Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, first, second):
        @param first        Raster of the first stage (the state before transition).
        @param second       Raster of the second stage (the state after transition).

        if not first.geoDataMatch(second):
            raise AreaAnalizerError('Geometries of the rasters are different!')
        if first.getBandsCount() + second.getBandsCount() > 2:
            raise AreaAnalizerError('Rasters mast have 1 band!')

        self.geodata = first.getGeodata()
        statFirst    = first.getBandStat(1)
        statSecong   = second.getBandStat(1)
        self.classes = statFirst['gradation']
        self.classesSecond = statSecong['gradation']

        first, second = masks_identity(first.getBand(1), second.getBand(1))

        self.first = first
        self.second = second

        for cl in self.classesSecond:
            if cl not in self.classes:
                raise AreaAnalizerError("List of classes of the first raster doesn't contains a class of the second raster!")

        self.changeMap = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, band1, band2, expand = False):
        @param band1    First band (numpy masked array)
        @param band2    Second band (numpy masked array)
        @param expand   If the param is True, use union of categories of the bands and compute NxN crosstable

        if not sizes_equal(band1, band2):
            raise CrossTabError('Sizes of rasters are not equal!')

        band1, band2 = masks_identity(band1, band2, dtype=np.uint8)

        self.X = np.ma.compressed(band1).flatten()
        self.Y = np.ma.compressed(band2).flatten()

        # Compute gradations of the bands
        self.graduation_x = get_gradations(self.X)
        self.graduation_y = get_gradations(self.Y)
        if expand:
            self.graduation_x = list(set(self.graduation_x + self.graduation_y))
            self.graduation_y = self.graduation_x

        rows, cols = len(self.graduation_x), len(self.graduation_y)
        self.shape = (rows, cols)

        self._T = None       # Crosstable
        self.n  = None       # Count of elements in the crosstable
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, first, second=None):
        @param first        Raster of the first stage (the state before transition).
        @param second       Raster of the second stage (the state after transition).

        if second != None and (not first.geoDataMatch(second)):
            raise AreaAnalizerError('Geometries of the rasters are different!')

        if first.getBandsCount() != 1:
            raise AreaAnalizerError('First raster mast have 1 band!')

        if second !=None and second.getBandsCount() != 1:
            raise AreaAnalizerError('Second raster mast have 1 band!')

        self.geodata = first.getGeodata()
        self.categories = first.getBandGradation(1)

        if second != None:
            self.categoriesSecond = second.getBandGradation(1)
            first, second = masks_identity(first.getBand(1), second.getBand(1), dtype=np.uint8)

        self.first = first
        self.second = second

        if second != None:
            for cat in self.categoriesSecond:
                if cat not in self.categories:
                    raise AreaAnalizerError("List of categories of the first raster doesn't contains a category of the second raster!")

        self.changeMap = None
        self.initRaster = None
        self.persistentCategoryCode = -1
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, band1, band2, expand=False):
        @param band1    First band (numpy masked array)
        @param band2    Second band (numpy masked array)
        @param expand   If the param is True, use union of categories of the bands and compute NxN crosstable

        if not sizes_equal(band1, band2):
            raise CrossTabError('Sizes of rasters are not equal!')

        band1, band2 = masks_identity(band1, band2, dtype=np.uint8)

        self.X = np.ma.compressed(band1).flatten()
        self.Y = np.ma.compressed(band2).flatten()

        # Compute gradations of the bands
        self.graduation_x = get_gradations(self.X)
        self.graduation_y = get_gradations(self.Y)
        if expand:
            self.graduation_x = list(set(self.graduation_x +
            self.graduation_y = self.graduation_x

        rows, cols = len(self.graduation_x), len(self.graduation_y)
        self.shape = (rows, cols)

