Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_find_exts(self):
     self.assertTrue(len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "py")) >= 18)
     self.assertEqual(len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bz2")), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bz2",
                                    exclude_dirs="test_files")), 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bz2",
                                    include_dirs="test_files")), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: test_os.py Proyecto: utf/monty
 def test_find_exts(self):
     self.assertTrue(len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "py")) >= 18)
     self.assertEqual(len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bz2")), 2)
         len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bz2", exclude_dirs="test_files")),
         len(find_exts(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bz2", include_dirs="test_files")),
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

    path_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
    path_parser.add_argument('top', default=".", help="Top-level directory")

    # Create the parsers for the sub-commands
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='sub-command help', description="Valid subcommands")

    p_generate = subparsers.add_parser('generate', parents=[path_parser], help="Generate ipython notebooks")
    p_runipy = subparsers.add_parser('runipy', parents=[path_parser], help="Execute ipython ipython with runipy")

    options = parser.parse_args()

    from monty.os.path import find_exts

    if options.command == "generate":
        # Generate ipython notebooks.
        #for path in find_paths(options.top, exts):
        for path in find_exts(options.top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*|.*"):

    elif options.command == "runipy":
        # Use runipy to execute and update the notebook.
        # Warning: this does not work in the sense that plots are produced!
        from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
        #for path in find_paths(options.top, exts="ipynb"):
        for path in find_exts(options.top, exts="ipynb", exclude_dirs="_*|.*"):
                check_output(["runipy", "-o", path])
                #check_output(["ipython", "notebook", path])
            except CalledProcessError as exc:
                print("returncode:", exc.returncode)
                print("output:\n%s", exc.output)

            #from runipy.notebook_runner import NotebookRunner
            #from IPython.nbformat.current import read

            #with open(path, "r") as fh:
            #    notebook = read(fh, 'json')
            #    r = NotebookRunner(notebook)
            #    r.run_notebook()
            #    from IPython.nbformat.current import write
            #    write(r.nb, open("MyOtherNotebook.ipynb", 'w'), 'json')

        raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle command %s" % options.command)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_pseudos(options):
        Find pseudos in paths, return :class:`PseudoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
        Accepts filepaths or directory.

        paths = options.pseudos
        if len(paths) == 1 and os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
            top = paths[0]
            paths = find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*")
            #table = PseudoTable.from_dir(paths[0])

        pseudos = []
        for p in paths:
            except Exception as exc:
                warn("Error in %s:\n%s" % (p, exc))

        table = PseudoTable(pseudos)

        # Here we select a subset of pseudos according to family or rows
        if options.rows:
            table = table.select_rows(options.rows)
        elif options.family:
            table = table.select_families(options.family)

        if options.symbols:
            table = table.select_symbols(options.symbols)

        return table.sort_by_z()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_html(ctx):
    # Get all ipynb files
    top = os.path.join(ABIPY_ROOTDIR, "abitutorials")
    from monty.os.path import find_exts
    nbpaths = find_exts(top,
    # Basenames must be unique.
    assert len(nbpaths) == len(set([os.path.basename(p) for p in nbpaths]))
    #nb_paths = [path for path in nbpaths
    #                 if not any([path.startswith(e) for e in EXCLUDE_NBS])]
    #self.nb_paths = sorted(nbpaths)
    #print("top", top, "\nnbpaths", nbpaths)

    retcode = 0
    for path in nbpaths:
        print("Building notebook:", path)
            nb, errors = notebook_run(path, with_html=True)
            if errors:
                retcode += 1
                for e in errors:

        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
            retcode += 1

    return retcode
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setUp(self):
     # Get all ipynb files
     top = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     top = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(top, ".."))
     nbpaths = find_exts(top,
     # Basenames must be unique.
     assert len(nbpaths) == len(set([os.path.basename(p) for p in nbpaths]))
     #nb_paths = [path for path in nbpaths
     #                 if not any([path.startswith(e) for e in EXCLUDE_NBS])]
     self.nb_paths = sorted(nbpaths)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def pyscript(basename):
    """Return the absolute name of one of the scripts in the `examples` directory from its basename."""

    global _SCRIPTS
    if _SCRIPTS is None:
        # Build mapping basename --> path.
        from monty.os.path import find_exts
        pypaths = find_exts(_SCRIPTS_DIRPATH, ".py", exclude_dirs="_*|.*")
        _SCRIPTS = {}
        for p in pypaths:
            k = os.path.basename(p)
            assert k not in _SCRIPTS
            _SCRIPTS[k] = p

    return _SCRIPTS[basename]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def pyscript(basename):
    """Return the absolute name of one of the scripts in the `examples` directory from its basename."""

    global _SCRIPTS 
    if _SCRIPTS is None:
        # Build mapping basename --> path.
        from monty.os.path import find_exts
        pypaths = find_exts(_SCRIPTS_DIRPATH, ".py", exclude_dirs="_*|.*")
        _SCRIPTS = {}
        for p in pypaths:
            k = os.path.basename(p)
            assert k not in _SCRIPTS
            _SCRIPTS[k] = p

    return _SCRIPTS[basename]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_pseudos(top):
    Find pseudos within top, return :class:`PseudoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
    from monty.os.path import find_exts
    from pymatgen.io.abinit.pseudos import PseudoTable, Pseudo
    exts = ("psp8",)
    pseudos = []
    for p in find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*"):
        except Exception as exc:
            from warnings import warn
            warn("Exception in pseudo %s:\n%s" % (p.filepath, exc))

    return PseudoTable(pseudos).sort_by_z()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_pseudos(top):
    Find pseudos within top, return :class:`PseudoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
    from monty.os.path import find_exts
    from pymatgen.io.abinit.pseudos import PseudoTable, Pseudo
    exts = ("psp8",)
    pseudos = []
    for p in find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*"):
        except Exception as exc:
            from warnings import warn
            warn("Exception in pseudo %s:\n%s" % (p.filepath, exc))

    return PseudoTable(pseudos).sort_by_z()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_pseudos(options):
        Find pseudos in paths, return :class:`DojoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
        Accepts filepaths or directory.
        exts = ("psp8", "xml")

        paths = options.pseudos

        if len(paths) == 1:
            # Handle directory argument
            if os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
                top = os.path.abspath(paths[0])
                paths = find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*")
            # Handle glob syntax e.g. "./*.psp8"
            elif "*" in paths[0]:
                paths = glob.glob(paths[0])

        if options.verbose > 1: print("Will read pseudo from: %s" % paths)

        pseudos = []
        for p in paths:
                pseudo = dojopseudo_from_file(p)
                if pseudo is None:
                    cprint("[%s] Pseudo.from_file returned None. Something wrong in file!" % p, "red")

            except Exception as exc:
                cprint("[%s] Python exception. This pseudo will be ignored" % p, "red")
                if options.verbose: print(exc)

        table = DojoTable(pseudos)

        # Here we select a subset of pseudos according to family or rows
        if options.rows:
            table = table.select_rows(options.rows)
        elif options.family:
            table = table.select_families(options.family)

        # here we select chemical symbols.
        if options.symbols:
            table = table.select_symbols(options.symbols)

        return table.sort_by_z()
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def get_pseudos(options):
        Find pseudos in paths, return :class:`DojoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z.
        Accepts filepaths or directory.
        exts = ("psp8", "xml")

        paths = options.pseudos

        if len(paths) == 1:
            # Handle directory argument
            if os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
                top = os.path.abspath(paths[0])
                paths = find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*")
            # Handle glob syntax e.g. "./*.psp8"
            elif "*" in paths[0]:
                paths = glob.glob(paths[0])

        if options.verbose > 1: print("Will read pseudo from: %s" % paths)

        pseudos = []
        for p in paths:
                pseudo = dojopseudo_from_file(p)
                if pseudo is None:
                    cprint("[%s] Pseudo.from_file returned None. Something wrong in file!" % p, "red")

            except Exception as exc:
                cprint("[%s] Python exception. This pseudo will be ignored" % p, "red")
                if options.verbose: print(exc)

        table = DojoTable(pseudos)

        # Here we select a subset of pseudos according to family or rows
        if options.rows:
            table = table.select_rows(options.rows)
        elif options.family:
            table = table.select_families(options.family)

        # here we select chemical symbols.
        if options.symbols:
            table = table.select_symbols(options.symbols)

        return table.sort_by_z()
Ejemplo n.º 13
def pyscript(basename):
    Return the absolute name of one of the scripts in the `examples` directory from its basename.
    global _SCRIPTS
    if _SCRIPTS is None:
        # Build mapping basename --> path.
        from monty.os.path import find_exts
        pypaths = find_exts(_SCRIPTS_DIRPATH, ".py", exclude_dirs="_*|.*|develop", match_mode="basename")
        _SCRIPTS = {}
        for p in pypaths:
            k = os.path.basename(p)
            # Ignore e.g. __init__.py and private scripts.
            if k.startswith("_"): continue
            if k in _SCRIPTS:
                raise ValueError("Fond duplicated basenames with name %s\nPrevious %s" % (k, _SCRIPTS[k]))
            _SCRIPTS[k] = p

    return _SCRIPTS[basename]
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def get_djrepo_paths(options):
        Find and retur list of djson paths from options
        Accepts filepaths or directory.
        paths = options.paths

        if len(paths) == 1:
            # Handle directory argument
            if os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
                top = os.path.abspath(paths[0])
                paths = find_exts(top, ["djrepo"], exclude_dirs="_*")
            # Handle glob syntax e.g. "./*.psp8"
            elif "*" in paths[0]:
                paths = [f for f in glob.glob(paths[0]) if f.endswith(".djrepo")]
            paths = [p for p in paths if p.endswith(".djrepo")]

        return paths
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_all_pseudo_files(self):
        """Testing all pseudopotential files located in the stable directories."""
        def ppath_from_djpath(djpath):
            """Return the path of the pseudo from djrepo path."""
            root, ext = os.path.splitext(djpath)
            found = []
            for ext in KNOWN_PPEXTENSIONS:
                if os.path.exists(root + ext): found.append(root + ext)
            if not found:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find pseudo file associated to %s" %
            if len(found) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Found multiple files associated to %s" %
            return found[0]

        retcode, count = 0, 0
        for top in all_dojotable_absdirs():
            # Find all djrepo files
            djrepo_paths = find_exts(top, exts=("djrepo"), exclude_dirs="_*")
            #assert djrepo_paths # TODO

            for djp in djrepo_paths:
                count += 1
                    pp_path = ppath_from_djpath(djp)
                except ValueError as exc:
                        "Exception %s\n while trying to find pp_file from djrepo: %s"
                        % (exc, djp))
                    retcode += 1

                    retcode += check_pseudo_path(pp_path, verbose=1)
                except Exception as exc:
                    print("Exception %s\n while testing: %s" % (exc, pp_path))
                    retcode += 1

        print("Found %s/%s (errors/totnum_files)" % (retcode, count))
        assert count > 0
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def get_djrepo_paths(options):
        Find and retur list of djson paths from options
        Accepts filepaths or directory.
        paths = options.paths

        if len(paths) == 1:
            # Handle directory argument
            if os.path.isdir(paths[0]):
                top = os.path.abspath(paths[0])
                paths = find_exts(top, ["djrepo"], exclude_dirs="_*")
            # Handle glob syntax e.g. "./*.psp8"
            elif "*" in paths[0]:
                paths = [
                    f for f in glob.glob(paths[0]) if f.endswith(".djrepo")
            paths = [p for p in paths if p.endswith(".djrepo")]

        return paths
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main():
        top = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print("Usage: extract_djreport TOPDIR")

    # Find all .psp8 files starting from top.
    paths = find_exts(top, ["psp8"], exclude_dirs="_*")

    for path in paths:

            pseudo = Pseudo.from_file(path)
        except Exception as exc:
            print(path, exc)

        if pseudo is None:
            print("Parser error in %s" % path)

        report_file = path.replace(".psp8", ".djrepo")
        if os.path.exists(report_file):
            #print("New DOJO file already exists. Ignoring", pseudo.filepath)

        print("Moving DOJOREPORT to", report_file)

        report = remove_dojo_report(pseudo.filepath)

        # Change md5 and pseudo_type
        report["md5"] = pseudo.compute_md5()
        if report["pseudo_type"] == "norm-conserving":
            report["pseudo_type"] = "NC"

        with open(report_file, "wt") as fh:
            json.dump(report, fh, indent=-1, sort_keys=True)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_all_pseudo_files(self):
        """Testing all pseudopotential files located in the stable directories."""

        def ppath_from_djpath(djpath):
            """Return the path of the pseudo from djrepo path."""
            root, ext = os.path.splitext(djpath)
            found = []
            for ext in KNOWN_PPEXTENSIONS:
                if os.path.exists(root + ext): found.append(root + ext)
            if not found:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find pseudo file associated to %s" % djpath)
            if len(found) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Found multiple files associated to %s" % djpath)
            return found[0]

        retcode, count = 0, 0
        for top in all_dojotable_absdirs():
            # Find all djrepo files
            djrepo_paths = find_exts(top, exts=("djrepo"), exclude_dirs="_*")
            #assert djrepo_paths # TODO

            for djp in djrepo_paths:
                count += 1
                    pp_path = ppath_from_djpath(djp)
                except ValueError as exc:
                    print("Exception %s\n while trying to find pp_file from djrepo: %s" % (exc, djp))
                    retcode += 1

                    retcode += check_pseudo_path(pp_path, verbose=1)
                except Exception as exc:
                    print("Exception %s\n while testing: %s" % (exc, pp_path))
                    retcode += 1

        print("Found %s/%s (errors/totnum_files)" % (retcode, count))
        assert count > 0
Ejemplo n.º 19
def update_directory(directory):
    Modifies all objects in a directory such that
    any incompatible module names (e. g. beep_ep)
    are renamed to beep

        directory (str): directory


    fnames = find_exts(directory, "json")
    for fname in tqdm(fnames):
        with open(fname, "r") as f:
            data = json.loads(f.read())
        # For now just skip lists
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            module = data.get("@module", "")
            if "beep_ep" in module:
                data["@module"] = module.replace("beep_ep", "beep")
                with open(fname, "w") as f:
Ejemplo n.º 20
def pyscript(basename):
    Return the absolute name of one of the scripts in the `examples` directory from its basename.
    global _SCRIPTS
    if _SCRIPTS is None:
        # Build mapping basename --> path.
        from monty.os.path import find_exts
        pypaths = find_exts(_SCRIPTS_DIRPATH,
        _SCRIPTS = {}
        for p in pypaths:
            k = os.path.basename(p)
            # Ignore e.g. __init__.py and private scripts.
            if k.startswith("_"): continue
            if k in _SCRIPTS:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Fond duplicated basenames with name %s\nPrevious %s" %
                    (k, _SCRIPTS[k]))
            _SCRIPTS[k] = p

    return _SCRIPTS[basename]