Ejemplo n.º 1
	def test_visit_ast_candidate_overflow(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction () public pure returns (string) {
					uint foo = 5;
					uint bar = 5*foo;
					uint foobar = foo + bar;
					uint fooexp = foo**2;
					uint foominu = foo - 3;
					uint fooexpress = (foo + 4) / fooexp;
					uint fooexpress2 = (foo + 4) * fooexp;
					require(bar > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		candidate_for_overflow = collected_obj['candidate_for_overflow']
		candidate_for_overflow_name = [x.dic['name'] for x in candidate_for_overflow]
		self.assertTrue('bar' in candidate_for_overflow_name)
		self.assertTrue('foobar' in candidate_for_overflow_name)
		self.assertTrue('fooexp' in candidate_for_overflow_name)
		self.assertTrue('foominu' not in candidate_for_overflow_name)
		self.assertTrue('fooexpress'  not in candidate_for_overflow_name)
		self.assertTrue('fooexpress2' in candidate_for_overflow_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def test_visit_ast_candidate_in_require_expression(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				uint foo;
				function testFunction () public returns (string) {
					uint bar = foo + 5;
					require(6 + foo > 5 * foo);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		self.assertTrue(len(collected_obj['require_expression_map']) == 2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def test_visit_ast_no_accessed_state_variables(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction (uint foo) public pure returns (string) {
					uint bar = 5*foo;
					require(bar > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		accessed_state_variables = collected_obj['accessed_state_variables']
		self.assertTrue(len(accessed_state_variables) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def test_visit_ast_no_formal_parameters(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction () public pure returns (string) {
					uint foo = 5;
					uint bar = 5*foo;
					require(bar > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		formal_parameters = collected_obj['formal_parameters']
		self.assertTrue(len(formal_parameters) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def test_visit_ast_not_candidate_overflow_unary(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction () public pure returns (string) {
					uint foo = 5;
					uint bar = foo++;
					uint foobar = 42 / 2;
					require(foo > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
			collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		self.assertTrue('Unary' in str(context.exception))
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def test_visit_ast_not_requires(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction (uint bar) public pure returns (string) {
					uint foo = 5*bar;
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		candidate_for_overflow = collected_obj['candidate_for_overflow']
		candidate_for_overflow_name = [x.dic['name'] for x in candidate_for_overflow]
		self.assertTrue('foo' in candidate_for_overflow_name)
		self.assertFalse('bar' in candidate_for_overflow_name)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(args):
    functions_under_test = []

    # Parsing Args
    contract_path, output_folder, contract_name = (args.source, args.output,

    if args.function:
    elif args.contract:
        output_folder = '{}/{}'.format(output_folder, args.contract)
        abi = asthelper.get_abi(contract_path, args.contract)
        functions_under_test = [x['name'] for x in abi if 'name' in x]

    logging.info("Compiling and extracting json" + contract_path)

    # Compile, Generate AST
    ast_json = asthelper.compile(contract_path)

    for function_name in functions_under_test:

            # Visit
            inspected_function = astvisitor.visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)

            # Map to Z3
            z3_generated_code = mapper.ast_to_z3(inspected_function)

            # Write On File
            output_file_path = filewriter.write_z3_script(
                output_folder, function_name, z3_generated_code)

            logging.info("Output file " + output_file_path)

        except Exception as e:
            if e.args[0] in ['AstVisitErr', 'Z3MapperErr']:
                msg = "function '{0}' raise a {1}: {2}".format(
                    function_name, e.args[0], e.args[1])
            elif e.args[0] in ['AstCompileErr']:
                logging.error("Cannot compile with solc")
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def test_visit_ast_requires(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				uint myStateVariable;
				uint myNotAccessedStateVariable;
				function testFunction (uint foo) public returns (string) {
					uint bar = 5*myStateVariable;
					require(bar > 5);
					require(myStateVariable > 3);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		requires = collected_obj['require_nodes']
		self.assertTrue(len(requires) == 2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def test_visit_ast_re_assigment(self):
		Check that does not raise an exception
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction () public pure returns (string) {
					uint foo = 5;
					foo = 4;
					require(foo*5 > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def test_visit_ast_candidate_overflow_with_cast(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction () public pure returns (string) {
					uint foo = 5;
					uint bar = uint8(5*foo);
					uint foobar = uint8(5*foo) + bar;
					uint fooexp = foo**2;
					require(fooexp > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		candidate_for_overflow = collected_obj['candidate_for_overflow']
		self.assertTrue(len(candidate_for_overflow) == 2)
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def test_visit_ast_accessed_state_variables_2(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				address stateFoo = 4;
				function testFunction (uint foo) public returns (string) {
					uint bar = 5*foo;
					address a = stateFoo;
					require(bar > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		accessed_state_variables = collected_obj['accessed_state_variables']
		accessed_state_variables_names = [x['name'] for x in accessed_state_variables]
		self.assertTrue(len(accessed_state_variables) == 1)
		self.assertTrue('stateFoo' in accessed_state_variables_names)
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def test_visit_ast_variable_declaration(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				function testFunction () public pure returns (string) {
					uint foo = 5;
					uint bar = 5*foo;
					uint foobar;
					require(bar > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		variable_declaration = collected_obj['local_variables']
		variable_declaration_name = [x['declarations'][0]['name'] for x in variable_declaration]
		self.assertTrue('foo' in variable_declaration_name)
		self.assertTrue('bar' in variable_declaration_name)
		self.assertTrue('foobar' not in variable_declaration_name) # declaration without initial value do not handled
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def test_visit_ast_accessed_state_variables(self):
		source = """
			pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
			contract testContract {
				uint myStateVariable;
				uint myNotAccessedStateVariable;
				function testFunction (uint foo) public returns (string) {
					uint bar = 5*myStateVariable;
					uint foobar = foo*myStateVariable;
					require(bar > 5);
					return 'helloWorld';
		ast_json, function_name = self.before_test(source)
		collected_obj = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		accessed_state_variables = collected_obj['accessed_state_variables']
		accessed_state_variables_names = [x['name'] for x in accessed_state_variables]
		self.assertTrue(len(accessed_state_variables) == 1)
		self.assertTrue('myStateVariable' in accessed_state_variables_names)
		self.assertFalse('myNotAccessedStateVariable' in accessed_state_variables_names)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def before_test(self, source):
     ast_json = asthelper.compile_from_source(source)
     function_name = 'testFunction'
     return visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
	def before_test(self, source):
		ast_json = asthelper.compile_from_source(source)
		function_name = 'testFunction'
		inspected = visit_ast(ast_json, function_name)
		require_conditions = _requires_constraints(inspected['require_nodes'])
		return require_conditions, inspected['candidate_for_overflow']