        self._T = None  # Crosstable
        self.n = None  # Count of elements in the crosstable
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def train(self):
        Train the model
        self.transitionPotentials = {}
            iterCount = len(self.codes) * len(self.factors)
            self.rangeChanged.emit(self.tr("Training WoE... %p%"), iterCount)
            changeMap = self.changeMap.getBand(1)
            for code in self.codes:
                sites = binaryzation(changeMap, [code])
                # Reclass factors (continuous factor -> ordinal factor)
                wMap = np.ma.zeros(changeMap.shape)  # The map of summary weight of the all factors
                self.weights[code] = {}  # Dictionary for storing wheights of every raster's band
                for k in xrange(len(self.factors)):
                    fact = self.factors[k]
                    self.weights[code][k] = {}  # Weights of the factor
                    factorW = self.weights[code][k]
                    if self.bins:  # Get bins of the factor
                        bin = self.bins[k]
                        if (bin != None) and fact.getBandsCount() != len(bin):
                            raise WoeManagerError("Count of bins list for multiband factor is't equal to band count!")
                        bin = None
                    for i in range(1, fact.getBandsCount() + 1):
                        band = fact.getBand(i)
                        if bin and bin[i - 1]:  #
                            band = reclass(band, bin[i - 1])
                        band, sites = masks_identity(band, sites, dtype=np.uint8)  # Combine masks of the rasters
                        woeRes = woe(
                            band, sites, self.unit_cell
                        )  # WoE for the 'code' (initState->finalState) transition and current 'factor'.
                        weights = woeRes["map"]
                        wMap = wMap + weights
                        factorW[i] = woeRes["weights"]

                # Reclassification finished => set WoE coefficients
                self.woe[code] = wMap  # WoE for all factors and the transition code.

                # Potentials are WoE map rescaled to 0--100 percents
                band = (sigmoid(wMap) * 100).astype(np.uint8)
                p = Raster()
                p.create([band], self.geodata)
                self.transitionPotentials[code] = p
        except MemoryError:
            self.errorReport.emit("The system out of memory during WoE trainig")
            self.errorReport.emit(self.tr("An unknown error occurs during WoE trainig"))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, factors, areaAnalyst, unit_cell=1, bins = None):
        @param factors      List of the pattern rasters used for prediction of point objects (sites).
        @param areaAnalyst  AreaAnalyst that contains map of the changes, encodes and decodes class numbers.
        @param unit_cell    Method parameter, pixelsize of resampled rasters.
        @param bins         Dictionary of bins. Bins are binning boundaries that used for reduce count of classes.
                                For example if factors = [f0, f1], then bins could be (for example) {0:[bins for f0], 1:[bins for f1]} = {0:[[10, 100, 250]],1:[[0.2, 1, 1.5, 4]]}.
                                List of list used because a factor can be a multiband raster, we need get a list of bins for every band. For example:
                                factors = [f0, 2-band-factor], bins= {0: [[10, 100, 250]], 1:[[0.2, 1, 1.5, 4], [3, 4, 7]] }

        self.factors = factors
        self.analyst = areaAnalyst
        self.changeMap   = areaAnalyst.getChangeMap()

        self.prediction = None
        self.confidence = None

        if (bins != None) and (len(factors) != len(bins.keys())):
            raise WoeManagerError('Lengths of bins and factors are different!')

        for r in self.factors:
            if not self.changeMap.geoDataMatch(r):
                raise WoeManagerError('Geometries of the input rasters are different!')

        if self.changeMap.getBandsCount() != 1:
            raise WoeManagerError('Change map must have one band!')

        # Get list of codes from the changeMap raster
        classes = self.changeMap.getBandStat(1)['gradation']
        cMap = self.changeMap.getBand(1)

        self.codes = [int(c) for c in classes]    # Codes of transitions initState->finalState (see AreaAnalyst.encode)

