x]].values())-1] for x in range(len(var_var)):[i,var_var[x]]=sim[var_var[x]].values()[i,'time']=sim[var_var[x]][0][0] for x in range(len(invest_var)):[i,invest_var[x]]=sim[invest_var[x]].values()[len(sim[invest_var[x]].values())-1] print(df_invest) # dataframes are stored as session-variables --> not shure if necessary df_const=df_const.to_json() df_var=df_var.to_json() request.session['df_const']=df_const request.session['df_var']=df_var if request.method=="POST": df_const=request.session['df_const'] df_var=request.session['df_var'] df_const=pd.read_json(df_const) df_var=pd.read_json(df_var) # comp_crit is the comparison criterion (e.g. Investment-Cost) which the user has chosen comp_crit=request.POST["crit"] request.session['comp_crit']=comp_crit # dataframe is sorted by comparison-criterion const_sorted=df_const.sort_values(by=[comp_crit]) # top 3 sorting best_const=const_sorted.iloc[:3,:] # accessing the simulation names of the top 3 results (e.g. Waerme_32.mat etc) sim_to_dropdown=best_const['simulation'] best_const=best_const.to_json() request.session['best_const']=best_const if request.method=="POST": # sim_detail is the simulation which the user wants to look at in detail sim_detail=request.POST["crit2"] request.session["sim_detail"]=sim_detail comp_crit=request.session["comp_crit"] sim_detail=request.session["sim_detail"] if comp_crit != '': # y != '' means the user submitted a comparison criterion best_const=request.session['best_const'] best_const=pd.read_json(best_const) # each dictionary represents one barplot --> energy and costs --> still hard coded and ugly energy_dict=best_const.iloc[:,:3] cost_dict=best_const.iloc[:,[0,3,4,5]] # hereee # color-stuff ugly and complicated energy_palette=[(143,53,71),(34,143,156)] cost_palette=[(0,141,180),(0,66,118),(87,101,108)] # barplots are created if data is available p = figure(x_range=energy_dict['simulation'], plot_width=800, plot_height=300, title="Energiebedarf", toolbar_location="below", tools="hover", tooltips="$name" ": " "@$name") p.left[0].formatter.use_scientific = False p.vbar_stack(list(energy_dict.columns[1:]), x='simulation', width=0.9, legend=var_const_expl[:len(energy_dict.columns)-1],color=energy_palette, source=energy_dict) p.yaxis.axis_label = "Energy in kWh" p1 = figure(x_range=cost_dict['simulation'], plot_width=800, plot_height=300, title="Kosten", toolbar_location="below", tools="hover", tooltips="$name" ": " "@$name") p1.left[0].formatter.use_scientific = False p1.vbar_stack(list(cost_dict.columns[1:]), x='simulation', width=0.9,legend=var_const_expl[len(energy_dict)-1:],color=cost_palette, source=cost_dict) p1.yaxis.axis_label = "Cost in €" else: # barplots to display while data not available p = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300,toolbar_location="below") p.line([0,1,2,3],[0,0,0,0]) p1 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, toolbar_location="below") p1.line([0,1,2,3],[0,0,0,0]) if sim_detail != '': # ys2 != '' means user submitted the choice refering the simulation (waerme_1.mat etc) # dropdown choice 2 request.session['view_detailled']=request.POST["crit2"] #var_var_expl=["Strompreis","Leistung Heizkessel","Leistung BHKW","Leistung Elektrodenkessel"] #var_var=["Strommarkt.signalBus.Strompreis","Heizkessel.product.y","BHKW_.signalBus_BHKW.P_BHKW","Elektrodenkessel.signalBus_BHKW.P_EK"] # dataframe of non-time-constant variables is accessed var_dict=request.session['df_var'] base_dict=pd.read_json(var_dict) # the variables of the chosen simulation are extracted from the whole dataframe var_dict=(base_dict[base_dict['simulation']==request.session['view_detailled']]) # converting seconds to days time_seconds=var_dict['time'].values[0] time_days=[i/(3600*24) for i in time_seconds] var_dict['time'].values[0]=time_days #mypalette=Category10[10] #mypalette=mypalette[:len(var_dict.columns)-1] mypalette=["cornflowerblue","indianred","indigo"] p2 