Ejemplo n.º 1
def model_train(inputs, blocks, args, sum_path='./output/tensorboard',load_path='./output/models/',load=False):
    Train the base model.
    :param inputs: instance of class Dataset, data source for training.
    :param blocks: list, channel configs of st_conv blocks.
    :param args: instance of class argparse, args for training.
    n, n_his, n_pred = args.n_route, args.n_his, args.n_pred
    Ks, Kt = args.ks, args.kt
    batch_size, epoch, inf_mode, opt = args.batch_size, args.epoch, args.inf_mode, args.opt

    # Placeholder for model training
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_his + n_pred, n, 1], name='data_input')
    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob')

    # Define model loss
    train_loss, pred = build_model(x, n_his, Ks, Kt, blocks, keep_prob)
    tf.summary.scalar('train_loss', train_loss)
    copy_loss = tf.add_n(tf.get_collection('copy_loss'))
    tf.summary.scalar('copy_loss', copy_loss)

    # Learning rate settings
    global_steps = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    len_train = inputs.get_len('train')
    if len_train % batch_size == 0:
        epoch_step = len_train / batch_size
        epoch_step = int(len_train / batch_size) + 1
    # Learning rate decay with rate 0.7 every 5 epochs.
    lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(args.lr, global_steps, decay_steps=5 * epoch_step, decay_rate=0.7, staircase=True)
    tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', lr)
    step_op = tf.assign_add(global_steps, 1)
    with tf.control_dependencies([step_op]):
        if opt == 'RMSProp':
            train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr).minimize(train_loss)
        elif opt == 'ADAM':
            train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(train_loss)
            raise ValueError(f'ERROR: optimizer "{opt}" is not defined.')

    merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

    saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=3);

    config = tf.ConfigProto() 
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True 

    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(pjoin(sum_path, 'train'), sess.graph)
            ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(load_path)
            saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
            print(f'>> Loading saved model from {load_path} ...')

        if inf_mode == 'sep':
            # for inference mode 'sep', the type of step index is int.
            step_idx = n_pred - 1
            tmp_idx = [step_idx]
            min_val = min_va_val = np.array([4e1, 1e5, 1e5])
        elif inf_mode == 'merge':
            # for inference mode 'merge', the type of step index is np.ndarray.
            # step_idx = tmp_idx = np.arange(3, n_pred + 1, 3) - 1
            step_idx = tmp_idx = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])-1
            min_val = min_va_val = np.array([4e1, 1e5, 1e5,4e1, 1e5, 1e5,4e1, 1e5, 1e5,4e1, 1e5, 1e5,4e1, 1e5, 1e5,4e1, 1e5, 1e5,4e1, 1e5, 1e5,4e1, 1e5, 1e5])
            raise ValueError(f'ERROR: test mode "{inf_mode}" is not defined.')

        for i in range(epoch):
            start_time = time.time()
            for j, x_batch in enumerate(
                    gen_batch(inputs.get_data('train'), batch_size, dynamic_batch=True, shuffle=True)):
                summary, _ = sess.run([merged, train_op], feed_dict={x: x_batch[:, 0:n_his + n_pred, :, :], keep_prob: 1.0})
                writer.add_summary(summary, i * epoch_step + j)
                if j % 50 == 0:
                    loss_value = \
                        sess.run([train_loss, copy_loss],
                                 feed_dict={x: x_batch[:, 0:n_his + n_pred, :, :], keep_prob: 1.0})
                    print(f'Epoch {i:2d}, Step {j:3d}: [{loss_value[0]:.3f}, {loss_value[1]:.3f}]')
            print(f'Epoch {i:2d} Training Time {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s')

            if (i + 1) % args.save == 0:
                model_save(sess, global_steps, 'STGCN')

