def test_except(monkeypatch): class TestException(Exception): # exception that shouldn't be caught pass def fake_http(url): assert url == "" raise TestException def fake_isgd(url): assert url == testurl return "isgd link" monkeypatch.setattr(http, "get_soup", fake_http) monkeypatch.setattr(web, "try_isgd", fake_isgd) with pytest.raises(TestException): fact()
def test_fact(monkeypatch): def fake_http(url): assert url == "" return BeautifulSoup(testpage, 'lxml') def fake_isgd(url): assert url == testurl return "isgd link" monkeypatch.setattr(http, "get_soup", fake_http) monkeypatch.setattr(web, "try_isgd", fake_isgd) assert fact() == testfact + " - isgd link"
def test_multi_timeout(monkeypatch): excepted = 0 def fake_http(url): nonlocal excepted # nonlocal is a py3 thing, yay you, eh? assert url == "" if excepted == 5: return BeautifulSoup(testpage, "lxml") else: excepted += 1 raise urllib.error.URLError(1) def fake_isgd(url): assert url == testurl return "isgd link" monkeypatch.setattr(http, "get_soup", fake_http) monkeypatch.setattr(web, "try_isgd", fake_isgd) assert fact() == "Could not find a fact!"