Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_network(network, model_name):
    save_path = os.path.join('./logs', model_name, 'net_last.pth')
    return network

# Finetuning the convnet
# --------

opt.nclasses = len(class_names)

if opt.backbone == 'ResNet50':
    model = PCB(opt)
elif opt.backbone == 'EfficientNet-B0':
    model = PCB_Effi(opt)

if opt.LSTM:
    # model_name = 'PCB-128_dim_cls'
    # model = load_network(model, model_name)
    model = PCB_Effi_LSTM(model, opt)
    # model_name = 'LSTM'
    # model = load_network(model, model_name)

if opt.GGNN:
    # model_name = 'PCB-128_dim_cls'
    # model = load_network(model, model_name)
    model = PCB_Effi_GGNN(model, opt)
    # model_name = 'LSTM'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_network(network, model_name):
    save_path = os.path.join('./logs', model_name, 'net_last.pth')
    return network

# Finetuning the convnet
# --------

opt.nclasses = dataset.num_train_pids

if opt.backbone == 'ResNet50':
    model = PCB(opt)
elif opt.backbone == 'EfficientNet-B0':
    model = PCB_Effi(opt)

# model_name = 'test-pcb-ac'
# model = load_network(model, model_name)
model = VRidGGNN(model)
# model_name = 'VRid'
# model = load_network(model, model_name)


if opt.single_cls:
    if opt.backbone == 'ResNet50':
        ignored_params = list(map(id, model.model.fc.parameters()))
    elif opt.backbone == 'EfficientNet-B0':
Ejemplo n.º 3
# gallery_path = image_datasets['gallery'].imgs
# query_path = image_datasets['query'].imgs

# gallery_cam, gallery_label = get_id(gallery_path)
# query_cam, query_label = get_id(query_path)

# Load Collected data Trained model
# --------


if opt.backbone == 'ResNet50':
    model_structure = PCB(opt)
elif opt.backbone == 'EfficientNet-B0':
    model_structure = PCB_Effi(opt)

model_structure = VRidGGNN(model_structure)
model = load_network(model_structure)
model = VRidGGNN_test(model)

# Change to test mode
model = model.eval()
if use_gpu:
    model = model.cuda()

# Extract feature
with torch.no_grad():
    gallery_feature = extract_feature(model, galleryloader)