def get(self):
     # Detect the current environment and set the appropriate table name
     if environ["HTTP_HOST"] == "" or environ["HTTP_HOST"] == "":
         table_name = "Platform.testing_analytics_v2"
     elif environ["HTTP_HOST"] == "" or environ["HTTP_HOST"] == "":
         table_name = "Platform.analytics_v2"
         table_name = None
     if table_name is not None:
         now = time.time()
         day_start_time = now - (now % 86400)  # Get the start of the previous day - 86400=60*60*24
         end_time = day_start_time + 86400  # Add 24 hours
         month_start_time = end_time - (86400 * 30)  # Subtract 30 days
         applications = [application for application in Application.query(Application.state == ModelState.ACTIVE)]
         active_application_ids = [str(application.get_key_id()) for application in applications]
         id_string = ",".join(active_application_ids)
         status_dau_query_string = """
                                   SELECT generic_2, COUNT(event_time), COUNT(DISTINCT(uuid))
                                   FROM {table_name}
                                   WHERE generic_2 IN ({ids})
                                   AND event_time BETWEEN {start_time} AND {end_time}
                                   AND interaction_type = 1
                                   GROUP BY generic_2;
             table_name=table_name, ids=id_string, start_time=day_start_time * 1000000, end_time=end_time * 1000000
         mau_query_string = """
                            SELECT supported_inventory_id, COUNT(DISTINCT(uuid))
                            FROM {table_name}
                            WHERE supported_inventory_id IN ({ids})
                            AND event_time BETWEEN {start_time} AND {end_time}
                            AND interaction_type = 1
                            GROUP BY supported_inventory_id;
             table_name=table_name, ids=id_string, start_time=month_start_time * 1000000, end_time=end_time * 1000000
         query_list = [status_dau_query_string, mau_query_string]
         batch_query_results = batch_big_query(query_list)
         query_results = {int(result[0]): [int(result[1]), int(result[2])] for result in batch_query_results[0]}
         for result in batch_query_results[1]:
         for application_index, application_id in enumerate(active_application_ids):
             # See if the result is considered live - greater than 1000 and no key error
             application = applications[application_index]
                 if query_results[application_id][0] > 1000:
                     application.integration_live = IntegrationLive.TRUE
                     application.integration_live = IntegrationLive.FALSE
                 application.integration_dau = query_results[application_id][1]
                 application.integration_mau = query_results[application_id][2]
             except KeyError:
                 # No results for this application
                 application.integration_live = IntegrationLive.FALSE
                 application.integration_dau = 0
                 application.integration_mau = 0
         logging.error("Unknown table name for host {http_host}.".format(http_host=environ["HTTP_HOST"]))