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300,toolbar_location="below") p2.xaxis.axis_label = "Time in days" p2.left[0].formatter.use_scientific = False # change just some things about the y-axes p2.yaxis.axis_label = "Power in Watt" ## line plots are created by iterating for i in range(3,len(var_dict.columns)): # there was the need to differentiate between variables with a lot entries and variables with only two entries (e.g. if Power is constant--> only 2 power values at the end/beginning of simulation) if len(list(var_dict[var_var[i-2]].values[0]))>2: # print('eins') p2.line(list(var_dict['time'].values[0]),list(var_dict[var_var[i-2]].values[0]),legend=var_var_expl[i-2],color=mypalette[i-3]) else: # print('zwei') p2.line(list([var_dict['time'][0][0],var_dict['time'][0][len(var_dict['time'][0])-1]]),list(var_dict[var_var[i-2]].values[0]),legend=var_var_expl[i-2],color=mypalette[i-1]) # Dominik wanted to have the Strompreis in a several lineplot p3 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300,toolbar_location="below") p3.xaxis.axis_label = "Time in days" p3.left[0].formatter.use_scientific = False # change just some things about the y-axes p3.yaxis.axis_label = "Electric-Energy-Price in Euro/kWh" p3.line(list(var_dict['time'].values[0]),list(var_dict["Strommarkt.signalBus.Strompreis"].values[0]),legend=var_var_expl[0],color="plum") else: p2 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300,toolbar_location="below") p2.line([0,1,2,3],[0,0,0,0]) p3 = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, toolbar_location="below") p3.line([0,1,2,3],[0,0,0,0]) # stacking of the figures a = row(p,p1) b = row(p2,p3) c = column(a,b) script, div = components(c) return render(request, 'test.html',{'script': script, 'div':div, 'variables': var_const, 'simulations': sim_to_dropdown})
for exciterNumber, exciterName in enumerate(exciters['names']): os.makedirs(f'{exciterName}') #For loop that will iterate between machines, simulate, and create the .csv file for exciterNumber, exciterName in enumerate(exciters['names']): print(f"Load Variation {exciterName} Simulation Start...") try: omc.sendExpression(f"cd(\"{LVExcitersWorkingDir}" + exciterName + "\")") omc.sendExpression(f"loadFile(\"{OpenIPSLPackage}\")") omc.sendExpression("instantiateModel(OpenIPSL)") omc.sendExpression( f"simulate(OpenIPSL.Examples.Controls.PSSE.ES.{exciterName}, stopTime=10.0,method=\"rungekutta\",numberOfIntervals=5000,tolerance=1e-06)" ) sim = SimRes( "" + LVExcitersWorkingDir + f"{exciterName}/OpenIPSL.Examples.Controls.PSSE.ES.{exciterName}_res.mat" ) print(f"{exciterName} Simulation Finished...") except: print(f"{exciterName} simulation error or model not found...") try: #Selecting Variables print(".csv Writing Start...") try: print('Verifying if it is a GENROU model...') #Selecting Variables variables = [ 'Time', exciters['delta'][0], exciters['pelec'][0], exciters['pmech'][0], exciters['speed'][0], exciters['efd'][exciterNumber], 'GEN1.V', 'LOAD.V', 'GEN2.V', 'FAULT.V'
"Simulation failed or model was not found. Below is the translation log:\n" ) log = dymola.getLastErrorLog() print(log) try: os.chdir( f"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/Exciters/{exciterName}/" ) os.remove("dsin.txt") except: pass else: print(f"{exciterName} Simulation OK...") print(".csv Writing Start...") sim = SimRes( f"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/Exciters/{exciterName}/{exciterName}.mat" ) try: print('Verifying if it is a GENROU model...') #Selecting Variables variables = [ 'Time', exciters['delta'][0], exciters['pelec'][0], exciters['speed'][0], exciters['efd'][exciterNumber], 'GEN1.V', 'LOAD.V', 'GEN2.V', 'FAULT.V' ] df_variables = pd.DataFrame([], columns=variables) for var in variables: df_variables.drop(var, axis=1, inplace=True) #Change from Radians to Degrees if var == exciters['delta'][0]: df_variables[var] = np.array(sim[var].values() *