        self.woe = {}
        for code in self.codes:
            sites = binaryzation(cMap, [code])
            # TODO: reclass factors (continuous factor -> ordinal factor)
            wMap = np.ma.zeros(cMap.shape)
            for k in xrange(len(factors)):
                fact = factors[k]
                if bins: # Get bins of the factor
                    bin = bins[k]
                    if (bin != None) and fact.getBandsCount() != len(bin):
                        raise WoeManagerError("Count of bins list for multiband factor is't equal to band count!")
                else: bin = None
                for i in range(1, fact.getBandsCount()+1):
                    band = fact.getBand(i)
                    if bin:
                        band = reclass(band, bin[i-1])
                    band, sites = masks_identity(band, sites)   # Combine masks of the rasters
                    weights = woe(band, sites, unit_cell)       # WoE for the 'code' (initState->finalState) transition and current 'factor'.
                    wMap = wMap + weights
            self.woe[code]=wMap             # WoE for all factors and the transition.
Ejemplo n.º 7
def correlation(X, Y):
    Define correlation coefficient of the rasters.
    @param X    First raster's array
    @param Y    Second raster's array
    X, Y = masks_identity(X, Y)
    R = np.corrcoef(np.ma.compressed(X),np.ma.compressed(Y))
    # function np.corrcoef return array of coefficients
    # R[0][0] = R[1][1] = 1.0 - correlation X--X and Y--Y
    # R[0][1] = R[1][0] - correlation X--Y and Y--X
    return R[0][1]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def train(self):
        Train the model
        self.transitionPotentials = {}
            iterCount = len(self.codes)*len(self.factors)
            self.rangeChanged.emit(self.tr("Training WoE... %p%"), iterCount)
            changeMap = self.changeMap.getBand(1)
            for code in self.codes:
                sites = binaryzation(changeMap, [code])
                # Reclass factors (continuous factor -> ordinal factor)
                wMap = np.ma.zeros(changeMap.shape) # The map of summary weight of the all factors
                self.weights[code] = {}             # Dictionary for storing wheights of every raster's band
                for k in xrange(len(self.factors)):
                    fact = self.factors[k]
                    self.weights[code][k] = {}      # Weights of the factor
                    factorW = self.weights[code][k]
                    if self.bins: # Get bins of the factor
                        bin = self.bins[k]
                        if (bin != None) and fact.getBandsCount() != len(bin):
                            raise WoeManagerError("Count of bins list for multiband factor is't equal to band count!")
                    else: bin = None
                    for i in range(1, fact.getBandsCount()+1):
                        band = fact.getBand(i)
                        if bin and bin[i-1]: #
                            band = reclass(band, bin[i-1])
                        band, sites = masks_identity(band, sites, dtype=np.uint8)   # Combine masks of the rasters
                        woeRes = woe(band, sites, self.unit_cell)   # WoE for the 'code' (initState->finalState) transition and current 'factor'.
                        weights = woeRes['map']
                        wMap = wMap + weights
                        factorW[i] = woeRes['weights']

                # Reclassification finished => set WoE coefficients
                self.woe[code]=wMap             # WoE for all factors and the transition code.

                # Potentials are WoE map rescaled to 0--100 percents
                band = (sigmoid(wMap)*100).astype(np.uint8)
                p = Raster()
                p.create([band], self.geodata)
                self.transitionPotentials[code] = p
        except MemoryError:
            self.errorReport.emit('The system out of memory during WoE trainig')
            self.errorReport.emit(self.tr("An unknown error occurs during WoE trainig"))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def correlation(self):
        Define correlation coefficient of the rasters.
        x, y = masks_identity(self.X.flatten(), self.Y.flatten())
        x, y = np.ma.compressed(x), np.ma.compressed(y)
        R = np.corrcoef(x, y)
        del x
        del y
        # function np.corrcoef returns array of coefficients
        # R[0][0] = R[1][1] = 1.0 - correlation X--X and Y--Y
        # R[0][1] = R[1][0] - correlation X--Y and Y--X

        return R[0][1]
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def correlation(self):
        Define correlation coefficient of the rasters.
        x, y = masks_identity(self.X.flatten(), self.Y.flatten())
        x, y = np.ma.compressed(x), np.ma.compressed(y)
        R = np.corrcoef(x, y)
        del x
        del y
        # function np.corrcoef returns array of coefficients
        # R[0][0] = R[1][1] = 1.0 - correlation X--X and Y--Y
        # R[0][1] = R[1][0] - correlation X--Y and Y--X

        return R[0][1]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, referenceMap, simulatedMap):
        @param referenceMap     Reference raster
        @param simulatedMap     Simulated raster


        if referenceMap.getBandsCount() + simulatedMap.getBandsCount() != 2:
            raise EBError(
                'The reference and simulated rasters must be 1-band rasters!')
        if not referenceMap.geoDataMatch(simulatedMap):
            raise EBError(
                'Geometries of the reference and simulated rasters are different!'

        self.categories = referenceMap.getBandGradation(1)
        for s in simulatedMap.getBandGradation(1):
            if not s in self.categories:
                raise EBError(
                    'Categories in the reference and simulated rasters are different!'

