def get_result_by_uuid(result_uuid):  # noqa: E501
    """Retrieve a result

     # noqa: E501

    :param result_uuid: UUID of the result to return
    :type result_uuid: str

    :rtype: Result
    result = ResultImpl.get_by_uuid(result_uuid)
    return result_schema.dump(result)
def download_result_by_uuid(result_uuid):  # noqa: E501
    """Downloads the generated results

     # noqa: E501

    :param result_uuid: UUID of the result to download
    :type result_uuid: str

    :rtype: file
    result = ResultImpl.get_by_uuid(result_uuid)
    if os.path.isfile(result.fq_result_storage_path):
        return send_file(result.fq_result_storage_path, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename="")
        return None