Ejemplo n.º 1
def Mongo_Wrapper(alias=None):
        if alias is None:
            alias = str(uuid.uuid4())
        db_alias_client = connect_db(alias)
        yield alias, db_alias_client
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        self.log(logging.INFO, "Running with a polling interval of {0} seconds".format(POLL_INTERVAL))
        self.log(logging.INFO, "Credential waiting timeout is {0} seconds".format(WAITING_TIMEOUT))
        self.log(logging.INFO, "Credential using timeout is {0} seconds".format(USING_TIMEOUT))

        connection = mongo.connect_db()
        db = connection.vinz_clortho

        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.graceful_term)
        self.SHOULD_BE_RUNNING = True

        while self.SHOULD_BE_RUNNING:
            self.IS_RUNNING = True

            new_requests = CMRequest.find(db, filter={'status': CMRequest.SUBMITTED})
            self.PROCESS_STEP = "New Requests"
            self.PROCESS_COUNT = len(new_requests)
            self.PROCESS_INDEX = 0
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Processing {0} new requests".format(self.PROCESS_COUNT))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ids: {0}".format(', '.join([str(r.id) for r in new_requests])))
            for new_request in new_requests:
                self.PROCESS_INDEX += 1
                credentials = Credential.find(db, filter={'key': new_request.key})

                # If we didn't find any credentials, then error out this request
                if len(credentials) == 0:
                    self.log(logging.ERROR, "No such key found: {0}".format(new_request.key), new_request)

                self.log(logging.INFO, "Putting into queue", new_request)
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Done processing new requests")

            # This is mainly a formality, but just mark all the ones that are a
            # status of CANCEL to CANCELED instead.  This indicates that the
            # server acknowledged the order to cancel
            cancel_requests = CMRequest.find(db, filter={'status': CMRequest.CANCEL})
            self.PROCESS_STEP = "Cancel Requests"
            self.PROCESS_COUNT = len(cancel_requests)
            self.PROCESS_INDEX = 0
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Processing {0} cancel requests".format(self.PROCESS_COUNT))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ids: {0}".format(', '.join([str(r.id) for r in cancel_requests])))
            for cancel_request in cancel_requests:
                self.PROCESS_INDEX += 1
                self.log(logging.INFO, "Canceled by client", cancel_request)
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Done processing cancel requests")

            returned_credentials = CMRequest.find(db, filter={'status': CMRequest.RETURNED})
            self.PROCESS_STEP = "Returned Credentials"
            self.PROCESS_COUNT = len(returned_credentials)
            self.PROCESS_INDEX = 0
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Processing {0} returned credentials".format(self.PROCESS_COUNT))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ids: {0}".format(', '.join([str(r.id) for r in returned_credentials])))
            for returned_credential in returned_credentials:
                self.PROCESS_INDEX += 1
                credential = Credential.find_one(db, filter={'_id': returned_credential.credential})
                returned_credential.status = CMRequest.COMPLETED
                returned_credential.checkin_timestamp = datetime.now()
                self.log(logging.INFO, "CredentialId {0} returned by client (Elapsed: {1:.1f}s)".format(
                    (returned_credential.checkin_timestamp - returned_credential.checkout_timestamp).total_seconds()
                ), returned_credential)
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Done processing returned credentials")

            pending_credentials = CMRequest.find(db, filter={'status': CMRequest.GIVEN_OUT})
            self.PROCESS_STEP = "Pending Credentials"
            self.PROCESS_COUNT = len(pending_credentials)
            self.PROCESS_INDEX = 0
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Testing {0} given out credentials for time-out".format(self.PROCESS_COUNT))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ids: {0}".format(', '.join([str(r.id) for r in pending_credentials])))
            for pending_credential in pending_credentials:
                self.PROCESS_INDEX += 1
                if (datetime.now() - pending_credential.checkout_timestamp).total_seconds() > WAITING_TIMEOUT:
                    self.log(logging.WARNING, "Timed out waiting for client to receive credentials", pending_credential)
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Done testing given-out credentials for time-out")

            in_use_credentials = CMRequest.find(db, filter={
                'status': {'$in': (CMRequest.IN_USE, CMRequest.CANCEL)},
                'checkout_timestamp': {'$exists': True}
            self.PROCESS_STEP = "In-use Credentials"
            self.PROCESS_COUNT = len(in_use_credentials)
            self.PROCESS_INDEX = 0
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Testing {0} in-use credentials for time-out".format(self.PROCESS_COUNT))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ids: {0}".format(', '.join([str(r.id) for r in in_use_credentials])))
            for in_use_credential in in_use_credentials:
                self.PROCESS_INDEX += 1
                if (datetime.now() - in_use_credential.checkup_timestamp).total_seconds() > USING_TIMEOUT:
                    self.log(logging.WARNING, "Timed out waiting for client to return credentials", in_use_credential)
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Done testing in-use credentials for time-out")

            # This is the meat of the big loop.  This section is the one that
            # will be doling out the credentials on a first-come, first-serve
            # basis, with priority overriding that.
            queued_requests = CMRequest.find(db, filter={'status': CMRequest.QUEUING}, sort=
                [('priority', mongo.DESCENDING), ('submission_timestamp', mongo.ASCENDING), ('_id', mongo.ASCENDING)]
            self.PROCESS_STEP = "Queued Requests"
            self.PROCESS_COUNT = len(queued_requests)
            self.PROCESS_INDEX = 0
            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Checking credentials to give out for {0} queued requests".format(
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ids: {0}".format(', '.join([str(r.id) for r in queued_requests])))
            for queued_request in queued_requests:
                self.PROCESS_INDEX += 1
                available_credentials = Credential.find(db, filter={'key': queued_request.key})
                if len(available_credentials) > 0:
                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Testing {0} available credentials for queued request".format(
                    ), queued_request)
                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ids: {0}".format(', '.join([str(c.id) for c in available_credentials])))
                for available_credential in available_credentials:
                    # Only give out credentials if there are any available to give out
                    in_use_credentials = available_credential.in_use

                    # Also, throttle how frequently we are allowed to give out this credential
                    credential_frequency = len(CMRequest.find(db, filter={
                        'credential': available_credential.id,
                        'status': {
                            '$in': (
                        'checkout_timestamp': {
                            '$gte': datetime.now() - available_credential.throttle_timespan

                    if (available_credential.max_checkouts == 0 or
                            in_use_credentials < available_credential.max_checkouts) and \
                            (available_credential.throttle_seconds == 0 or credential_frequency == 0):
                        # We found a credential available to be used! Yay!
                        self.log(logging.INFO, "Assigning CredentialId: {0} to client (waited {1:.1f}s)".format(
                            (queued_request.checkout_timestamp - queued_request.submission_timestamp).total_seconds()
                        ), queued_request)

            if self.PROCESS_COUNT > 0:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Done checking credentials to give out for queued requests")

            self.IS_RUNNING = False
            self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Going to sleep for {0} seconds".format(POLL_INTERVAL))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def connect_db():
    return mongo.connect_db()