        R = referenceMap.getBand(1)
        S = simulatedMap.getBand(1)
        self.shape = R.shape
        R, S = masks_identity(R, S, dtype=np.uint8)

        # Array for weight
        self.W = np.ones(self.shape)
        self.W = self.W - np.ma.getmask(R)

        R = np.ma.filled(R, 0)
        S = np.ma.filled(S, 0)

        # Proportion of category j in pixel n at the beginning resolution of the reference map
        self.Rj = {}
        for j in self.categories:
            self.Rj[j] = 1.0 * binaryzation(R, [j])
        # Proportion of category j in pixel n at the beginning resolution of the simulated map
        self.Sj = {}
        for j in self.categories:
            self.Sj[j] = 1.0 * binaryzation(S, [j])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__ (self, referenceMap, simulatedMap):
        @param referenceMap     Reference raster
        @param simulatedMap     Simulated raster


        if referenceMap.getBandsCount() + simulatedMap.getBandsCount() !=2:
            raise EBError('The reference and simulated rasters must be 1-band rasters!')
        if not referenceMap.geoDataMatch(simulatedMap):
            raise EBError('Geometries of the reference and simulated rasters are different!')

        self.categories = referenceMap.getBandGradation(1)
        for s in simulatedMap.getBandGradation(1):
            if not s in self.categories:
                raise EBError('Categories in the reference and simulated rasters are different!')

        R = referenceMap.getBand(1)
        S = simulatedMap.getBand(1)
        self.shape = R.shape
        R, S = masks_identity(R,S, dtype=np.uint8)

        # Array for weight
        self.W = np.ones(self.shape)
        self.W = self.W - np.ma.getmask(R)

        R = np.ma.filled(R, 0)
        S = np.ma.filled(S, 0)

        # Proportion of category j in pixel n at the beginning resolution of the reference map
        self.Rj = {}
        for j in self.categories:
            self.Rj[j] = 1.0*binaryzation(R, [j])
        # Proportion of category j in pixel n at the beginning resolution of the simulated map
        self.Sj = {}
        for j in self.categories:
            self.Sj[j] = 1.0*binaryzation(S, [j])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, band1, band2):

        if not sizes_equal(band1, band2):
            raise CrossTabError('Sizes of rasters are not equal!')

        band1, band2 = masks_identity(band1, band2)

        X = np.ma.compressed(band1)
        Y = np.ma.compressed(band2)

        # Compute gradations of the bands
        self.graduation_x = get_gradations(X)
        self.graduation_y = get_gradations(Y)

        rows, cols = len(self.graduation_x), len(self.graduation_y)
        self.shape = (rows, cols)

        # Compute crosstable
        self.T = np.zeros([rows, cols], dtype=int)
        self.n = len(X)                 # Count of unmasked elements  (= sum of all elements of the table)
        for i in range(self.n):
            class_num_x = self.graduation_x.index(X[i])
            class_num_y = self.graduation_y.index(Y[i])
            self.T[class_num_x][class_num_y] +=1
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_masks_identity(self):
     self.X, self.Y = masks_identity(self.X, self.Y)
     mask_x = np.matrix.flatten(self.X.mask)
     self.combo_mask = np.matrix.flatten(self.combo_mask)
     k = all(np.equal(mask_x, self.combo_mask))
     self.assertEqual(k, True, 'masks_identify failed')
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_masks_identity(self):
     self.X, self.Y = masks_identity(self.X, self.Y)
     mask_x = np.matrix.flatten(self.X.mask)
     self.combo_mask = np.matrix.flatten(self.combo_mask)
     k = all(np.equal(mask_x, self.combo_mask))
     self.assertEqual(k, True, 'masks_identify failed')