Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getConferencesWithWishlistedSessions(self, request):
        """Returns conferences which have sessions the user has wishlisted."""
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        session_keys = [
            wl.sessionKey for wl in SessionWishlistItem.query(
                SessionWishlistItem.userId == user_id)]

        conf_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=k).parent().urlsafe() for k in session_keys]

        conf_counts = {}
        for ck in conf_keys:
            if ck in conf_counts:
                conf_counts[ck] += 1
                conf_counts[ck] = 1

        confs = []
        for (k,v) in sorted(conf_counts.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)):
                    ndb.Key(urlsafe=k).get(), None),

        return ConferencesWithWishlistSessionResponse(
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _createSessionWishlistObject(self, request):
        """Wishlists a session for the current user."""

        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # check that session exists
        sessionKey = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.sessionKey)
        if sessionKey.kind() != "ConferenceSession" or not sessionKey.get():
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No session found with key: %s' % request.sessionKey)

        csession = sessionKey.get()

        q = SessionWishlistItem.query()
        q = q.filter(SessionWishlistItem.userId == user_id)
        q = q.filter(SessionWishlistItem.sessionKey == request.sessionKey)

        # if session has already been wishlisted by this user, simply return
        # success
        if q.count() > 0:
            return BooleanMessage(data=True)

        wlItem = SessionWishlistItem()
        wlItem.userId = user_id
        wlItem.sessionKey = request.sessionKey

        return BooleanMessage(data=True)
    def addSessionToWishlist(self, request):
        """adds the session to the user's list of sessions wishlist"""

        # get current user's Profile
        user = self._getCurrentUserProfile()

        # retrieve Session entity from request
        #   to be added to the user's wishlist
        session_websafe_key = request.session_websafe_key
        session_to_add = self._getEntityByWebSafeKey(session_websafe_key)

        # check if user already added this Session to wishlist
        session_in_wishlist = SessionWishlistItem.query(
            SessionWishlistItem.session_websafe_key == session_websafe_key).get()

        if session_in_wishlist:
            raise ConflictException('Session already found in wishlist.')

        # create new key for SessionWishlistItem entity
        #   with user.key as parent
        session_wishlist_id = SessionWishlistItem.allocate_ids(
            size=1, parent=user.key)[0]
        session_wishlist_key = ndb.Key(
            SessionWishlistItem, session_wishlist_id, parent=user.key)

        # prepare data to be used for creating new SessionWishlistItem entity
        data = dict()
        # overwrite the automatically-generated key
        #   with our custom parental key
        data['key'] = session_wishlist_key
        data['session_websafe_key'] = session_websafe_key

        # the denormalized parent conference websafe key of this session
        #   used for easy query filtering in getSessionWishlistItem endpoint
        data['parent_wsck'] = session_to_add.key.parent().get().key.urlsafe()


        return request
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def getSessionsInWishlist(self, request):
        """Gets all sessions the current user has wishlisted"""

        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        session_keys = [
            wl.sessionKey for wl in SessionWishlistItem.query(
                SessionWishlistItem.userId == user_id)]
        wl_sessions = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=k).get() for k in session_keys]

        return ConferenceSessionForms(
            items=[self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(cs) for cs in wl_sessions]
    def getMostWishlistedSessions(self, request):
        """Returns the most wishlisted session"""

        # get all wishlist entities
        wishlisted_sessions = SessionWishlistItem.query()
        print wishlisted_sessions

        # extract Session keys from all SessionWishlistItem entities
        #   to be used for in _mostCommonItem(session_keys)
        #   which uses set() and 'Model' is not immutable
        session_keys = [sess.session_websafe_key for sess in wishlisted_sessions]

        # get most common item in session_keys list;
        #   AKA, the most wishlisted session.
        most_wishlisted_session = ndb.Key(urlsafe=self._mostCommonItem(session_keys)).get()

        return self._copySessionToForm(most_wishlisted_session)
    def getSessionsInWishlist(self, request):
        """Given a conference,
            find all user's SessionWishlistItem in that conference

        # get user and conference entities from request
        user = self._getCurrentUserProfile()
        conference = self._getEntityByWebSafeKey(request.wsck)

        # query for SessionWishlistItem entities
        #   using user as ancestor
        #   and wsck as parent conference
        wishlist = SessionWishlistItem.query(
            SessionWishlistItem.parent_wsck == conference.key.urlsafe()).fetch()

        # get Session entities from wishlist
        sessions = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=wishlist_item.session_websafe_key).get()
                    for wishlist_item in wishlist]

        return SessionForms(items=[self._copySessionToForm(session)
                                   for session in sessions])