Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    #-c 'json파일경로'로 받아온 json경로를 config객체에 저장한다
        args = get_args()
        config = process_config(args.config)

        print("missing or invalid arguments")

    # 모델의 학습 결과와 가중치를 저장할 경로를 설정한다
    create_dirs([config.summary_dir, config.checkpoint_dir])
    # 텐서플로우의 세션을 생성한다
    sess = tf.Session()
    # 데이터를 불러온다. 전달한 config객체는 batch사이즈로 데이터를 쪼개기위해 사용된다
    data = DataGenerator(config)
    # 사용할 모델의 개형을 불러온다. 해당 프로젝트에는 input사이즈외에 참고하지 않았지만
    #본래 모델의 깊이,모양,loss함수,optimizer 등 config 값에 따라 다른 모델을 불러올 수 있다
    model = mlp(config)
    # 학습진행과 저장을 담당하는 logger객체를 생성한다
    logger = Logger(sess, config)
    #먼저 생성한 학습에 필요한 세션,모델,데이터셋,설정,logger를 전달해 학습 준비를 마친다
    trainer = ExampleTrainer(sess, model, data, config, logger)
    #기존에 학습중이던 같은 모델이 있다면 해당 모델을 이어서 학습한다
    # here you train your model
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
        args = get_args()
        config = process_config(args.config)

        print("missing or invalid arguments")

    create_dirs([config.summary_dir, config.checkpoint_dir])

    sess = tf.Session()

    data = DataGenerator(config)

    model = mlp(config)

    logger = Logger(sess, config)

    trainer = ExampleTrainer(sess, model, data, config, logger)

    #trainer파일을 확인하면 trainer.train()과 새로 작성한 trainer.test()의 차이를 확인할 수 있다.
    #y는 테스트데이터의 실제 ppa, result는 학습된 모델의 추정 ppa값을 리스트로 받아온다.
    #result는 세션의 return이 [1][데이터개수]의 2차원 리스트의 형태이고 [0][i]로 각 input의 결과를 확인할 수 있다
    y, result = trainer.test()
    cnt = 0
    for i in range(len(y)):
        #실제값-추측값을 실제값으로 나누어 오차10%내의 데이터의 수를 센다
        if (abs(y[i] - float(result[0][i])) / y[i] <= 0.1):
            cnt += 1
    print('10% 내외로 예측한 데이터는 ', cnt / len(y), '% 이다')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_classifier(model, parameters, subset):
    """returns a classification model based on specified model name,
    which may be one of ('mlp', 'knn', 'svm', 'rf', 'nbc', 'lr', 'dt', 'bn')"""

    if model == 'mlp':
        return mlp(parameters)
    elif model == 'knn':
        return knn(parameters)
    elif model == 'svm':
        return svm(parameters)
    elif model == 'rf':
        return rf(parameters)
    elif model == 'nbc':
        return nbc(parameters)
    elif model == 'lr':
        return lr(parameters)
    elif model == 'dt':
        return dt(parameters)
    elif model == 'bn':
        parameters['subset'] = subset
        return bn(parameters)
        raise ValueError
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_model(model_type, params=None, schedule=None):
  if params is None:
    params, _ = pp.get_params(model_type) 
  if schedule is None:
    _, schedule  = pp.get_params(model_type) 
  if model_type.lower() == "mlp":
    return mlp(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "ica":
    return ica(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "ica_pca":
    return ica_pca(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "lca":
    return lca(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "lca_pca":
    return lca_pca(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "lca_pca_fb":
    return lca_pca_fb(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "conv_lca":
    return conv_lca(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "dsc":
    return dsc(params, schedule)
  if model_type.lower() == "density_learner":
    return dl(params, schedule)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_exp(replace_params={}):
    params = setup(replace_params)    
    t1Data, t1Label, t2Data, t2Label, vData, vLabel, testD, testL = read_preprocess(params=params)
    # random numbers            
    rng = np.random.RandomState(params.seed)
    rstream = RandomStreams(rng.randint(params.seed+1)+1)

