Ejemplo n.º 1
def update(person_id, person):
    This function updates an existing person in the people structure

    :param person_id:   Id of the person to update in the people structure
    :param person:      person to update
    :return:            updated person structure
    # Get the person requested from the db into session
    update_person = Person.query.filter(
        Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    # Did we find an existing person?
    if update_person is not None:

        # turn the passed in person into a db object
        schema = PersonSchema()
        update = schema.load(person, session=db.session)

        # Set the id to the person we want to update
        update.person_id = update_person.person_id

        # merge the new object into the old and commit it to the db

        # return updated person in the response
        data = schema.dump(update_person)

        return data, 200

    # Otherwise, nope, didn't find that person
        abort(404, f"Person not found for Id: {person_id}")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read_all():

    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()

    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    data = person_schema.dump(people)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def create(person):
 This function creates a new person in the people structure
 based on the passed-in person data
 :param person: person to create in people structure
 :return:    201 on success, 406 on person exists
     fname = person.get('fname')
     lname = person.get('lname')
     existing_person = Person.query \
         .filter(Person.fname == fname) \
         .filter(Person.lname == lname) \
     # Can we insert this person?
     if existing_person is None:
         # Create a person instance using the schema and the passed-in person
         schema = PersonSchema()
         new_person = schema.load(person, session=db.session).data
         # Add the person to the database
         # Serialize and return the newly created person in the response
         return schema.dump(new_person).data, 201
     # Otherwise, nope, person exists already
         abort(409, f'Person {fname} {lname} exists already')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create(person):
    This function creates a new person in the people list based on the passed in person data

    :param person:  person to create in the people list
    :return:    201 on success, 406 on person exist
    lname = person.get("lname", None)
    fname = person.get("fname", None)

    # Existing person
    existing_person = Person.query.filter(Person.fname==fname).filter(Person.lname==lname).one_or_none()

    # does the person exist already
    if existing_person is None:

        # Create the person instance using the schema and the person data that is passed in
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        new_person = person_schema.load(person, session=db.session)

        # Add the person to the database

        # Serialize and return the newly created person as response
        data = person_schema.dump(new_person)
        return data, 201
            406, f"Person {fname} {lname} already exists"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def read_all():
    # return a list of Person Python objects as the variable people.
    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()
    # if exists many Python objects that need to be serialized at the same time, you need set "many=True"
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    # Serialize an object to native Python data types according to this Schema's fields.
    return person_schema.dump(people).data
Ejemplo n.º 6
def read_one(person_id):
    This function responds to a request for /api/people/{person_id}
    with one matching person from people

    :param person_id:   Id of person to find
    :return:            person matching id
    # Get the person requested
    person = Person.query.filter(Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    # Did we find a person?
    if person is not None:

        # Serialize the data for the response
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        data = person_schema.dump(person).data
        return data

    # Otherwise, nope, didn't find that person
            "Person not found for Id: {person_id}".format(person_id=person_id),
Ejemplo n.º 7
def read_one(person_id):
    This function responds to a request for /api/people/{person_id}
    with one matching person from people.

    This is where the outer join comes in handy. It’s a kind of boolean or operation.
    It returns person data even if there is no associated note data to combine with.
    This is the behavior you want for read_one(person_id) to handle the case of a newly
    created Person object that has no notes yet.

    :param person_id:   Id of person to find
    :return:            person matching id
    # Build the initial query
    person = (
        Person.query.filter(Person.person_id == person_id)
        .outerjoin(Note)  # 外连接

    # Did we find a person?
    if person is not None:

        # Serialize the data for the response
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        data = person_schema.dump(person).data
        return data

    # Otherwise, nope, didn't find that person
        abort(404, f"Person not found for Id: {person_id}")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def update(person_id, person):
    This function updates an existing person in the people structure
    Throws an error if a person with the name we want to update to
    already exists in the database.

