Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_metadata(self, request, ptypes, entity=None):
        context = NearbyDetailView.initial_context(self, request, ptypes, entity)

        if len(context['entity_types']) == 0:
            return {
                'exclude_from_search': True,
                'title': _('Things near %(title)s') % {'title': entity.title}

        et_name = capfirst(context['entity_types'][0].verbose_name_plural)
        if entity is not None:
            title = _('%(entity_type)s near %(entity)s') % {
                                                        'title': entity.title
            title = _('%(et)s nearby') % {'et': et_name}
        if len(context['entity_types']) > 1:
            return {
                'exclude_from_search': True,
                'title': title}
        number = len([e for e in context['entities']
                      if haversine(e.location, context['point']) <= 1000])
        entity_type = context['entity_types'][0].verbose_name_plural

        return {
            'title': title,
            'additional': _('<strong>%(number)d %(entity_type)s</strong> within 1km') \
                % {'number': number, 'entity_type': entity_type}
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_metadata(self, request, ptypes, entity=None):
        context = NearbyDetailView.initial_context(self, request, ptypes,

        if len(context['entity_types']) == 0:
            return {
                'exclude_from_search': True,
                'title': _('Things near %(title)s') % {
                    'title': entity.title

        et_name = capfirst(context['entity_types'][0].verbose_name_plural)
        if entity is not None:
            title = _('%(entity_type)s near %(entity)s') % {
                'entity_type': et_name,
                'title': entity.title
            title = _('%(et)s nearby') % {'et': et_name}

        if len(context['entity_types']) > 1:
            return {'exclude_from_search': True, 'title': title}

        number = len([
            e for e in context['entities']
            if haversine(e.location, context['point']) <= 1000
        entity_type = context['entity_types'][0].verbose_name_plural

        return {
            'title': title,
            'additional': _('<strong>%(number)d %(entity_type)s</strong> within 1km') \
                % {'number': number, 'entity_type': entity_type}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_location(self,
        request.session['geolocation:location'] = location
        request.session['geolocation:updated'] = datetime.utcnow()
        request.session['geolocation:name'] = name
        request.session['geolocation:method'] = method
        request.session['geolocation:accuracy'] = accuracy

        if not with_history:

        if isinstance(location, list):
            location = tuple(location)
        last_updated = request.session.get('geolocation:updated',
                                           datetime(1970, 1, 1))
            last_location = Point(request.session['geolocation:location'])
            distance_moved = haversine(last_location, Point(location))
        except KeyError:
            distance_moved = float('inf')

        if method in ('other', 'manual', 'geocoded', 'html5request') or \
           not 'geolocation:location' in request.session or \
           (last_updated > datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=3600) and distance_moved > 250):
            self.add_to_history(request, name, location, accuracy, method)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def h(*args, **kwargs):
            args = getargsfunc(*args, **kwargs)
            app = get_app('molly.geolocation', args.pop('local_name', None))
                geocode = Geocode.recent.get(local_name=app.local_name, **args)
                logger.debug('Found cached geocode')
                return geocode.results
            except Geocode.DoesNotExist:
                logger.debug('Geocode not found in cache')
            except Geocode.MultipleObjectsReturned:
            results = f(providers=app.providers, **args)

            i = 0
            while i < len(results):
                loc, name = Point(results[i]['location']), results[i]['name']
                if any((r['name'] == name
                        and haversine(Point(r['location']), loc) < 100)
                       for r in results[:i]):
                    results[i:i + 1] = []
                    i += 1

            if hasattr(app, 'prefer_results_near'):
                point = Point(app.prefer_results_near[:2])
                distance = app.prefer_results_near[2]
                filtered_results = [
                    result for result in results
                    if haversine(Point(result['location']), point) <= distance
                if filtered_results:
                    results = filtered_results

                geocode, created = Geocode.objects.get_or_create(
                    local_name=app.local_name, **args)
            except Geocode.MultipleObjectsReturned:
                geocode, created = Geocode.objects.get_or_create(
                    local_name=app.local_name, **args)
            geocode.results = results

            return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_distance_and_bearing_from(self, point):
     Returns a distance and compass direction from current Entity to
     another point
     if point is None or not self.location:
         return None, None
     return haversine(point, self.location), self.get_bearing(point)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_distance_and_bearing_from(self, point):
     Returns a distance and compass direction from current Entity to
     another point
     if point is None or not self.location:
         return None, None
     return haversine(point, self.location), self.get_bearing(point)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def h(*args, **kwargs):
            args = getargsfunc(*args, **kwargs)
            app = get_app('molly.geolocation', args.pop('local_name', None))
                geocode = Geocode.recent.get(local_name=app.local_name, **args)
                logger.debug('Found cached geocode')
                return geocode.results
            except Geocode.DoesNotExist:
                logger.debug('Geocode not found in cache')
            except Geocode.MultipleObjectsReturned:
                Geocode.recent.filter(local_name=app.local_name, **args).delete()
            results = f(providers=app.providers, **args)

            i = 0
            while i < len(results):
                loc, name = Point(results[i]['location']), results[i]['name']
                if any((r['name'] == name and haversine(Point(r['location']), loc) < 100) for r in results[:i]):
                    results[i:i+1] = []
                    i += 1
            if hasattr(app, 'prefer_results_near'):
                point = Point(app.prefer_results_near[:2])
                distance = app.prefer_results_near[2]
                filtered_results = [
                    result for result in results if
                        haversine(Point(result['location']), point) <= distance]
                if filtered_results:
                    results = filtered_results

                geocode, created = Geocode.objects.get_or_create(
                    local_name=app.local_name, **args)
            except Geocode.MultipleObjectsReturned:
                Geocode.objects.filter(local_name=app.local_name, **args).delete()
                geocode, created = Geocode.objects.get_or_create(
                    local_name=app.local_name, **args)
            geocode.results = results
            return results
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def handle_GET(self, request, context, control_number):

