Ejemplo n.º 1
def put(capsule_id, user):
    capsule = _get_capsule(capsule_id, user)
    webapp = capsule.webapp
    webapp_data = request.get_json()

    # PUT become POST if there is no webapp
    if webapp is None:
        return post(capsule_id=capsule_id, webapp_data=webapp_data)

    data = webapp_schema.load(webapp_data)

    webapp.env = None
    if "env" in webapp_data:
        webapp.env = webapp_data["env"]

    # Ensure new runtime_id has same familly
    new_runtime_id = str(data["runtime_id"])
        new_runtime = Runtime.query.get(new_runtime_id)
    except StatementError:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"'{new_runtime_id}' is not a valid id.")
    if new_runtime is None:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"The runtime_id '{new_runtime_id}' "
                         "does not exist.")
    new_fam = str(new_runtime.fam)
    old_fam = str(webapp.runtime.fam)
    if new_fam != old_fam:
        raise BadRequest(f"Changing runtime familly from '{old_fam}' "
                         f"to '{new_fam}' is not possible")
    webapp.runtime_id = data["runtime_id"]

    webapp.opts = []
    if "opts" in data:
        opts = Option.create(data["opts"], data["runtime_id"], user.role)
        webapp.opts = opts

    if "volume_size" in data:
        if (user.role is RoleEnum.user) and (not user.parts_manager):
            raise Forbidden(description='You cannot set webapp volume size.')

        remaining_size = getWebappsVolumeUsage(str(webapp.id))
        target_size = data['volume_size'] + remaining_size
        if target_size > current_app.config['VOLUMES_GLOBAL_SIZE']:
            msg = 'Please set a lower volume size for this webapp or prepare '\
                'some Bitcoins... :-)'
            raise PaymentRequired(description=msg)
        webapp.volume_size = data['volume_size']

    capsule.webapp = webapp

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    if now > (capsule.no_update + datetime.timedelta(hours=24)):

    return get(capsule_id)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def post(capsule_id, user, addon_data=None):
    capsule = _get_capsule(capsule_id, user)

    if addon_data is None:
        addon_data = request.get_json()

    data = addon_schema.load(addon_data)

    runtime_id = data["runtime_id"]
    runtime = Runtime.query.get(runtime_id)

    if runtime is None:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"The runtime_id '{runtime_id}' "
                         "does not exist.")

    if runtime.runtime_type is not RuntimeTypeEnum.addon:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"The runtime_id '{runtime.id}' "
                         "has not type 'addon'.")

    if "opts" in data:
        opts = Option.create(data["opts"], runtime_id, user.role)

        addon = AddOn(**data, opts=opts)
        addon = AddOn(**data)

    (addon.uri, addon.name) = runtime.generate_uri_dbname(capsule)

    # HACK: if addon.name is not setted, we will use addon.id after commit
    if addon.name is None:
        addon.name = "changeme"



    if addon.name == "changeme":
        addon.name = str(addon.id)

    if addon.description is None:
        addon.description = addon.name

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    if now > (capsule.no_update + datetime.timedelta(hours=24)):
        nats.publish_addon_present(addon, capsule.name)

    result_json = addon_schema.dump(addon)
    return result_json, 201, {
Ejemplo n.º 3
def put(capsule_id, addon_id, user):
    capsule = _get_capsule(capsule_id, user)
    addon_data = request.get_json()
    data = addon_schema.load(addon_data)

        addon = AddOn.query.get(addon_id)
    except StatementError:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"'{addon_id}' is not a valid id.")

    if not addon:
        raise NotFound(description=f"The requested addon '{addon_id}' "
                       "has not been found.")

    if str(addon.capsule.id) != capsule_id:
        raise Forbidden(description="bad capsule id")

    addon.description = data["description"]

    if data["runtime_id"] != str(addon.runtime_id):
        raise BadRequest(description="The runtime_id cannot be changed.")
    addon.runtime_id = data["runtime_id"]

    addon.env = data["env"]

    if "opts" in data:
        opts = Option.create(data["opts"], data['runtime_id'], user.role)
        addon.opts = opts
        addon.opts = []

    if addon.description is None:
        addon.description = addon.name


    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    if now > (capsule.no_update + datetime.timedelta(hours=24)):
        nats.publish_addon_present(addon, capsule.name)

    return get(capsule_id, addon_id)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def post(capsule_id, user, webapp_data=None):
    capsule = _get_capsule(capsule_id, user)

    if len(capsule.fqdns) == 0:
        raise Conflict(description="A webapp need at least one FQDN.")

    webapp = capsule.webapp

    # Only one webapp per capsule
    if webapp is not None:
        raise Conflict(description="This capsule already has a webapp.")

    # Datas could come from PUT
    if webapp is None:
        webapp_data = request.get_json()
    data = webapp_schema.load(webapp_data)

    runtime_id = data["runtime_id"]
        runtime = Runtime.query.get(runtime_id)
    except StatementError:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"'{runtime_id}' is not a valid id.")

    if runtime is None:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"The runtime_id '{runtime_id}' "
                         "does not exist.")

    if runtime.runtime_type is not RuntimeTypeEnum.webapp:
        raise BadRequest(description=f"The runtime_id '{runtime.id}' "
                         "has not type 'webapp'.")

    newArgs = dict()

    if "opts" in data:
        opts = Option.create(data["opts"], runtime_id, user.role)
        newArgs["opts"] = opts

    if "volume_size" not in data:
        data['volume_size'] = current_app.config['VOLUMES_DEFAULT_SIZE']
        if (user.role is RoleEnum.user) and (not user.parts_manager):
            raise Forbidden(description='You cannot set webapp volume size.')

    remaining_size = getWebappsVolumeUsage()
    target_size = data['volume_size'] + remaining_size
    if target_size > current_app.config['VOLUMES_GLOBAL_SIZE']:
        msg = 'Please set a lower volume size for this webapp or prepare '\
              'some Bitcoins... :-)'
        raise PaymentRequired(description=msg)

    webapp = WebApp(**data, **newArgs)
    capsule.webapp = webapp


    result = WebApp.query.get(capsule.webapp_id)

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    if now > (capsule.no_update + datetime.timedelta(hours=24)):

    # Api response
    result_json = webapp_schema.dump(result)

    return result_json, 201, {
        'Location': f'{request.base_url}/{capsule.id}/webapp',