Ejemplo n.º 1
def createChemModel(neuroCompt, spineCompt, psdCompt):
    # Stuff in spine + psd
    #psdCa = createPool( psdCompt, 'Ca', 0.0001 )
    psdGluR = createPool(psdCompt, 'psdGluR', 1)
    headCa = createPool(spineCompt, 'Ca', 1e-4)
    headGluR = createPool(spineCompt, 'headGluR', 2)
    toPsd = createPool(spineCompt, 'toPsd', 0)
    toPsdInact = createPool(spineCompt, 'toPsdInact', 1e-3)
    turnOnPsd = moose.Reac(spineCompt.path + '/turnOnPsd')
    moose.connect(turnOnPsd, 'sub', headCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(turnOnPsd, 'sub', toPsdInact, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(turnOnPsd, 'prd', toPsd, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    turnOnPsd.Kf = 1e3
    turnOnPsd.Kb = 1
    toPsdEnz = moose.Enz(toPsd.path + '/enz')
    toPsdEnzCplx = moose.Pool(toPsdEnz.path + '/cplx')
    toPsdEnzCplx.concInit = 0
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'enz', toPsd, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'sub', headGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'prd', psdGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'cplx', toPsdEnzCplx, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    toPsdEnz.Km = 1.0e-3
    toPsdEnz.kcat = 10.0
    fromPsd = moose.Reac(psdCompt.path + '/fromPsd')
    moose.connect(fromPsd, 'sub', psdGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(fromPsd, 'prd', headGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    fromPsd.Kf = 0.5
    fromPsd.Kb = 0.0
    # Stuff in dendrite
    dendCa = createPool(neuroCompt, 'Ca', 1e-4)
    bufCa = moose.Pool(neuroCompt.path + '/bufCa')
    bufCa.concInit = 1e-4
    pumpCa = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/pumpCa')
    moose.connect(pumpCa, 'sub', dendCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(pumpCa, 'prd', bufCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    pumpCa.Kf = 1
    pumpCa.Kb = 1
    dendKinaseInact = createPool(neuroCompt, 'inact_kinase', 1e-4)
    dendKinase = createPool(neuroCompt, 'Ca.kinase', 0.0)
    dendTurnOnKinase = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/turnOnKinase')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendCa, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendKinaseInact, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'prd', dendKinase, 'reac')
    dendTurnOnKinase.Kf = 50000
    dendTurnOnKinase.Kb = 1
    dendKinaseEnz = moose.Enz(dendKinase.path + '/enz')
    dendKinaseEnzCplx = moose.Pool(dendKinase.path + '/enz/cplx')
    kChan = createPool(neuroCompt, 'kChan', 1e-3)
    kChan_p = createPool(neuroCompt, 'kChan_p', 0.0)
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'enz', dendKinase, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'sub', kChan, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'prd', kChan_p, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'cplx', dendKinaseEnzCplx, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    dendKinaseEnz.Km = 1e-4
    dendKinaseEnz.kcat = 20
    dendPhosphatase = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/phosphatase')
    moose.connect(dendPhosphatase, 'sub', kChan_p, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendPhosphatase, 'prd', kChan, 'reac')
    dendPhosphatase.Kf = 1
    dendPhosphatase.Kb = 0.0
def makeModel():
    """ This function creates a bistable reaction system using explicit
    MOOSE calls rather than load from a file.
    The reaction is::

        a ---b---> 2b    # b catalyzes a to form more of b.
        2b ---c---> a    # c catalyzes b to form a.
        a <======> 2b    # a interconverts to b.