        # Build a map of all the libraries that have this book, with markers
        # corresponding to colours

        user_location = request.session.get('geolocation:location')

        points = []
        point_libraries = []
        lbs = context['item'].libraries.items()

        for library, books in lbs:
            library.entity = library.get_entity()

        if user_location:
            lbs = sorted(lbs,
                         key=lambda (l, b):
                         (haversine(user_location, l.entity.location)
                          if l.entity and l.entity.location else float('inf')))

        for library, books in lbs:
            if library.entity != None and library.entity.location != None:
                colour = AVAIL_COLORS[max(b['availability'] for b in books)]
                    (library.entity.location[0], library.entity.location[1],
                     colour, library.entity.title))

        if len(points) > 0:
            context['map'] = Map(
                centre_point=(user_location[0], user_location[1], 'green',
                              '') if user_location != None else None,
                min_points=0 if context['zoom'] else len(points),

            # Yes, this is weird. fit_to_map() groups libraries with the same
            # location so here we add a marker_number to each library to display
            # in the template.
            lib_iter = iter(point_libraries)
            for i, (a, b) in enumerate(context['map'].points):
                for j in range(len(b)):
                    lib_iter.next().marker_number = i + 1

            'sorted_libraries': lbs,

        return self.render(request, context, 'library/item_detail')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def handle_GET(self, request, context, control_number):
     # Build a map of all the libraries that have this book, with markers
     # corresponding to colours
     user_location = request.session.get('geolocation:location')
     points = []
     point_libraries = []
     lbs = context['item'].libraries.items()
     for library, books in lbs:
         library.entity = library.get_entity()
     if user_location:
         lbs = sorted(lbs, key=lambda (l,b): haversine(user_location,
     for library, books in lbs:
         if library.entity != None and library.entity.location != None:
             colour = AVAIL_COLORS[max(b['availability'] for b in books)]
     if len(points) > 0:
         context['map'] = Map(
             centre_point = (user_location[0], user_location[1], 'green', '')
                             if user_location != None else None,
             points = points,
             min_points = 0 if context['zoom'] else len(points),
             zoom = context['zoom'],
             width = request.map_width,
             height = request.map_height,
         # Yes, this is weird. fit_to_map() groups libraries with the same
         # location so here we add a marker_number to each library to display
         # in the template.
         lib_iter = iter(point_libraries)
         for i, (a,b) in enumerate(context['map'].points):
             for j in range(len(b)):
                 lib_iter.next().marker_number = i + 1
         'sorted_libraries': lbs,
     return self.render(request, context, 'library/item_detail')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def optimise_points(points):
    This algorithm takes some points and then tries to figure out the shortest
    route between them.
    It uses "as the crow flies" distance, which may not necessarily be the best.
    Points should be a list of tuples, where the first element is the object
    and the second element is the location of that object (first element is
    ignored by this algorithm, but is useful for you to correlate the resulting
    order with your original).
    This assumes that the first point is always the starting point of the user

    if len(points) > 10:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    distances = {}

    for e, x in points:
        for e, y in points:
            distances[(x, y)] = haversine(x, y)

    def tsp_recurse(current, remaining):
        weights = []
        for point in remaining:
            path = [point[0]]
            weight = distances[(current, point[1])]

            next = set(remaining)
            if next:
                path_r, weight_r = tsp_recurse(point[1], next)
                weight += weight_r
                path += path_r

            weights.append((path, weight))

        return min(weights, key=itemgetter(1))

    path, weight = tsp_recurse(points[0][1], set(points[1:]))
    return [points[0][0]] + path
Ejemplo n.º 11
def optimise_points(points):
    This algorithm takes some points and then tries to figure out the shortest
    route between them.
    It uses "as the crow flies" distance, which may not necessarily be the best.
    Points should be a list of tuples, where the first element is the object
    and the second element is the location of that object (first element is
    ignored by this algorithm, but is useful for you to correlate the resulting
    order with your original).
    This assumes that the first point is always the starting point of the user
    if len(points) > 10:
        raise NotImplementedError()
    distances = {}
    for e, x in points:
        for e, y in points:
            distances[(x,y)] = haversine(x, y)
    def tsp_recurse(current, remaining):
        weights = []
        for point in remaining:
            path = [point[0]]
            weight = distances[(current, point[1])]
            next = set(remaining)
            if next:
                path_r, weight_r = tsp_recurse(point[1], next)
                weight += weight_r
                path += path_r
            weights.append((path, weight))
        return min(weights, key=itemgetter(1))
    path, weight = tsp_recurse(points[0][1], set(points[1:]))
    return [points[0][0]] + path
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def set_location(self, request, name, location, accuracy, method, with_history=False):
        request.session['geolocation:location'] = location
        request.session['geolocation:updated'] = datetime.utcnow()
        request.session['geolocation:name'] = name
        request.session['geolocation:method'] = method
        request.session['geolocation:accuracy'] = accuracy

        if not with_history:

        if isinstance(location, list):
            location = tuple(location)
        last_updated = request.session.get('geolocation:updated', datetime(1970, 1, 1))
            last_location = Point(request.session['geolocation:location'])
            distance_moved = haversine(last_location, Point(location))
        except KeyError:
            distance_moved = float('inf')

        if method in ('other', 'manual', 'geocoded', 'html5request') or \
           not 'geolocation:location' in request.session or \
           (last_updated > datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=3600) and distance_moved > 250):
            self.add_to_history(request, name, location, accuracy, method)