        Construct Theano functions        

    # INPUTS       
    useRglrz = T.fscalar('useRglrz')
    bnPhase = T.fscalar('bnPhase')
    if params.model == 'convnet':
        x = T.ftensor4('x')
        x = T.matrix('x')
    trueLabel = T.ivector('trueLabel')
    globalLR1 = T.fscalar('globalLR1') 
    globalLR2 = T.fscalar('globalLR2') 
    moment1 = T.fscalar('moment1') 
    moment2 = T.fscalar('moment2')                         

    if params.model == 'convnet':
        model = convnet(rng=rng, rstream=rstream, x=x, wantOut=trueLabel, 
                        params=params, useRglrz=useRglrz, bnPhase=bnPhase)
        model = mlp(rng=rng, rstream=rstream, x=x, wantOut=trueLabel,
                    params=params, useRglrz=useRglrz, bnPhase=bnPhase)

    updateT1, updateT2, updateC2grad, grads = updates(mlp=model, params=params,
                                                      globalLR1=globalLR1, globalLR2=globalLR2,
                                                      momentParam1=moment1, momentParam2=moment2)                                  
    updateBN = []
    if params.batchNorm:
        for param, up in zip(model.paramsBN, model.updateBN):
            updateBN += [(param, up)] 

    updateT1 = theano.function(
        inputs = [x, trueLabel, globalLR1, moment1, useRglrz, bnPhase],
        outputs = [model.trainCost, model.guessLabel] + grads,
        updates = updateT1 + updateBN,
#        mode=theano.compile.MonitorMode(post_func=detect_nan),                

    updateT2part1 = theano.function(
        inputs = [x, trueLabel, globalLR1, moment1, useRglrz, bnPhase],
        outputs = [model.trainCost, model.guessLabel] + grads,
        updates = updateC2grad,
#        mode=theano.compile.MonitorMode(post_func=detect_nan),                

    updateT2part2 = theano.function(
        inputs = [x, trueLabel, globalLR1, moment1, globalLR2, moment2, useRglrz, bnPhase],
        outputs = [model.trainCost, model.guessLabel] + grads,
        updates = updateT2,
#        mode=theano.compile.MonitorMode(post_func=detect_nan),                

    evaluate = theano.function(
        inputs = [x, trueLabel, useRglrz, bnPhase],
        outputs = [model.trainCost, model.guessLabel, model.penalty, model.netStats],

    evaluateBN = theano.function(
        inputs = [x, useRglrz, bnPhase],
        updates = updateBN,
#        mode=theano.compile.MonitorMode(post_func=detect_nan),                


    # layers to be read from
    loopOver = range(params.nLayers)
    # initializing training values
    currentT2Batch = 0
    # samples, batches per epoch, etc.
    nSamples1 = t1Data.shape[0]
    nVSamples, nTestSamples  = [vData.shape[0], testD.shape[0]]
    nBatches1  = nSamples1 / params.batchSize1
    # permutations
    testPerm = range(0, nTestSamples)
    train1Perm = range(0, nSamples1)
    if params.useT2:
        nSamples2 = t2Data.shape[0]
        train2Perm = range(0, nSamples2)
        nBatches2 = nSamples2 / params.batchSize2

    # (1) best results
    bestVal = 1.; bestValTst = 1.
    # (2) errors
    tempError1, tempError2, tempCost1, tempCost2 = [[],[], [],[]]
    t1Error, t2Error, validError, testError = [[],[],[],[]]
    t1Cost, t2Cost, penaltyCost, validCost, testCost = [[],[],[],[],[]]
    # (3) activation statistics (per layer)
    trackTemplate = np.empty((0,params.nLayers), dtype = object)
    trackLayers = {}
    for stat in params.activTrack: trackLayers[stat] = trackTemplate
    # (4) penalty, noise, activation parametrization (per layer)
    penalList = ['L1', 'L2', 'Lmax', 'LmaxCutoff', 'LmaxSlope', 'LmaxHard']
    noiseList = ['addNoise', 'inputNoise', 'dropOut', 'dropOutB']
    sharedNames = [p.name for p in model.paramsT1] + [p.name for p in model.paramsT2] 
    print sharedNames

    trackPenal = {}; trackPenalSTD = {} 
    trackNoise = {}; trackNoiseSTD = {}            
    trackGrads = {}
    track1stFeatures = []

