Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        Get single note matching :param kwargs: from database.

        :param kwargs: Set of filters for database objects. (*=*)
        :return: Returns a single note. (Note)

        return Note.objects(**kwargs).first()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def delete_many(self, **kwargs):
        Deletes multiple notes matching :param kwargs: from database.

        :param kwargs: Set of filters for database objects. (*=*)
        :return: Returns the count of deleted objects. (Int)

        return Note.objects(**kwargs).delete()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update_many(self, id: str, **kwargs):
        Update multiple notes matching :param kwargs: using :param update: from database.

        :param id: Id of the note to update. (String)
        :param kwargs: Set of updates to be applied to the specified note. (*=*)
        :return: Returns the count of updated objects. (Int)

        return Note.objects(id=id).update(**kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_many(self, skip: int = None, limit: int = None, **kwargs):
        Get multiple notes matching :param kwargs: from database.

        :param skip: Skips :param skip: note objects from the start. (Int)
        :param limit: Sets the limit of note objects to retrieve. (Int)
        :param kwargs: Set of filters for database objects. (*=*)
        :return: Returns a list of notes. (List[Note])

        return Note.objects(**kwargs).limit(limit).skip(skip)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_many_sorted(self,
                        skip: int = None,
                        limit: int = None,
                        *args: str,
        Get multiple notes matching :param kwargs:
        sorted using :param args: from database.

        :param skip: Skips :param skip: note objects from the start. (Int)
        :param limit: Sets the limit of note objects to retrieve. (Int)
        :param args: Set of string used to specify ordering. (String...)
        :param kwargs: Set of filters for database objects. (*=*)
        :return: Returns a list of notes. (List[Note])

        return Note.objects(**kwargs).order_by(*args).limit(limit).skip(skip)