    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh('/model/compartment')
    compartment.volume = 1e-15
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element('/model/compartment/mesh')

    # create molecules and reactions
    size = 100
    for i in range(size):
        a = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/a%s' % i)
        b = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b%s' % i)
        c = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c%s' % i)
        enz1 = moose.Enz('%s/enz1' % a.path)
        enz2 = moose.Enz('%s/enz2' % c.path)
        cplx1 = moose.Pool('%s/cplx' % enz1.path)
        cplx2 = moose.Pool('%s/cplx' % enz2.path)
        reac = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/reac%s' % i)

        # connect them up for reactions
        moose.connect(enz1, 'sub', a, 'reac')
        moose.connect(enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac')
        moose.connect(enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac')  # Note 2 molecules of b.
        moose.connect(enz1, 'enz', b, 'reac')
        moose.connect(enz1, 'cplx', cplx1, 'reac')

        moose.connect(enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac')
        moose.connect(enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac')  # Note 2 molecules of b.
        moose.connect(enz2, 'prd', a, 'reac')
        moose.connect(enz2, 'enz', c, 'reac')
        moose.connect(enz2, 'cplx', cplx2, 'reac')

        moose.connect(reac, 'sub', a, 'reac')
        moose.connect(reac, 'prd', b, 'reac')
        moose.connect(reac, 'prd', b, 'reac')  # Note 2 order in b.
        # Assign parameters
        a.concInit = 1
        b.concInit = 0
        c.concInit = 0.01
        enz1.kcat = 0.4
        enz1.Km = 4
        enz2.kcat = 0.6
        enz2.Km = 0.01
        reac.Kf = 0.001
        reac.Kb = 0.01
    return compartment
Ejemplo n.º 3
def makeModel():
                # create container for model
                model = moose.Neutral( 'model' )
                compartment = moose.CubeMesh( '/model/compartment' )
                compartment.volume = 1e-20
                # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
                mesh = moose.element( '/model/compartment/mesh' )

                # create molecules and reactions
                a = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/a' )
                b = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b' )
                c = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c' )
                enz1 = moose.Enz( '/model/compartment/b/enz1' )
                enz2 = moose.Enz( '/model/compartment/c/enz2' )
                cplx1 = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b/enz1/cplx' )
                cplx2 = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c/enz2/cplx' )
                reac = moose.Reac( '/model/compartment/reac' )

                # connect them up for reactions
                moose.connect( enz1, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
                moose.connect( enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
                moose.connect( enz1, 'enz', b, 'reac' )
                moose.connect( enz1, 'cplx', cplx1, 'reac' )

                moose.connect( enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac' )
                moose.connect( enz2, 'prd', a, 'reac' )
                moose.connect( enz2, 'enz', c, 'reac' )
                moose.connect( enz2, 'cplx', cplx2, 'reac' )

                moose.connect( reac, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
                moose.connect( reac, 'prd', b, 'reac' )

                # connect them up to the compartment for volumes
                #for x in ( a, b, c, cplx1, cplx2 ):
                #                        moose.connect( x, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh' )

                # Assign parameters
                a.concInit = 1
                b.concInit = 0
                c.concInit = 0.01
                enz1.kcat = 0.4
                enz1.Km = 4
                enz2.kcat = 0.6
                enz2.Km = 0.01
                reac.Kf = 0.001
                reac.Kb = 0.01

                # Create the output tables
                graphs = moose.Neutral( '/model/graphs' )
                outputA = moose.Table2( '/model/graphs/concA' )
                outputB = moose.Table2( '/model/graphs/concB' )

                # connect up the tables
                moose.connect( outputA, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc' );
                moose.connect( outputB, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc' );

Ejemplo n.º 4
def makeModel():
    """This function creates a bistable reaction system using explicit
    MOOSE calls rather than load from a file.
    The reaction is::

        a ---b---> 2b    # b catalyzes a to form more of b.
        2b ---c---> a    # c catalyzes b to form a.
        a <======> 2b    # a interconverts to b.

