Ejemplo n.º 1
class Model(object):
    def __init__(self, args, device, rel2id, word_emb=None):
        lr = args.lr
        lr_decay = args.lr_decay
        self.cpu = torch.device('cpu')
        self.device = device
        self.args = args
        self.max_grad_norm = args.max_grad_norm
        if args.model == 'pa_lstm':
            self.model = PositionAwareLSTM(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'bgru':
            self.model = BGRU(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'cnn':
            self.model = CNN(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'pcnn':
            self.model = PCNN(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'lstm':
            self.model = LSTM(args, rel2id, word_emb)
            raise ValueError
        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        self.parameters = [
            p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad
        # self.parameters = self.model.parameters()
        self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.parameters, lr)

    def update(self, batch):
        inputs = [p.to(self.device) for p in batch[:-1]]
        labels = batch[-1].to(self.device)
        logits = self.model(inputs)
        loss = self.criterion(logits, labels)
        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.parameters, self.max_grad_norm)
        return loss.item()

    def predict(self, batch):
        inputs = [p.to(self.device) for p in batch[:-1]]
        labels = batch[-1].to(self.device)
        logits = self.model(inputs)
        loss = self.criterion(logits, labels)
        pred = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1).to(self.cpu)
        # corrects = torch.eq(pred, labels)
        # acc_cnt = torch.sum(corrects, dim=-1)
        return pred, batch[-1], loss.item()

    def eval(self, dset, vocab=None, output_false_file=None):
        rel_labels = [''] * len(dset.rel2id)
        for label, id in dset.rel2id.items():
            rel_labels[id] = label
        pred = []
        labels = []
        loss = 0.0
        for idx, batch in enumerate(tqdm(dset.batched_data)):
            pred_b, labels_b, loss_b = self.predict(batch)
            pred += pred_b.tolist()
            labels += labels_b.tolist()
            loss += loss_b
            if output_false_file is not None and vocab is not None:
                all_words, pos, ner, subj_pos, obj_pos, labels_ = batch
                all_words = all_words.tolist()
                labels_ = labels_.tolist()
                for i, word_ids in enumerate(all_words):
                    if labels[i] != pred[i]:
                        length = 0
                        for wid in word_ids:
                            if wid != utils.PAD_ID:
                                length += 1
                        words = [vocab[wid] for wid in word_ids[:length]]
                        sentence = ' '.join(words)

                        subj_words = []
                        for sidx in range(length):
                            if subj_pos[i][sidx] == 0:
                        subj = '_'.join(subj_words)

                        obj_words = []
                        for oidx in range(length):
                            if obj_pos[i][oidx] == 0:
                        obj = '_'.join(obj_words)

                            '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %
                            (sentence, subj, obj, rel_labels[pred[i]],

        loss /= len(dset.batched_data)
        return loss, utils.eval(pred, labels)

    def save(self, filename, epoch):
        params = {
            'model': self.model.state_dict(),
            'config': self.args,
            'epoch': epoch
            torch.save(params, filename)
            print("model saved to {}".format(filename))
        except BaseException:
            print("[Warning: Saving failed... continuing anyway.]")

    def load(self, filename):
        params = torch.load(filename, map_location=self.device.type)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Model(object):
    def __init__(self, args, device, rel2id, word_emb=None):
        lr = args.lr
        lr_decay = args.lr_decay
        self.cpu = torch.device('cpu')
        self.device = device
        self.args = args
        self.rel2id = rel2id
        self.max_grad_norm = args.max_grad_norm
        if args.model == 'pa_lstm':
            self.model = PositionAwareRNN(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'bgru':
            self.model = BGRU(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'cnn':
            self.model = CNN(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'pcnn':
            self.model = PCNN(args, rel2id, word_emb)
        elif args.model == 'lstm':
            self.model = LSTM(args, rel2id, word_emb)
            raise ValueError
        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        if args.fix_bias:
            self.model.flinear.bias.requires_grad = False
        self.parameters = [
            p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad
        # self.parameters = self.model.parameters()
        self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.parameters, lr)
        self.scheduler = lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(self.optimizer,

    def update_lr(self, valid_loss):