            # print('sleep begin')
            # time.sleep(90)
            # print('sleep end')


            start_time = time.time()
            min_va_val, min_val = \
                model_inference(sess, pred, inputs, batch_size, n_his, n_pred, step_idx, min_va_val, min_val)

            for ix in tmp_idx:
                # va, te = min_va_val[ix - 2:ix + 1], min_val[ix - 2:ix + 1]
                print(f'Time Step {ix + 1}: '
                      f'MAPE {va[0]:7.3%}; '
                      f'MAE  {va[1]:4.3f}; '
                      f'RMSE {va[2]:6.3f}.')
            print(f'Epoch {i:2d} Inference Time {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s')

    print('Training model finished!')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def model_train(inputs,
    Train the base model.
    :param inputs: instance of class Dataset, data source for training.
    :param blocks: list, channel configs of st_conv blocks.
    :param args: instance of class argparse, args for training.
    n, n_his, n_pred = args.n_route, args.seq_len, args.horizon
    Ks, Kt = args.ks, args.kt
    batch_size, epoch, inf_mode, opt = args.batch_size, args.epoch, args.inf_mode, args.opt

    # Placeholder for model training
    x = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_his + 1, n, 3],
    keep_prob = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob')

    # Define model loss, for one step forecasting...
    train_loss, pred = build_model(x,
    tf.summary.scalar('train_loss', train_loss)
    # copy loss just using the previous step as current step prediction
    copy_loss = tf.add_n(tf.get_collection('copy_loss'))
    tf.summary.scalar('copy_loss', copy_loss)

    # Learning rate settings
    global_steps = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    len_train = inputs.get_len('train')
    if len_train % batch_size == 0:
        epoch_step = len_train / batch_size
        epoch_step = int(len_train / batch_size) + 1
    # Learning rate decay with rate 0.7 every 5 epochs.
    lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(args.lr,
                                    decay_steps=5 * epoch_step,
    tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', lr)
    step_op = tf.assign_add(global_steps, 1)
    with tf.control_dependencies([step_op]):
        if opt == 'RMSProp':
            train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr).minimize(train_loss)
        elif opt == 'ADAM':
            train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(train_loss)
            raise ValueError(f'ERROR: optimizer "{opt}" is not defined.')

    merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(pjoin(sum_path, 'train'), sess.graph)

        if inf_mode == 'sep':
            # for inference mode 'sep', the type of step index is int.
            step_idx = n_pred - 1
            tmp_idx = [step_idx]
            min_val = min_va_val = np.array([4e1, 1e5, 1e5])
        elif inf_mode == 'merge':
            # for inference mode 'merge', the type of step index is np.ndarray.
            # step_idx = tmp_idx = np.arange(3, n_pred + 1, 3) - 1
            step_idx = tmp_idx = np.arange(n_pred)
            min_val = min_va_val = np.array([4e1, 1e5, 1e5] * len(step_idx))
            raise ValueError(f'ERROR: test mode "{inf_mode}" is not defined.')

        for i in range(epoch):
            start_time = time.time()
            for j, x_batch in enumerate(
                summary, _ = sess.run([merged, train_op],
                                          x: x_batch[:, 0:n_his + 1, :, :],
                                          keep_prob: 1.0
                writer.add_summary(summary, i * epoch_step + j)
                if j % 50 == 0:
                    loss_value = \
                        sess.run([train_loss, copy_loss],
                                 feed_dict={x: x_batch[:, 0:n_his + 1, :, :], keep_prob: 1.0})
                        f'Epoch {i:2d}, Step {j:3d}: [model_loss: {loss_value[0]:.3f}, copy_loss: {loss_value[1]:.3f}]',

                    # # for testing
                    # min_va_val, min_val = \
                    #     model_inference(sess, pred, inputs, batch_size, n_his, n_pred, step_idx, min_va_val, min_val)
                    # for ix in tmp_idx:
                    #     va, te = min_va_val[ix*3:(ix + 1)*3], min_val[ix*3:(ix + 1)*3]
                    #     # va, te = min_va_val[ix], min_val[ix]
                    #     print(f'Time Step {ix + 1}: '
                    #           f'MAPE {va[0]:7.3%}, {te[0]:7.3%}; '
                    #           f'MAE  {va[1]:4.3f}, {te[1]:4.3f}; '
                    #           f'RMSE {va[2]:6.3f}, {te[2]:6.3f}.', flush=True)
                    # print(f'Epoch {i:2d} Inference Time {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s', flush=True)

                f'Epoch {i:2d} Training Time {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s')