    trackRglrzTemplate = np.empty((0,len(loopOver)), dtype = object)
    for param in params.rglrz:
        if param in penalList:
            trackPenal[param] = trackRglrzTemplate
            trackPenalSTD[param] = trackRglrzTemplate
        if param in noiseList:
            trackNoise[param] = trackRglrzTemplate
            trackNoiseSTD[param] = trackRglrzTemplate
    # (5) other
    trackLR1, trackLR2 = [[],[]] 

    params.halfLife = params.halfLife*10000./(params.maxEpoch*nBatches1)
    print 'number of updates total', params.maxEpoch*nBatches1 
    print 'number of updates within epoch', nBatches1


    lastUpdate = params.maxEpoch*nBatches1 - 1

        t_start = time() #
        for i in range(0, params.maxEpoch*nBatches1): # i = nUpdates

            # EPOCHS
            currentEpoch = i / nBatches1
            currentBatch = i % nBatches1 # batch order in the current epoch
            currentProgress = np.around(1.*i/nBatches1, decimals=4)

                Learning rate and momentum schedules.
            t = 1.*i/(params.maxEpoch*nBatches1)
            lr1 = np.asarray(params.learnRate1*
                  lr_schedule(fun=params.learnFun1,var=t,halfLife=params.halfLife, start=0),theano.config.floatX)
            lr2 = np.asarray(params.learnRate2*
                  lr_schedule(fun=params.learnFun2,var=t,halfLife=params.halfLife, start=params.triggerT2),theano.config.floatX)

            moment1 = np.asarray(params.momentum1[1] - (params.momentum1[1]-(params.momentum1[0]))*
                     lr_schedule(fun=params.momentFun,var=t,halfLife=params.halfLife,start=0), theano.config.floatX)
            moment2 = np.asarray(params.momentum2[1] - (params.momentum2[1]-(params.momentum2[0]))*
                     lr_schedule(fun=params.momentFun,var=t,halfLife=params.halfLife,start=0), theano.config.floatX)

            # PERMUTING T1 AND T2 SETS
            if currentBatch == 0:
            if params.useT2 and (currentT2Batch == nBatches2 - 1) :
                currentT2Batch = 0
                Update T1&T2 
            # Update both
            if params.useT2:                   
                # make batches                
                sampleIndex1 = train1Perm[(currentBatch * params.batchSize1):
                                        ((currentBatch + 1) * (params.batchSize1))]
                sampleIndex2 = train2Perm[(currentT2Batch * params.batchSize2):
                                        ((currentT2Batch + 1) * (params.batchSize2))]                
                if (i % params.T1perT2 ==  0) and ( i >= params.triggerT2):
                   res = updateT2part1(t2Data[sampleIndex2], t2Label[sampleIndex2], lr1, moment1, 0, 1)                     
                   (c2, y2, debugs) = (res[0], res[1], res[2:])   
                   res = updateT2part2(t1Data[sampleIndex1], t1Label[sampleIndex1], lr1, moment1, lr2, moment2, 1, 0)  
                   (c1, y1, debugs) = (res[0], res[1], res[2:])   
                   tempError2 += [1.*sum(t2Label[sampleIndex2] != y2) / params.batchSize2]
                   tempCost2 += [c2]
                   currentT2Batch += 1                       
                   if np.isnan(c1): print 'NANS in part 2!'
                   if np.isnan(c2): print 'NANS in part 1!'

                   res = updateT1(t1Data[sampleIndex1], t1Label[sampleIndex1], lr1, moment1, 1, 0)                      
                   (c1, y1, debugs) = (res[0], res[1], res[2:])
                tempError1 += [1.*sum(t1Label[sampleIndex1] != y1) / params.batchSize1]                                   
                tempCost1 += [c1]
                if np.isnan(c1): print 'NANS!'
            # Update T1 only 
                # make batch
                sampleIndex1 = train1Perm[(currentBatch * params.batchSize1):
                                          ((currentBatch + 1) * (params.batchSize1))]
                res = updateT1(t1Data[sampleIndex1], t1Label[sampleIndex1], lr1, moment1, 1, 0)                      
                (c1, y1, debugs) = (res[0], res[1], res[2:])

                tempError1 += [1.*sum(t1Label[sampleIndex1] != y1) / params.batchSize1]
                tempCost1 += [c1]
                if np.isnan(c1): print 'NANS', c1