    def update(self, batch, penalty=False, weight=1.0):
        inputs = [p.to(self.device) for p in batch[:5]]
        labels = batch[5].to(self.device)
        logits = self.model(inputs)
        loss = self.criterion(logits, labels)
        # batch_ent = utils.calcEntropy(logits)
        # ent = torch.sum(batch_ent) / len(batch_ent)
        # if penalty:
        # 	loss = loss - ent*weight
        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.parameters, self.max_grad_norm)
        return loss.item()

    def get_bias(self):
        return self.model.flinear.bias.data

    def set_bias(self, bias):
        self.model.flinear.bias.data = bias

    def predict(self, batch):
        inputs = [p.to(self.device) for p in batch[:5]]
        labels = batch[5].to(self.cpu)
        orig_idx = batch[6]
        logits = self.model(inputs).to(self.cpu)
        loss = self.criterion(logits, labels)
        pred = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1).to(self.cpu)
        # corrects = torch.eq(pred, labels)
        # acc_cnt = torch.sum(corrects, dim=-1)
        recover_idx = utils.recover_idx(orig_idx)
        logits = [logits[idx].tolist() for idx in recover_idx]
        pred = [pred[idx].item() for idx in recover_idx]
        labels = [labels[idx].item() for idx in recover_idx]
        return logits, pred, labels, loss.item()

    def eval(self,
        if weights is None:
            weights = [1.0] * len(dset.rel2id)

        rel_labels = [''] * len(dset.rel2id)
        for label, id in dset.rel2id.items():
            rel_labels[id] = label
        pred = []
        labels = []
        loss = 0.0

        for idx, batch in enumerate(dset.batched_data):
            scores_b, pred_b, labels_b, loss_b = self.predict(batch)
            pred += pred_b
            labels += labels_b
            loss += loss_b

            if output_false_file is not None and vocab is not None:
                all_words, pos, ner, subj_pos, obj_pos, labels_, _ = batch
                all_words = all_words.tolist()
                for i, word_ids in enumerate(all_words):
                    if labels[i] != pred[i]:
                        length = 0
                        for wid in word_ids:
                            if wid != utils.PAD_ID:
                                length += 1
                        words = [vocab[wid] for wid in word_ids[:length]]
                        sentence = ' '.join(words)

                        subj_words = []
                        for sidx in range(length):
                            if subj_pos[i][sidx] == 0:
                        subj = '_'.join(subj_words)

                        obj_words = []
                        for oidx in range(length):
                            if obj_pos[i][oidx] == 0:
                        obj = '_'.join(obj_words)

                            '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %
                            (sentence, subj, obj, rel_labels[pred[i]],

        if output_label_file is not None and vocab is not None:
            output_label_file.write(json.dumps(pred) + '\n')
            output_label_file.write(json.dumps(labels) + '\n')

        loss /= len(dset.batched_data)
        return loss, utils.eval(pred, labels, weights)

    def TuneEntropyThres(self,
		Tune threshold on test set
        rel_labels = [''] * len(test_dset.rel2id)
        for label, id in test_dset.rel2id.items():
            rel_labels[id] = label
        pred = []
        labels = []
        scores = []
        loss = 0.0
        for idx, batch in enumerate(test_dset.batched_data):
            scores_b, pred_b, labels_b, loss_b = self.predict(batch)
            pred += pred_b
            labels += labels_b
            scores += scores_b
            loss += loss_b
        loss /= len(test_dset.batched_data)

        # start tuning
        scores = torch.tensor(scores)
        f1score = 0.0
        recall = 0.0
        precision = 0.0

        pre_ind = utils.calcInd(scores)
        pre_entropy = utils.calcEntropy(scores)
        valSize = int(np.floor(ratio * len(pre_ind)))
        data = [[pre_ind[ind], pre_entropy[ind], labels[ind]]
                for ind in range(0, len(pre_ind))]

        for cvind in tqdm(range(cvnum)):
            val = data[0:valSize]
            eva = data[valSize:]