            start_time = time.time()
            min_va_val, min_val = \
                model_inference(sess, pred, inputs, batch_size, n_his, n_pred, step_idx, min_va_val, min_val)

            for ix in tmp_idx:
                va, te = min_va_val[ix * 3:(ix + 1) *
                                    3], min_val[ix * 3:(ix + 1) * 3]
                # va, te = min_va_val[ix], min_val[ix]
                print(f'Time Step {ix + 1}: '
                      f'MAPE {va[0]:7.3%}, {te[0]:7.3%}; '
                      f'MAE  {va[1]:4.3f}, {te[1]:4.3f}; '
                      f'RMSE {va[2]:6.3f}, {te[2]:6.3f}.')
                f'Epoch {i:2d} Inference Time {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s')

            if (i + 1) % args.save == 0:
                model_save(sess, global_steps, 'STGCN')
    print('Training model finished!')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def transient_model_inference(sess, pred, inputs, batch_size, n_his, n_pred,
                              step_idx, min_va_val, min_val, p_start_t, x_mean,
                              epoch, global_steps, model_feature,
                              val_pred_length, test_pred_length, scenario_data,
    Model inference function.
    :param sess: tf.Session().
    :param pred: placeholder.
    :param inputs: instance of class Dataset, data source for inference.
    :param batch_size: int, the size of batch.
    :param n_his: int, the length of historical records for training.
    :param n_pred: int, the length of prediction.
    :param step_idx: int or list, index for prediction slice.
    :param min_va_val: np.ndarray, metric values on validation set.
    :param min_val: np.ndarray, metric values on test set.
    min_val_copy = min_val.copy()
    start_time = time.time()
    print("Validation evaluation starts!!!")
    x_val, x_test, x_stats = inputs.get_data('val'), inputs.get_data(
        'test'), inputs.get_stats()

    if n_his + 1 > x_val.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            f'ERROR: the value of n_pred "{n_pred}" exceeds the length limit.')

    val_predicion_array = []
    val_rmse_array = []

    prediction_length = val_pred_length
    i_stop = int(prediction_length / n_pred)

    if i_stop != prediction_length:
        raise ValueError(
            f'ERROR: the value of n_pred "{n_pred}" is not equal to 1.')

    x_val_target = p_start_t - n_his
    x_val_process = x_val[x_val_target - 1:x_val_target, :, :, :]
    batch_size = 1
    #need at least n_his round to make sure that all the prediction now is updated
    temp_pred = n_his
    y_pred, len_pred = multi_pred_process(sess, pred, x_val_process,
                                          batch_size, n_his, temp_pred,
    val_prediction = y_pred[:, 0, :, :]
    val_as_input_array = val_prediction.reshape(1, val_prediction.shape[0],

    ###evaluate n_his size prediction and ground truthe next n_his size
    load_path = './output/models/'

    #continue to process the rest of the remaining prediction nodes
    i_remain = prediction_length - val_prediction.shape[0]
    x_val_dummy = val_as_input_array[:, n_his - 1:n_his, :, :]
    x_val_process = val_as_input_array
    x_val_process = np.concatenate((x_val_process, x_val_dummy), axis=1)

    for i in range(0, i_remain):
        y_pred, len_pred = multi_pred(sess, pred, x_val_process, batch_size,
                                      n_his, n_pred, step_idx)
        #update x_val_process
        x_val_process[:, 0:n_his - 1, :, :] = x_val_process[:, 1:n_his, :, :]
        x_val_process[:, n_his - 1, :, :] = y_pred
        val_prediction = y_pred[:, 0, :, :]
        val_predicion_array[0] = np.concatenate(
            (val_predicion_array[0], val_prediction), axis=0)

    val_prediction_all = val_predicion_array[0]
    #write to get the val_ground_truth
    val_ground_truth_all_bak = scenario_data[p_start_t - 1:p_start_t +
                                             val_pred_length - 1, :]
    #print("verify the output")

    scenario = 'valid'
    #draw figure
    #draw_transient_actual_vs_prediction(val_prediction_all, x_stats, p_start_t, load_path, x_mean, epoch,scenario, val_ground_truth_all_bak)

    print(f'Validation Inference Time {time.time() - start_time:.3f}s')

    evl_val = transient_power_grid_evaluation(val_prediction_all, x_stats,
                                              x_mean, val_ground_truth_all_bak)