    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral("model")
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh("/model/compartment")
    compartment.volume = 1e-15
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element("/model/compartment/mesh")

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.BufPool("/model/compartment/a")
    b = moose.Pool("/model/compartment/b")
    c = moose.Pool("/model/compartment/c")
    enz1 = moose.Enz("/model/compartment/b/enz1")
    enz2 = moose.Enz("/model/compartment/c/enz2")
    cplx1 = moose.Pool("/model/compartment/b/enz1/cplx")
    cplx2 = moose.Pool("/model/compartment/c/enz2/cplx")
    reac = moose.Reac("/model/compartment/reac")

    # connect them up for reactions
    moose.connect(enz1, "sub", a, "reac")
    moose.connect(enz1, "prd", b, "reac")
    moose.connect(enz1, "prd", b, "reac")  # Note 2 molecules of b.
    moose.connect(enz1, "enz", b, "reac")
    moose.connect(enz1, "cplx", cplx1, "reac")

    moose.connect(enz2, "sub", b, "reac")
    moose.connect(enz2, "sub", b, "reac")  # Note 2 molecules of b.
    moose.connect(enz2, "prd", a, "reac")
    moose.connect(enz2, "enz", c, "reac")
    moose.connect(enz2, "cplx", cplx2, "reac")

    moose.connect(reac, "sub", a, "reac")
    moose.connect(reac, "prd", b, "reac")
    moose.connect(reac, "prd", b, "reac")  # Note 2 order in b.

    # Assign parameters
    a.concInit = 1
    b.concInit = 0
    c.concInit = 0.01
    enz1.kcat = 0.4
    enz1.Km = 4
    enz2.kcat = 0.6
    enz2.Km = 0.01
    reac.Kf = 0.001
    reac.Kb = 0.01

    return compartment
def createChemModel(neuroCompt):
    dendCa = createPool(neuroCompt, 'Ca', 1e-4)
    dendKinaseInact = createPool(neuroCompt, 'inact_kinase', 1e-4)
    dendKinase = createPool(neuroCompt, 'Ca.kinase', 0.0)
    dendTurnOnKinase = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/turnOnKinase')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendCa, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendKinaseInact, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'prd', dendKinase, 'reac')
    dendTurnOnKinase.Kf = 50000
    dendTurnOnKinase.Kb = 1
    dendKinaseEnz = moose.Enz(dendKinase.path + '/enz')
    dendKinaseEnzCplx = moose.Pool(dendKinase.path + '/enz/cplx')
    kChan = createPool(neuroCompt, 'kChan', 1e-3)
    kChan_p = createPool(neuroCompt, 'kChan_p', 0.0)
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'enz', dendKinase, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'sub', kChan, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'prd', kChan_p, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'cplx', dendKinaseEnzCplx, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    dendKinaseEnz.Km = 1e-4
    dendKinaseEnz.kcat = 20
    dendPhosphatase = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/phosphatase')
    moose.connect(dendPhosphatase, 'sub', kChan_p, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendPhosphatase, 'prd', kChan, 'reac')
    dendPhosphatase.Kf = 1
    dendPhosphatase.Kb = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setupEnzymaticReaction(enz, groupName, enzName, specInfoMap,
    enzPool = (modelAnnotaInfo[groupName]["enzyme"])
    enzPool = str(idBeginWith(enzPool))
    enzParent = specInfoMap[enzPool]["Mpath"]
    cplx = (modelAnnotaInfo[groupName]["complex"])
    cplx = str(idBeginWith(cplx))
    complx = moose.element(specInfoMap[cplx]["Mpath"].path)
    enzyme_ = moose.Enz(enzParent.path + '/' + enzName)
    moose.move(complx, enzyme_)
    moose.connect(enzyme_, "cplx", complx, "reac")
    moose.connect(enzyme_, "enz", enzParent, "reac")

    sublist = (modelAnnotaInfo[groupName]["substrate"])
    prdlist = (modelAnnotaInfo[groupName]["product"])

    for si in range(0, len(sublist)):
        sl = sublist[si]
        sl = str(idBeginWith(sl))
        mSId = specInfoMap[sl]["Mpath"]
        moose.connect(enzyme_, "sub", mSId, "reac")

    for pi in range(0, len(prdlist)):
        pl = prdlist[pi]
        pl = str(idBeginWith(pl))
        mPId = specInfoMap[pl]["Mpath"]
        moose.connect(enzyme_, "prd", mPId, "reac")

    if (enz.isSetNotes):
        pullnotes(enz, enzyme_)

    return enzyme_, True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def makeModel():
    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh('/model/compartment')
    compartment.volume = 1e-20
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element('/model/compartment/mesh')

