Ejemplo n.º 1
 def gen_loss_target(self, output_maps, coordinate_target, delta_ratio=0.2):
     :param output_maps: net output size(B, H, W, C) have transform to real coordinate (0-512) NOTICE !!!!!
     :param coordinate_target: from fun: detection_target, size(B, H, W, 8)
     :param delta_ratio: trans w / h to delta in 2D-gauss
     # device = output_maps.device
     gauss_out = output_maps[..., :4]
     coordinate_out = output_maps[..., 4:]
     # gaussian score
     gaussian_score = torch.zeros((B, H, W, 4)).float()
     # distance target maps, ratio of distance
     distance_target = torch.zeros((B, H, W)).float()
     # size target maps, ratio of w / h, arctan
     size_target = torch.zeros((B, H, W)).float()
     # Discrete degree target maps, Mean square error
     discrete_target = torch.zeros((B, H, W)).float()
     # ====================【1】Gaussian Score ======================
     target_bbox = gtP.corner2bboxHW(coordinate_target)
     target_size_w = (target_bbox[..., 2] - target_bbox[..., 0]).unsqueeze(
         -1)  # size(B, H, W, 1)
     target_size_h = (target_bbox[..., 3] - target_bbox[..., 1]).unsqueeze(
         -1)  # size(B, H, W, 1)
     target_size_w = torch.clamp(target_size_w, min=1e-6)
     target_size_h = torch.clamp(target_size_h, min=1e-6)
     gaussian_score_target = self.gauss_2d(coordinate_out[..., 0::2],
                                           coordinate_out[..., 1::2],
                                           coordinate_target[..., 0::2],
                                           coordinate_target[..., 1::2],
                                           delta_ratio * target_size_w,
                                           delta_ratio * target_size_h)
     # =====================【2】discrete loss =======================
     score_means = (
         gaussian_score_target[..., 0] + gaussian_score_target[..., 1] +
         gaussian_score_target[..., 2] + gaussian_score_target[..., 3]) / 4
     # 均方根
     discrete_target = torch.sqrt((
         (gaussian_score_target[..., 0] - score_means)**2 +
         (gaussian_score_target[..., 1] - score_means)**2 +
         (gaussian_score_target[..., 2] - score_means)**2 +
         (gaussian_score_target[..., 3] - score_means)**2) / 4 + 1e-8)
     # =====================【3】Distance loss =======================
     out_bbox = gtP.corner2bboxHW(coordinate_out)
     # centers of out and target
     target_centers = gtP.calc_centers(coordinate_target)
     out_centers = gtP.calc_centers(coordinate_out)
     distance_target = self.gen_distance_maps(out_centers, target_centers,
                                              out_bbox, target_bbox)
     # =======================【4】Size loss =========================
     whwh_out = self.gen_whwh_maps(coordinate_out)
     whwh_target = self.gen_whwh_maps(coordinate_target)
     size_target = (torch.atan(whwh_out[..., 0] / whwh_out[..., 1]) -
                    torch.atan(whwh_target[..., 0] / whwh_target[..., 1])) ** 2 + \
                   (torch.atan(whwh_out[..., 2] / whwh_out[..., 3]) -
                    torch.atan(whwh_target[..., 2] / whwh_target[..., 3])) ** 2
     size_target = size_target * 2 / (math.pi**2)
     return gaussian_score_target, distance_target, size_target, discrete_target
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def gen_loss_target(self, output_maps, coordinate_target, delta_ratio=0.2):
     :param output_maps: net output size(B, H, W, C) have transform to real coordinate (0-512) NOTICE !!!!!
