Ejemplo n.º 1
def store_incomplete_hash_info(user, rawTimelineData, t):
    Save data on bit.ly hashes to MySQL db.
    from django.db import models
    from models import ModelInputs

    # Do any hashes exist in the SQL db? If so, update the db instead of adding 
    # a new row. Consider moving this logic to tstatus2.py (to avoid looping 
    # over rawTimelineData multiple times).
    if t != None:
        for h in rawTimelineData.keys():
                query = ModelInputs.objects.get(username = user, bhash = h)
                query.clicks = rawTimelineData[h]['clicks']
                query.source = rawTimelineData[h]['source']
                query.time = t
            except ModelInputs.DoesNotExist:
                x = ModelInputs(username = user,
                        bhash = h,
                        time = t,
                        clicks = rawTimelineData[h]['clicks'],
                        cpm = 0,
                        cpd = 0,
                        timeline_count = rawTimelineData[h]['timeline_count'],
                        source = rawTimelineData[h]['source'],
                        score = 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def store_new_hash_info(hashList, t):
    Commands to update MySQL tables with ALL data. Break 
    these commands into their own functions soon.
    from django.db import models
    from models import HashData, BitlyHashInfo, ModelData
    for h in hashList:
        z = ModelInputs(username = user,
                        bhash = h,
                        time = t,
                        clicks = hi5[h]['clicks'], 
                        cpm = hi5[h]['cpm'],
                        cpd = hi5[h]['cpd'],
                        timeline_count = hi5[h]['timeline_count'],
                        source = hi5[h]['source'],
                        score = hi5[h]['score'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def store_hash_info(user, incompleteHashInfo, t):
    Save data on bit.ly hashes to MySQL db.
    from django.db import models
    from models import ModelInputs
    if t != None:
        for h in bitlyHashInfo.keys():
            x = ModelInputs(username = user,
                            bhash = h,
                            time = t,
                            clicks = bitlyHashInfo[h]['clicks'],
                            cpm = bitlyHashInfo[h]['cpm'],
                            cpd = bitlyHashInfo[h]['cpd'],
                            timeline_count = bitlyHashInfo[h]['timeline_count'],
                            source = bitlyHashInfo[h]['source'],
                            score = bitlyHashInfo[h]['score'])