    :param person_id:   Id of the person to update in the people structure
    :param person:      person to update
    :return:            updated person structure
    # Get the person requested from the db into session
    update_person = Person.query.filter(
        Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    # Try to find an existing person with the same name as the update
    fname = person.get("fname")
    lname = person.get("lname")

    existing_person = (Person.query.filter(Person.fname == fname).filter(
        Person.lname == lname).one_or_none())

    # Are we trying to find a person that does not exist?
    if update_person is None:
            "Person not found for Id: {person_id}".format(person_id=person_id),

    # Would our update create a duplicate of another person already existing?
    elif (existing_person is not None
          and existing_person.person_id != person_id):
            "Person {fname} {lname} exists already".format(fname=fname,

    # Otherwise go ahead and update!

        # turn the passed in person into a db object
        schema = PersonSchema()
        update = schema.load(person, session=db.session)

        # Set the id to the person we want to update
        update.person_id = update_person.person_id

        # merge the new object into the old and commit it to the db

        # return updated person in the response
        data = schema.dump(update_person)

        return data, 200
Ejemplo n.º 9
def read_one(person_id):
    person = Person.query.filter(Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    if person is not None:
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        return person_schema.dump(person)

              "Person with last name {lname} not found".format(lname=lname))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def read_all():
    This function responds to a request for /api/people
    with the complete lists of people
    :return:        json string of list of people
    # Create the list of people from our data
    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    return person_schema.dump(people).data
Ejemplo n.º 11
def read_all():
    This function responds to a request for /api_v1/users
    with the complete lists of users

    :return:        sorted list of users
    users = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)

    return person_schema.dump(users).data
Ejemplo n.º 12
def create(person):
    fname = person.get("fname", None)
    lname = person.get("lname", None)

    schema = PersonSchema()
    new_person = schema.load(person)


    return schema.dump(new_person)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def read_all():
    Responds to a request for /api/people with the complete list of people

    :return:    json string of list of people
    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()

    # Serialize
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    return person_schema.dump(people).data
Ejemplo n.º 14
def healthz():
    This function responds to a request healthz

    :return:        json message ok
    # Create the list of people from our data
    person = Person.query.filter(Person.person_id).all()
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    data = person_schema.dump(person)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def get():
        This function responds to a request for /api/people with complete lists of people

        :return: sorted list of people
        # Create the list of people from our data
        people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()

        # Serialize the data for the response
        person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
        return person_schema.dump(people)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def update(person_id, person):
    This function updates an existing person in the people structure

    :param person_id:   Id of the person to update in the people structure
    :param person:      person to update
    :return:            updated person structure
    # Get the person requested from the db into session
    person_to_update = Person.query.filter(
        Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    # Did we find a person?
    if person_to_update is not None:

        # turn the passed in person into a db object
        schema = PersonSchema()
        person_new_data = schema.load(person, session=db.session).data



        # Set the id to the person we want to update
        #person_new_data.id = person_to_update.person_id # this only works using the web form (home.html) and not when calling the API directly via curl/postman
        person_new_data.person_id = person_to_update.person_id  # this works in bith: using the web form (home.html), and not when calling the API directly via curl/postman

        # merge the new object into the old and commit it to the db

        # return updated person in the response
        data = schema.dump(person_to_update).data

        return data, 200

    # Otherwise, nope, didn't find that person
            "Person not found for Id: {person_id}".format(person_id=person_id),
Ejemplo n.º 17
def read_all():
    :return: list of person in people db

    # Create a list of people from our data
    # Uses SQLAlchemy model to write a SQL like query
    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()

    # Serialize data for the response
    # Note: many=True tells PersonSchema to expect an iterable to serialize
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    return person_schema.dump(people)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def fetch_all():
    This function responds to a GET request for /api/persons
    with the complete lists of persons
    :return: sorted list of persons
        persons = Person.query.order_by(Person.last_name).all()
        person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)

        return person_schema.dump(persons)
    except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError as e:
        logging.error(f'SQLAlchemyError: {e}')
Ejemplo n.º 19
def read_one(person_id):

    person = (Person.query.filter(
        Person.person_id == person_id).outerjoin(Note).one_or_none())

    if person is not None:

        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        data = person_schema.dump(person)
        return data

        abort(404, f"Person not found for Id: {person_id}")
def read_all():
    This function responds to a request for /api/people
    with the complete lists of people
    :return:        json string of list of people
    # Create the list of people from our data
    people = db.session.query(Person).order_by(Person.lname).all()