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/a')
    b = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b')
    c = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c')
    enz1 = moose.Enz('/model/compartment/b/enz1')
    enz2 = moose.Enz('/model/compartment/c/enz2')
    cplx1 = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b/enz1/cplx')
    cplx2 = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c/enz2/cplx')
    reac = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/reac')

    # connect them up for reactions
    moose.connect(enz1, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz1, 'enz', b, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz1, 'cplx', cplx1, 'reac')

    moose.connect(enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz2, 'prd', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz2, 'enz', c, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz2, 'cplx', cplx2, 'reac')

    moose.connect(reac, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(reac, 'prd', b, 'reac')

    # connect them up to the compartment for volumes
    #for x in ( a, b, c, cplx1, cplx2 ):
    #			moose.connect( x, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh' )

    # Assign parameters
    a.concInit = 1
    b.concInit = 0
    c.concInit = 0.01
    enz1.kcat = 0.4
    enz1.Km = 4
    enz2.kcat = 0.6
    enz2.Km = 0.01
    reac.Kf = 0.001
    reac.Kb = 0.01

    # Create the output tables
    graphs = moose.Neutral('/model/graphs')
    outputA = moose.Table('/model/graphs/concA')
    outputB = moose.Table('/model/graphs/concB')

    # connect up the tables
    moose.connect(outputA, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc')
    moose.connect(outputB, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc')

    # Schedule the whole lot
    moose.setClock(4, 0.01)  # for the computational objects
    moose.setClock(8, 1.0)  # for the plots
    # The wildcard uses # for single level, and ## for recursive.
    moose.useClock(4, '/model/compartment/##', 'process')
    moose.useClock(8, '/model/graphs/#', 'process')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def checkCreate(scene, view, modelpath, mobj, string, ret_string, num,
                event_pos, layoutPt):
    # The variable 'compt' will be empty when dropping cubeMesh,cyclMesh, but rest it shd be
    # compartment
    # if modelpath.find('/',1) > -1:
    #     modelRoot = modelpath[0:modelpath.find('/',1)]
    # else:
    #     modelRoot = modelpath
    print "28 ", modelpath
    if moose.exists(modelpath + '/info'):
        mType = moose.Annotator((moose.element(modelpath + '/info'))).modeltype
    itemAtView = view.sceneContainerPt.itemAt(view.mapToScene(event_pos))
    pos = view.mapToScene(event_pos)
    modelpath = moose.element(modelpath)
    if num:
        string_num = ret_string + str(num)
        string_num = ret_string
    if string == "CubeMesh" or string == "CylMesh":
        if string == "CylMesh":
            mobj = moose.CylMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)
            mobj = moose.CubeMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)

        mobj.volume = 1e-15
        mesh = moose.element(mobj.path + '/mesh')
        qGItem = ComptItem(scene,
                           pos.toPoint().y(), 100, 100, mobj)
            QtGui.QPen(Qt.QColor(66, 66, 66, 100), 1, Qt.Qt.SolidLine,
                       Qt.Qt.RoundCap, Qt.Qt.RoundJoin))
        compartment = qGItem
        layoutPt.qGraCompt[mobj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), mobj)

    elif string == "Pool" or string == "BufPool":
        #getting pos with respect to compartment otherwise if compartment is moved then pos would be wrong
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        if string == "Pool":
            poolObj = moose.Pool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            poolObj = moose.BufPool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)

        poolinfo = moose.Annotator(poolObj.path + '/info')
        #Compartment's one Pool object is picked to get the font size

        qGItem = PoolItem(poolObj, itemAtView)
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[poolObj] = qGItem
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        bgcolor = getRandColor()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
        poolinfo.color = str(bgcolor.getRgb())
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), poolObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        poolinfo.x = x
        poolinfo.y = y
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]

    elif string == "Reac":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        reacObj = moose.Reac(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        reacinfo = moose.Annotator(reacObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = ReacItem(reacObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(), "white",
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        # reacinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        # reacinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[reacObj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), reacObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        reacinfo.x = x
        reacinfo.y = y

    elif string == "StimulusTable":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        tabObj = moose.StimulusTable(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        tabinfo = moose.Annotator(tabObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = TableItem(tabObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        #tabinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        #tabinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[tabObj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), tabObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        tabinfo.x = x
        tabinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Function":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        funcObj = moose.Function(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        funcinfo = moose.Annotator(funcObj.path + '/info')
        #moose.connect( funcObj, 'valueOut', mobj ,'setN' )
        poolclass = ["ZombieBufPool", "BufPool"]
        comptclass = ["CubeMesh", "cyclMesh"]
        if mobj.className in poolclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[element(mobj.path)]
        elif mobj.className in comptclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
            posWrtComp = funcParent.mapFromScene(pos).toPoint()
            #posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        qGItem = FuncItem(funcObj, funcParent)
        #print " function ", posWrtComp.x(),posWrtComp.y()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('red'), QtGui.QColor('green'))
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[funcObj] = qGItem
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        #funcinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        #funcinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), funcObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        mooseCmpt = findCompartment(mobj)
        if isinstance(mooseCmpt, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mooseCmpt)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        funcinfo.x = x
        funcinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Enz" or string == "MMenz":
        #If 2 enz has same pool parent, then pos of the 2nd enz shd be displaced by some position, need to check how to deal with it
        posWrtComp = pos
        enzPool = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[mobj]
        if ((mobj.parent).className == "Enz"):
                None, 'Drop Not possible',
                '\'{newString}\' has to have Pool as its parent and not Enzyme Complex'
                .format(newString=string), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
            enzparent = findCompartment(mobj)
            parentcompt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[enzparent]
        if string == "Enz":
            enzObj = moose.Enz(moose.element(mobj).path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'enz', mobj, 'reac')
            qGItem = EnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 40,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            enzinfo.textColor = str(QtGui.QColor('green').name())
            #if mType == "new_kkit":
            #enzinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #enzinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()

            #enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            e = moose.Annotator(enzinfo)
            #e.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #e.y = posWrtComp.y()
            Enz_cplx = enzObj.path + '/' + string_num + '_cplx'
            cplxItem = moose.Pool(Enz_cplx)
            cplxinfo = moose.Annotator(cplxItem.path + '/info')
            qGEnz = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj]
            qGItem = CplxItem(cplxItem, qGEnz)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[cplxItem] = qGItem
            enzboundingRect = qGEnz.boundingRect()
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'cplx', cplxItem, 'reac')
            qGItem.setDisplayProperties(enzboundingRect.height() / 2,
                                        enzboundingRect.height() - 40,
            #cplxinfo.x = enzboundingRect.height()/2
            #cplxinfo.y = enzboundingRect.height()-60
            view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)

            enzObj = moose.MMenz(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(mobj, "nOut", enzObj, "enzDest")
            qGItem = MMEnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 30,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            #enzinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #enzinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)

        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(enzparent, moose.ChemCompt):
    if view.iconScale != 1:
Ejemplo n.º 9
def createChemModel(neuroCompt, spineCompt, psdCompt):
    # Stuff in spine + psd
    # The psdCa pool is an unfortunate necessity because of limitations in
    # the solver setup that require molecules to diffuse through all
    # compartments, at least as of the July 2013 version.
    psdCa = createPool(psdCompt, 'Ca', 0.0001)
    psdGluR = createPool(psdCompt, 'psdGluR', 1)
    headCa = createPool(spineCompt, 'Ca', 1e-4)
    headGluR = createPool(spineCompt, 'headGluR', 2)
    toPsd = createPool(spineCompt, 'toPsd', 0)
    toPsdInact = createPool(spineCompt, 'toPsdInact', 1e-3)
    turnOnPsd = moose.Reac(spineCompt.path + '/turnOnPsd')
    moose.connect(turnOnPsd, 'sub', headCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(turnOnPsd, 'sub', toPsdInact, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(turnOnPsd, 'prd', toPsd, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    turnOnPsd.Kf = 1e3
    turnOnPsd.Kb = 1
    toPsdEnz = moose.Enz(toPsd.path + '/enz')
    toPsdEnzCplx = moose.Pool(toPsdEnz.path + '/cplx')
    mesh = moose.element(spineCompt.path + '/mesh')
    moose.connect(toPsdEnzCplx, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh')
    toPsdEnzCplx.concInit = 0
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'enz', toPsd, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'sub', headGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'prd', psdGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(toPsdEnz, 'cplx', toPsdEnzCplx, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    toPsdEnz.Km = 1.0e-3
    toPsdEnz.kcat = 10.0
    fromPsd = moose.Reac(psdCompt.path + '/fromPsd')
    moose.connect(fromPsd, 'sub', psdGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(fromPsd, 'prd', headGluR, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    fromPsd.Kf = 0.5
    fromPsd.Kb = 0.0
    # Stuff in dendrite
    dendCa = createPool(neuroCompt, 'Ca', 1e-4)
    bufCa = moose.Pool(neuroCompt.path + '/bufCa')
    mesh = moose.element(neuroCompt.path + '/mesh')
    moose.connect(mesh, 'mesh', bufCa, 'mesh', 'Single')
    bufCa.concInit = 1e-4
    pumpCa = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/pumpCa')
    moose.connect(pumpCa, 'sub', dendCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(pumpCa, 'prd', bufCa, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    pumpCa.Kf = 1
    pumpCa.Kb = 1
    dendKinaseInact = createPool(neuroCompt, 'inact_kinase', 1e-4)
    dendKinase = createPool(neuroCompt, 'Ca.kinase', 0.0)
    dendTurnOnKinase = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/turnOnKinase')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendCa, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'sub', dendKinaseInact, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendTurnOnKinase, 'prd', dendKinase, 'reac')
    dendTurnOnKinase.Kf = 50000
    dendTurnOnKinase.Kb = 1
    dendKinaseEnz = moose.Enz(dendKinase.path + '/enz')
    dendKinaseEnzCplx = moose.Pool(dendKinase.path + '/enz/cplx')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnzCplx, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh')
    kChan = createPool(neuroCompt, 'kChan', 1e-3)
    kChan_p = createPool(neuroCompt, 'kChan_p', 0.0)
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'enz', dendKinase, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'sub', kChan, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'prd', kChan_p, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    moose.connect(dendKinaseEnz, 'cplx', dendKinaseEnzCplx, 'reac', 'OneToOne')
    dendKinaseEnz.Km = 1e-4
    dendKinaseEnz.kcat = 20
    dendPhosphatase = moose.Reac(neuroCompt.path + '/phosphatase')
    moose.connect(dendPhosphatase, 'sub', kChan_p, 'reac')
    moose.connect(dendPhosphatase, 'prd', kChan, 'reac')
    dendPhosphatase.Kf = 1
    dendPhosphatase.Kb = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def makeModel():
    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh('/model/compartment')
    compartment.volume = 1e-15
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element('/model/compartment/mesh')

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/a')
    b = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b')
    c = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c')
    enz1 = moose.Enz('/model/compartment/b/enz1')
    enz2 = moose.Enz('/model/compartment/c/enz2')
    cplx1 = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b/enz1/cplx')
    cplx2 = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c/enz2/cplx')
    reac = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/reac')

    # connect them up for reactions
    moose.connect(enz1, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz1, 'enz', b, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz1, 'cplx', cplx1, 'reac')

    moose.connect(enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz2, 'prd', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz2, 'enz', c, 'reac')
    moose.connect(enz2, 'cplx', cplx2, 'reac')

    moose.connect(reac, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(reac, 'prd', b, 'reac')

    # connect them up to the compartment for volumes
    #for x in ( a, b, c, cplx1, cplx2 ):
    #                        moose.connect( x, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh' )

    # Assign parameters
    a.concInit = 1
    b.concInit = 0
    c.concInit = 0.01
    enz1.kcat = 0.4
    enz1.Km = 4
    enz2.kcat = 0.6
    enz2.Km = 0.01
    reac.Kf = 0.001
    reac.Kb = 0.01

    # Create the output tables
    graphs = moose.Neutral('/model/graphs')
    outputA = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/concA')
    outputB = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/concB')

    # connect up the tables
    moose.connect(outputA, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc')
    moose.connect(outputB, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc')

    # We need a finer timestep than the default 0.1 seconds,
    # in order to get numerical accuracy.
    for i in range(11, 15):
        moose.setClock(i, 0.001)  # for computational objects
Ejemplo n.º 11
        if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange and value == True:
            #  self.cmptEmitter.emit(
            #  QtCore.SIGNAL("qgtextItemSelectedChange(PyQt_PyObject)"),
            #  self.mobj)
        return QGraphicsItem.itemChange(self, change, value)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    a = moose.Pool('pool')
    b = moose.Reac('reac')
    c = moose.Enz('enzyme')
    gview = QGraphicsView()
    scene = QGraphicsScene(gview)
    reacItem = ReacItem(b)
    reacItem.setDisplayProperties(50, 5, QtGui.QColor('yellow'),
    enzItem = EnzItem(c)
    enzItem.setDisplayProperties(100, 10, QtGui.QColor('blue'),
def makeModel():
    """ This function creates a bistable reaction system using explicit
    MOOSE calls rather than load from a file
    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral( 'model' )
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh( '/model/compartment' )
    compartment.volume = 1e-15
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element( '/model/compartment/mesh' ) 

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/a' )
    b = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b' )
    c = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c' )
    enz1 = moose.Enz( '/model/compartment/b/enz1' )
    enz2 = moose.Enz( '/model/compartment/c/enz2' )
    cplx1 = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b/enz1/cplx' )
    cplx2 = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c/enz2/cplx' )
    reac = moose.Reac( '/model/compartment/reac' )

    # connect them up for reactions
    moose.connect( enz1, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz1, 'enz', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz1, 'cplx', cplx1, 'reac' )

    moose.connect( enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz2, 'prd', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz2, 'enz', c, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz2, 'cplx', cplx2, 'reac' )

    moose.connect( reac, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( reac, 'prd', b, 'reac' )

    # Assign parameters
    a.concInit = 1
    b.concInit = 0
    c.concInit = 0.01
    enz1.kcat = 0.4
    enz1.Km = 4
    enz2.kcat = 0.6
    enz2.Km = 0.01
    reac.Kf = 0.001
    reac.Kb = 0.01

    # Create the output tables
    graphs = moose.Neutral( '/model/graphs' )
    outputA = moose.Table ( '/model/graphs/concA' )
    outputB = moose.Table ( '/model/graphs/concB' )
    outputC = moose.Table ( '/model/graphs/concC' )
    outputCplx1 = moose.Table ( '/model/graphs/concCplx1' )
    outputCplx2 = moose.Table ( '/model/graphs/concCplx2' )

    # connect up the tables
    moose.connect( outputA, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc' );
    moose.connect( outputB, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc' );
    moose.connect( outputC, 'requestOut', c, 'getConc' );
    moose.connect( outputCplx1, 'requestOut', cplx1, 'getConc' );
    moose.connect( outputCplx2, 'requestOut', cplx2, 'getConc' );

    return compartment
Ejemplo n.º 13
def checkCreate(scene, view, modelpath, mobj, string, ret_string, num,
                event_pos, layoutPt):
    # The variable 'compt' will be empty when dropping cubeMesh,cyclMesh, 
    # but rest it shd be compartment
    logger_.debug( "checkCreate is called")
    if moose.exists(modelpath + '/info'):
        moose.Annotator((moose.element(modelpath + '/info'))).modeltype
    itemAtView = view.sceneContainerPt.itemAt(view.mapToScene(event_pos))
    pos = view.mapToScene(event_pos)
    modelpath = moose.element(modelpath)
    if num:
        string_num = ret_string + str(num)
        string_num = ret_string
    if string == "CubeMesh" or string == "CylMesh":
        if string == "CylMesh":
            mobj = moose.CylMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)
            mobj = moose.CubeMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)