     :param coordinate_target: from fun: detection_target, size(B, H, W, 8)
     :param delta_ratio: trans w / h to delta in 2D-gauss
     # device = output_maps.device
     gauss_out = output_maps[..., :4]
     coordinate_out = output_maps[..., 4:]
     # gaussian score
     gaussian_score = torch.zeros((B, H, W, 4)).float()
     # distance target maps, ratio of distance
     distance_target = torch.zeros((B, H, W)).float()
     # size target maps, ratio of w / h, arctan
     size_target = torch.zeros((B, H, W)).float()
     # Discrete degree target maps, Mean square error
     discrete_target = torch.zeros((B, H, W)).float()
     # ====================【1】Gaussian Score ======================
     target_bbox = gtP.corner2bboxHW(coordinate_target)
     target_size_w = (target_bbox[..., 2] - target_bbox[..., 0]).unsqueeze(
         -1)  # size(B, H, W, 1)
     target_size_h = (target_bbox[..., 3] - target_bbox[..., 1]).unsqueeze(
         -1)  # size(B, H, W, 1)
     target_size_w = torch.clamp(target_size_w, min=1e-6)
     target_size_h = torch.clamp(target_size_h, min=1e-6)
     gaussian_score_target = self.gauss_2d(coordinate_out[..., 0::2],
                                           coordinate_out[..., 1::2],
                                           coordinate_target[..., 0::2],
                                           coordinate_target[..., 1::2],
                                           delta_ratio * target_size_w,
                                           delta_ratio * target_size_h)
     return gaussian_score_target
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def gen_distance_maps(out_centers, target_centers, out_bbox, target_bbox):
     :param out_centers: size(B, H, W, 2)
     :param target_centers: size(B, H, W, 2)
     :param out_bbox: size(B, H, W, 4)
     :param target_bbox: size(B, H, W, 4)
     center_distance = (out_centers[..., 0] - target_centers[..., 0]) ** 2 + \
                       (out_centers[..., 1] - target_centers[..., 1]) ** 2
     union_bbox = gtP.corner2bboxHW(
         torch.cat([out_bbox, target_bbox], dim=-1))
     corner_distance = (union_bbox[..., 2] - union_bbox[..., 0]) ** 2 + \
                       (union_bbox[..., 3] - union_bbox[..., 1]) ** 2
     distance_maps = center_distance / corner_distance
     return distance_maps
Ejemplo n.º 4
def detection_analysis(outputs, top_k=50, threshold=0.5, out_size=512.0):
    :param outputs: from detection network, size(B, H, W, C)
    :param top_k: select top k corners
    :param threshold:
    :param out_size: detection outputs size, to limit bound (0~512)
    outputs_list = []
    outputs = outputs.data
    B = outputs.shape[0]
    gauss_scores = (torch.sum(outputs[..., :4], dim=-1) / 4).reshape(
        B, -1)  # size(B, H*W)
    coord_outputs = outputs[..., 4:].reshape(B, -1, 8)  # size(B, H*W, 8)
    for i in range(B):
        _, order = gauss_scores[i].sort(dim=0,
                                        descending=True)  # order size(B, H*W)
        gauss_score = gauss_scores[i, order[:top_k]]  # size(top_k)
        coord_output = coord_outputs[i, order[:top_k]]  # size(top_k, 8)
        # 下面保证所得的四边形外接矩形长宽不为0
        bbox_output = gtP.corner2bboxHW(coord_output)  # size(top_k, 4)
        w_output = bbox_output[..., 2] - bbox_output[..., 0]  # size(top_k)
        h_output = bbox_output[..., 3] - bbox_output[..., 1]  # size(top_k)
        match_w = (w_output > 0)
        match_h = (h_output > 0)
        nonzero_match = (match_w * match_h).nonzero().squeeze()
        gauss_score = gauss_score[nonzero_match]
        coord_output = coord_output[nonzero_match]
        idx = (gauss_score >= threshold).nonzero().squeeze()
        gauss_score = gauss_score[idx]
        coord_output = coord_output[idx]
        coord_output = coord_output.clamp(min=0.0, max=out_size)
        if len(coord_output.shape) != 2:
            gauss_score = gauss_score.unsqueeze(0)
            coord_output = coord_output.unsqueeze(0)
            'score': gauss_score,  # tensor size(obj)
            'coord': coord_output  # tensor size(obj, 8)
    return outputs_list