Ejemplo n.º 1
class Entity(Named):
	A class modeling the entities in the project repository.
    fields = refs()
    database = ref(inv=Database.entities)
    referents = refs()
    design = ref()

    def __init__(self, name, db):
        self.database = db

        self.idfield = Field('_id')
        self.revfield = Field('_rev')

    def add_foreign_key(self, name, refent):
        fk = ForeignKey(name, refent)
        return fk

    def add_field(self, name):
        field = Field(name)
        return field

    def get_field(self, name):
        for f in self.fields:
            if f.name == name:
                return f
        raise KeyError("Field %s not found in entity %s" % (name, self.name))
Ejemplo n.º 2
class NodeDef:
    The Planning Tool's node definition.

    # some code word
    code = attr(str)

    # human-readable
    description = attr(str)

    nature = attr(str, nullable=False)

    functionalBlocks = refs(inv=FunctionalBlock.nodeType)

    name = attr(str, nullable=False)

    motes = refs()
    nsd = ref()

    ns_nodedef = ref()

    # couch entities
    _id = attr(str)
    _rev = attr(str)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class NodeType:
    # index for nodes in this node type
    index = attr(slice)

    # the NSD node def
    nodeDef = attr(NodeDef)

    # the top-level model
    castalia_model = ref()

    # the omnetpp section where this type is configured
    section = attr(Section)

    # the node module (dummy)
    nodes = attr(CastaliaModule)

    # the communication submodule
    comm = attr(Communication)

    def __init__(self, cm, nodeDef, index):
        self.castalia_model = cm
        self.nodeDef = nodeDef
        self.index = index

        self.nodes = Node(cm.network.base(), 'node', index)
        self.comm = Communication(self.nodes)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class CouchDesign(Design):
	A CouchDesign is a couchdb design document for an entity.

	The design document defines one view for each foreign key and
	for each uniqueness constraint.

    # The entity this model is about
    entity = ref(inv=Entity.design)

    def database(self):
        return self.entity.database

    def __init__(self, entity, domain=''):
		Create the design document.

		The name of the document is '%s%s_model' %(domain, entity.name).
		Use domain to avoid collisions.

        self.entity = entity
        super().__init__("%s%s_model" % (domain, entity.name))

        self.views.add(IndexView('all', entity.idfield))

        for fk in entity.fields:
            if isinstance(fk, ForeignKey):
                self.views.add(IndexView('by_%s' % fk.name, fk))
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Environment:
    This class encapsulates the specification of the environment for an NSD.
    Environment refers to the physical quantities sensed by the sensors in the
    nsd = ref()

    type = attr(str, nullable=False)

    physical_measures = attr(set)

    # These two dicts map physical measure to index
    # and back
    pm_index = attr(dict)
    index_pm = attr(dict)

    def __init__(self):
        self.physical_measures = set()
        self.pm_index = {}
        self.index_pm = {}

    def index_physical_measures(self):
        i = 0
        for pm in self.physical_measures:
            self.pm_index[pm] = i
            self.index_pm[i] = pm

    def numPhysicalProcesses(self):
        return len(self.physical_measures)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Column:
    Describes a column in a table
    table with all available columns:
    | module | node | name | label | n_index | data |
    |        |      |      |       |         |      |
    |        |      |      |       |         |      |

    def __init__(self, name, origin_table=None, type="varchar"):
        self.name = name
        self.origin_table = origin_table
        self.type = type

    # the column name
    name = attr(str)

    # the table this column will be derived from when creating views
    # this is needed if the same column appears in two tables that are used to create a view
    # and the column will be present in the view
    origin_table = attr(object)

    # what type (sqlite) of data this column will hold
    type = attr(str)

    # the table this column belongs to
    table = ref()
Ejemplo n.º 7
class FetchField(Named):
    entity = ref()  # the entity this belongs to
    fkey = attr(Field, nullable=False)  # the foreign key to use

    def __init__(self, name, fkey, multiple=False):
        self.fkey = fkey
        self.entity = fkey.entity
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ConnectivityMatrix:
    "The Connectivity matrix from the topology simulator."
    plan = ref(inv=Plan.connectivityMatrix)

    rfSimId = attr(str)

    connectivity = ref_list()
Ejemplo n.º 9
class ForeignKey(Field):
	A foreign-key field.
    references = ref(inv=Entity.referents)

    def __init__(self, name, refent):
        self.references = refent
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Field(Named):
	A field which is compulsory in the object.
    entity = ref(inv=Entity.fields)
    constraints = refs()

    def is_key(self):
        return self.name == '_id'
Ejemplo n.º 11
class DbDesign(Design):
    database = ref(inv=Database.design)

    def __init__(self, db, domain=''):
        self.database = db

    def to_object(self):
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 12
class VLMapping:
    "Combine a physical process' index with "
    env = ref()
    pm_index = attr(int, nullable=False)

    sensor = attr(str)

    variable = attr(str)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class CouchView(Named):
	A view in a design document.

    design = ref(inv=CouchDesign.views)

    def resource(self):
        return "%s/_view/%s" % (self.design.id, self.name)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class FunctionalBlock:
    blockDefId = attr(str)
    blockName = attr(str)
    blockCode = attr(str)
    isReprogrammable = attr(str)
    isConfigurable = attr(str)
    nature = attr(str)
    noInstances = attr(int)
    blockInstanceId = attr(int)

    nodeType = ref()
Ejemplo n.º 15
class Mote:
    A mote represents a wireless sensor, gateway, 
    or other element in the network.
    # node id
    node_id = attr(str, nullable=False, default=None)

    # the node type determines the hardware used
    nodeTypeId = attr(str)

    # the nodedef object for this mote
    nodeType = ref(inv=NodeDef.motes)

    #Mote role (ROOT or MOTE)
    moteRole = attr(str, nullable=False, default=None)

    # position of the node in relative coordinates
    position = attr(Position)
    json_filter(lambda coord: Position(*(float(c) for c in coord)))(position)

    rf_antenna_conf = attr(object)

    elevation = attr(float, nullable=False, default=0.0)

    rx_threshold = attr(float, nullable=False, default=None)

    # the Network object
    network = ref()

    # The plan that this is read initially from
    plan = ref()
Ejemplo n.º 16
class Plan:
    " A PT plan object "
    nsd = ref(inv=NSD.plan)

    name = attr(str, nullable=False)

    NodePosition = refs(inv=Mote.plan)

    # numbers
    numOfNodes = attr(int, nullable=False)
    numOfRoots = attr(int, nullable=False)
    numOfNidNodes = attr(int, nullable=False)

    # units of measurement
    UOMs = attr(object)

    connectivityMatrix = ref()

    # couch entities
    _id = attr(str)
    _rev = attr(str)
Ejemplo n.º 17
class EClass(Named):
	A collection of entities with common privileges
    by_name = {}

    acl = ref(inv=ACL.eclass)
    privileges = refs(inv=Privilege.eclass)
    superclass = ref()
    subclasses = refs(inv=superclass)

    def __init__(self, name, superclass=None):
        if superclass is None:
            self.superclass = AnyEntity
            self.superclass = superclass
        self.acl = ACL()

    def __check_acl(self, roles, priv):
        d = self.acl.match(roles, priv)
        if d is None and self.superclass is not None:
            d = self.superclass.__check_acl(roles, priv)
        if d is None: d = False
        return d

    def authorize(self, roles, priv):
        '''The main method used to determine authorization.'''
        all_roles = set()
        for role in roles:
        return self.__check_acl(all_roles, priv)

    def allow(self, role, priv):
        self.acl.allow(role, priv)

    def deny(self, role, priv):
        self.acl.deny(role, priv)
Ejemplo n.º 18
class ACEntry:
    '''Access control entry'''
    acl = ref()
    allow = attr(bool, nullable=False, default=True)  # allow or deny
    role = attr(Role, nullable=False)
    priv = attr(Privilege, nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, role, priv, allow=True):
        self.allow = allow
        self.role = role
        self.priv = priv

    def matches(self, roles, priv):
        return priv in self.priv.implies and self.role in roles
Ejemplo n.º 19
class ACL:
    eclass = ref()
    rules = ref_list(inv=ACEntry.acl)

    def allow(self, role, priv):
        self.rules.append(ACEntry(role, priv, True))

    def deny(self, role, priv):
        self.rules.append(ACEntry(role, priv, False))

    def match(self, roles, priv):
        for rule in self.rules:
            if rule.matches(roles, priv):
                return rule.allow  # return first matching rule!
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 20
class Parameters:
    "NSD parameters"

    nsd = ref()

    # The time reached when the simulation terminates (sec)
    sim_time_limit = attr(float)

    # Simulation time resolution exponent, The default is -9 (nanosec)
    simtime_scale = attr(int, default=-9)

    # CPU time limit, simulation stops when reached. The default is no limit.
    cpu_time_limit = attr(int, default=None)

    # seed to initialize RNG, or 0 to initialize it randomly
    random_seed = attr(int, nullable=False, default=0)
Ejemplo n.º 21
class NsNodeDef:
    The NetSim library node definition.

    nodedef = ref(inv=NodeDef.ns_nodedef)

    app = attr(object)

    mote = attr(object)
    sensors = attr(list)
    routing = attr(object)
    mac = attr(object)
    radio = attr(object)

    # couch entities
    _id = attr(str)
    _rev = attr(str)
Ejemplo n.º 22
class Project:
    "The project object"

    nsd = ref(inv=NSD.project)

    # the owner of the project
    userId = attr(str)

    # a list of plans (strings)
    plans = attr(list)

    name = attr(str)

    # this is the EPSG used by the mapping tools, always a UTM srs
    EPSG = attr(str)

    # couch entities
    _id = attr(str)
    _rev = attr(str)
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Network:
    """The object describing a Wireless Sensor Network
    def __init__(self, nsd):
        self.nsd = nsd

    # the NSD
    nsd = ref()

    # All nodes
    motes = refs(inv=Mote.network)

    def find_mote(self, node_id):
        Return a mote for the given node_id, or None if no such mote exists.
        for mote in self.motes:
            if mote.node_id == node_id:
                return mote
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 24
class ConstraintUnique(Named):
	Declare a uniqueness constraint on a number of attributes.

    entity = ref()
    fields = ref_list(inv=Field.constraints)
    primary_key = attr(bool, default=False)

    def __init__(self, name, entity, keys, primary_key=False):
        self.entity = entity
        self.primary_key = primary_key
        assert len(keys) > 0
        for key in keys:
            if isinstance(key, str):
                key = entity.get_field(key)

    def names(self):
        return [f.name for f in self.fields]
Ejemplo n.º 25
class Channel:
    "A channel is an entry to the connectivity matrix"
    cm = ref(inv=ConnectivityMatrix.connectivity)

    channelId = attr(int)

    nodeId1 = attr(int)
    RSSnodeId1 = attr(float)
    TXpowerNodeId1 = attr(float)

    nodeId2 = attr(int)
    RSSnodeId2 = attr(float)
    TXpowerNodeId2 = attr(float)

    strengthDb = attr(float)
Ejemplo n.º 26
class Section:
    A config section in the omnetpp.ini file

    # the section name, or None for the general section
    name = attr(str, nullable=True, default=None)

    # the supersections (and subsections)
    extends = ref_list()
    extended_by = refs(inv=extends)

    # the top-level model
    castalia_model = ref()

    # module declarations for this section
    modules = attr(list)

    def __init__(self, cm, name, extends=[]):
        self.name = name
        self.castalia_model = cm
        self.extends = extends
        self.modules = []
Ejemplo n.º 27
class NSD:
    Network Simulation Descriptor
    This class encapsulates a model to be simulated. It does not contain runtime aspects
    of the simulation execution itself, such as simulation platform, execution engine etc. 
    An NSD has 4 parts:

    parameters -  a descriptor object containing simulation-related parameters

    environment - a descriptor object used to define the simulation of the environment,
                such as the measurements of the sensors
    application -   a descriptor object defining the application simulated (network structure,
                node types, application logic etc)                
    statistics - a descriptor object specifying the results generated from simulations