        mobj.volume = 1e-15
        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.ComptItem(scene,
                                         pos.toPoint().y(), 100, 100, mobj)
            QtGui.QPen(Qt.QColor(66, 66, 66, 100), 1, Qt.Qt.SolidLine,
                       Qt.Qt.RoundCap, Qt.Qt.RoundJoin))


        layoutPt.qGraCompt[mobj] = qGItem

        # Attach a drop signal.

    elif string == "Pool" or string == "BufPool":
        #getting pos with respect to compartment otherwise if compartment is moved then pos would be wrong
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        if string == "Pool":
            poolObj = moose.Pool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            poolObj = moose.BufPool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)

        poolinfo = moose.Annotator(poolObj.path + '/info')

        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.PoolItem(poolObj, itemAtView)
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[poolObj] = qGItem
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        bgcolor = kkitUtil.getRandColor()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
        poolinfo.color = str(bgcolor.getRgb())

        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        poolinfo.x = x
        poolinfo.y = y
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]

    elif string == "Reac":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        reacObj = moose.Reac(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        reacinfo = moose.Annotator(reacObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.ReacItem(reacObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(), "white",
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[reacObj] = qGItem
        #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), reacObj)
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        reacinfo.x = x
        reacinfo.y = y

    elif string == "StimulusTable":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        tabObj = moose.StimulusTable(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        tabinfo = moose.Annotator(tabObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.TableItem(tabObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[tabObj] = qGItem
        #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), tabObj)
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        # Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        tabinfo.x = x
        tabinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Function":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        funcObj = moose.Function(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        funcinfo = moose.Annotator(funcObj.path + '/info')
        #moose.connect( funcObj, 'valueOut', mobj ,'setN' )
        poolclass = ["ZombieBufPool", "BufPool"]
        comptclass = ["CubeMesh", "cyclMesh"]

        if mobj.className in poolclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[moose.element(mobj.path)]
        elif mobj.className in comptclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
            posWrtComp = funcParent.mapFromScene(pos).toPoint()
        elif mobj.className in "Neutral":
            funcParent = layoutPt.qGraGrp[moose.element(mobj)]

        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.FuncItem(funcObj, funcParent)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('red'), QtGui.QColor('green'))
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[funcObj] = qGItem
        #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), funcObj)
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        mooseCmpt = findCompartment(mobj)
        if isinstance(mooseCmpt, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mooseCmpt)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        funcinfo.x = x
        funcinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Enz" or string == "MMenz":
        # FIXME: If 2 enz has same pool parent, then pos of the 2nd enz shd be
        # displaced by some position, need to check how to deal with it
        posWrtComp = pos
        if ((mobj.parent).className == "Enz"):
                None, "Drop Not possible",
                "'{}' has to have Pool as its parent and not Enzyme Complex".
                format(string), QMessageBox.Ok)
            return None
            enzparent = findCompartment(mobj)
            parentcompt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[enzparent]
        if string == "Enz":
            enzObj = moose.Enz(moose.element(mobj).path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'enz', mobj, 'reac')
            qGItem = kkitQGraphics.EnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = kkitUtil.getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 40,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            enzinfo.textColor = str(QtGui.QColor('green').name())
            Enz_cplx = enzObj.path + '/' + string_num + '_cplx'
            cplxItem = moose.Pool(Enz_cplx)
            moose.Annotator(cplxItem.path + '/info')
            qGEnz = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj]
            kkitQGraphics.CplxItem(cplxItem, qGEnz)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[cplxItem] = qGItem
            enzboundingRect = qGEnz.boundingRect()
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'cplx', cplxItem, 'reac')
            qGItem.setDisplayProperties(int(enzboundingRect.height() / 2),
                                        enzboundingRect.height() - 40,
            #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)
            enzObj = moose.MMenz(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(mobj, "nOut", enzObj, "enzDest")
            qGItem = kkitQGraphics.MMEnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = kkitUtil.getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 30,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)

        # Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(enzparent, moose.ChemCompt):
    if view.iconScale != 1: