Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get(self):
    Displays a form to upload a day's worth of incident reports
    date = self.request.get('date')
    incidentReports = IncidentReport.all()
    incidentReports.filter("time >= ", datetime.strptime('%s 12:00 AM' %(date), '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p'))
    incidentReports.filter("time <= ", datetime.strptime('%s 11:59 PM' %(date), '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p'))
    results = incidentReports.run(limit=None)
    self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    self.response.out.write(''.join(['[', ','.join([result.asJson() for result in results]), ']']))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post(self):
      Fetches lat/long coordinates for the given incident report type
        incidentId = int(self.request.get("id"))
        report = IncidentReport.get_by_id(incidentId)
        if None != report:
            params = urllib.urlencode({"address": "%s %s WI" % (report.address, report.city.name), "sensor": "true"})
            url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?%s" % (params)
            result = urlfetch.fetch(url)
            if 200 == result.status_code:
                    llResults = json.loads(result.content)["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]
                    report.latLong = db.GeoPt(llResults["lat"], llResults["lng"])
                        sender="LaxCrime <*****@*****.**>",
                        to="Ryan Brubaker <*****@*****.**>",
                        subject="Error getting lat long",
                     Error trying to retrieve lat/long for incident report with id: %d
                        % (incidentId, result.content),

                    sender="LaxCrime <*****@*****.**>",
                    to="Ryan Brubaker <*****@*****.**>",
                    subject="Error getting lat long",
                     Error trying to retrieve lat/long for incident report with id: %d
                    % (incidentId, result.content),
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def post(self):
    Parses a list of police/fire calls and fires off a task for each one
    incidentType = None
    incidentTypeNames = [incident.name.lower() for incident in IncidentType.all()]
    city = None
    cityNames = [city.name.lower() for city in City.all()]
    lines = self.request.get('report').split('\n')
    lineNum = 0
    startDate = None
    endDate = None
    for strippedLine in [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip() != '']:
          if 0 == lineNum:
             startDate = strippedLine
          elif 1 == lineNum:
             endDate = strippedLine
             if strippedLine.lower() in incidentTypeNames:
                incidentType = IncidentType.all().filter('name =', strippedLine.lower()).get()
                city = None
             elif strippedLine.lower() in cityNames:
                city = City.all().filter('name =', strippedLine.lower()).get()
                match = re.search('^[0-9]+', strippedLine)
                lineItemTokens = strippedLine.split(',')
                if None != match and 3 == len(lineItemTokens):
                   timeToken = lineItemTokens[0]
                   descToken = lineItemTokens[1].title()
                   addressToken = lineItemTokens[2].title()
                   # Check for date, anything on or after 3 pm is the start date
                   # anything on or after 12 am is the end date
                   dateString = endDate
                   if int(match.group(0)) >= 3 and int(match.group(0)) < 12 and -1 != timeToken.find('p.m.'):
                      dateString = startDate
                   # Now make sure lines such as 3 p.m = 3:00 p.m.
                   if (-1 == timeToken.find(':')):
                      timeToken = timeToken.replace(' ', ':00 ')
                   # Now replace AM or PM with a.m or p.m.
                   dateOfIncident = datetime.strptime(
                    '%s %s' %(dateString, timeToken.replace('a.m.', 'AM').replace('p.m.', 'PM')), 
                    '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p')
                   # We've parsed out all informaton so create a record...just bail on this record
                   # if we're in a bad state
                   assert(None != incidentType and None != city)
                   incidentReport = IncidentReport(
                    incidentType = incidentType,
                    description = descToken,
                    time = dateOfIncident,
                    city = city,
                    address = addressToken)
                   # Add background task for getting geo coordinates of the address
                   taskqueue.add(url='/retrieve-incident-latlong', params={'id': incidentReport.key().id()})
                   incidentType = None
                   city = None
                   raise Exception('Unrecognized line')
       except (Exception, AssertionError) as e:
          if isinstance(e, AssertionError):
             e = 'Incident type or city was null.'
          self.response.out.write("Error processing line: %s <br />" %(strippedLine))
          self.response.out.write('<div style="margin:5px;">%s</div>' %(str(e)))
          self.response.out.write('<br />')
       lineNum += 1