Ejemplo n.º 1
    def copy_assets(self, assets_dir):
        if not assets_dir.endswith('/'):
            assets_dir += '/'
        asset_files = {}
        for src in self.asset_files:
            dst = assets_dir
            if src.find('@/'):
                src, _, dst = src.partition('@/')
                if not dst.endswith('/') and dst != '':
                    dst += '/'
            if os.path.isfile(src):
                dst += util.strip_dir(src)
                self.enum_asset_files(src, dst, asset_files)
            elif os.path.isdir(src):
                self.enum_asset_files(src, dst, asset_files)
        if not len(asset_files):

        # remove dest assets dir
        if os.path.exists(assets_dir):

        # create dest assets dir
        for src, dst in asset_files.items():
            if dst.startswith(self.out_dir):

        # copy asset files
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def copy_binaries(self, bins_dir):
        if not bins_dir.endswith('/'):
            bins_dir += '/'
        for src in self.bin_files:
            bdir = bins_dir

            ext = util.split_ext(src)
            if ext != '':
                # dylibs for in Contents/MacOS dir...
                if ext == '.dylib':
                    bdir = os.path.abspath(bdir + '/')
                # frameworks go in app Contents/Frameworks dir
                elif ext == '.framework':
                    bdir = os.path.abspath(bdir + '../Frameworks/')
            dst = bdir + util.strip_dir(src)

            #FIXME: Hack for copying frameworks on macos!
            if self.target == 'macos':
                if util.split_ext(dst).lower() == '.framework':
                    log.trace('copy_binairies: make dst dir...`%s`' %
                    if not subprocess.call('rm -f -R ' + dst):
                        log.failed('copy_binaires: `rm`', 'failed')
                    if not subprocess.call('cp -f -R ' + src + ' ' + dst):
                        log.failed('copy_binaires: `cp`', 'failed')

            if not self.copy_all(src, dst):
                log.failed('copy_binaires: copy `%s` to `%s`' % (src, dst),
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: log.py Proyecto: seyhajin/flux
def todo(msg, file=__file__):
    """print a todo message from file"""
    print('{}todo:{} in {}{}{}: {}'.format(CYAN, DEFAULT, YELLOW,
                                           util.strip_dir(file), DEFAULT, msg))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, flux_dir, proj_dir, build_opts, is_dep=False):
        '''load project file and prepare intermediate dirs'''

        # project yaml datas
        self.data = None

        # init vars
        self.imported = {}

        # project inputs
        self.src_files = []
        self.lib_files = []
        self.obj_files = []
        self.bin_files = []
        self.java_files = []
        self.asset_files = []
        self.ninja_files = []

        # flux project
        self.flux_file = ''
        self.flux_srcs = []
        self.flux_libs = []

        # project build opts
        self.cc_opts = []
        self.cxx_opts = []
        self.ar_opts = []
        self.as_opts = []
        self.ld_opts = []

        self.include_dirs = []
        self.library_dirs = []

        # load project file datas
        proj_dir = util.fix_path(proj_dir)
        proj_file = ''
        if os.path.isdir(proj_dir):
            #log.track('is_dir: '+util.strip_dir(proj_dir), __file__)
            proj_files = [
                os.path.join(proj_dir, FILE),  # flux.yml
                             util.strip_dir(proj_dir) +
                             '.yml'),  # <dirname>.yml
                             util.strip_dir(proj_dir) +
                             '.flux'),  # <dirname>.flux
            for file in proj_files:
                #log.track('proj_file: '+file, __file__)
                if os.path.isfile(file):
                    proj_file = file
                    self.data = util.load_flux_yaml(proj_file, build_opts)
                    self.flux_file = proj_file

        elif os.path.isfile(proj_dir):
            #log.track('is_file: '+file, __file__)
            proj_file = proj_dir
            proj_dir = util.split_dir(proj_dir)
            self.data = util.load_flux_yaml(proj_file, build_opts)
            self.flux_file = proj_file

        if not self.data:
            log.fatal('unable to find project file in `%s`' % proj_dir)

        # get project name in project file else name will be the name of last folder
        self.name = self.data['name'] if self.data.get(
            'name') else util.strip_dir(proj_dir)

        # update build opts
        build_opts.build = self.data['build'] if self.data.get(
            'build') else 'app'
        build_opts.apptype = self.data['type'] if self.data.get(
            'type') else 'window'
        build_opts.build = build.remap(build_opts.build)
        build_opts.target = build.remap(build_opts.target)

        # keep build options for project
        self.build = build_opts.build
        self.apptype = build_opts.apptype if build_opts.build == 'app' else ''  # only for app
        self.profile = build_opts.profile
        self.target = build_opts.target
        self.toolchain = build_opts.toolchain

        # set project directory structure
        if build_opts.outdir and not is_dep:
            self.proj_dir = proj_dir
            self.base_dir = util.fix_path(build_opts.outdir)
            self.build_dir = util.fix_path(
                os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.name))
            self.out_dir = util.fix_path(
                os.path.join(self.build_dir, build_opts.profile))
            self.cache_dir = util.fix_path(
                os.path.join(self.out_dir, CACHE_DIR))
            self.asset_dir = util.fix_path(
                os.path.join(self.out_dir, ASSET_DIR))
            self.proj_dir = proj_dir
            self.base_dir = util.fix_path(proj_dir)
            self.build_dir = util.fix_path(os.path.join(self.base_dir, FDIR))
            self.out_dir = util.fix_path(
                os.path.join(self.build_dir, build_opts.profile))
            self.cache_dir = util.fix_path(
                os.path.join(self.out_dir, CACHE_DIR))
            self.asset_dir = util.fix_path(
                os.path.join(self.out_dir, ASSET_DIR))

        # get output extension
        self.out_ext = build.EXT[build_opts.target][build_opts.build]
        if (self.target, self.build, self.apptype) == ('macos', 'app',
            self.out_ext = ''  # macos console app

        #if (self.target, self.build) == ('emscripten', 'mod'): # fix emscripten 2.0.17
        #    self.out_file = util.fix_path(os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'lib' + self.name + self.out_ext))
        #    self.out_file = util.fix_path(os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.name + self.out_ext))
        self.out_file = util.fix_path(
            os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.name + self.out_ext))

        # set gen file
        self.gen_file = util.fix_path(os.path.join(self.out_dir, NINJA_FILE))

        # get build options
        if 'options' in self.data:
            self.opts = self.data['options'] if self.data.get(
                'options') else {}
            self.cc_opts.append(self.data['options']['cc'] if self.
                                data['options'].get('cc') else '')
            self.cxx_opts.append(self.data['options']['cxx'] if self.
                                 data['options'].get('cxx') else '')
            self.as_opts.append(self.data['options']['as'] if self.
                                data['options'].get('as') else '')
            self.ar_opts.append(self.data['options']['ar'] if self.
                                data['options'].get('ar') else '')
            self.ld_opts.append(self.data['options']['ld'] if self.
                                data['options'].get('ld') else '')

        # add build options for app
        if self.build in ['app', 'application']:
            # add workspace dir in header-dirs
            self.cc_opts.append('-I"%s"' % util.get_workspace_dir(flux_dir))
            self.cxx_opts.append('-I"%s"' % util.get_workspace_dir(flux_dir))
            # add project cache dir in header-dirs
            self.cc_opts.append('-I"%s"' % self.cache_dir)
            self.cxx_opts.append('-I"%s"' % self.cache_dir)
            # add project apptype
            if self.target == 'windows':  #TODO: externalize this
                if self.toolchain == 'msvc':
                    if self.apptype == 'window':
                    if self.apptype in ['window', 'gui']: