Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _validate_arrays(self, arrays):
        Check that arrays are correctly configured

        src_vars = mbu.source_nr_vars()
        vis_vars = ['ntime', 'nbl', 'na', 'nchan']

        for A in arrays:
            # Ensure they match ordering constraints
            order = [
                ORDERING_CONSTRAINTS[var] for var in A['shape']
                if var in ORDERING_CONSTRAINTS

            if not all([b >= a for a, b in zip(order, order[1:])]):
                raise ValueError(
                    ('Array %s does not follow '
                     'ordering constraints. Shape is %s, but '
                     'this does breaks the expecting ordering of %s ') %
                    (A['name'], A['shape'], ORDERING_RANK))

            # Orthogonality of source variables and
            # time, baseline, antenna and channel
            nr_src_vars = [v for v in A['shape'] if v in src_vars]
            nr_vis_vars = [v for v in A['shape'] if v in vis_vars]

            if len(nr_src_vars) > 0 and len(nr_vis_vars) > 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    ('Array %s of shape %s '
                     'has source variables %s mixed with '
                     '%s. This solver does not currently '
                     'support this mix') %
                    (A['name'], A['shape'], nr_src_vars, nr_vis_vars))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _validate_arrays(self, arrays):
        Check that arrays are correctly configured

        src_vars = mbu.source_nr_vars()
        vis_vars = ['ntime', 'nbl', 'na', 'nchan']

        for A in arrays:
            # Ensure they match ordering constraints
            order = [ORDERING_CONSTRAINTS[var]
                for var in A['shape'] if var in ORDERING_CONSTRAINTS]

            if not all([b >= a for a, b in zip(order, order[1:])]):
                raise ValueError(('Array %s does not follow '
                    'ordering constraints. Shape is %s, but '
                    'this does breaks the expecting ordering of %s ') % (
                        A['name'], A['shape'],

            # Orthogonality of source variables and
            # time, baseline, antenna and channel
            nr_src_vars = [v for v in A['shape'] if v in src_vars]
            nr_vis_vars = [v for v in A['shape'] if v in vis_vars]

            if len(nr_src_vars) > 0 and len(nr_vis_vars) > 0:
                raise ValueError(('Array %s of shape %s '
                    'has source variables %s mixed with '
                    '%s. This solver does not currently '
                    'support this mix') % (
                        A['name'], A['shape'],
                        nr_src_vars, nr_vis_vars))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _thread_create_solvers(self, subslvr_cfg, P, nsolvers):
        Create solvers on the thread local data
        montblanc.log.debug('Creating solvers in thread %s',

        # GPU Device memory pool, used in cases where PyCUDA
        # needs GPU memory that we haven't been able to pre-allocate
        dev_mem_pool = pycuda.tools.DeviceMemoryPool()

        # CPU Pinned memory pool, used for array transfers
        pinned_mem_pool = pycuda.tools.PageLockedMemoryPool()

        # Mutex for guarding the memory pools
        pool_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Dirty index, indicating the CPU index of the
        # data currently on the GPU, used for avoiding
        # array transfer
        self.thread_local.dirty = [{} for n in range(nsolvers)]

        # Configure thread local storage
        # Number of solvers in this thread
        self.thread_local.nsolvers = nsolvers
        # List of solvers used by this thread, set below
        self.thread_local.solvers = [None for s in range(nsolvers)]
        # Initialise the subsolver generator
        self.thread_local.subslvr_gen = self._thread_gen_sub_solvers()

        # Set the CUDA context in the configuration to
        # the one associated with this thread
        subslvr_cfg[Options.CONTEXT] = self.thread_local.context

        # Create solvers for this context
        for i in range(nsolvers):
            subslvr = RimeSolver(subslvr_cfg)

            # Configure the source dimensions of each sub-solver.
            # Change the local size of each source dim so that there is
            # enough space in the associated arrays for NSRC sources.
            # Initially, configure the extents to be [0, NSRC], although
            # this will be setup properly in _thread_solve_sub
            nsrc = P[Options.NSRC]

            U = [{
                'name': nr_var,
                'local_size': nsrc if nsrc < P[nr_var] else P[nr_var],
                'lower_extent': 0,
                'upper_extent': nsrc if nsrc < P[nr_var] else P[nr_var],
            } for nr_var in [Options.NSRC] + mbu.source_nr_vars()]


            # Give sub solvers access to device and pinned memory pools
            subslvr.dev_mem_pool = dev_mem_pool
            subslvr.pinned_mem_pool = pinned_mem_pool
            subslvr.pool_lock = pool_lock
            self.thread_local.solvers[i] = subslvr
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _thread_create_solvers(self, subslvr_cfg, P, nsolvers):
        Create solvers on the thread local data
        montblanc.log.debug('Creating solvers in thread %s',

        # GPU Device memory pool, used in cases where PyCUDA
        # needs GPU memory that we haven't been able to pre-allocate
        dev_mem_pool = pycuda.tools.DeviceMemoryPool()

        # CPU Pinned memory pool, used for array transfers
        pinned_mem_pool = pycuda.tools.PageLockedMemoryPool()

        # Mutex for guarding the memory pools
        pool_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Dirty index, indicating the CPU index of the
        # data currently on the GPU, used for avoiding
        # array transfer
        self.thread_local.dirty = [{} for n in range(nsolvers)]

        # Configure thread local storage
        # Number of solvers in this thread
        self.thread_local.nsolvers = nsolvers
        # List of solvers used by this thread, set below
        self.thread_local.solvers = [None for s in range(nsolvers)]
        # Initialise the subsolver generator
        self.thread_local.subslvr_gen = self._thread_gen_sub_solvers()

        # Set the CUDA context in the configuration to
        # the one associated with this thread
        subslvr_cfg[Options.CONTEXT] = self.thread_local.context

        # Create solvers for this context
        for i in range(nsolvers):
            subslvr = RimeSolver(subslvr_cfg)

            # Configure the source dimensions of each sub-solver.
            # Change the local size of each source dim so that there is
            # enough space in the associated arrays for NSRC sources.
            # Initially, configure the extents to be [0, NSRC], although
            # this will be setup properly in _thread_solve_sub
            nsrc = P[Options.NSRC]

            U = [{
                'name': nr_var,
                'local_size': nsrc if nsrc < P[nr_var] else P[nr_var],
                'lower_extent': 0,
                'upper_extent': nsrc if nsrc < P[nr_var] else P[nr_var],
            } for nr_var in [Options.NSRC] + mbu.source_nr_vars()]


            # Give sub solvers access to device and pinned memory pools
            subslvr.dev_mem_pool = dev_mem_pool
            subslvr.pinned_mem_pool = pinned_mem_pool
            subslvr.pool_lock = pool_lock
            self.thread_local.solvers[i] = subslvr
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _gen_source_slices(self):
        Iterate over the visibility space in chunks, returning a
        dictionary of slices keyed on the following dimensions:
            nsrc, npsrc, ngsrc, nssrc, ...

        # Get a list of source number variables/dimensions
        src_nr_vars = mbu.source_nr_vars()
        lower_extents = self.dim_lower_extent(*src_nr_vars)
        upper_extents = self.dim_upper_extent(*src_nr_vars)

        non_zero = [(n, l) for n, l in zip(src_nr_vars, lower_extents)
                    if l != 0]

        if len(non_zero) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The following source dimensions "
                "have non-zero lower extents [{nzd}]".format(nzd=non_zero))

        # Create source counts, or dimension extent sizes
        # for each source type/dimension
        src_nr_var_counts = {
            nr_var: u - l
            for nr_var, l, u in zip(src_nr_vars, lower_extents, upper_extents)

        # Work out which range of sources in the total space
        # we are iterating over
        nsrc_lower, nsrc_upper = self.dim_extents(Options.NSRC)

        # Create the slice dictionaries, which we use to index
        # dimensions of the CPU and GPU array.
        cpu_slice, gpu_slice = {}, {}

        # Set up source slicing
        for src in xrange(nsrc_lower, nsrc_upper, self.src_diff):
            src_end = min(src + self.src_diff, nsrc_upper)
            src_diff = src_end - src
            cpu_slice[Options.NSRC] = slice(src, src_end, 1)
            gpu_slice[Options.NSRC] = slice(0, src_diff, 1)

            # Get the source slice ranges for each individual
            # source type, and update the CPU dictionary with them
            src_range_slices = mbu.source_range_slices(src, src_end,

            # and configure the same for GPU slices
            for s in src_nr_vars:
                cpu_var = cpu_slice[s]
                gpu_slice[s] = slice(0, cpu_var.stop - cpu_var.start, 1)

            yield (cpu_slice.copy(), gpu_slice.copy())
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _gen_source_slices(self):
        Iterate over the visibility space in chunks, returning a
        dictionary of slices keyed on the following dimensions:
            nsrc, npsrc, ngsrc, nssrc, ...

        # Get a list of source number variables/dimensions
        src_nr_vars = mbu.source_nr_vars()
        lower_extents = self.dim_lower_extent(*src_nr_vars)
        upper_extents = self.dim_upper_extent(*src_nr_vars)

        non_zero = [(n, l) for n, l
            in zip(src_nr_vars, lower_extents) if l != 0]

        if len(non_zero) > 0:
            raise ValueError("The following source dimensions "
                "have non-zero lower extents [{nzd}]".format(

        # Create source counts, or dimension extent sizes
        # for each source type/dimension
        src_nr_var_counts = { nr_var: u-l
            for nr_var, l, u in zip(src_nr_vars,
                lower_extents, upper_extents) }

        # Work out which range of sources in the total space
        # we are iterating over
        nsrc_lower, nsrc_upper = self.dim_extents(Options.NSRC)

        # Create the slice dictionaries, which we use to index
        # dimensions of the CPU and GPU array.
        cpu_slice, gpu_slice = {}, {}

        # Set up source slicing
        for src in xrange(nsrc_lower, nsrc_upper, self.src_diff):
            src_end = min(src + self.src_diff, nsrc_upper)
            src_diff = src_end - src
            cpu_slice[Options.NSRC] = slice(src, src_end, 1)
            gpu_slice[Options.NSRC] = slice(0, src_diff, 1)

            # Get the source slice ranges for each individual
            # source type, and update the CPU dictionary with them
            src_range_slices = mbu.source_range_slices(
                src, src_end, src_nr_var_counts)

            # and configure the same for GPU slices
            for s in src_nr_vars:
                cpu_var = cpu_slice[s]
                gpu_slice[s] = slice(0, cpu_var.stop - cpu_var.start, 1)

            yield (cpu_slice.copy(), gpu_slice.copy())
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _construct_tensorflow_feed_data(dfs, cube, iter_dims,

    FD = AttrDict()
    # https://github.com/bcj/AttrDict/issues/34
    FD._setattr('_sequence_type', list)
    # Reference local staging_areas
    FD.local = local = AttrDict()
    # https://github.com/bcj/AttrDict/issues/34
    local._setattr('_sequence_type', list)

    # Create placholder variables for source counts
    FD.src_ph_vars = AttrDict({
        n: tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=(), name=n)
        for n in ['nsrc'] + mbu.source_nr_vars()})

    # Create placeholder variables for properties
    FD.property_ph_vars = AttrDict({
        n: tf.placeholder(dtype=p.dtype, shape=(), name=n)
        for n, p in cube.properties().iteritems() })

    # Determine which arrays need feeding once/multiple times

    # Take all arrays flagged as input
    input_arrays = [a for a in cube.arrays().itervalues()
                    if 'input' in a.tags]

    src_data_sources, feed_many, feed_once = _partition(iter_dims,

    # Descriptor staging area

    local.descriptor = create_staging_area_wrapper('descriptors',
        ['descriptor'], dfs)

    # Staging area for multiply fed data sources

    # Create the staging_area for holding the feed many input
    local.feed_many = [create_staging_area_wrapper('feed_many_%d' % i,
                ['descriptor'] + [a.name for a in feed_many], dfs)
            for i in range(nr_of_input_staging_areas)]

    # Staging areas for each radio source data sources

    # Create the source array staging areas
    local.sources = { src_nr_var: [
            create_staging_area_wrapper('%s_%d' % (src_type, i),
            [a.name for a in src_data_sources[src_nr_var]], dfs)
            for i in range(nr_of_input_staging_areas)]

        for src_type, src_nr_var in source_var_types().iteritems()

    # The single output staging_area

    local.output = create_staging_area_wrapper('output',
        ['descriptor', 'model_vis', 'chi_squared'], dfs)

    # Create tensorflow variables which are
    # fed only once via an assign operation

    def _make_feed_once_tuple(array):
        dtype = dfs[array.name].dtype

        ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=dtype,
            name=a.name + "_placeholder")

        var = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(1,), dtype=dtype),

        op = tf.assign(var, ph, validate_shape=False)
        #op = tf.Print(op, [tf.shape(var), tf.shape(op)],
        #    message="Assigning {}".format(array.name))

        return FeedOnce(ph, var, op)

    # Create placeholders, variables and assign operators
    # for data sources that we will only feed once
    local.feed_once = { a.name : _make_feed_once_tuple(a)
        for a in feed_once }

    # Construct the list of data sources that need feeding

    # Data sources from input staging_areas
    src_sa = [q for sq in local.sources.values() for q in sq]
    all_staging_areas = local.feed_many + src_sa
    input_sources = { a for q in all_staging_areas
                        for a in q.fed_arrays}
    # Data sources from feed once variables

    local.input_sources = input_sources

    return FD
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _apply_source_provider_dim_updates(cube, source_providers, budget_dims):
    Given a list of source_providers, apply the list of
    suggested dimension updates given in provider.updated_dimensions()
    to the supplied hypercube.

    Dimension global_sizes are always updated with the supplied sizes and
    lower_extent is always set to 0. upper_extent is set to any reductions
    (current upper_extents) existing in budget_dims, otherwise it is set
    to global_size.

    # Create a mapping between a dimension and a
    # list of (global_size, provider_name) tuples
    update_map = collections.defaultdict(list)

    for prov in source_providers:
        for dim_tuple in prov.updated_dimensions():
            name, size = dim_tuple

            # Don't accept any updates on the nsrc dimension
            # This is managed internally
            if name == 'nsrc':

            dim_update = DimensionUpdate(size, prov.name())

    # No dimensions were updated, quit early
    if len(update_map) == 0:
        return cube.bytes_required()

    # Ensure that the global sizes we receive
    # for each dimension are unique. Tell the user
    # when conflicts occur
    update_list = []

    for name, updates in update_map.iteritems():
        if not all(updates[0].size == du.size for du in updates[1:]):
            raise ValueError("Received conflicting "
                "global size updates '{u}'"
                " for dimension '{n}'.".format(n=name, u=updates))

        update_list.append((name, updates[0].size))

    montblanc.log.info("Updating dimensions {} from "
                        "source providers.".format(str(update_list)))

    # Now update our dimensions
    for name, global_size in update_list:
        # Defer to existing any existing budgeted extent sizes
        # Otherwise take the global_size
        extent_size = budget_dims.get(name, global_size)

        # Take the global_size if extent_size was previously zero!
        extent_size = global_size if extent_size == 0 else extent_size

        # Clamp extent size to global size
        if extent_size > global_size:
            extent_size = global_size

        # Update the dimension

    # Handle global number of sources differently
    # It's equal to the number of
    # point's, gaussian's, sersic's combined
    nsrc = sum(cube.dim_global_size(*mbu.source_nr_vars()))

    # Extent size will be equal to whatever source type
    # we're currently iterating over. So just take
    # the maximum extent size given the sources
    es = max(cube.dim_extent_size(*mbu.source_nr_vars()))


    # Return our cube size
    return cube.bytes_required()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _budget(cube, slvr_cfg):
    # Figure out a viable dimension configuration
    # given the total problem size
    mem_budget = slvr_cfg.get('mem_budget', 2*ONE_GB)
    bytes_required = cube.bytes_required()

    src_dims = mbu.source_nr_vars() + ['nsrc']
    dim_names = ['na', 'nbl', 'ntime'] + src_dims
    global_sizes = cube.dim_global_size(*dim_names)
    na, nbl, ntime = global_sizes[:3]

    # Keep track of original dimension sizes and any reductions that are applied
    original_sizes = { r: s for r, s in zip(dim_names, global_sizes) }
    applied_reductions = {}

    def _reduction():
        # Reduce over time first
        trange = _uniq_log2_range(1, ntime, 5)
        for t in trange[0:1]:
            yield [('ntime', t)]

        # Attempt reduction over source
        sbs = slvr_cfg['source_batch_size']
        srange = _uniq_log2_range(10, sbs, 5) if sbs > 10 else 10
        src_dim_gs = global_sizes[3:]

        for bs in srange:
            yield [(d, bs if bs < gs else gs) for d, gs
                in zip(src_dims, src_dim_gs)]

        # Try the rest of the timesteps
        for t in trange[1:]:
            yield [('ntime', t)]

        # Reduce by baseline
        for bl in _uniq_log2_range(na, nbl, 5):
            yield [('nbl', bl)]

    for reduction in _reduction():
        if bytes_required > mem_budget:
            for dim, size in reduction:
                applied_reductions[dim] = size
                cube.update_dimension(dim, lower_extent=0, upper_extent=size)

        bytes_required = cube.bytes_required()

    # Log some information about the memory_budget
    # and dimension reduction
    montblanc.log.info(("Selected a solver memory budget of {rb} "
        "given a hard limit of {mb}.").format(

    if len(applied_reductions) > 0:
        montblanc.log.info("The following dimension reductions "
            "were applied:")

        for k, v in applied_reductions.iteritems():
            montblanc.log.info('{p}{d}: {id} => {rd}'.format
                (p=' '*4, d=k, id=original_sizes[k], rd=v))
        montblanc.log.info("No dimension reductions were applied.")

    return applied_reductions, bytes_required
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _thread_budget(self, slvr_cfg, A_sub, props):
        Get memory budget and dimension reduction
        information from the CUDA device associated
        with the current thread and context
        montblanc.log.debug('Budgeting in thread %s',

        # Query free memory on this context
        (free_mem, total_mem) = cuda.mem_get_info()

        device = self.thread_local.context.get_device()

        montblanc.log.info('{d}: {t} total {f} free.'.format(

        # Work with a supplied memory budget, otherwise use
        # free memory less an amount equal to the upper size
        # of an NVIDIA context
        mem_budget = slvr_cfg.get('mem_budget', free_mem - 200 * ONE_MB)

        nsolvers = slvr_cfg.get(Options.NSOLVERS)
        na = slvr_cfg.get(Options.NA)
        nsrc = slvr_cfg.get(Options.SOURCE_BATCH_SIZE)
        src_str_list = [Options.NSRC] + mbu.source_nr_vars()
        src_reduction_str = '&'.join(
            ['%s=%s' % (nr_var, nsrc) for nr_var in src_str_list])

        ntime_split = np.int32(np.ceil(100.0 / nsolvers))
        ntime_split_str = 'ntime={n}'.format(n=ntime_split)

        # Figure out a viable dimension configuration
        # given the total problem size
        viable, modded_dims = mbu.viable_dim_config(mem_budget, A_sub, props, [
            ntime_split_str, src_reduction_str, 'ntime',
            'nbl={na}&na={na}'.format(na=na), 'nchan=50%'
        ], nsolvers)

        # Create property dictionary with updated
        # dimensions.
        P = props.copy()

        required_mem = mbu.dict_array_bytes_required(A_sub, P)

        if not viable:
            dim_set_str = ', '.join(
                ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in modded_dims.iteritems()])

            ary_list_str = '\n'.join([
                '%-*s %-*s %s' %
                (15, a['name'], 10, mbu.fmt_bytes(mbu.dict_array_bytes(
                    a, P)), mbu.shape_from_str_tuple(a['shape'], P))
                for a in sorted(A_sub,
                                key=lambda a: mbu.dict_array_bytes(a, P))

            raise MemoryError(
                "Tried reducing the problem size "
                "by setting '%s' on all arrays, "
                "but the resultant required memory of %s "
                "for each of %d solvers is too big "
                "to fit within the memory budget of %s. "
                "List of biggests offenders:\n%s "
                "\nSplitting the problem along the "
                "channel dimension needs to be "
                "implemented." %
                (dim_set_str, mbu.fmt_bytes(required_mem), nsolvers,
                 mbu.fmt_bytes(mem_budget), ary_list_str))

        return P, modded_dims, required_mem
Ejemplo n.º 11
import montblanc.impl.rime.v4.RimeSolver as BSV4mod

from montblanc.impl.rime.v5.RimeSolver import RimeSolver

ONE_KB = 1024

ASYNC_HTOD = 'htod'
ASYNC_DTOH = 'dtoh'

ALL_SLICE = slice(None, None, 1)
EMPTY_SLICE = slice(0, 0, 1)

ORDERING_CONSTRAINTS = {nr_var: 1 for nr_var in mbu.source_nr_vars()}
    'nsrc': 1,
    'ntime': 2,
    'nbl': 3,
    'na': 3,
    'nchan': 4

    ' or '.join(['nsrc'] + mbu.source_nr_vars()), 'ntime',
    ' or '.join(['nbl', 'na']), 'nchan'

def _update_refs(pool, new_refs):
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _thread_budget(self, slvr_cfg, A_sub, props):
        Get memory budget and dimension reduction
        information from the CUDA device associated
        with the current thread and context
        montblanc.log.debug('Budgeting in thread %s', threading.current_thread())

        # Query free memory on this context
        (free_mem,total_mem) = cuda.mem_get_info()

        device = self.thread_local.context.get_device()

        montblanc.log.info('{d}: {t} total {f} free.'.format(
           d=device.name(), f=mbu.fmt_bytes(free_mem), t=mbu.fmt_bytes(total_mem)))

        # Work with a supplied memory budget, otherwise use
        # free memory less an amount equal to the upper size
        # of an NVIDIA context
        mem_budget = slvr_cfg.get('mem_budget', free_mem - 200*ONE_MB)

        nsolvers = slvr_cfg.get(Options.NSOLVERS)
        na = slvr_cfg.get(Options.NA)
        nsrc = slvr_cfg.get(Options.SOURCE_BATCH_SIZE)
        src_str_list = [Options.NSRC] + mbu.source_nr_vars()
        src_reduction_str = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (nr_var, nsrc)
            for nr_var in src_str_list])

        ntime_split = np.int32(np.ceil(100.0 / nsolvers))
        ntime_split_str = 'ntime={n}'.format(n=ntime_split)

        # Figure out a viable dimension configuration
        # given the total problem size 
        viable, modded_dims = mbu.viable_dim_config(
            mem_budget, A_sub, props,
                [ntime_split_str, src_reduction_str, 'ntime',

        # Create property dictionary with updated
        # dimensions.
        P = props.copy()

        required_mem = mbu.dict_array_bytes_required(A_sub, P)

        if not viable:
            dim_set_str = ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k,v)
                for k,v in modded_dims.iteritems()])

            ary_list_str = '\n'.join(['%-*s %-*s %s' % (
                15, a['name'],
                10, mbu.fmt_bytes(mbu.dict_array_bytes(a, P)),
                for a in sorted(A_sub,
                    key=lambda a: mbu.dict_array_bytes(a, P))])

            raise MemoryError("Tried reducing the problem size "
                "by setting '%s' on all arrays, "
                "but the resultant required memory of %s "
                "for each of %d solvers is too big "
                "to fit within the memory budget of %s. "
                "List of biggests offenders:\n%s "
                "\nSplitting the problem along the "
                "channel dimension needs to be "
                "implemented." %

        return P, modded_dims, required_mem
Ejemplo n.º 13
import montblanc.impl.rime.v4.RimeSolver as BSV4mod

from montblanc.impl.rime.v5.RimeSolver import RimeSolver

ONE_KB = 1024

ASYNC_HTOD = 'htod'
ASYNC_DTOH = 'dtoh'

ALL_SLICE = slice(None,None,1)
EMPTY_SLICE = slice(0,0,1)

ORDERING_CONSTRAINTS = { nr_var : 1 for nr_var in mbu.source_nr_vars() }
ORDERING_CONSTRAINTS.update({ 'nsrc' : 1,
    'ntime': 2, 'nbl': 3, 'na': 3, 'nchan': 4 })

ORDERING_RANK = [' or '.join(['nsrc'] + mbu.source_nr_vars()),
    'ntime', ' or '.join(['nbl', 'na']), 'nchan']

def _update_refs(pool, new_refs):
    for key, value in new_refs.iteritems():

class CompositeRimeSolver(MontblancNumpySolver):
    Composite solver implementation for RIME.

    Implements a solver composed of multiple RimeSolvers. The sub-solver