                Evaluate test, store results, print status.
            if np.around(currentProgress % (1./params.trackPerEpoch), decimals=4) == 0 \
                    or i == lastUpdate:
                # batchnorm parameters: estimate for the final model
                if (params.batchNorm and (currentEpoch > 1)) \
                   and ((currentEpoch % params.evaluateTestInterval) == 0 or i == lastUpdate) \
                   and params.testBN != 'lazy':
                       model = update_bn(model, params, evaluateBN, t1Data, t1Label)    
#                # EVALUATE: validation set
#                allVar = evaluate(vData[:2], vData, vLabel[:2], vLabel, 1)
#                cV, yTest, _ , _ = allVar[0], allVar[1], allVar[2], allVar[3], allVar[4:]
#                #cV, yTest = allVar[0], allVar[1]
#                tempVError = 1.*sum(yTest != vLabel) / nVSamples
#                tempVError = 7.; cV = 7.
                    EVALUATE: test set 
                        - in batches of 1000, ow too large to fit on gpu
                        - using dummy input in place of regularized input stream (Th complains ow)
                        - graph = 1, hence BN constants do not depend on regularized input stream (see batchnorm.py)
                if params.model == 'mlp': 
                    nTempSamples = 5000       
                    nTempSamples = 1000                           
                tempError = 0.; tempCost = 0.; batchSizeT = nTestSamples / 10
                if currentEpoch < 0.8*params.maxEpoch:
                    tempIndex = testPerm[:nTempSamples]
                    cT, yTest, p, stats = evaluate(testD[tempIndex], testL[tempIndex], 0, 1)
                    tempError = 1.*sum(yTest != testL[tempIndex]) / nTempSamples
                    for j in range(10):
                        tempIndex = testPerm[j*batchSizeT:(j+1)*batchSizeT]
                        cT, yTest, p, stats = evaluate(testD[tempIndex], testL[tempIndex], 0, 1)
                        tempError += 1.*sum(yTest != testL[tempIndex]) / batchSizeT
                        tempCost += cT
                    tempError /= 10.                     
                    cT = tempCost / 10.

                    TRACK: class errors & cost
                # note: T1 and T2 errors are averaged over training, hence initially can not be compared to valid and test set
                t1Error += [np.mean(tempError1)]; t1Cost += [np.mean(tempCost1)] 
                if params.useT2:
                    t2Error += [np.mean(tempError2)]; t2Cost += [np.mean(tempCost2)]
                testError +=  [tempError]; testCost += [cT]
                penaltyCost += [p]                                        
                #validError += [tempVError]

                # RESET tracked errors
                tempError1 = []; tempCost1 = []
                tempError2 = []; tempCost2 = []
                    TRACK: T2 parameter statistics & learning rates                
                # monitoring T2 values 
                if params.useT2:
                    trackNoise, trackPenal = t2_extract(model, params, trackNoise, trackPenal)                    

                # monitoring activations
                if params.trackStats:
                    trackLayers = stat_extract(stats, params, trackLayers)
                # monitoring gradients
                if params.trackGrads:
                    trackGrads = grad_extract(debugs, params, sharedNames, trackGrads)         
                # monitoring log learning rates        
                trackLR1 += [lr1]
                trackLR2 += [lr2]
                    STATUS print               
                if params.useT2 and ((currentEpoch % params.printInterval) == 0 or 
                                     (i == params.maxEpoch*nBatches1 - 1)):
                    print currentEpoch, ') time=%.f     T1 | T2 | test | penalty ' % ((time() - t_start)/60)
                    print 'ERR    %.3f | %.3f | %.3f | - ' % (
                        t1Error[-1]*100, t2Error[-1]*100, testError[-1]*100)
                    print 'COSTS   %.3f | %.3f | %.3f | %.3f ' % (
                        t1Cost[-1], t2Cost[-1], testCost[-1], penaltyCost[-1])