        "###########Validation Performance Metrics Values are #######################"
    print(f'MAPE validation {evl_val[0]:7.3%}')
    print(f'MAE  validation {evl_val[1]:14.8f}')
    print(f'RMSE validation {evl_val[2]:6.3f}')

    # chks: indicator that reflects the relationship of values between evl_val and min_va_val.
    chks = evl_val < min_va_val
    # update the metric on test set, if model's performance got improved on the validation.
    #Always draw testing figures for now
    if True:
        #print("current epoch number is %s"%(epoch))
        start_t_time = time.time()
        #print("testing evaluation starts!!!")
        min_va_val[chks] = evl_val[chks]
        ##starting the test part

        test_predicion_array = []
        test_rmse_array = []

        prediction_length = test_pred_length
        i_stop = int(prediction_length / n_pred)
        if i_stop != prediction_length:
            raise ValueError(
                f'ERROR: the value of n_pred "{n_pred}" is not equal to 1.')

        x_test_target = p_start_t - n_his
        x_test_process = x_test[x_test_target - 1:x_test_target, :, :, :]
        batch_size = 1
        # need at least n_his round to make sure that all the prediction now is updated
        temp_pred = n_his
        y_test_pred, len_test_pred = multi_pred_process(
            sess, pred, x_test_process, batch_size, n_his, temp_pred, step_idx)
        test_prediction = y_test_pred[:, 0, :, :]
        test_as_input_array = test_prediction.reshape(1,

        ###evaluate n_his size prediction and ground truthe next n_his size
        # draw the figures to show the difference between ground truth and prediction
        load_path = './output/models/'

        # continue to process the rest of the remaining prediction nodes
        i_remain = prediction_length - test_prediction.shape[0]
        x_test_dummy = test_as_input_array[:, n_his - 1:n_his, :, :]
        x_test_process = test_as_input_array
        x_test_process = np.concatenate((x_test_process, x_test_dummy), axis=1)

        for i in range(0, i_remain):
            y_test_pred, len_test_pred = multi_pred(sess, pred, x_test_process,
                                                    batch_size, n_his, n_pred,
            # update x_val_process
                           0:n_his - 1, :, :] = x_test_process[:,
                                                               1:n_his, :, :]
            x_test_process[:, n_his - 1, :, :] = y_test_pred
            test_prediction = y_test_pred[:, 0, :, :]
            test_predicion_array[0] = np.concatenate(
                (test_predicion_array[0], test_prediction), axis=0)

        test_prediction_all = test_predicion_array[0]
        inference_time = time.time() - start_t_time
        #print(f'Testing Inference Time {inference_time:.3f}s')
        #save the testing inference time to a file
        with open(load_path + "inference_time.txt", mode='w') as file:
            file.write('Testing Inference Time %s seconds.\n' %
        # write to get the test_ground_truth
        test_ground_truth_all_bak = test_data[p_start_t - 1:p_start_t +
                                              test_pred_length - 1, :]
        x_mean =1
        draw_transient_actual_vs_prediction(test_prediction_all, x_stats, p_start_t, load_path, x_mean,
                                  epoch,scenario, test_ground_truth_all_bak)

        evl_pred = transient_power_grid_evaluation(test_prediction_all,
                                                   x_stats, x_mean,
        test_chks = evl_pred < min_val_copy
        #print("###########tesing prediction values is")
        #print(f'MAPE testing {evl_pred[0]:7.3%}')
        #print(f'MAE  testing {evl_pred[1]:14.8f}')
        #print(f'RMSE testing {evl_pred[2]:6.3f}')

        #save the model for each epoch
        print("saving the model")
        print('current epoch is %d' % epoch)
        model_save(sess, global_steps, 'STGCN', n_his, n_pred, model_feature)

        #using MAE as the indicator to save the model
        if sum(test_chks):
            #print("saving the model")
            #print('current epoch is %d'%epoch)
            #model_save(sess, global_steps, 'STGCN', n_his, n_pred,model_feature)
            min_val_copy[test_chks] = evl_pred[test_chks]

    return min_va_val, min_val_copy