for pssNumber, pssName in enumerate(psss['names']): os.makedirs(f'{pssName}') #For loop that will iterate between machines, simulate, and create the .csv file for pssNumber, pssName in enumerate(psss['names']): print(f"Fault {pssName} Simulation Start...") try: omc.sendExpression(f"cd(\"{FPowerSystemStabilizersWorkingDir}" + pssName + "\")") omc.sendExpression(f"loadFile(\"{OpenIPSLPackage}\")") omc.sendExpression("instantiateModel(OpenIPSL)") omc.sendExpression( f"simulate(OpenIPSL.Examples.Controls.PSSE.PSS.{pssName}, stopTime=10.0,method=\"dassl\",numberOfIntervals=5000,tolerance=1e-06)" ) sim = SimRes( "" + FPowerSystemStabilizersWorkingDir + f"{pssName}/OpenIPSL.Examples.Controls.PSSE.PSS.{pssName}_res.mat") print(f"{pssName} Simulation Finished...") except: print(f"{pssName} simulation error or model not found...") try: #Selecting Variables print(".csv Writing Start...") try: print('Verifying if it is a GENROU model...') #Selecting Variables variables = [ 'Time', psss['delta'][0], psss['pelec'][0], psss['pmech'][0], psss['speed'][0], psss['vothsg'][pssNumber], 'GEN1.V', 'LOAD.V', 'GEN2.V', 'FAULT.V' ]
''' Created on 24 Jul 2018 @author: fran_jo ''' import sys from eme.logiclayer.command.viewdata import ViewData from modelicares import SimRes if __name__ == '__main__': resData = SimRes(sys.argv[1]) selectedSignals = ViewData.selectData( sorted(resData.names()), "Select the signal you want to plot? ") ViewData.plotOutputs(selectedSignals)
def static(): """Create static images for the HTML documentation and the base """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from modelicares import SimRes, LinResList, read_params join = os.path.join # Options indir = "../examples" # Directory with the mat files. outdir = "_static" # Directory where the images should be generated dpi = 90 # DPI for the HTML index images dpi_small = 30 # DPI for the README images kwargs = dict(bbox_inches='tight', format='png') # Other savefig() options # ThreeTanks # ---------- sim = SimRes(join(indir, 'ThreeTanks.mat')) sim.sankey(title=("Sankey diagrams of " "Modelica.Fluid.Examples.Tanks.ThreeTanks"), times=[0, 50, 100, 150], n_rows=2, format='%.1f ', names=['tank1.ports[1].m_flow', 'tank2.ports[1].m_flow', 'tank3.ports[1].m_flow'], labels=['Tank 1', 'Tank 2', 'Tank 3'], orientations=[-1, 0, 1], scale=0.1, margin=6, offset=1.5, pathlengths=2, trunklength=10) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ThreeTanks.png'), dpi=dpi, **kwargs) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ThreeTanks-small.png'), dpi=dpi_small, **kwargs) plt.close() # ChuaCircuit # ----------- sim = SimRes(join(indir, 'ChuaCircuit.mat')) ax = sim.plot(ynames1='L.v', ylabel1="Voltage", xname='L.i', xlabel="Current", title=("Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.ChuaCircuit\n" "Current through and voltage across the inductor"))[0] # Mark the start and stop points. def mark(time, text): """Mark a frequency point. """ i = sim['L.i'].values(time) v = sim['L.v'].values(time) plt.plot(i, v, 'bo') ax.annotate(text, xy=(i, v), xytext=(0, -4), ha='center', va='top', textcoords='offset points') mark(0, "Start") mark(2500, "Stop") # Save and close. plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ChuaCircuit.png'), dpi=dpi, **kwargs) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'ChuaCircuit-small.png'), dpi=dpi_small, **kwargs) plt.close() # PIDs-bode # --------- lins = LinResList(join(indir, 'PID.mat'), join(indir, 'PID/*/')) for lin in lins: lin.label = "Td = %g s" % read_params('Td', join(lin.dirname, 'dsin.txt')) lins.sort(key=lambda lin: lin.label) lins.bode(title=("Bode plot of Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID\n" "with varying differential time constant")) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'PIDs-bode.png'), dpi=dpi, **kwargs) plt.savefig(join(outdir, 'PIDs-bode-small.png'), dpi=dpi_small, **kwargs) plt.close()