                    print 'Log[learningRates] ', np.log10(lr1), 'T1 ', np.log10(lr2), 'T2'                        
                    for param in params.rglrzTrain:
                        if param in penalList:
                            print param, trackPenal[param][-1]
                        if param in noiseList:
                            print param, trackNoise[param][-1]

                if ((currentEpoch % params.printInterval) == 0 or (i == params.maxEpoch*nBatches1 - 1)):
                    print currentEpoch, 'TRAIN %.2f  TEST %.2f time %.f' % (
                    t1Error[-1]*100, testError[-1]*100, ((time() - t_start)/60))
                    print 'Est. time till end: ', (((time() - t_start)/60) / (currentEpoch+1))*(params.maxEpoch - currentEpoch)

    except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
    time2train = (time() - t_start)/60

        Prepare variables for output.
    if params.useT2:

       lastT2 = t2Error[-1]
       allErrors = np.concatenate(([t1Error], [t2Error], [testError]), axis = 0)
       allCosts = np.concatenate(([t1Cost], [t2Cost], [testCost], [penaltyCost]), axis = 0) 

       outParams = {}       
       for param in params.rglrz:
           if param in penalList:
               outParams[param] = trackPenal[param][-1]
           if param in noiseList:
               outParams[param] = trackNoise[param][-1]
               print 'param not tracked, fix!'

       lastT2 = 0.
       allErrors = np.concatenate(([t1Error], [testError]), axis = 0)
       allCosts = np.concatenate(([t1Cost], [testCost]), axis = 0)
       outParams = {}
       for param in params.rglrz:
           outParams[param] = params.rglrzInitial[param]

    modelName = 'pics/'
    best = min(testError)
    modelName += str(params.nLayers-1)+'x'+str(params.model)+'_best:'+str(best)+'.pdf'

    # saved for plot
    data = { #'setup'  : params, 
          'modelName' : modelName,
               'best' : best,
               'lastEpoch' : (currentEpoch+1),
               'paramsTrained' : params.rglrzTrain,
               'allErrors': allErrors,
               'allCosts': allCosts,
               'trackLayers': trackLayers,
               'trackPenal': trackPenal,
               'trackNoise': trackNoise,
               'trackFeatures': track1stFeatures,
               'trackPenalSTD': trackPenalSTD,
               'trackNoiseSTD': trackNoiseSTD,
               'trackGrads': trackGrads,
               'trackLR1': trackLR1,
               'trackLR2': trackLR2,
               'outParams': outParams,
    import pickle;
    file = open(params.saveName,'wb');
    pickle.dump(data, file);

    # prepared for return
    results = {'bestVal': bestVal, # which could be validation or T2
               'bestValTest': best,
               'lastT1': t1Error[-1],
               'lastT2': lastT2,
               'lastVal': None,#validError[-1],
               'outParams': outParams,
               'trackGrads': trackGrads,
               'trackPenal': trackPenal,
               'trackNoise': trackNoise,
               'setup'  : params,
               'lastCTest': testCost[-1], 
               'lastCT1': t1Cost[-1],
               'trainTime': time2train,

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 6
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from torch.autograd import Variable
from models.mlp import mlp
from keras.datasets import mnist
import numpy as np

weight = []

for  i in range(10):
    model = mlp()
    weight.append([x.data.numpy() for x in list(model.parameters())])
def trainer(X, Y, data, para):

    IMPORTANT: to see the plots in jupyter remember to invoke:

                    %matplotlib inline

    (could be used as stand-alone but we call it through commands)

    INPUT:  X with one or more variables in float32 and Y with a single
            binary value. These can be easily produced through
            transform_data if you insist to bybass commands function.