            # find best threshold
            max_ent = max(val, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
            min_ent = min(val, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
            stepSize = (max_ent - min_ent) / 100
            thresholdList = [min_ent + ind * stepSize for ind in range(0, 100)]
            ofInterest = 0
            for ins in val:
                if ins[2] != noneInd:
                    ofInterest += 1
            bestThreshold = float('nan')
            bestF1 = float('-inf')
            for threshold in thresholdList:
                corrected = 0
                predicted = 0
                for ins in val:
                    if ins[1] < threshold and ins[0] != noneInd:
                        predicted += 1
                        if ins[0] == ins[2]:
                            corrected += 1
                curF1 = 2.0 * corrected / (ofInterest + predicted)
                if curF1 > bestF1:
                    bestF1 = curF1
                    bestThreshold = threshold
            ofInterest = 0
            corrected = 0
            predicted = 0
            for ins in eva:
                if ins[2] != noneInd:
                    ofInterest += 1
                if ins[1] < bestThreshold and ins[0] != noneInd:
                    predicted += 1
                    if ins[0] == ins[2]:
                        corrected += 1

            f1score += (2.0 * corrected / (ofInterest + predicted))
            recall += (1.0 * corrected / ofInterest)
            precision += (1.0 * corrected / (predicted + 0.00001))

        f1score /= cvnum
        recall /= cvnum
        precision /= cvnum

        return loss, f1score, recall, precision

    def TuneMaxThres(self,
		Tune threshold on test set
        rel_labels = [''] * len(test_dset.rel2id)
        for label, id in test_dset.rel2id.items():
            rel_labels[id] = label
        pred = []
        labels = []
        scores = []
        loss = 0.0
        for idx, batch in enumerate(test_dset.batched_data):
            scores_b, pred_b, labels_b, loss_b = self.predict(batch)
            pred += pred_b
            labels += labels_b
            scores += scores_b
            loss += loss_b
        loss /= len(test_dset.batched_data)

        # start tuning
        scores = torch.tensor(scores)
        f1score = 0.0
        recall = 0.0
        precision = 0.0

        pre_prob, pre_ind = torch.max(scores, 1)
        valSize = int(np.floor(ratio * len(pre_ind)))
        data = [[pre_ind[ind], pre_prob[ind], labels[ind]]
                for ind in range(0, len(pre_ind))]
        for cvind in tqdm(range(cvnum)):
            val = data[0:valSize]
            eva = data[valSize:]

            # find best threshold
            max_ent = max(val, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
            min_ent = min(val, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
            stepSize = (max_ent - min_ent) / 100
            thresholdList = [min_ent + ind * stepSize for ind in range(0, 100)]
            ofInterest = 0
            for ins in val:
                if ins[2] != noneInd:
                    ofInterest += 1
            bestThreshold = float('nan')
            bestF1 = float('-inf')
            for threshold in thresholdList:
                corrected = 0
                predicted = 0
                for ins in val:
                    if ins[1] > threshold and ins[0] != noneInd:
                        predicted += 1
                        if ins[0] == ins[2]:
                            corrected += 1
                curF1 = 2.0 * corrected / (ofInterest + predicted)
                if curF1 > bestF1:
                    bestF1 = curF1
                    bestThreshold = threshold

            ofInterest = 0
            corrected = 0
            predicted = 0
            for ins in eva:
                if ins[2] != noneInd:
                    ofInterest += 1
                if ins[1] > bestThreshold and ins[0] != noneInd:
                    predicted += 1
                    if ins[0] == ins[2]:
                        corrected += 1
            f1score += (2.0 * corrected / (ofInterest + predicted))
            recall += (1.0 * corrected / ofInterest)
            precision += (1.0 * corrected / (predicted + 0.00001))

        f1score /= cvnum
        recall /= cvnum
        precision /= cvnum

        return loss, f1score, recall, precision

    def save(self, filename, epoch):
        params = {
            'model': self.model.state_dict(),
            'config': self.args,
            'epoch': epoch
            torch.save(params, filename)
            print("Epoch {}, model saved to {}".format(epoch, filename))
        except BaseException:
            print("[Warning: Saving failed... continuing anyway.]")
        # json.dump(vars(self.args), open('%s.json' % filename, 'w'))

    def count_parameters(self):
        return sum(p.numel() for p in self.model.parameters()
                   if p.requires_grad)

    def load(self, filename):
        params = torch.load(filename)
        if type(params).__name__ == 'dict' and 'model' in params: