Ejemplo n.º 1
def calc_intraComponentFZ(Q, fe_Q, Ztot, QmaxIntegrate, maxQ, elementList, element, \
    x, y, z, elementParameters, damping_factor, aff_mean_squared):
    """Function to calculate the intra-molecular components.

    Q                 : numpy array
                        momentum transfer (nm^-1)
    fe_Q              : numpy array
                        effective electric form factor
    Ztot              : int
                        total Z number
    QmaxIntegrate     : float
                        maximum Q value for the intagrations
    maxQ              : float
                        maximum Q value
    elementList       : dictionary("element": multiplicity)
                        chemical elements of the sample with their multiplicity
                        element      : string
                                       chemical element
                        multiplicity : int
                                       chemical element multiplicity
    element           : string array
                        array with the elements in the xyz_file
    x, y, z           : float array
                        atomic coordinate in the xyz_file (nm)
    elementParameters : dictionary("element": parameters)
                        chemical elements of the sample with their parameters
                        element    : string
                                     chemical element
                        parameters : list
                                     list of the parameters
                                     (Z, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, c, M, K, L)
    damping_factor    : float
                        damp factor

    r                 : numpy array
                        atomic distance (nm)
    Fintra_r          : numpy array
                        intramolecular contribution of F(r)

    iintra_Q = calc_iintraFZ(Q, QmaxIntegrate, maxQ, elementList, element, x,
                             y, z, elementParameters, aff_mean_squared)
    iintradamp_Q = UtilityAnalysis.calc_iintradamp(iintra_Q, Q, QmaxIntegrate,
    r = MainFunctions.calc_r(Q)
    Fintra_r = MainFunctions.calc_Fr(r, Q[Q <= QmaxIntegrate],
                                     iintradamp_Q[Q <= QmaxIntegrate])

    return (r, iintradamp_Q, Fintra_r)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calc_FFT_QiQ(Q, Qi_Q, QmaxIntegrate):
    """Function to calculate the FFT following the Igor Pro procedure.
    I do not agree with this procedure, but I follow it to compare my results
    with Igor Pro's ones.
    Q             : numpy array
                    momentum transfer (nm^-1)
    Qi_Q          : numpy array
    QmaxIntegrate : float
                    maximum Q value for the integrations
    r             : numpy array
                    atomic distance (nm)
    F_r           : numpy array

    pMax, elem = UtilityAnalysis.find_nearest(Q, QmaxIntegrate)
    NumPoints = 2*2*2**math.ceil(math.log(5*(pMax+1))/math.log(2))
    DelR = 2*np.pi/(np.mean(np.diff(Q))*NumPoints)
    Qi_Q = Utility.resize_zero(Qi_Q[Q<=QmaxIntegrate], NumPoints)
    Qi_Q[pMax+1:] = 0.0
    Q = np.arange(np.amin(Q), np.amin(Q)+np.mean(np.diff(Q))*NumPoints, np.mean(np.diff(Q)))
    r = MainFunctions.calc_r(Q)
    F_r = fftpack.fft(Qi_Q)
    F_r = F_r[np.where(r>=0.0)]
    F_r = -np.imag(F_r)*np.mean(np.diff(Q))*2/np.pi
    r = np.arange(0.0, 0.0+DelR*len(F_r), DelR)
    return (r, F_r)