    # DPCM platform attributes

    plan_id = attr(str, nullable=False)

    project_id = attr(str, nullable=False)

    name = attr(str, nullable=False)

    userId = attr(str, nullable=False)

    plan = ref()
    project = ref()
    nodedefs = refs(inv=NodeDef.nsd)

    # Application

    # network object
    network = ref(inv=Network.nsd)

    hil = ref(inv=HiL.nsd)

    #  Parameters

    parameters = ref(inv=Parameters.nsd)

    # Environment

    environment = ref(inv=Environment.nsd)

    # Statistics
    plots = attr(list)

    # couch entities
    _id = attr(str)
    _rev = attr(str)
Ejemplo n.º 28
class CastaliaModule:
    This class represents a castalia module or collection of modules.
    Subclasses of this class can have additional 'parameter' attributes

    A module is defined by a path and an index. Also, it can have a parent 
    and a list of submodules. 

    The full_name of a module is determined by its name and index, and those
    of its parents.


    net = CastaliaModule(None, 'SN')  ->           SN   (the root network module)
    CastaliaModule(net, 'node', slice(10,15))  ->   SN.node[10..14]

    node_group = CastaliaModule(None, 'SN.node', slice(2,5))  ->  SN.node[2..4]
    node_group_radio = CastaliaModule(node_group, 'Radio')    ->  SN.node[2..4].Radio

    # module tree
    parent = ref()
    submodules = ref_list(inv=parent)

    # The name and index of this submodule in the parent
    subname = attr(str, nullable=False)

    # the index can be a number or a range.
    index = attr(type=(int, slice), nullable=True, default=None)

    def __base_name(self):
        if self.parent is None:
            return self.subname
            return '.'.join([self.parent.full_name, self.subname])

    def full_name(self):
        The pathname for this submodule in the NED tree.
        if self.index is None:
            return self.__base_name()
            return "%s[%s]" % (self.__base_name(), index_to_text(self.index))

    def submodule(self, name, index=None):
        Create a new generic submodule for this module.
        return CastaliaModule(self, name, index)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        This method will be called only if there is no proper attribute 
        by the given name. It will look into the ad-hoc submodules and
        parameters for a match, and will fail if none is found.

        Note: parameter names are looked up first, so if there is a name collision
        the parameter will be returned.
        assert isinstance(name, str)
        param_map = object.__getattr__(self, '_CastaliaModule__param_map')
        if name in param_map:
            return param_map[name]
            # look for submodule by this name
            for s in self.submodules:
                if s.subname == name:
                    return s
        raise AttributeError("Castalia moduel '%s' has no member '%s'" %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, name))

    def base(self):
        Return a CastaliaModule M.

        The type of M is always CastaliaModule.
        M has no parent.
        The name of the module is equal to the full_name of self,
        without the index, and the index of M is equal to the index of self.

        Therefore, M.full_name == self.full_name
        return CastaliaModule(None, self.__base_name(), self.index)

    def set(self, pname, pvalue):
        Set a generic parameter for this module.
        self.__param_map[pname] = pvalue

    def all_parameters(self):
        for pname, pvalue in self.__param_map.items():
            yield pname, pvalue
        for param in self.__model_class__.all_attributes:
            if Param.has(param):
                yield param.name, getattr(self, param.name, None)

    def __init__(self, parent, name, index=None):
        self.__param_map = {}

        self.parent = parent
        self.subname = name
        self.index = index
Ejemplo n.º 29
class HiL:
    "The nsd configuration for HiL simulation"

    nsd = ref()
    node1 = attr(str, nullable=False)
    node2 = attr(str, nullable=False)
Ejemplo n.º 30
class Database(Named):
    entities = refs()
    design = ref()