    # Serialize the data for the response
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    data = person_schema.dump(people)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 21
def read_all():
    Function for responding to request for /api/people with complete list of people

    :return:    json string of list of people
    # Create list of people from data
    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()

    # serialize data for making response
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    data = person_schema.dump(people).data
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 22
def read_all():
    This function will respond to a request for /api/people
    with the complete list of people

    :return: sorted list of people
    # create the list of people from our data
    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.lname).all()

    # serialize the data from the response
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    data = person_schema.dump(people)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 23
def read_all():
    This function responds to a request for /api/people
    with the complete lists of people

    :return:        json string of list of people
    # Create the list of people from our data
    people = Person.query.order_by(Person.fio).all()  # сортировка.отображение

    # Serialize the data for the response
    person_schema = PersonSchema(many=True)
    data = person_schema.dump(people).data
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 24
def read_one(person_id):
    Responds to a request for /api/people/{person_id}
    with one matching person from people

    :param person_id:   Id of person to find
    :return:        person matching id
    person = Person.query.filter(Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    if person is not None:
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        return person_schema.dump(person).data
        abort(404, f"Person not found for id: {person_id}")
Ejemplo n.º 25
def read_one(person_id):
    # Get the person requested
    person = Person.query.filter(Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    if person is not None:

        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        data = person_schema.dump(person)
        return data

            "Person not found for Id: {person_id}".format(person_id=person_id),
Ejemplo n.º 26
def read_one(person_id):
    Read a person by person_id
    # Find person with required person_id
    person = Person.query.filter(Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

    if person:
        # Note: We don't pass many=True because a single object is passed in to
        # serialize
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        return person_schema.dump(person)
        abort(404, f"Person with person_id {person_id} not found")
    return {}
Ejemplo n.º 27
def read_one(person_id):

    person = Person.query \
      .filter(Person.person_id == person_id) \

    if person is not None:

        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        return person_schema.dump(person).data

            'Person not found for Id: {person_id}'.format(person_id=person_id))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def read_one(person_id):
  This function responds to a request for /api/people/{person_id}
  with one matching person from people
  :param person_id:  ID of person to find
  :return:      person matching ID
    # Get the person requested
    person = Person.query \
      .filter(Person.person_id == person_id) \
    # Did we find a person?
    if person is not None:
        # Serialize the data for the response
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        return person_schema.dump(person).data
    # Otherwise, nope, didn't find that person
            'Person not found for Id: {person_id}'.format(person_id=person_id))

        def create(person):
        This function creates a new person in the people structure
        based on the passed-in person data
        :param person: person to create in people structure
        :return:    201 on success, 406 on person exists
            fname = person.get('fname')
            lname = person.get('lname')
            existing_person = Person.query \
                .filter(Person.fname == fname) \
                .filter(Person.lname == lname) \
            # Can we insert this person?
            if existing_person is None:
                # Create a person instance using the schema and the passed-in person
                schema = PersonSchema()
                new_person = schema.load(person, session=db.session).data
                # Add the person to the database
                # Serialize and return the newly created person in the response
                return schema.dump(new_person).data, 201
            # Otherwise, nope, person exists already
                abort(409, f'Person {fname} {lname} exists already')
Ejemplo n.º 29
def read_one(person_id):
    This function responds to a request for /api_v1/users/{lname}
    with one matching person from users
    :param person_id:   last name of person to find
    :return:        person matching last name
    person = Person.query.filter(Person.id == person_id).one_or_none()
    if person:
        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        return person_schema.dump(person).data

        abort(404, "Person with last name {0} not found".format(person_id))

    return person
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def get(self, person_id):
        This function responds to a request for /api/people/{person_id} with one matching person from people

        :param person_id:   id of person to find
        :return:            person matching last name
        # Does the person exist in people?
        person = Person.query.filter(
            Person.person_id == person_id).one_or_none()

        if not person:
            api.abort(404, 'Person not found for ID: {}'.format(person_id))

        person_schema = PersonSchema()
        return person_schema.dump(person)