def kennfeld_erzeugen(mp, Root_kennfelder, Root_simulationsergebnisse): #ergebnisse sind in mat datei gespeichert und enthalten die Simulationszeit, den SOC , sowie den Zustand, welcher bei 1 laden und 0 entladen bedeutet #Simulationsergebnis muss so vorliegen, dass speicher anfangs entladen ist sim = SimRes( os.path.join(Root_simulationsergebnisse, 'simulationsergebnis_mp' + str(mp) + '.mat')) zeit = sim['Time'] zeit = zeit.values() SOC = sim['SOC'] SOC = SOC.values() SOC = np.vstack((zeit, SOC)) SOC = np.transpose(SOC) print(SOC) zustand = sim['zustand.Q'] zustand = zustand.values() zustand = np.vstack((zeit, zustand)) #zustand ist array welches zeit und entladezustand enthält zustand = np.transpose(zustand) print(zustand) a = 1 entladen_start = np.zeros((1, 1)) #zeitstempel der Entlade-Anfänge werden gesucht while a < len(zustand): if zustand[a, 1] < zustand[a - 1, 1]: entladen_start = np.vstack((entladen_start, zustand[a, 0])) a = a + 1 entladen_start = entladen_start[ 2:, :] #enthält die Zeitstempel, wann das Entladen beginnt print('entladen start:', entladen_start) b = 1 laden_start = np.zeros((1, 1)) #zeitstempel der Lade-Anfänge werden gesucht while b < len(zustand): if zustand[b, 1] > zustand[b - 1, 1]: laden_start = np.vstack((laden_start, zustand[b, 0])) b = b + 1 laden_start = laden_start[ 2:, :] #enthält die Zeitstempel, wann das Laden beginnt print('laden start:', laden_start) #Hier wird das Ladekennfeld erstellt anfang_laden = np.where(zustand == laden_start[0]) anfang_laden = anfang_laden[0] anfang_laden = anfang_laden[1] print('anfang laden', anfang_laden) ende_laden = np.where(zustand == entladen_start[1]) #print('ende',ende) ende_laden = ende_laden[0] ende_laden = ende_laden[1] print('ende laden', ende_laden) laden = np.zeros((ende_laden - anfang_laden + 1, 2)) laden[:, 0] = zeit[anfang_laden:ende_laden + 1] laden[:, 1] = SOC[anfang_laden:ende_laden + 1, 1] #print(laden) #das hier ist unschön --> glättet aber das Kennfeld des Eissilos for i in range(10): for i in range(1, len(laden)): if laden[i, 1] < laden[i - 1, 1]: laden[i - 1, 1] = laden[i, 1] Abzug = laden[0, 0] for i in range(len(laden)): laden[i, 0] = laden[i, 0] - Abzug #Hier wird das Entladekennfeld erstellt anfang_entladen = np.where(zustand == entladen_start[1]) #print('anfang entladen', anfang_1) anfang_entladen = anfang_entladen[0] anfang_entladen = anfang_entladen[1] print('anfang entladen', anfang_entladen) ende_entladen = np.where(zustand == laden_start[1]) #print('ende entladen',ende_1) ende_entladen = ende_entladen[0] ende_entladen = ende_entladen[1] print('ende entladen', ende_entladen) entladen = np.zeros((ende_entladen - anfang_entladen + 1, 2)) entladen[:, 0] = zeit[anfang_entladen:ende_entladen + 1] entladen[:, 1] = SOC[anfang_entladen:ende_entladen + 1, 1] Abzug = entladen[0, 0] for i in range(len(entladen)): entladen[i, 0] = entladen[i, 0] - Abzug Normierung = entladen[len(entladen) - 1, 0] for i in range(len(entladen)): entladen[i, 0] = Normierung - entladen[i, 0] entladen_neu = np.zeros((len(entladen), 2)) for i in range(len(entladen)): entladen_neu[i, 0] = entladen[len(entladen) - 1 - i, 0] entladen_neu[i, 1] = entladen[len(entladen) - 1 - i, 1] plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(laden[:, 0], laden[:, 1]) plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(entladen_neu[:, 1], entladen_neu[:, 0]) sio.savemat(os.path.join(Root_kennfelder, 'kennfeld_mp' + str(mp)), dict(ladekurve=laden, entladekurve=entladen_neu)) return laden, entladen_neu, SOC
#!/usr/bin/python # Example of SimRes.plot() from modelicares import SimRes sim = SimRes('ChuaCircuit.mat') sim.plot(ynames1='L.i', ylabel1="Current", ynames2='L.der(i)', ylabel2="Derivative of current", title="Chua circuit")
def Obj(values_DVs, BC, s): """ Function to compute the objective function value inputs: values_DVs: values of the decision variables BC: current boundary conditions s: subsystem object returns: None """ import Init import os from modelicares import SimRes import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate as interpolate import as sio # Open dymola library TranslateModel(s._model_path, s._name, s.position) global dymola obj_fnc_val = 'objectiveFunction' """ Store two .mat-files that can be read by Dymola """ #This file contains the input setting BC1/ BC2/.. BC_array = np.empty([1, len(BC) + 1]) BC_array[0, 0] = 0 for i, val in enumerate(BC): BC_array[0][i + 1] = val """This file contains the decision variable setting DV1/ DV2/.. """ if isinstance(values_DVs, np.ndarray): DV_array = np.empty([1, 2]) DV_array[0, 0] = 0 DV_array[0, 1] = float(values_DVs) else: DV_array = np.empty([1, len(values_DVs) + 1]) DV_array[0, 0] = 0 for i2, val2 in enumerate(values_DVs): DV_array[0][i2 + 1] = val2 """Store the decision variables and boundary conditions as .mat files""" subsys_path = Init.path_res + '\\' + Init.name_wkdir + '\\' + s._name sio.savemat((subsys_path + '\\' + Init.fileName_DVsInputTable + '.mat'), {Init.tableName_DVsInputTable: DV_array}) sio.savemat((subsys_path + '\\' + Init.fileName_BCsInputTable + '.mat'), {Init.tableName_BCsInputTable: BC_array}) final_names = [obj_fnc_val] """Run the actual simulations""" # Max. 3 attempts to simulate # Different function call if no initialization is intended if s._model_type == "Modelica": for k in range(3): try: if s._initial_names is None: simStat = dymola.simulateExtendedModel( problem=s._model_path, startTime=Init.start_time, stopTime=Init.stop_time, outputInterval=Init.incr, method="Dassl", tolerance=Init.tol, resultFile=subsys_path + '\dsres', finalNames=final_names, ) else: simStat = dymola.simulateExtendedModel( problem=s._model_path, startTime=Init.start_time, stopTime=Init.stop_time, outputInterval=Init.incr, method="Dassl", tolerance=Init.tol, resultFile=subsys_path + '\dsres', finalNames=final_names, initialNames=s._initial_names, initialValues=s._initial_values, ) k = 4 except: if k < 3: print('Repeating simulation attempt') else: print('Final simulation error') k += 1 # Get the simulation result sim = SimRes(os.path.join(subsys_path, 'dsres.mat')) #store output output_traj = [] output_list = [] if s._output_vars is not None: for val in s._output_vars: output_vals = sim[val].values() output_list.append(output_vals[-1]) output_traj.append(sim[val].values()) else: command = [] T_cur = [] T_prev = [] T_met_prev_1 = [] T_met_prev_2 = [] T_met_prev_3 = [] T_met_prev_4 = [] output_traj = [] output_list = [] MLPModel = load("C:\\TEMP\Dymola\\" + s._name + ".joblib") scaler = load("C:\\TEMP\\Dymola\\" + s._name + "_scaler.joblib") for t in range(60): T_met_prev_1.append(s._initial_values[0]) T_met_prev_2.append(s._initial_values[1]) T_met_prev_3.append(s._initial_values[2]) T_met_prev_4.append(s._initial_values[3]) try: command.append(values_DVs[0]) except: command.append(values_DVs) T_cur.append(BC[0]) T_prev.append(BC[0]) x_test = np.stack((command, T_cur, T_prev, T_met_prev_1, T_met_prev_2, T_met_prev_3, T_met_prev_4), axis=1) scaled_instances = scaler.transform(x_test) traj = MLPModel.predict(scaled_instances) traj += 273 * np.ones(len(traj)) if s._output_vars is not None: output_traj = [ traj, (0.3 + random.uniform(0.0, 0.01)) * np.ones(60) ] output_list.append(traj[-1]) output_list.append(0.3 + random.uniform(0.0, 0.01)) # print(values_DVs[0]) print(BC[0]) print(traj) if s._output_vars is not None: global gl_output gl_output = output_list cost_total = 0 """all other subsystems + costs of downstream system""" if s._type_subSyst != "consumer": x = sio.loadmat(Init.path_res + '\\' + Init.name_wkdir + '\\' + s._name + '\\' + Init.fileName_Cost + '.mat') storage_cost = x[Init.tableName_Cost] """Interpolation""" # Currently, the local cost depends on the relative decision variable costs_neighbor = interpolate.interp2d(storage_cost[0, 1:], storage_cost[1:, 0], storage_cost[1:, 1:], kind='linear', fill_value=10000) """all other subsystems + costs of downstream system""" if s._type_subSyst != "consumer": x = sio.loadmat(Init.path_res + '\\' + Init.name_wkdir + '\\' + s._name + '\\' + Init.fileName_Cost + '.mat') storage_cost = x[Init.tableName_Cost] """Interpolation""" # Currently, the local cost depends on the relative decision variable costs_neighbor = interpolate.interp2d(storage_cost[0, 1:], storage_cost[1:, 0], storage_cost[1:, 1:], kind='linear', fill_value=10000) for l, tout in enumerate(output_traj[0]): if l > 100 or s._model_type == "MLP": # Avoid nan by suppressing operations with small numbers if values_DVs > 0.0001: cost_total += values_DVs * s._cost_factor + costs_neighbor( 0.008, tout - 273) else: cost_total += costs_neighbor(0.008, tout - 273) if s._model_type == "Modelica": cost_total = cost_total / len(output_traj[0]) else: cost_total = cost_total / len(output_traj[0]) print(s._name + " actuators : " + str(values_DVs)) print("cost_total: " + str(cost_total)) print("output: " + str(tout)) #time.sleep(2) else: for l, tout in enumerate(output_traj[0]): if l > 100 or s._model_type == "MLP": cost_total += 10 * (max( abs(tout - 273 - Init.set_point[0]) - Init.tolerance, 0))**2 cost_total = cost_total / len(output_traj[0]) print(s._name + " actuators : " + str(values_DVs)) print("cost_total: " + str(cost_total)) print("output: " + str(tout)) '''Temporary objective function value''' obj_fnc_vals = [1] """ Track Optimizer """ global gl_res_grid step = np.array([[float(values_DVs)], [obj_fnc_vals[-1]]]) gl_res_grid = np.append(gl_res_grid, step, axis=1) return cost_total
print(f"{machineName} Simulation Start...")"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/Machines/" + machineName) resultPath = f"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/Machines/{machineName}/" + machineName result = dymola.simulateModel(machines['path'][machineNumber], stopTime=10.0, numberOfIntervals = 5000, resultFile = resultPath) if not result: print("Simulation failed or model was not found. Below is the translation log:\n") log = dymola.getLastErrorLog() print(log) else: print(f"{machineName} Simulation OK...") print(".csv Writing Start...") #Selecting Result File sim = SimRes(f"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/Machines/{machineName}/{machineName}.mat") #Selecting Variables variables = ['Time', machines['delta'][machineNumber], machines['pelec'][machineNumber], machines['speed'][machineNumber], 'GEN1.V', 'LOAD.V', 'GEN2.V', 'FAULT.V' ] df_variables = pd.DataFrame([], columns = variables) for var in variables: df_variables.drop(var, axis = 1, inplace = True) df_variables[var] = np.array(sim[var].values()) print(f"{machineName} Variables OK...") #Changing current directory os.chdir(f"/home/manuelnvro/dev/Gitted/PythonTesting/WorkingDir/Dymola/Machines/{machineName}/") df_variables.to_csv(f'{machineName}.csv', index = False) print(f"{machineName} Write OK...\n") except DymolaException as ex: print("Error: " + str(ex)) print('Machine Examples Simulation OK...')
MODELS, RESULTS_DIR = write_script(EXPERIMENTS, working_dir=WORKING_DIR, packages=PACKAGES, fname=FNAME) # Ask Dymola to run the script. # For Linux: os.system('dymola ' + FNAME) # TODO: Add support for Windows. # For Windows: # os.system(r'C:\Program files\Dymola\bin\Dymola.exe ' + FNAME) else: MODELS = [experiment.model[experiment.model.rfind('.') + 1:] for experiment in EXPERIMENTS] RESULTS_DIR = os.path.split(FNAME)[0] # Create plots. # Begin customize-------------------------------------------------------------- for i, model in enumerate(MODELS): sim = SimRes(os.path.join(RESULTS_DIR, str(i + 1), 'dsres.mat')) sim.plot(title="Chua Circuit with L = %.0f %s" % (sim['L.L'].IV(), sim['L.L'].unit), ynames1=['L.i'], ylabel1='Current', ynames2=['L.der(i)'], ylabel2='Derivative of current', label=os.path.join(str(i + 1), model)) # End customize---------------------------------------------------------------- # Save the plots. saveall(FORMATS)