    OUTOUT: Trains a model and outputs the training results with a plot
            comparing train and test. The predictions are loaded on to
            a data object.


    ind_var = Y  # this is used later for output
    X_num = X

    data = data.sample(frac=1)

    X, Y = transform_data(data, para['flatten'], X, Y)

    if para['validation'] is not False:
        X, Y, X_val, Y_val = separate(X, Y, para['validation'])

        dims = X.shape[1]
    except IndexError:
        dims = X_num

    para['dims'] = dims

    if para['layers'] == 1:
        para['shape'] = 'funnel'

    if para['neuron_max'] == 'auto' and dims >= 4:
        para['neuron_max'] = int(dims + (dims * 0.2))

    elif para['neuron_max'] == 'auto':
        para['neuron_max'] = 4

    para['neuron_count'] = shapes(para)

    if para['model'] is 'mlp':
        model, history = mlp(X, Y, para)
    if para['model'] is 'regression':
        model, history = regression(X, Y, para['epoch'], para['reg_mode'])

    network_scale = len(
        X) * para['epoch'] * para['layers'] * para['neuron_max']

    # train / test results
    ex2 = pd.DataFrame({
        'train_acc': history.history['acc'],
        'train_loss': history.history['loss'],
        'test_acc': history.history['val_acc'],
        'test_loss': history.history['val_loss']

    scores = model.evaluate(X, Y, verbose=para['verbose'])

    if para['double_check'] is False or para['validation'] is False:
        if para['hyperscan'] is False:
            print("\n%s: %.2f%%" % (model.metrics_names[1], scores[1] * 100))

    # calculate and round predictions
    predictions = model.predict(X)
    rounded = [round(x[0]) for x in predictions]

    if para['double_check'] is True:
        check(Y, rounded, scores)

    if para['save_model'] is False and para['validation'] is not False:
        para['save_model'] = 'saved_model'

    if para['save_model'] is not False:
        save_model_as(X_num, data.columns, model, para['save_model'],

    # shuffling and separating the data
    if para['validation'] is not False:
        validate(X_val, Y_val, para['save_model'])

    # model parameters
    ex1 = pd.Series({
        'ind_var': ind_var,
        'y_transform': para['flatten'],
        'n=': len(X),
        'features': para['dims'],
        'epochs': para['epoch'],
        'layers': para['layers'],
        'dropout': para['dropout'],
        'batch_size': para['batch_size'],
        'shape': para['shape'],
        'max_neurons': para['neuron_max'],
        'network_scale': network_scale

    # prevent Tensorflow memory leakage

    if para['hyperscan'] is True:

        ex3 = pd.Series({
            'optimizer': para['optimizer'],
            'activation': para['activation'],
            'activation_out': para['activation_out'],
            'loss': para['loss'],

        return ex1, ex2, ex3

Ejemplo n.º 8
def train(options):
    required_keys = ('training_path', 'test_path', 'output_directory',

    if not all(elem in options for elem in required_keys):
        print('Error: Missing input information.\n')

    X, y = get_data(options['training_path'])

    X_test, y_test = get_data(options['test_path'])

    info = dataset_info(X, y, X_test, y_test)

    selectors = None

    if 'selectors' in options:
        variance_threshold_selector, percentile_selector = fit_selectors(
            X, y, options['selectors'])

        X = transform_features(X, variance_threshold_selector,

        X_test = transform_features(X_test, variance_threshold_selector,

        selectors = {
            'variance': variance_threshold_selector,
            'percentile': percentile_selector

    if 'scaling' in options:
        X, scaler = scale(X, options['scaling'])

        if scaler is not None:
            X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

    X, y = shuffle(X, y)
    X_test, y_test = shuffle(X_test, y_test)

    info = post_processing_info(info, X, X_test)

    if 'mlp' in options:
        model_options = options['mlp']
        classifiers = mlp(X, y, model_options)
        model_options = options['svc']
        classifiers = svc(X, y, model_options)

    # Print some intial analysis
    if model_options['probability']:
        probabilities = classifiers['neg_log_loss'].predict_proba(X_test)

        print('Log Loss')
        print(log_loss(y_test, probabilities))

    predictions = classifiers['accuracy'].predict(X_test)

    print('\nconfusion matrix:')
    print(confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions))
    print('\nclassification report:\n')
    print(classification_report(y_test, predictions))

    save_model = yes_no_prompt.yes_or_no('Save model?')

    if save_model:
        # preserve the split data for later tests
        data = {
            'X': X,
            'y': y,
            'X_test': X_test,
            'y_test': y_test,

        results_directory = export(classifiers, data, selectors, options, info,
                                   scaler, options['folder_name'],